Ok so Last night I slept over at my friend Kesley's house!
Brittanie,Nicole,Kesley,And some of Kyndall...
Ok so,
There's like this little twin size bed,
And it ish like tiny,
(Blow up bed XD)
Me and Brittanie decide we will share it...
JUST me and Brittanie,
Now Kesley has her own bed,
So Nicole was going to bunk with her that night
(Kesley and Nicole are cousins)
Everyones all comfy and such,
Then Kesley like steals all of the cover and pillows,
For that matter all of the room...
So Nicole decided to come down to our level
So there are like 3 girls on this little blow up bed
Brittanie and I couldn't stop laughing the whole time
We laughed so hard almost all night XD
She blew a bit of coke out of her nose,
I laughed till my voice was gone,
Yea it was all good,
We decided to get a snack,
Now let me remind you,
Kesley ish like dead asleep up there
(The most HILARIOUS thing is about this next part,Kesley told us right before she went to bed that she was a super light sleeper,We were like okkk...But she insisted she was)
So we have like a giant bag of cornchips right?
We throw them at her!
She had like 4 of them on her face XDD!
It was soo freaking hilarious;]
There were boys there too!
Like seriously no kidding...
Kesley,Britt,Nicole,an I were in church right
Britt and I were the only ones without a bible XD
So all we did the whole time was laugh,copy off Kesleys sheet,and Write on the table XD
It was such much fun lol
Does chu know the song Sneaker Night?
By Vanessa Hudgens?
(Slightly older song,not like ancient or anything)
But yea it rocks
Well you know
I'm kinda tired and I really need to talk to my Johnathon Dear...
So till next time mah loves!
(BTW Here esh the song ^.^ haha)
~With fun sleepover love,EmmaRose~ heart heart heart