You know people,it's real funny when one of your friends turns out to be a real b***h.You know who you are,and you know I'm talking about you.Ahh,enemies.You're all sweetheart I love you then you turn bad.It's just the way my life has to go isn't it?No,I'm not stupid,and yes,I can see right through you.You care,or at least you did anyway.Now you don't give a s**t about me in any way whatsoever.You know this shows how people can change so effing much in just a few hours of time!We've had good times,we've had awkward times,and we've had times we weren't too nice,but now,I see the real you,and it's a real b***h.You've broken our friendship.You've made me mad now.I'm not taking any of it.I've gone through so much s**t it my life,it's made me stronger.So if you think you're bringing me down to a lower level,you're wrong as hell,cause I'm better than that.I deserve better than you and all your s**t that comes with you.So for now,it's a goodbye from me,talk to me when you're sorry for what you did...

TO:An old friend
FROM:The b***h who wrote this

~LOVE,EmmaRose~ mad