I go to a party,
All the people that are here!
Sitting here alone,
No-where to go...
I'm feeling out-going,
Feeling like a friendly girl,
Let's go see who I can meet,
Wonder who it might be...
Oh look over there!
That boy with the flippy blonde hair!
Oh he's so fine!
I want him!He's mine!
I look his way...
He looks me in the eye...
I walk a little closer...'Hello..'
'Hi how are you?'
The conversation begins!
Why does he keep moving his hands?
Oh wait,I keep moving mine to!
I'm blushing I can tell..
He's blushing too...
I'm so so nervous!
I'm almost feeling sick!
He looks me in my eye...
Haha nevermind,I feel just fine..
Oh how warm I felt inside
I wonder if he likes me?
I wonder how how he feels?
Is this really true?
How could it be real?!
Wow he's so perfect!
My exact main type..
'Hey you want to meet up sometime?'
'Yea,that'd be great!'
He smiles a smile that is so sweet and dear,
No-one else in the world I could hear...
His voice was so soothing,
It calmed my heart,
He's perfect!
Tall,blonde,loving,and smart!
My true love,My Johnny-dear...
Your loving words are all I hear...
^^ Love you Buffin heart