Ish 9:48...Annn I jus woke up...
Ah well since nothing has happened today yet!Let's talk about yesturday!Haha at school the entire day we just cracked up...o.o I got likeee...A 60 on mah bible memory verse haha...So's I has to write it everyday nexx week...Which sucks a**...Mikinzi waz dancing and it was so effing hilarious!We had like dis hick music playin from deh Civil War at lunch...XD Murphy like snorted a few times...LOL And everyone was like laughing in the floor as she gallopped across deh room HEHEHE...Den I got in sum trouble...Will asked me what time eht was,and I was like I dunnos!(I can't really...tell...time... biggrin )He was like,'IT'S 1:04!' and I was like okkayyy...Then Murphy tunred around and waz like,'No,it's 2:04 Duh'...So I looked over at Will,had a moment of beinggg kindaaa phycho...So I like yelled in the classroom,'LIARRR!!!!'Mrs Stratton was like,'Do I need to start putting names on the board like in 2nd grade??'I wass like..nooo...Hhehe...I'm a bad girl hhehe...Anyways...I smacked my friend Lexie in the head with a lunchbox...It was pretteeee hilarious haha...So I goes home...An Brent comes over...(My sis's crazee ex who has...problems hehe)So let's just skip a few parts...I'm wrestling with him in the hall right?Then he decided to slap my a** and drop me!When I fall,I hit deh wall so hard it puts a little hole in it XDDD...So I'm like laying in the floor with a headache..And my eyes are like rolling to the back of my head...It was uh...It was fun...A few more epeisodes I won't talk about hehee....But yea I was knocked out for about 25 minutes!It was funerific...An tat wasss...Yesturday...I has to go to grandmothers today to clean out like 50 billion boxes of my mom's stuff when she was a kid...o_o Strolls down memory lane...HOPE I DON'T KILL MAHSELF!Well I am luvvin yew guys!Buh-byee!!!
~Love,EmmaRose~ heart talk2hand 4laugh redface rolleyes