Genre: Friendship, Comfort
Ships?: Hinted Rita/Alpha
→Familyships?: Alpha&Beta&Gamma
→Friendships?: The above, plus hints of Rita&Tito&Einstein
Characters: Alpha, Rita, Beta, Gama
→Mentions: Lexaeus, Pocahontas, Nakoma, Fagin, Tito, Einstein
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: No
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Pocahontas, Up!, Oliver And Company, or any related characters. This was written out of enjoyment of the series, and no profit is being made.
Music: Runaway Love
Notes: This is yet again based off of another roleplay, and yes, it's a Kingdom Hearts one. Forgotten Memories started out as a reincarnation roleplay with all sorts of teen silliness and a beach party being planned... Then I joined and made Zexion and Luxord members of the local Mafia family... Then my friends joined, and it was tunasaladsonnet who started off the whole 'Disney animals' thing by making the Up! villain dogs owned by Xigbar. XD Which then encouraged me to play Rita and her gang, who were all shelter dogs, which was the shelter the Up! boys came from... Although it should be noted that they had a terrible puppyhood. DDD8 Tuna wrote about it beautifully. So yeah.
Beneath the Willows
"If you don't eat, you're not gonna get any better."
The Doberman inside the cage just growls a warning at her. Curled up besides him is a Rottie and a Bulldog; neither are in good shape. Fact of the matter is, none of them are in anything near decent shape. Twitching her ears back, Rita just frowns to herself. 'Cruelty' is something she's only been subject to once, in the case of humans, and it's been so long ago since those puppy years. Fagin, while poorer than dirt, had been more than kind to her and all the others. After him, Lexaeus, Pocahontas, and Nakoma had picked them up. New York street 'tough love' is as close to cruelty as she's gotten.
Technically, she has no idea what this group has gone through. That doesn't mean she's just gonna give up.
"Oh, don't you growl at me!" she scolds, glaring down at him from her muzzle. "That's no way to treat a sistah who's tryin' to help you out." Daring to step foot into the cage, Rita nudges one of the bowls closer to the Doberman. "Perfectly good food shouldn't go to waste. Eat a little of this, and I'll make it worth your while." At his snort, she rolls her eyes. "And not in that fashion. You ain't that/i] cute." With a swish of her tail, she takes her leave.
Now, all she has to do is find Tito and Einstein... They're just the team she needs right now.
When she comes back around an hour later, all three of the dogs are awake, and looking a bit better if only in the cleanliness department. Nakoma must have finally made time for them. Putting down the little bag she has in her mouth, Rita smiles. "Well, aren't you looking nice. Feeling a bit more social?"
Apparently, he's not, because it's the Rotti who answers. "Who are you?"
"Is that meat?" the Bulldog asks, perking up in curiosity.
"Call me Rita, and yes, honey, it is meat." With a simple nose-nudge, the bag falls over and spills half a dozen meatballs into the cage. "Me and my boys know a few tricks, and you guys looked like you needed a warm welcome." Her tail wags happily when the Rotti and the Bulldog cheerfully if rather cautiously feast on the little gifts. Of course, the Doberman isn't so trusting. His nose is twitching and his steps are careful as he inspects the meatballs. "Oh, come on, relax," she murmurs, and rolls a meatball over to him with her nose. "I'm a friend. Really."
Their eyes meet for a moment, and Rita smiles again. As they all partake in their impromptu snack, Rita's ears twitch. Uh oh. Footsteps. By the time Pocahontas steps in, Rita is already staring at her from beneath her bangs with wide eyes. The woman just sighs teasingly. "I was wondering what happened to the food in the kitchen." At Rita's pitiful whimper, she drops the act and laughs. "It's nice that you're helping our newcomers. They still haven't gotten used to humans yet." Her face and wild-winds-and-eagle smell turns sad. Worried, Rita turns to look back at the gang of dogs; they reek of fear and the rash anger which comes with it. Gently, Pocahontas runs her fingers through the fur on top of Rita's head. "I suppose you'll just have to be our ambassador for now. Now, let's get you back to your cage before you filch any more food, huh?"
As Pocahontas leads her out, Rita smiles reassuringly over her shoulder. "Listen, you three should come on out when the Humes let everyone out into the gardens. It's a bella notté, after all." With a wink, she's gone.
With the Hume gone, the three dogs relax. Chewing on a meatball thoughtfully, the Rotti says, "I like the female dog. Did you meet her while we slept, Alpha?"
The Bulldog grins and wags his stubby tail. "Alpha is quick, to attract a girl so quickly!"
Alpha just glares.