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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe ѕun risɛs......
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx......The mӧӧn goes down
xxxxxxxxxxxxx________________My ҤЄAЯT turned to pieces
xxxxxx____________My ӍIND shut down


'Blah. Blah. Blah... It's so boring in here!' Shayne thought as she looked outside the window. Then she got an idea. Opening the window beside her, she looked down to check how high it was. 'Hm... Two floors high. I think I can survive if I jump down' Preparing to jump, the teacher caught her just before she could jump. "And where are you going, Ms. Healy?" He asked. "Down of course! It's so boring in here!" She answered. The other students laughed. "Yeah. Like it's going to happen." One guy said. Shayne then smirked. "You don't know me so it's better for you to shut up." She said. After that, she turned around and did it. Yup, she jumped down. Stupid right? Wrong. For her it was fun. They all raced to the window to see if she died. But, no. Instead, they saw her waving at them.

"Out of my way!" The teacher said as he shoved the students away. "Back to your seats!" Looking down, he saw Shayne sticking out her tongue at him. Growling, he scowled at her. "You get back here Ms. Healy!" He yelled. Shayne laughed and crossed her arms across her chest. "Make me. Ha. Ha. See you later old man!" And with that, Shayne jogged her way to the courtyard. "She's so cool!" The guy from before said. The other students looked at him raising an eyebrow. "What?"

Shayne sat under a tree and closed her eyes. ' Well that was amazingly fun! Now... To find something to do. I know! I'll just go and take a nap.' With a yawn, Shayne drifted off to sleep. A few hours later, someone woke her up. Groaning, she opened her eyes a looked to see who it was. Her vision was a little blurry so she had to rub her eyes with the back of her hand. Blinking a little, she stared at the person in front of her. "What the heck is your problem, huh? Can't you see I'm sleeping?" The person backed away. It seems like he knew Shayne enough to know that she's dangerous when someone disturbed her sleep. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to disturb you..." He said. Scratching the back of her head, Shayne thought hard to know what this guy's name was. She was sure that she had seen him before. Just not too sure where, or when.


....I can hear the voicesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
A soft faint sound.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
With so many CHOICES_____________xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It was YOU I found_______________xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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OOC;; Now you know