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Happy time!!!
Ooh Ooh Ooh! Epic Ouran Roleplaying Moments. ^-^
Ha! Yus, you heard it right! In the Why Not guild, I've been in an rp called 'Let's Have A Tea Party.' It's an Ouran Host Club roleplay, and it's just about one of the most epic roleplays I've been in, lolz.

Okay, so I've decided to share some of my favorite moments with you all. Playing Mitsuki Kuromori is moi. Playing Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin is Nine_Tailed_Dragon_Demon, playing Tamaki Suoh is gaaras and milk, and playing an OC named Suki is Toushi_Girl. So far, Tamaki and Haruhi had just gotten together (a plot by me and gaaras to rile up the roleplay), and Kaoru gets upset and afraid because the spell had finally been broken. He fears that he'll be alone. At the same time, Mitsuki's father calls to inform Mitsuki that her mother had just died. Ima gonna start from right after Kaoru realizes Tamaki and Haruhi got together:

"He.. He did it?" Kaoru thought for a moment. "And Haruhi said yes?!" Kaoru stood up and looked at Mitsuki. "Well... Mommy isn't going to be to happy now that Daddy is dating somebody else..." he mused. "And now the spell is broken..." he whispered. Their family was broken. Haruhi wasn't the daughter anymore. Everything was going to change. Is Hikaru going to follow her? Am I.. Going to be left behind?

Mitsuki blinked. "That was pretty sudden," she murmured, scratching her head. She shot a glance to a smiling Haruhi, then to Tamaki and Kyouya, before looking to Hikaru and Suki, and then back to Kaoru. "Kaoru... are you okay?" she asked, wondering what his last whisper was about. Was that worry she saw?

"Oh, I'm fine. Sorry to bother you about it!" Kaoru told her, though it was obvious he was lying. He made a soft fist with his and and put it on his chin, sitting down again. His eyes were somewhat cloudy as he continued to think. His eyes became watery for a small moment before he put on a fake smile, trying to reassure Mitsuki.

Mitsuki frowned. She knew Kaoru was lying. It was her turn to at least try to comfort him now. "Kaoru, I know something's bugging you," she said softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Why don't you just tell me about it. I've been told it'll make you feel a little better. I know when I told you about my problem I felt much better."

Kaoru shook his head. "There's nothing wrong!" he insisted, putting on another fake smile. "You wouldn't understand it... Nobody does." he whispered, hoping it would be so low to where she wouldn't hear it. He put on a smile and rubbed the back of his head. "Dont worry about me!"

"Please, just tell me," Mitsuki begged. "I know there is something bugging you, I can tell by the look in your eyes. I'm not going to let this go. There is something about this new relationship that so far only seems to bug you. There's something troubling you that no one else is aware of, is there not?" She sighed. "You say nothing is wrong, but your eyes tell a different story. I've been around liars through my childhood life to fully understand this. I want to help you like you have helped me."

Hikaru grinned and flicked her hair a little, before noticing Kaoru acting up. He had to force himself to ignore it. He would most definately talk to him later, though. He didn't want to draw attention to Kaoru. He knew how easily annoyed he got.

Kaoru glanced up at Mitsuki, his eyes wide. Nobody could really tell when he was lying or not except Hikaru, and sometimes Haruhi. He let his head fall a little, his bangs hiding his eyes. "I cant lie then..." he whispered. A tear slowly rolled down his cheek, then dripped. He shook his head, then put his hand up to his forehead. He turned he head away slightly. "The spell is broken. Everything is going to turn back into the ugly pumpkin it was before," he told her somewhat shakily. Another tear rolled down his face before he stood up and slowly started walking away. He didn't like people seeing him cry, and now that he was in the club, everybody could. He burst out into a run and into the hallway he went. He leaned against the wall, his bangs still covering his face. "She wants to help.. But she doesn't understand," he whispered to himself.

Tamaki suddenly saw Kaoru run. He frowned, immediatly chasing after him. "KAORU!" Once he reached him, he paused gasping for air. "What was that all of a sudden?" He asked him.

"The spell is broken," Mitsuki murmured, her mind racking in order to decipher it. Unlike other girls who would have just called Kaoru confusing for such a riddle and let it go, Mitsuki actually tried to figure it out. Mitsuki watched as Kaoru left the room, and looked around to everybody else. Hikaru was Kaoru's brother, and they had also been similar to brothers to Haruhi. Kyouya had been 'Mommy,' as Kaoru had said before. Tamaki was 'Daddy,' and Mitsuki could often hear him calling Haruhi his daughter. But... now Tamaki and Haruhi were together, so no longer could they be father and daughter. The Host Club was the equivalent of a family, but Kyouya couldn't be 'Mommy' while Tamaki was dating Haruhi.
No, it seemed to easy, and there was no way Mitsuki could have figured it out that easy. Mitsuki rushed out the hallway after Kaoru and saw him leaning against the wall. "Kaoru..." she murmured, seeing him so upset was coming quite close to breaking her heart. "Are you afraid...? That things will fall apart now?" She silenced herself when Tamaki arrived.

Kaoru looked at Tamaki, his bangs conveniently still covering his eyes. "Its nothing, boss." he told him, trying to smile. But he couldn't. He heard Mitsuki and his eyes widened. "You... You figured it out?" he whispered, his hand tightening into a fist. "It's just going to fall apart! I dont want to go back to being alone!" he yelled, a burst of anger crashing over him. He started breathing heavily.

Hikaru watched as Kaoru burst out. "KAORU!!" he burst out, running after his twin. He had comepletely forgotten about Suki, chasing after his brother. "Kaoru..." he whispered as he reached his brother.

"You're not going to be alone!" Mitsuki told him firmly, her eyes soft but her lips formed a straight line. "Hikaru would never leave you. Even if things change, the Host Club would never leave you alone. And even if the slightest off chance that they did, I would always make sure you weren't alone!"

Tamaki took a few steps back, his eyes widening, realizing the anger Kaoru felt. "F-fall apart? Kaoru..." He looked at him confused. "We're not going to fall apart. I'll make sure of that." He said with a smile. Tamaki's eyes shifted from Kaoru to Hikaru to Mitsuki, and back again. He smiled softly, putting his hands in his pockets. He walked back down the hall towrds the music room. He knew that he was worried about these new dynamics...but the host club was a family...to everyone. Families don't leave people behind. The host club would survive this...as they had survived so many other threatening things.

Hot tears ran down Kaoru's face. He let his head fall, and he gritted his teeth. As the tears passed his cheek bone, they sped up, then slowly dripped from his chin. "Its all a lie!! We're going to fall apart, Tamaki! You know we will!!" he yelled, his fists tightening. He was really upset, because he actually called Tamaki by his name, and not Tono, Lord, or Boss. He looked down at Mitsuki through his eyes, which were watery still. He started blushing as he noticed the situation. Being the mature twin, this was rare. He turned his head away, then ran off to the other side of the hallway.

"Kaoru!!" Hikaru called, running after him with his hand held out to try and grab him to stop him from running. He caught up and hugged his brother, resting his head on Kaoru's shoulder to catch his breath. Sure, it was a hallway, but this is a rich Academy. They have to make everything bigger than it needs to be. When he caught his breath, he put his hand on the back of Kaoru's head, pulling him into his shoulder, trying to calm him down. "Kaoru... What's wrong...?" he whispered into his ear. He didn't get an answer, since Kaoru was crying. It was always hard to answer when you were crying, since you were already short of breath. Hikaru used his finger to lift Kaoru's head, then brushed his bangs out of his face. It wiped his brothers tears away, then looked him in the eye. "She was right.. We'll never be alone, Kaoru. You know that. Your making me hurt, Kaoru.. Your pain is my pain.. It doesn't matter if anybody understands..." Hikaru put on the best smile he could at the time, and Kaoru slowly smiled back, a real one this time, and hugged his brother tightly.

Mitsuki sighed heavily and dropped against the wall, pulling her legs toward her chest. She leaned her head back and looked up at the ceiling, even though there was nothing new about it.
She felt her pocket vibrate. Mitsuki wasn't in the mood for a phone call. Sighing, she pulled it out, and her mood automatically got worse because she saw her father was the one calling. 'This better be good,' she thought, reluctantly answering the phone. "What?" she asked her father crossly.

For once her foul mood went ignored. It bothered Mitsuki that her father was unusually chipper. The first sign of bad things to come. "Good afternoon to you, too!" he responded brightly. "I just wanted to call to let you know that," The second sign of bad things to come. "Your mother did not win her battle. She passed on about two hours ago!" Two hours ago? Wasn't Mitsuki still arguing with her uncle then?
Mitsuki forced a sarcastic laugh. "Right. Now why did you call again?"
"I'm serious,"
her father replied in earnest. "I have a doctor right here if you want proof." And he put the doctor on the phone. When Mitsuki asked if it was true, all he replied was, 'I'm sorry.'
"And you're happy about this?" Mitsuki growled when her father returned.
"Why shouldnt I be? I can do so much more now that she's gone!" her father replied, laughing.
And Mitsuki realized something horrific: He was right. Now that Mother was dead, he could control her in so many more ways now. Mother had stopped him from making Mitsuki do and not do tasks she didn't or did like. Her father could tell her to undergo an arranged marriage, and Mitsuki would have to listen. Mitsuki prayed her father would not mention it.
"My mom dies and you're happy about it..." Mitsuki uttered, defeated. Her father had pulled the trump card. Now Mitsuki would be forced to obey him. She felt even more chained than ever before... She closed her phone and hung up on her father.
More weights had dropped on Mitsuki. She was now more trapped than ever. Unless her father died, which seemed unlikely now, she would never escape.

Kaoru hugged Hikaru tightly again, whispering his thanks into his ear. "I'm sorry to bring you into this.." he whispered. He looked over and say Mitsuki on the floor holding her knees. He gave a look at Hikaru, getting a nod since his brother knew what he was going to do. Kaoru walked over and loomed over her for a second. He sat leaned against the wall next to her, then slowly slid down to sit next to her. He put his arm around her shoulders. "Thank you." he whispered, pulling her closer and slowly putting his hand on the side of her head, pulling it to lay on his shoulder. "You helped me a lot, even if it didn't seem like it. You're the first one to understand what I meant. Even Hikaru doesn't understand." he whispered. "But now its my turn again, Mitsuki." he whispered softly. "Its my turn to make you happy once again."

Mitsuki bit her lip, in that short amount of time she had almost cried. She choked back sobs. "It was... No trouble..." she managed to say, her eyes red. "I don't like... to see you so upset..." Mitsuki reluctantly uttered a small sob, because she would have choked if she hadn't. She heaved in a shaky breath and kept her head on his shoulder, wondering how Kaoru would make her happy this time.

Kaoru put his head on hers, running his hand through her hair softly. "I'm sorry..." he whispered. He lifted his head and bent over a little, trying to see her pretty face. He lifted it with his finger and brushed her hair out of the way. Using his index finger, he softly ran it up her face, gathering the water from her tears onto his finger, then wiping it onto his pant leg. He stared into her eyes for a moment, his golden ones sparkling. "I'm sorry for dragging everybody into my problems, and I'm sorry if I'm the reason your crying." he whispered. He lifted her head and turned it to look at him, then put his forehead on hers.

Mitsuki closed her eyes, keeping her forehead rested on his. "I promise it's not you, Kaoru," she murmured. "But you're forgiven. I'll always forgive you. This wasn't your fault, it was okay to feel that way. But that's why we're here. We're here to comfort you when you're upset, like you're there to make me feel better."

Kaoru closed his eyes and smiled somewhat. He hugged her, holding her close to him. He stood up, and since he was hugging Mitsuki, he ending up bringing her with him. He looked her in the eyes again. "Its alright. Life goes on, no matter what happens." he whispered, moving a strand of hair out of her eyes. He tilted her head back and softly kissed her on the lips. "It'll be alright. You wont be hurt anymore than you already are." he whispered after he kissed her. It was like he knew what was wrong, even before she told him.

Mitsuki turned slightly pink, like she always did when her emotions got the better of her. "Kaoru," she murmured, wrapping her arms around him tightly. "Thank you..."

Kaoru smiled and hugged her back, putting his hand into her hair. "Your welcome." he whispered into her ear. "Are you ready? Are you ready to go back?" he whispered quieter than he was doing before. Though, he wasn't talking about going back to the Music room.. But he was talking about going back to refusing her fathers orders.

Hikaru watched as Kaoru slowly made her feel better. He was surprised when he kissed her. He had never seen his brother kiss anybody but their parents, and that was only when they were little kids. He closed his eyes and walked back to the music room, with his hands in his pockets. He walked in and put a hand in the air, waving. It probably looked weird.. Him walking in without Kaoru. "Please ignore the outburst everybody." he said loudly so everybody who saw it could hear. He gave a glance at Tamaki to tell him not to tell anybody, then walked up to Suki with his hands behind his head, smiling. "Sorry about that." he said, grinning.

"I am," Mitsuki replied, without any hesitation. She looked up at Kaoru, though she wasn't too much shorter than him, and smiled happily.

Kaoru smiled, and stared into her eyes with relaxed eyes. He pulled his hand out of her soft black hair and slid up down, now holding her hand. "I guess I'm a completely different person from everybody else, huh?" he asked her, grinning happily, trying to lighten the mood. He let out a chuckle, then walked a step forward, then looked back at her. "Are you ready to go back to the host club?" he asked, still holding her hand.

Hooray~ whee I gots an even more epic one coming up. 3nodding

i've risen from the deAD

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