User ImagexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe ѕun risɛs......
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx......The mӧӧn goes down

xxxxxxxxxxxxx________________My ҤЄAЯT turned to pieces
xxxxxx____________My ӍIND shut down

xxx I was born with the name:: Shayne Healy
xxxxxx But you can call me:: Shay
xxxxxxxx I've blown this many candles:: 16
xxxxxxxxxx I am:: Human
xxxxxxxx I really like:: Music, Books, Ribbons, and Rainy Days
xxxxxx But I hate:: Spoiled Brats, Stuck-up Snobs, and Her Accent
xxxx I'm usually seen:: Singing, Reading, or Taking Naps
xxxxxx And I can sometimes be:: Smart, Mischievous...Pretty much a troublemaker. But sometimes, she can be Kind and Understanding.
xxxxxxxx No! Get me away from:: Lightning.
xxxxxxxxxx Here's the story of my life:: Shayne is an only child of two very rich, and ignorant parents. Her family owns a well-known music company. And the name Healy always take the front page of Magazines and Newspapers. Though with all the things a girl or someone could ever wish for. Shayne was never happy due to lack of love from her parents. All they did was: Work, Work, Work! And because of that, they are unaware that their daughter was probably the most wanted student in her school.
Always starting trouble, Shayne is always being chased or hunted down by teachers. For the reason: 1. She slept in class. 2. She snuck out of the classroom while the teacher was writing down some stuff on the board. and 3. She skipped class again. But with doing all of these, she can always keep up with her grades. And that was one thing why all her subject teachers are always in a bad mood. The girl cause nothing but trouble and she still is one of the honor students? Unbelievable. And another thing that her parents doesn't know about is: She has an accent. English accent to be specific. Though she tries her best to hide it. Shayne just thinks that it sounds weird.

xxxxxxxx A little more fact::

....I can hear the voicesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
A soft faint sound.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
With so many CHOICES_____________xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It was YOU I found_______________xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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OOC;; You'll see why I called her crazy on the next post ;D