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Mari Shade's ((xDeaths_Puppetx)) place to write random stuff
Ok, I think this is kind of pointless but anyway, here we go. Most of my journals consist of me talking to myself and short stories I write so guess what? That's also what this journal is going to be used for, ... plus information about me leaving or
Chapter 7

I walked down one of the many long halls headed toward the Weapon's Keep, or WK. The WK was pretty much like a locker room kind of place where every weapon ever to exist was first formed, it is also the place their cases are. Normally, you don't really ever use the weapon's case after you start training again, but there are those once in a blue moon chances that the owner of the weapon is put in prison(like moi) and not allowed to keep it with them.

I walked through a old wooden door and entered the main section/room of the WK. A vampire working there at the moment looked up from whatever he was doing and stared at me over his glasses, "Lady Abyss.... you're out early..." he said carefully, trying to sound like he wasn't accusing me of anything. "Don't look at me like that, I'm as shocked as you are." I said walking over to the desk he sat behind, looking at him expectantly. He put his feather pen down and stood up. He gave me another accusing glance through his black bangs then unlocked another wooden door that was behind the desk. He lead the way through and we were suddenly in a large, dark room. The walls were a dark grey and the floor was black tile. The room was divided into different parts and sections like a maze by black stone walls; the cases of all the current weapons were cemented to the floor and wall. What I had always loved about the cases were that they looked like those old wooden coffins the humans once used. The vampire lead me through rows and rows of cases until we finally reached the one I was looking for. The case in front of us was different than the others, this case was hanging from the ceiling by chains 4 feet off the ground; including the chains that held it to the ceiling, the case itself were wrapped in them, like they were trying to keep whatever was in it from getting out. Most cases look new, or at least well kept, and are usually plan with little more than the name of the weapon on them, the case that hung in front of us looked like it had been through a war. There were scratches and dents along the sides and front and the case had faded looking paintings of skulls, crows, and flames along the bottom of the door, sides, and even the back. Scratched on the front, as if whoever did it was in a rush to finish and leave and only had a butter knife to use, was the weapon's name. My scythe's name, Kest.

I snapped my fingers and touched the chain wrapped around the bottom of the case. You could hear a clinking sound, then the chains fell away into a heap of metal on the ground. I touched the case this time and heard the 10 locks snap open, letting the door creak open. Inside, sitting in a blanket of black silk, was my boy. His blade was downsized about 15% and was folded down against the handle so that it almost looked like a axe. His blade stayed it's normal dull red for a moment then started blazing red; the vampire that was to the side of me took a few steps back. "You have nothing to worry about. The only one Kest would hurt right now is me." I said with a smile. I reached up and took a hold of the handle, pulling it out of the case and bringing it down by my side. The blade opened up to it's normal position and grew to it's full size. The truth was, the only reason Kest's blade was glowing red was because he was excited and reconnecting with my mind. "Hello old friend." I said to him through my thoughts. "...Hello." I heard him say in the back of my mind. I could tell he was a little pissed to say the least, his voice was too calm, almost restraining. I smiled, shut the door to the case and walked past the zoned-out vampire. I walked the same path the vampire and I took to Kest's case and exited the WK. I left the main room through a different door and ended up on the practice field, which looked a lot like Death Valley on earth. "Alright Kest, let's hear it." I said out loud. He didn't hesitate, as I knew he wouldn't. "You're a b***h. I have no problem with you killing but if your going to murder someone important, please use your brains while doing so. In case you didn't know, killing Dinelle where all the world could see was not using your brain. 300 years Abyss. 300 damn years of not being able to kill, or annoy you. I could have written a book with all the things I wanted to say to you and because you decided to ruin your life I forgot half of them."
"Nice to see you too Kest. I just knew you were missing me as much as I was you." I said sarcastically. Kest isn't the kind of creature to throw a tantrum so when he does, I like to humor him and actually listen, but that doesn't mean I don't mess with him for it. I heard a sound in my head that sounded like leaves in the wind and knew he had just sighed.
"Oh yes. All I could think about was all the happy times we had together and how sad you must have been without me." Kest said sarcastically with a faint chuckle. I smiled and looked down at him. His blade had once again become it's normal dull red color, and the heat that radiated off of him when he was angry had disappeared, replaced with his normal cool feel.
"Well, now that that's done with, how about we go see how the house held up?" I asked through thoughts.
"Wait." he whispered as I started walking. "Someone else is here."
I stood in the middle of the practice field and 'felt' around for another presence. Sure enough, there was someone else in the field. It was weak, but close..... actually, it was very close...
"Behind you!" Kest said with urgency. I spun around just as a whip lashed out toward my throat. I held Kest in front of my face to block it then jumped back a little ways. "What the hell was that?" I spat, lowering Kest and glaring at the creature responsible for throwing the whip. What stood in front of me was so astonishing that my jaw dropped.

A cute, preppy-looking demon girl stared back at me, her whip wrapped around her wrist. She had long blond curls and a very girlish face. She wore a pink dress with black roses along the bottom along with black gloves; I could tell just by looking at her that I hated her.

I soft giggle escaped the girl's lips and she her smile seemed to have a dark look about it. "You are 'Abyss' are you not?" she asked with her hands behind her back as she swung her body back and forth. I disliked her tone but answered anyway,
"I am. What is it to you?" I asked not bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice. I mean, seriously? Everyone knew who I was, even if I had been away for awhile, which lead me to believe that she was just asking to spite me. She giggled again and clapped her hands, "I'm Alusha. Your replacement." she said in a sweet, but twisted matter-of-factly voice.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I said in a stuck up tone. Alusha smiled, "Oh, you mean Lord Death didn't tell you? He replaced you with me not three weeks after you were locked up. I'm his new apprentice. Lord Death has completely forgotten about you." I gripped Kest's handle hard. "She's lying Abyss. Don't worry about it." I heard Kest say in the back of my mind, I just nodded.
"Do you think I'm stupid? You don't know anything about the working of Death's mind." I said starting to get worked up. Alusha's angel-like smile turned into an ugly smirk, "I can read Lord Death like a book. He's the easiest person to read." She giggled again and I shook my head. She was lying. There isn't a creature in the world that could read Death's thoughts or even tell what he was thinking. The only way I know is because of the bond we share and even with that I can't always tell; a demon could only bond with one person, and I still felt that connection between us when he came to my cell which meant that she didn't have it; which also meant that Death didn't care about this girl at all compared to me. In spite of myself, I started laughing and Kest's blade went to a greenish-red shade, which meant he found this funny, annoying, or both. Alusha's giggle faded and she frowned, "What's so funny?!"
"It amazes me how low, worthless, lying demons think they're some hot shot. And you, you actually think you're better than me!" I said before bursting into a laughing fit.
"SHUT UP! I AM BETTER THAN YOU! I AM!" Alusha screamed; I laughed even harder. She clenched her hands into fists, "Fine then! If you don't believe me, then go ask Lord Death yourself. Tell me, 'Abyss', has Lord Death said anything to you about how he feels about you since you got out? Has he told you that he loves you?" she screamed a bit softer. My breath caught in my throat, how the hell did she know about that? What shocked me more than that was that she was right, Death hadn't said or even thought anything that had to do with how he felt about me, was it possible that he really was rejecting me?

Alusha smiled as the doubt started showing in my eyes, "You know what Abyss? I actually pity you. Not only will your only love tell you that he doesn't care for you anymore, but he'll also admit that he gave you up for me!" she said in a much lower volume. I clenched my teeth and narrowed my eyes. I had had enough with this little pest. This thing named Alusha didn't have the right to Death, she didn't even have the right to be called a demon! I was not going to lose to something like her, she will pay for insulting me and taking away my master. I heard Kest's quiet laughter in my head, "oh. This will be fun." he said reading my thoughts. "You, are an insult to all demons. I will exterminate you." I said hardening my grip on Kest's handle and placing it in front of my body as if getting ready to attack or defend. Alusha frowned, "Just stop this now Abyss. We both know you're finished. I'm under the protection of Lord Death, you can't touch me."
"Want a bet?" I said in a droned out voice as my eyes glazed over a little. I swung Kest to my side so the blade was behind me and flung myself at Alusha. I watched her eyes go wide as she tried to dodge me but I grabbed her wrist and flung her to the wall made of rock to the right of me. She tried to pick herself up but my shadow spears came out of the wall and through her body in multiple spots, holding her to the wall. Alusha screamed as I walked over to her crumpled body. I swung Kest over my head then brought him down so the tip of his blade penetrated her stomach. Suppressing another scream she grabbed the blade with her free hand and tried to pull it out, I laughed when she had to let go or risk her fingers being amputated. "You see Alusha. This is why you never hear anyone talking s**t about me, or talking about how they beat Lady Abyss." I said as if lecturing a child. I pulled Kest from her body and she vomited a pool of blood, she reached for her whip which had become her necklace sometime during our 'talk'. I smirked and kicked her hand away, she groaned then started to call out her whip's name, which then made me kick her in the face. Normally I would find a demon without their weapon a pointless fight, but I wanted to humiliate this girl as much as possible.
"You're pathetic Alusha, things like you don't have the right to live, you're even worse than the druggie humans I have to send of! You make me sick!" I shouted as I kicked her in her stomach wound. I heard Kest's voice again and smiled, he always had the best ideas when it came to torture. "Yea. That'll do." I thought back. I drew the shadow spears out of Alusha's body and formed them into shadow hands. I made them grab her arms at the forearm and pin them against the wall, I raised Kest over my head like someone would do with an axe. Alusha's eye's widened and tears started forming in them as she realized what was about to happen to her. I brought Kest down on her left wrist and cut neatly through. Alusha screamed and thrashed her body this way and that trying to free herself from the shadows. I laughed bitterly as my body absorbed her pain.
"Now, why couldn't you have been like this since the moment we met? I would have licked you more, you know. You taste better, hmmm, a lot better.." I said liking the blood the spattered on my fingers. I brought Kest up over my head again and Alusha tried to scream again but only was able to get out a whisper. Kest came down above her elbow on her right arm and she started thrashing again. Alusha stopped thrashing and trying to scream and I noticed her eyes starting to go as she struggled to keep her head up. "Well, that's no fun. I can't hurt you if you're sleeping." I mumbled releasing her arms. I kicked her in the face and she gave an tired laugh. "Lor- Lord Death, belongs to me, now. A-and there isn't, anything, you can do, about it..." Alusha gasped out. I shook with rage, she will never again have the grace of saying Death's name. I pulled Kest across my body then whipped him around, cutting her head from her shoulders. Her head rolled from her shoulders in a heap of blond hair and blood on the floor, I smiled, killing that girl had just brightened my day even more, actually, I forgot about what she said about Death...
"He's here." Well, at least I forgot about Death until Kest whispered that.

((Haha! Kest is being serious for the first time in history ladies and gentlemen! Lol, or at least in this book. 3nodding ))

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