Haha I found this poem!No I did not write it,but I sure am proud as hell for finding it!It has the name ******** Life!'Enjoy!
I always get the blame,
For things I never do.
My friends are all the same,
They aren't much better than you.
They tell me I'm a b***h,
And say things behind my back.
I never really snitch,
That's something that I lack.
Well the boys are not much better,
They say I should use a knife.
Well I am not a fool,
God I hate my life.

HAHA Hilarious isn't it?No...It's true as hell is what it is...Learn from it people!

Man,I love this one,found it too!It's so..Beautiful!Please read the whole thing!You feel...Different once you read it!
A boy sits there, not so alone.
He pulls down his sleeves so his scars won't be shown.
He's the jock they all look up to.
But nobody knows what the pressure can do.
Prepping for the big game, he's got to be tough.
Though he knows all the weights in the world won't be enough.
Running fast in the rain for the final goal.
Every single step leaves behind a piece of his soul.
The team wins, everybody cheers.
He goes home to face his fears.
Mom's always coming home drunk from the bars.
Dad's always higher than a kite, even high than the stars.
Both brothers are out, too bust getting laid.
He walks into his room, free of the masquerade.
From his eyes tears pour down.
In his lips, thirty three muscles frown.
Everybody thinks he's so great.
He knows suicide can't be his Fate.
If he fails himself, he fails the team.
But he re-opens an old wound at its seam.
Mom and Dad srumble through the front door.
A drop of bloo hits the bathroom floor.
The both start to scream, neither have a clear mind.
If he ends it all now, will they like what they find?
How many would realize he had been like this all along?
How many always knew he was weak though his muscles were strong?
Tears fell as he drowned in his thoughts.
Life was a game he had already lost.
You only saw the smoke that came from his flame.
But you never saw how it burned him alive after each game.
Always happy in those memories you will keep.
Popularity wasn't enough to stop the knife from cutting deep.

Ahh pretty the most beautiful poem I've ever heard,simply amazing how talented people are!Ahh what words to explain this poem?Simply one word...Amazing

Fleeting thoughts as two eyes meet.

While walking along a busy street.

One boy, one girl, two hearts collide.

Both of them feel it deep down inside.

People walk passed but it doesn‘t matter.

As all their defenses break and shatter.

Hearts racing and mouths go dry.

Time slows down as they walk by.

They both seem to be two worlds apart.

But neither can deny the pull in their heart.

The boy clears his throat and breathes in deep.

The girl is uncertain if she should take this leap.

The fear is noticeable in both of their eyes.

But both can hear the unheard cries.

The boy can see her unseen tears.

The girl can sense his unspoken fears.

The boy bites his lip and tries to think.

How did this girl pull him from the brink?

The girl just can’t seem to figure it out.

How does this boy make her heart shout?

More steps follow as they draw near.

Hearts pounding wildly, both can hear.

The boy tries to speak but he’s tongue-tied.

The girl is afraid of being denied.

A few more steps and they’re face to face.

Ignoring all the people, they slowly embrace.

The boy holds her close and holds her tight.

The girl holds on with all of her might.

The boy takes a deep breath and lets out a soft sigh.

And wipes the girl’s tears as she starts to cry.

Fleeting thoughts as two lips meet.

Ignoring the others on a busy street.

Oh I hope you guys read those poems intently!How smart you would have to be to figure this poetry out!It takes true talent to write a poem as deep and moving as these are,I can only wish some day I would be looked upon like that!