Yea,I talk s**t,just deal with it.Baby,I ain't such a nice little girl anymore...How'd I get so mean?I'm just a real 100% b***h now.Worst part is,I accept it with pride...Over the past 5 years at my school...I'm known as the nice little girly-girl.I've changed.I'm not so effing mousy anymore...If you make me mad,I'll tell your a** off.I'm not so scared anymore.I used to be scared to stand up for myself and my friends..thinking I'd get in trouble...not anymore...Just about now,I don't give a s**t if I get in trouble or not...I am what I am..If you love me,then thank-you!If you hate me..Then ******** you!Cause I don't give a flyin rat's a** what you ppl think of me and my actions