Night before last Jimbo and I mosied our way down to Walmart. We bought a transparent 23 Gallon Rubbermaid container, a Large pump and filter, long airstone for the air compressor we already have, gravel, tunnel log ornament and some bags of medium sized black river stones and clear glass 'stones' to use for a tub aquarium for my goldfish.
We settled on the healthiest looking fish we could find, which was quite the task, considering we bought them from Walmart. We picked out two Fantails [a gold and a calico] and a Black Moor [who has just a tinge of bronze in him at the moment, but I'm not entirely sure what ammonia burn looks like on black fish so I'm not counting on that being his true colour yet] to live with the common goldfish we already have [he/she is a little over a year old].
Amazingly the black moor we chose did not have any parasites on him whatsoever. The first fantail we picked out is gold and a little over an inch long. Just as we were going to leave my dad popped up out of nowhere and suggest we buy one more. I figured it would be alright, since we will be upgrading our "tank" to a 40 or 50 gallon later on when the fish need more space. So~ the last fish I chose, pretty much on the spur of the moment type of thing, was a tiny little calico fantail. It's hardly an inch long and cannot be very old. Thankfully it doesn't fit in my Common's mouth, otherwise he would have been dinner lol.
After all of the planning I did on how I was going to watch them before I put the new fish with my old Common, I ended up throwing that idea down the drain. I thought 'If this guy has managed to survive a year of neglect in the torture-tank I'm sure a few accidental parasites are not going to cause him to kick the bucket.' Anyway, pretty much every goldfish sickness is treatable. [Mainly it was because I realized I didn't have another air compressor to keep an airstone in the smaller container so their water would end up going stagnant or something =X]
Another thing I did differently than planned was put the new fish in the large 'tank' first. [They are certainly not going to intimidate Kakashi, no matter how long he's been without company lol] I wasn't planning on them being so small. I didn't realize how big my Common was! Jimbo measured him and he's 4 inches omg! The largest of the new fish is the Black Moor, which is around an inch and a half to two inches. Well they're all adorable, at any rate. And I am so thrilled that they are all getting along!! The Black Moor seems like it has taken a fancy to my Common, and vica versa. Maybe they will mate one day. o__0
Once Kakashi's scars fade from his ammonia burn he will be just as pretty as the other three. ^_^ I'm counting on him returning to his original silver-white colour and nice transparent tail.
We just have a few more things to get for the tank, including one more goldfish [a Ryukin!], water testing kit, a few bottles of whatever to keep the water in good quality and to restore the fish's natural mucus coating after being stressed out from moves/tank cleanings. Ooo, I also need a veggie clip. [A clip to stick on the side of the tank that holds a bit of veg, lettuce or fruit so the fish can nibble at it.] And that's about it!
Jim and I took a few pictures with our INSANELY CRAPPY/ANCIENT DIGITAL CAMERA.
[x] A picture of my Common a few months ago with a bit of ammonia burn, but no healing scars yet. Poor little Kakakshi ;_;
[x] A lovely artwork by Jimbo of our Common, Kakashi. XD
[x] Front view of tub and my sexy hand. u n0 it'z 2 h0t 2 hndle cool
[x] Top view of tub
[x] My Common, Kakashi [with scars very visable T__T] and Black Moor, Udon.
[x] Udon lurking his one of many favorite rock-nipping spots XDD
[x] My Common, Kakashi and a distorted-looking [due to bend in corner of tub] Fantail, Moegi. [I'll take a better picture of her later] Edit: OMG! I didn't notice poor little Konohamaru right undernear Kakashi's tail. WHAT AN AWEFUL PERSON I AM X_X;
[x] Here is the tiniest of them all! My calico Fantail, Konohamaru! Jimbo drew a circle around him just to be sure you don't miss him lol~
Just so you know, the water is crystal clear, it just appeares to be clouded because the plastic is not entirely transparent like glass is. This is purely for functional purposes, not for appearance. I'll worry about that when they are older and they get sent to the living room. [Like I will ever have the heart to take them out of my computer room T.T pfff.]
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