I spent like an hour on my profile
I still don't like it the way I want to like it
It's been a long day
Molly is at work
Mom is upstairs
We had some good ole bonding time today
XD here's the hilarious part
Ok so we bathed FluffMuffin and Sunshine
(My adorable kittehs!)
And Fluffmuffin,
Who was very unhappy due to the bath
Was wrapped all up in a towel right..
And I was talking to mah mom,
Dancing to 'I Know You Want Me'
And Fluffmuffin plain out just snezzes in my moms face XD
My mom is like
Then we bathe Sunshine...
XD and when she get's hi in the towel
He does the same thing!
It was slightly completely hilarious
But yea..
I have something on my mind!
And I can't freaking get it out!
I can't wait until Monday..
Weird...I want to go to school
I know ish not like me
But I want to see my friends
(Of course not to learn lol)
Over the past like 4 weeks...
I have just grown into missing seeing my friends on the weekends
My friend Kesley is camping I think
I dunnoz though
I'm boreddd...
Well I'm going to go now
I might write something later..
Well bye journal!
~Love,EmmaRose~ heart sweatdrop stressed twisted xp stare rofl