
Walking home was never the best part of Torr's day. The worn alleys and heavily shadowed passages seemed to never touch the light of of day that seemed to grace other parts of the city. But it was the quickest way home, and as desolate as this place seemed it was almost saint like compared to the longer trek he would have endured through the worst pat of town.
It was here though, on this walk home, that Torr would find this...watch. Gold and seeming to glow in the darkness, it stood out against the dim world of the backstreets. He attempted to walk quickly past it but...he felt pulled back; felt compelled to turn on heel and examine the watch closer. The wrist band was strong but flexible, with shallow etchings of lighting dancing from end to end, with the watch face displaying only 12, 3, 6 and 9 with large black hands ticking away the time. As he placed the watch on his wrist, there came a feeling of dread coupled with his compulsion to take the watch.
"I want to put it down...but...I can't. I just have to have it"
The thought wavered, then stood strong as he finished. He had to have it, no matter what that voice of caution in the back of his mind kept spouting on about. As the watch touched his wrist, a tingling almost burning sensation concentrated there, then spread through his body. It wasn't unpleasant, but definitely not something that overly worried Torr. Probably just because he was still slightly on edge about taking the watch.
Sophie is a Ninja

Sophie was once a pleasant, hard-working young intern at LabCorp International, always happy to do the tasks of her idol, CEO and renowned scientist Dr. Crystal Balkin. But she was scorned by her and discovered the scientist's manipulative and conniving ways.
Sophie became a sour woman bent on revenge, not knowing her smallest acts of rebellion would set her on a path to god-hood.
She scowled.
"I may be just an intern at this place, but that doesn't mean that Dr. Balkin can treat me like some sort of messanger girl or idiot child. I'm not going to go get her another damn latte. I will disregard every overbearing rule she places upon me. In fact... I'm going to go into this locked, restritcted area, and I'm going to touch everything!!!"
She grasped the discharged Tesla coil, leaving fingerprints that would annoy the scientist. She played with the switch, flipping the power on and off intermittently, finally leaving it on.
Sophie felt a light flow of energy slip from her fingertip up her arm but thought nothing of it, even when a small spark glimmered at the end of her nose.

6 am 090309
For shower,
For boots,
For blouse,
For leaving.
Girl rushes through breakfast.
Meanwhile on the front porch:
Open door.
Girl meets Box.
“Hello”, says Girl.
Nothing says Box.
Look left,
Look right,
Barely light out,
Street deserted,
Not a soul to be found.
Just Girl,
And Box.
“Best bring you in,
Can’t leave you out there”
Girl picks up Box.
Box gleams under the dim porch bulb.
Bulb gleams back...
Sparks rain down on Girl, on Box;
Broken glass scatters down the porch steps.
Girl curses.
Box shines.
lovest harding

The Duchess had always been perfection.
What once was…
Her husband, the Duke, had once been a knight. He traveled the kingdom and bested many evils for her beauty and perfection. When the King had granted him his duchy for his knightly services, he earned the title of Duke. With that title, he was able to convince her father to give him her hand in marriage.
After their wedding, she quickly became the perfect wife and duchess, producing an heir for the newly appointed Duke and starting his bloodline of nobility within the year. She enjoyed her son, making him her entire life, only changing when she had a second son to love as well.
She and her husband ruled the duchy peacefully for 17 years. The Duchess had grown accustomed to her position when the rumors began. People in the duchy’s villages began to talk of a corrupt King, after the whispers and rumors spread, it soon became apparent that they didn’t agree with the King or anyone associated with him. They soon began to talk about her husband, marking the once heralded knight as a traitor of the people, another man in the pocket of the King. The rumors gathered heavily over the castle as her young son, only eleven, grew ill.
As a sign of their unrest and displeasure with the King, the people in the village surrounding their castle took the Duke and his eldest son as prisoners. When the King sent a garrison of knights to the village to fight the uprising, the village closed it’s mighty gates. Hundreds of villagers lined the walls pelting rocks at the invading legion. When they finally retreated, the village celebrated.
But the celebration didn’t last long, there had been rumors of the King sending several more legions as well as siege machinery. The village decided then to make the Duke and his son a symbol of their revolt. As the Duchess sat beside her young son, ill on his bed, her husband and eldest son were hanged to cheers and applause.
For several months, she was held prisoner in the castle. Even when her second son had passed away, the village held her in, not allowing her to give her son a proper burial. His body rested peacefully in his room, slowly rotting inside the hot castle.
Her life was collapsing around her, but she still kept her composure. She was still a lady, a Duchess.
She held on to her perfection.
The pain and fear of perfect…
The Duchess sat on the edge of her bed, adjusting the ring her husband had given her the day of their marriage. She had no reason to wake up this morning, or any morning, but no lady sleeps the day away, especially not a duchess. She had already washed her face and put on her best gown and the sun had barely risen. She found it difficult to keep up her schedule without servants, but it wasn’t impossible.
She stood and admired the shelves of books pressed tightly against the wall in front of her. Her husband had loved to read. He kept hundreds of books around the castle, many he had read several times over. She reached for one and held it in her hands, its heavy binding smooth to touch.
It felt like he used to, making it hard for her to hold her tears in. She flipped through the pages and gently felt the raised words printed inside. She sighed and sat the book down on the dresser when she felt the tears gather in her eyes. She might have lost her husband and sons, but she wouldn’t lose her dignity or herself.
She took a gentle step towards the door and listened. Footsteps steadily tapped by the door, echoing in the long hallways outside of her room. She would stay there longer, for fear of the movement. She turned back to her room and glanced around. It was filled with memories of her husband. His impression still in the bed. The books from his travels. His untouched closet.
Her eyes stopped at that closet. The memories flashed in her mind hitting her hard, each like a lightning strike her heart could barely take. Her footsteps brought on more and more, leaving her heart racing and her head thundering. She leaned against his wooden closet, catching her breath and recapturing her calm skies. She closed her eyes and willed the thunderstorm in her heart away.
When she had finally found the strength to move again, she opened the closet doors for the first time since his death. His smell rushed out. She felt his coat, admiring the beautiful medals that he had earned while fighting for the kingdom. The kingdom that had killed him.
She could feel her breathing grow heavy against her thoughts as she ripped a medal from the coat. She released it and it crashed against the floor. She moved her focus to another. Her face remained unchanged and cold, but her thoughts burned. She swallowed as she ripped another from the coat. She finally pulled it down and let it slip through her fingers. She did the same with a shirt and another coat.
She ripped all the clothing out until only she and the wooden closet stood. Her breathing and heart raced, each of them fighting to get out of her. Her thoughts billowed in a storm of emotions, but she still held the tears back, fighting everything she felt. She tucked it all away under the a gentle façade of emptiness.
When she bent over to pick up his clothing, she noticed something she had never seen before. She reached her hand under the closet and slowly pulled out a strange, long box. The box shined in the light slipping through the slit window.
She placed it on the bed and joined it, removing the lid. Inside she found a long blade sleeping in its scabbard. She watched as it beckoned, its dreams calling to her. Her hand reached down and stroked the leather scabbard, petting the sleeping thing. Her hand gently caressed it until she could handle it no longer.
She pulled the sword from its home with one movement and it awakened. Its handle flashed and shimmered. Its blade sang in thunder, letting out an echo she would never forget. It sent a tingling through her hands, shaking her emotions from their neatly compacted shelves inside her mind and throwing her into chaos. The world slowed as the sword quickened.
The moment passed quickly, like a bolt of lightning, leaving her empty and full all at once. It fell back into its slumber and she gathered her emotions and memories. She focused again as she found her composure. She had been shaken, but not enough to make her lose herself.
She tidied the mess she created, but left the sword on the bed. She picked up a mirror and gazed into it, straightening her hair. She smoothed the ruffles on her skirt and sighed quietly. She was still perfect.
It wasn’t until it called for her again through its sleepy dreams, that she realized that the sword was alive and for the first time in her life the Duchess felt alive too.

The story:
Mercury's headed to school one day, and it's nice and sunny, so she walks. She's almost to school and a black butterfly floats down and lands on her hand. Feelings of despair, heartache, and anger mingle and shoot through her. She frowns and shakes the butterfly off her hand.
"Stupid butterfly," she mutters, and walks on to school.
fluff monster
fluff monster

TAB Felicity strolled the grounds of the castle by herself, occasionally checking to see if her tutor had noticed her absence. She quickly wiped away the tears that were streaming down her face.
TAB Oh stop it! she chided herself. You should be happy for her, she's your sister!
TAB But.. but she gets to be the queen of France! Meanwhile, I'm only betrothed to the Duke of Suffolk... It's not fair! She always gets better things than me, & it's just because she's older!
TAB Meanwhile, a little imp was meandering down the way. She stopped, sensing discord in the air. She flew into the castle's garden & spied on the girl with golden locks & planned her next moves carefully...
TAB Felicity stopped, sure that she heard a rustle. She scanned the garden, looking for the intruder, but was fruitless. She resumed her walk, when suddenly a small, gray ball flung itself into her arms.
TAB "Oh please, PLEASE help me!" it cried.
TAB "What's wrong, little one?" the girl asked. The creature looked so sad & so alone..
TAB "I have lost my way! I do not know where I am..." The bundle of fur gave a shiver of excitement that Felicity mistook for trepidation.
TAB "It's okay... Why don't you come back to the castle with me & we can coordinate a search party to find your family!"
TAB The imp looked into the innocent face of the little princess, fake tears gathering in her eyes. "Thank you so! And pardon me for not introducing myself earlier... My name is Triste."
Jamais Changeant
Use the last one as my official graded entry, the other two are simply to show plot development.

What a beautiful day to go for a walk. What a beautiful city to walk in. Nila saw the light in everything around her. She smiled upon the birds as they twittered on the ground. She laughed at the squirrels, fighting over the last peanut thrown by the old lady sitting on the bench.
This was the break she looked forward to every week. Saturday mornings were the only mornings she really had free. The rest of the week she was working one of her two jobs or sitting in a lecture at her University, or studying. Saturday mornings, however, she left free.
It was so early in the morning, in fact, that the sun was barely even out. The dew was still on the grass and everything smelled fresh. Her darkened red hair blew in the breeze along with her skirt as she continued down the dirt path winding through the park.
It took her a few minutes to realize that she was virtually alone. She hadn't seen anyone since that old lady with the squirrels, and that was at least half an hour ago. Her eyes narrowed now. For some reason she felt a nervous tingle sweeping up her spine. Just as she was ready to run back the other way she heard the whistling.
It sounded like a torpedo and it was getting louder by the second. She looked up just in time to see a bright blue rock barreling towards her. Rather than duck away from the meteoric object, however, she felt the incredible urge to reach out and catch it. Without thinking as to why she did so. The object landed gently in her arms. She was startled by the ease of catching this object that had previously seemed to be flying at many miles per minute. She was also surprised by the lightness of the shiny, colorful, stone she now held in her hands.

A blue light still glowed about it, tracing it's previous path. Her eyes darted about. The sudden fear of losing the object had her clutching it to her chest. It was then that she realized the burning sensation creeping up her legs. She looked down to see that her outfit had partially morphed to match the colors of the stone. A nervous blush spread over her cheeks as she watched the colors spread more rapidly.
The burning felt sharper when it reached her right shoulder. It wasn't entirely unpleasant. She was simply mesmerized by, not only the feeling, but what was happening. When the sensation reached the top of her head, the glow faded from the stone and she felt a sudden serenity sweep over her. She looked back upon the stone with a, new found, dark curiosity.
She looked back at her shoulder when the burning refused to go away. She was mildly surprised to see a black paw mark. She expected that she ought to be scared. This object had to be something dark and dangerous to have such an effect upon her. What kind of object could do such a thing? This was simply unreal.

What a beautiful day to go for a walk. What a beautiful city to walk in. Nila saw the light in everything around her. She smiled upon the birds as they twittered on the ground. She laughed at the squirrels, fighting over the last peanut thrown by the old lady sitting on the bench.
This was the break she looked forward to every week. Saturday mornings were the only mornings she really had free. The rest of the week she was working one of her two jobs or sitting in a lecture at her University, or studying. Saturday mornings, however, she left free.
It was so early in the morning, in fact, that the sun was barely even out. The dew was still on the grass and everything smelled fresh. Her darkened red hair blew in the breeze along with her skirt as she continued down the dirt path winding through the park.
It took her a few minutes to realize that she was virtually alone. She hadn't seen anyone since that old lady with the squirrels, and that was at least half an hour ago. Her eyes narrowed now. For some reason she felt a nervous tingle sweeping up her spine. Just as she was ready to run back the other way she heard the whistling.
It sounded like a torpedo and it was getting louder by the second. She looked up just in time to see a bright blue rock barreling towards her. Rather than duck away from the meteoric object, however, she felt the incredible urge to reach out and catch it. Without thinking as to why she did so. The object landed gently in her arms. She was startled by the ease of catching this object that had previously seemed to be flying at many miles per minute. She was also surprised by the lightness of the shiny, colorful, stone she now held in her hands.

A blue light still glowed about it, tracing it's previous path. Her eyes darted about. The sudden fear of losing the object had her clutching it to her chest. It was then that she realized the burning sensation creeping up her legs. She looked down to see that her outfit had partially morphed to match the colors of the stone. A nervous blush spread over her cheeks as she watched the colors spread more rapidly.
The burning felt sharper when it reached her right shoulder. It wasn't entirely unpleasant. She was simply mesmerized by, not only the feeling, but what was happening. When the sensation reached the top of her head, the glow faded from the stone and she felt a sudden serenity sweep over her. She looked back upon the stone with a, new found, dark curiosity.
She looked back at her shoulder when the burning refused to go away. She was mildly surprised to see a black paw mark. She expected that she ought to be scared. This object had to be something dark and dangerous to have such an effect upon her. What kind of object could do such a thing? This was simply unreal.

Music For My Soul1

While walking along the river, covered with a lush canopy of tree's, looking for somewhere to paint, She stumbled upon a box. Wondering what was inside, and unable to hide her curiosity, she quickly opened up the black box and looked inside. There she found two anklets with little black wings next to them. inside the box read "demonic anklets", wondering what it ment, she picked them up. almost at once she felt her heart stop beating, and felt an enormous pain at her ankle's. Looking down she found the anklets strapped to her ankle's. As she tried to pull them off, they stayed on.

The Spring Nymph Vest is the artifact she found.
Writing Portion:
It had been a long and tiresome day at baseball practice, and now she had to clean out her attic. She couldn't just throw things into boxes though, but had to sort everything thing she found due to her very precise and obsesive nature. As she picked up an old brown vest and tried it on to make sure it still fit, she was overwhelmed by a feeling of light-headedness. Putting her cleaning on hold, she went downstairs to lay on the couch, with the vest still on, to help her head feel better. With each step down she took, her head began to clear up, little by little, and by the time she reached the ground floor, her head felt empty of all her worries. She felt free to think without worrying about every little detail and every single consequence. She calmly accepted this new feeling, without a second thought about it as she laid on the couch and slowly fell into a peaceful slumber.
((The first avi is the one to be judged, the other two were just for fun.))
Sweat beaded on his brow as he squatted examining the slight impressions in the dirt. The trail led into the forest before him, but he hesitated at the edge of the woods. It would be dark in 2 hours and he wasn't sure if that would be enough time to overtake the buck. Hono rose from the squat, decision made, and jogged into the forest.
He needed the food, no, his family needed the food. The crops had not been bountiful this year, and any food was worth the sacrifice. Hono stopped abruptly, there were fresh droppings. This gave him hope and he jogged a bit faster than he had been. The fact that the king had decided to take the stocked crops from his peasants this year did not help the situation. As Hono came into a small opening he caught a glimpse of the buck grazing on a particularly green patch of grass.
He stopped immediately, saw that the deer noticed him, and knocked an arrow quickly. His arrow ripped through the air and plunged deep into the running buck's chest. He smiled as it collapsed onto the ground it's legs still attempting to run. He approached the buck, pulling out his knife to end the buck's misery, when a glint of yellow caught his eye. On the ground was a glowing seed.

Hono's curiosity was aroused and he put his knife away, thoughts zipping through his head like his arrow had zipped through the air. Could he sell it? If he could what would be a reasonable price? Was it poisonous? Why the hell was there a glowing plant? He squatted and examined it closer, it seemed harmless, he reached out a hand and grasped the plant.
A vibration shot through his arm and continued through the rest of his body, it was rather painful and seemed to steal the happiness from him. He screamed as another more painful ripple coursed through his body. He braced himself for a third wave but it never came. He let out a sigh of relief as the plant stopped tingling. He began to laugh, he didn't really know why, maybe it was because a plant had just had him at it's mercy. The plant erupted and shot a stream of some funky smelling gas into his face.
It tasted worse than it smelled, he discovered as the fumes entered through his open mouth, he choked on the gas and coughed vehemently. This was it, he was going to die. A plant was going to kill him. Suddenly the stream of gas halted. Hono expelled the last of it with a cough that felt like his tonsils had left with the gas. He stood in the clearing holding the plant, completely stunned by what had just taken place.

Sweat beaded on his brow as he squatted examining the slight impressions in the dirt. The trail led into the forest before him, but he hesitated at the edge of the woods. It would be dark in 2 hours and he wasn't sure if that would be enough time to overtake the buck. Hono rose from the squat, decision made, and jogged into the forest.
He needed the food, no, his family needed the food. The crops had not been bountiful this year, and any food was worth the sacrifice. Hono stopped abruptly, there were fresh droppings. This gave him hope and he jogged a bit faster than he had been. The fact that the king had decided to take the stocked crops from his peasants this year did not help the situation. As Hono came into a small opening he caught a glimpse of the buck grazing on a particularly green patch of grass.
He stopped immediately, saw that the deer noticed him, and knocked an arrow quickly. His arrow ripped through the air and plunged deep into the running buck's chest. He smiled as it collapsed onto the ground it's legs still attempting to run. He approached the buck, pulling out his knife to end the buck's misery, when a glint of yellow caught his eye. On the ground was a glowing seed.

Hono's curiosity was aroused and he put his knife away, thoughts zipping through his head like his arrow had zipped through the air. Could he sell it? If he could what would be a reasonable price? Was it poisonous? Why the hell was there a glowing plant? He squatted and examined it closer, it seemed harmless, he reached out a hand and grasped the plant.
A vibration shot through his arm and continued through the rest of his body, it was rather painful and seemed to steal the happiness from him. He screamed as another more painful ripple coursed through his body. He braced himself for a third wave but it never came. He let out a sigh of relief as the plant stopped tingling. He began to laugh, he didn't really know why, maybe it was because a plant had just had him at it's mercy. The plant erupted and shot a stream of some funky smelling gas into his face.

It tasted worse than it smelled, he discovered as the fumes entered through his open mouth, he choked on the gas and coughed vehemently. This was it, he was going to die. A plant was going to kill him. Suddenly the stream of gas halted. Hono expelled the last of it with a cough that felt like his tonsils had left with the gas. He stood in the clearing holding the plant, completely stunned by what had just taken place.

Ratt Scabies

It was a bitingly cold winter day, the wind and snow making it that much worse, and school had just let out. Scott DeShane was walking home from school, head down, as he always did, textbooks in his arms. He only lived a few blocks away, so it would've been pointless to take a bus... but with how cold it was, he wished he could've, some days. That, and it was, to be honest, a pretty shitty neighborhood. Most, if not all, of the houses were in some state of disrepair, and the kids were hardly taken care of at all, never mind the plant life.
Which is why the rose was so out of place.
Scott paused when he saw it, growing all by its lonesome in an abandoned lot that used to house the community rec center (a group of kids had burned it down a few years back, and it had just recently been torn down, leaving an ugly, scarred patch of land in its place). The weird thing was, he always walked by the lot on his way to and from school, and he'd never noticed it before.
Curious now, DeShane shuffled over to it through the snow that was already piled up on the ground, and knelt down beside it. For some reason, he felt... safe, when he was near the rose. And in this neighborhood, safety was something that you rarely felt, even in your own house. He lowly reached a hand toward the rose's stem, as if to pluck it, but instead gently wrapped his fingers around it, wary of the thorns... and he immediately froze, eyes widening. His hand tightened around the rose's stem, the thorns biting cruelly into the palm of his hand; he was probably bleeding now, and yet he didn't care. Right now, he felt an unusual, extremely strong, irrational kinship with the rose, and, as weird as it was, it was kinda nice.
And then, as quickly as it happened, it was gone, and Scott was left crouching down in an abandoned lot, the snow and wind howling around him, gripping a rose with a bloody hand. He looked around almost in a daze, seeing no one, and then back to the rose. With hardly a second thought, he started jerking at the rose, trying to rip it from the frozen ground, and, to his surprise, it came free rather easily, causing him to fall backwards in his a** in the snow. DeShane picked himself up, the rose still clenched in his bleeding hand, and after making sure he was okay, continued home, like it was any normal day.
The Beautiful and Damned
No Entry Round 1 - Eliminated!
ooky dookz

Hannah was always with the wrong crowd. A smart and beautiful girl, she got involved in the world of drugs.
One day after getting high, Hannah wandered into a mysterious ally way. There she discovered an old rolled up scroll. Not knowing what it was, she picked it up for further investigation. But when she touched it, she felt a weird sensation go through her. It was a feeling of warmth and mischievousness. It was a feeling she wanted to feel again, so she picked up the scroll again.
Soon her body was tingling in this new sensation, and an awkward smile came to Hannah's face. She knew she had discovered something amazing, and wasn't going to be afraid to use it.
F u n k y G a n j a
Elphaba the Renthead
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. No, scratch that. It was only the worst of times. Madison Porter sat in the back of her chemistry class, half-heartedly waving the beaker over the flame of the Bunsen burner. Next to her, Kimi Landers was chattering away (as always), switching topics as easily as a snake changes skin.
“Now, class, remember not to wave it to fast. The chemical reaction in the solution will allow it to change colors, thus telling you what chemical it is. But if you wave it to fast, you risk spilling it all over the room!” Ms. Taylor said, frantically running over to the football jocks sitting in the back corner. “And for the love of God, don’t drink it!”
Rolling her eyes, Madison pulled the vial off from the Bunsen burner. “It’s blue.” She said, peering at the vial. “A really pale blue, but blue. What does that mean, Kimi?” She asked, dumping the contents of the vial down the sink built into the desk.
Kimi looked up. “What? What are you talking about?” She asked Madison inquiringly. "I was just saying, Michael finally dumped Ginny, and now Rachael is angry...” With a loud sigh, Madison cut off her lab partner.
“Kimi, what does it mean that the solution turned pale blue?” Madison asked once more, waving the empty vial in front of her face. “I don’t care about Ginny and Michael and Rachael. I just want to finish this so that we don’t have to stay after class.”
Pouting, Kimi flipped open the textbook. “But this is the big thing! You have to know what’s happening if you want to have any chance at being prom queen.” Before Madison could roll her eyes another time, Kimi continued, “It’s Copper(II) Sulfate. Happy? Now, anyway. So Rachael is angry at Michael, since Ginny is her best friend. But then Laura...”
The bell rang as Madison wrote down the answer on her sheet. Standing up quickly, she grabbed all of her materials and shoved them in her backpack, thrusting the worksheet at Ms. Taylor as she ran out the door.
The nice thing about living close to the school was that you didn’t have to ride the bus, Madison thought as she jogged down the sidewalk. She just wanted to get as far away from Kimi and her drama as possible. Madison had no desire to be prom queen. She just wanted to pass chemistry.
“I’m home!” She called, as she opened the door to her small, pale yellow house. Her mother was sitting at the kitchen table, reading mail, and she heard her father typing on the computer in the den. Zephyr, her black lab puppy jumped on her as soon as she entered the house. She tossed her backpack down on the floor next to the kitchen table, and started to pet her dog, who proceeded to give her slobbery dog-kisses.
“Great, honey.” Her mom said, distracted. “There’s a package for you on your bed. I don’t know who it’s from, there’s no return address or anything.” Without waiting for a response, she went back to studying the letter.
Sighing once, Madison climbed the stairs up to her loft bedroom. It was the largest room in the house, but it didn’t have any air conditioning. Her younger brother consistently argued over the fact that he had the smallest bedroom, but Madison would have traded with him any day. She couldn’t stand the heat, and here in Camas heat was the only thing you could find.
Just like her mom said, there was a small brown package tossed on her bed. Sitting down, she picked it up curiously. She hadn’t ordered anything in the mail recently; besides, there would have been a return address if she had. Her curiosity soon got the best of her, and she tore the package open eagerly. A small velvet black box was inside.
She slowly opened the box, and she gasped as she saw what inside. A small pin glittered with the rays of sunlight that were coming through the window. Orange and blue jewels sparkled.
Who gave me this? She wondered, looking down at the precious jewel in awe.
I guess wearing it won’t hurt, not until I can find who this really belongs to. She thought, reverently lifted it up out of the box, clipping it onto the headband she had been wearing that day
“Honey!” Her mom’s yell pierced the silence, causing Madison to jump. “Don’t forget to do your chemistry homework!”
Madison frowned, and turned to her laptop, which was already turned on. They were supposed to recreate the experiment they had done in class today with the Bunsen burners on a virtual chemistry site. As she opened up the web page, she smiled. Playing with fire suddenly seemed so much more exciting...

Mareah was nothing. She had nothing and was grown from nothing. Her Mother had died in child birth, her father tortured daily by the white devils who owned the plantation. The only person who seemed to care for her had been that white boy. "Wah?" She screeched, "How culd I bin so blind, blind to thems culuhs." Ever since she was small, she knew only one truth; the color white led to death. But he seemed; so different. He had bought her beautiful trinkets and fine spices, like nothing she has ever tasted or seen. But he had grabbed her. Like the filthy spoiled child he was he had grabbed her. " 'nd I struct him," she whispered "I did wut mah harts bin towlin may to do fer my hole life. 'N now ders no gowin back..."
So she ran. She grabbed what she could and left. She ran whatever direction the wind blew only knowing that death was behind her and life was ahead. She ran that whole night until she was so exhausted she simply collapsed at the base of a tree. For what felt like weeks this was all she dead, not stopping not speaking not crying just fleeing and sleeping. When she slept she dreamed of her family, the family she'd never known and the family she'd never see. On the mornin of the 5th night she was startled awake by the yowling of hounds, and jeering calls. "Wah hellow thar pretty lil niggah girl," they called "Why don't ya jus' come on out. If we let lose the dawgs now there ain't no way you is gonna survive, but if ya give up you kin come back alive to da plantation. Without thinking she ran, she ran and ran and ran until she found a massive oak tree which she promptly scrambled up, as she reached a good stopping point she heard the scratching of the dog's feet. She shut her eyes and prayed. Prayed that there might be someone in heaven or hell that'd be able to stop this mess. "Oh plays, plays eef en-ay-wun kin hir may, jus' keep dem dawgs away frum may. Idda give anytin. Plays." And then the wind began to blow. She Closed her eyes knowing that this devils wind would only blow her scent to the oncoming hounds. Yet as the hounds charged the tree they swerved to avoid it and dived into the bushes. There was a cry, and Mareah's eyes began to water. She looked down and in the bushes were a pair of twins. Black twins. Their arms and legs pinned by the snarling dogs. "Wah?" She Whispered "Daymit lawrd this wunt how it was supposta happen!! "Gawddamit!" She Cried, and with that her eyes burned crimson and her tears began to evaporate. Time itself became still. All that was in that moment were her emotions. Suddenly a spark flew and before her a flame hovered. It pulsed with her fury and frustrations. Within the flames she saw herself yet oddly distorted. Without a second thought she reached out and grabbed the fire.
Quiet Judgments

This is a fictional story…
of four friends…
chosen to surf outside…
hang together and have their lives changed…
to find out what happens…
when one turns into a god…
and learns to accept it…
The God’s Life: Water.
of four friends…
chosen to surf outside…
hang together and have their lives changed…
to find out what happens…
when one turns into a god…
and learns to accept it…
The God’s Life: Water.
Mark, Joey, James and Tamika
“How’s the surf Mark?” a dark skinned girl asked as Mark swam up the group she was standing with. “It is real good Tamika, waves are pretty intense,” he said as he held his surf board shacking the water out of his sandy brown hair, “Y’all should give it a go. Water’s not too cold.” The two boys laughed the one who was tattooed up with a dragon spoke first, “What do you want us to do? Wipe out like you?” “Yeah man you did plunge underneath pretty hard,” the gray haired boy added. “Shut up Joey, you too James. At least he was bold enough to go first.” Tamika said slapping Joey on his bare chest. “Mark, why not give it another go? A wave is coming, it is looking pretty big.” Joey said with a grin. Mark nodded and headed back out to catch the wave. He landed the wave but began to falter and crashed. The boys began laughing hysterically, and Tamika looked at them with disgust. Mark came back out of the ocean with a sheepish grin on his face, “Man I couldn’t handle it.” “We know, we saw you crash.” James said laughing still. Mark shook his head, “Man I must of hit my head on something, it’s throbbing.” Tamika came up to Mark, “You’re bleeding too, let me get that for you.” She wiped his face with a beach towel. “Ahh, my ear, watch the ear, remember I just got it pierced,” Tamika nodded and carefully cleaned his wound making sure not to tap the tear drop like earring. Joey and James looked at Tamika and made kissy faces before going out onto the water to surf themselves. “Are you alright?” Tamika asked helping Mark sit down. “I don’t know, I must have bumped my head pretty hard. I am still seeing fish float around my head.” “Why don’t you rest for a minute, I’ll go get some ice for your head,” she said as she got up and went to the small shop across from the beach.
The fish were still floating around Mark’s head. He rubbed his cranium and closed his eyes. When he opened them the two fish were looking at him and his left ear was throbbing. “You, chosen one, what will you have us do?” Mark blinked several times. “Did you just say something??” he said out loud. “Nah bra, I didn’t say a thing.” Joey said as he came and sat next to him. “Where’s Lil’ T?” Mark looked at him and pointed in the direction Tamika went, and soon Joey went off in the same direction. Mark looked at the fish again. “Master what shall we do?” Mark was puzzled, he rubbed his throbbing ear, that newly bought earring was a cold as ice. He thought to himself “What the hell? Talking fish? Master? I must have a concussion or some kind of contusion.” “No master, you have no concussion. We are your familiar every god has one. I am Oshe.” “And I am Shun” “And you are…” “The chosen god of…” in unison they finished the sentence “all things water.”
“You will now be able to feel the flow of emotion” “Empathy is your greatest asset.” “Water is now at your command.” “We are your humble servants.” Mark laughed “This is unbelievable. A god? A ******** god? Empathy, controlling water, Oshe and Shun? What the hell?” he grabbed his earring and tried to take it out but it wouldn’t leave his ear. “You are bound to this duty, till death, your earring is what has started this journey Master.” “You may not believe now, but you’ll have to accept your duty sooner or later.” “Call upon us, when you decide you’re ready.” The two fish vaporized into steam and left Mark more confused with a throbbing headache. Joey and Tamika came back with ice and some bandages. “Here this should make you feel better,” Tamika said setting the ice on his forehead. Mark could feel the concern she had for him, he smiled and thanked her. James and Joey sat next to her; both of them looked at him with concern as well. “You goin’ to be alright?” James asked. “You look pretty drained, maybe you should rest. We’ll talk after you wake up aight.” Joey said as he got up and went back to go surf. Mark nodded and lied down on the beach towel. Tamika sat next to him and watched him doze off into a silent slumber. He thought to himself, "I’ll have a lot to tell them when I wake."
The Angelic Oreo
One Night , A Young Girl Named Fair Blue , Around 14 , Was Reading A Book About The Wave ' s . She Was Always Amazed With Water , For No Apparent Reason . She Walked Thru Town Square And Then To The Forest Trail , A Long Way Away From Her House . Ever Since A Stage Coach Accident , She Has Had Trouble Seeing . She Was Still Walking Reading , When She Tripped On A Log . As She Looked Up , She Saw A Blue , Shiny , Water - Like Thing . As She Reached For It , She Felt Something Near The Feeling Of A Magnetic Pull . As She Picked It Up , Her Vision Only Got Clearer . Then , She Saw It . It Looked So Beautifull , But Strange . It Looked Like Ocean Waves When You Saw It , But Also Like Under Water . She Put It On her Head , As It Belonged To Her . Then Got Up , And Walked Away .

Time passes by and seasons change quickly.
It was now winter season and the start of vacation.
Yuki was on his usual way back from school and decided to take the path near the old shrine rather than the urban trail that leads directly to his home. He didn't know what came over him to do this, but he could swore he heard someone, or something call him so decided to find out what it is.
As he neared the shrine, the air became colder than usual and he felt a chill down his spine. He walked up to the shrine doors and tried to open it, but it was locked. He also tried searching the vicinity of the shrine but he couldn't find it. Tired and clueless, Yuki decided to continue back home but then he heard that call in his mind again...
"Yuuuuuuuuuki.... Yuuuuuuuuuuki....."
Suddenly, a shining blue butterfly flew right towards him, startling him.
The butterfly just kept making circles around Yuki as if it's his master.
Yuki felt a strange sensation whenever the butterfly touches his body.
It's like he's at peace with everything in the world.
And so, with a new found friend, he decided to take the butterfly home with him and take care of it.
Dreadful Silence

Story and Avatar by Dreadful Silence
Madeline walked along the beach. It was summer break. The waves crashed onto the sandy shore she walked on. Her eyes wandered her surroundings. Then, something shimmered in the water, a few yards away from her. Madeline's gaze turned to it. "What's that?" she mumbled curiously. She walked over to it. Leaning down and grabbing it from the water. As she laid her hand on it, chills ran down her spine. Like when you step foot in a cold pool. She removed her hand from it. She was clueless what happened but she took the items from the sand. As she picked it up, she wiped the wet sand from it. She examined it with her crystal blue eyes. It was a dark purple pearl. She smiled at it's beauty. Wow! What a beautiful pearl! she thought. As the pearl gave an unusual glow, she felt her blood changing. It was moving faster through her veins, like an ocean current. She felt...odd. She shook her head, trying to grab a hold of reality.