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All About My Crazy Life
I apolagize ahead of time for the amount of girly chatter in this, but it is %100 true so what do you expect to see in the journal of a grade 9 girl?!

User Image Let's see... tuesday, the day after i posted last time.

CommandoFanatic wasn't there, so xXxKnightAngelxXx was a bit disappointed. She seemed to be in a better mood though, not much but just enough so that it didn't ruin her day.

Sometimes I think that a guys shoulder was built to be the perfect pillow for a girls head to rest on. I mean I was resting my head on Ningaman1h6's shoulder and I just kinda zoned out for a minute. It wasn't quite sleeping because I was still aware of the things around me, but I was comfortable. I have discovered that it is alot more comfortable to walk around holding hands then with your arms around each others shoulders though, alot less akward too.

CommandoFanatic was here today, but he is hopeless... He can't take a hint and he doesn't even understand if you say it straight out! I tried to tell him that a girl likes to feel pretty, she likes it when people tell her that she's pretty, exspecially people like xXxKnightAngelxXx. I have told him that before and I told him again. But he still has yet to compliment xXxKnightAngelxXx, and it is starting to make her feel like he doesn't think there's anything to compliment, even if she DOESN'T say that straight out, she's my friend and I can tell that's how she feels.

I think Ningaman1h6 cought the hint instead because around the time I started throwing those hints at CommandoFanatic, I started getting little compliments from Ningaman1h6. Just little things like I look really good today, or I love your hair like that... But it means alot to me. I didn't even mean it as a hint towards him, he just kinda picked it up instead.

I guess if you want to hint at a guy, you shouldn't try to make it too obvious, they don't seem to understand things when you spell it out right to them. It seems you have to send the hints at their friends, or guys around them.

I had band today too but... nothing really happened there except Mrs.Wilson told us we have a test next week. Which reminds me I need to preactice after I get my cadet uniform ready for monday!

Oh, right... CommandoFanatic wasn't here tuesday because he got an infection on one of his toes or something, I don't know i didn't really ask for any details. I was trying to zone him out so I didn't have to hear it.

CommandoFanatic wasn't here again today, I'm assuming it's something to do with his toe.

xXxKnightAngelxXx, Ningaman1h6, and I played truth or dare during lunch hour cause we were really bored. But Ningaman1h6 made the mistake of picking dare from xXxKnightAngelxXx, she dared him to kiss me after school, where she could watch as proof. At first Ningaman1j6 found the loophole of "she didn't say WHERE..." But I think she caught it, and changed it to, "Kiss Tseralie (only my REAL name... duh) on the LIPS after school, while she's there to see as proof." My first thought was, my first kiss heart ... be because of a dare? I don't mind kissing him, but i don't want the only reason he kisses me to be because of a dare.

Stupid damn rule!ohh you might want to know what that rule is, huh? Well I have 1 rule when it comes to my first kiss with a guy: I want him to kiss me. I know, cheap rule... but I'm sticking to it stubbornly! Even if I have to wait patiently an drop innocent hints whenever possible! stressed
Ohh well I'll just have to keep those hints going.

xXxKnightAngelxXx, put her jacket in my locker after lunch, and both of us completely forgot that I had to leave school early to go get my sister. So there was a loop hole in the dare. (not that I was very happy about finding one... )!

I had left my locker combination with ningaman1h6, but xXxKnightAngelxXx says it took them forever to get my locker open... oops.

Friday (yesterday!):
Hmm... CommandoFanatic's still not at school... I hope that toe of his is O.K.

xXxKnightAngelxXx hasn't mentioned CommandoFanatic not being there at all (at least not to me), I'm surprised! She attempted to redo that dare again today, but Ningaman1h6 was playing Magic.

After lunch I asked him what his first thought was after xXxKnightAngelxXx gave him that dare. At first he said confusion cause it didn't quite sink in what she had said at first. But then it was simply o.k... He made o.k. sound like a question confused

After that I asked him if he was gonna go through with the dare, if I hadn't of had to leave. He said ya.

Then I asked him if he was looking forwad to it. It was mostly a joke at first, and I almost didn't ask it, but then I got curious (I was kinda looking forward to it...). At first he wouldn't answer, then as we were switching classes he answered while I wasn't paying attention, so I didn't hear what he said. But I finnally got him to answer properly again, and he said yes. I don't get how that was so hard to say. But then again I probably would of tried to avoid the question too if he had of asked me. So I guess I can't really blame him.

Then I went home, and watched Inkheart. I've watched it like, 4 times now, and everytime I watch it it frustrates me even more! They ended it differently! They ended it in the movie so that Dustfinger goes home! But in the book he doesn't, I can't remember if he left before Mo had a chance to try or not but I know he didn't go home. It was BECAUSE he didn't go home that was part of what made the second book possible, now he's home so he doesn't need to go look for CheeseFace! Now there isn't gonna BE a movie for Inkspell, OR for Inkdeath!

Another thing they changed was the parts with Fenoglio. He was supposed to have two little kids he looked after, I can't remember if they were his grandchildren or not but... Cause there was a part about one of them hiding under the sink for whatever reason. And Fenoglio having to get them to come out.

I also thought that Fenoglio and Maggie were supposed to be locked in the same room that used to be Capricorns old reader's. Because Maggie finds Peter Pan under the matress and reads out tinderbell. That's how they learn that she has Mo's gift... Not reading Wizard of Oz!

And Fenoglio writed the page that Maggie reads instead of the book, and she hides it in her sleeve. But in the movie, the magpie takes the page from her and throws it back into the crypt, so in the end Fenoglio throws the crumpled page down to Toto, and HE brings it to Maggie. In the book, when Mo Finally gets to Maggie, he helps her read the rest of the page. Not in the move, instead Mo gives her a pen and tells her to write as she reads (because the magpie had taken the page). Thanks for the halp pa!

In the book, Basta is the one that finds TinkerBell, and he puts her in a jar in his room for good luck, because then Dustfinger saves tinkerbell.

There is another part where Resa and Dustfinger are the ones locked in the crypt during the book. And Resa and Dustfinger talk via Resa writing what she's saying down on paper. They sit there and make up stories. Resa Writes down the first half of a story and dustfinger had to come up with the end. Again I can't remember if they were stories about Resa herself or just random made up stories.

And When the shadow is destroyed in the book, the lifes of all the creatures he took comeback, all the fairy's, gnomes, dwarves, etc. And they end up staying in Elinors garden.

I almost forgot the very first thing! Dustfinger! The first time he's mentioned in the book is when Maggie wakes up and see's him on the front lawn standing in the rain, when she looks out the window. She goes to tell Mo, He looks out side and tells Maggie to go back to bed. Of course she doesn't, she spies on them just like in the movie. But I was pretty sure that when Mo and Maggie went to Great-Aunt Elinors, Dustfinger went with them, cause he preformed those fire tricks of his in the yard, and maggie watched and talked to him.

And there was one part where Dustfinger was gonna show maggie one of his fire shows but he insisted on it being at night so she could see it in full spactacular. So Dustfinger convinces Elinor to turn the alarm off so they can get back in after.

Of course that is the time the blackcoats decide to move in and ravage Elinors Library... I'm pretty sure dustfinger had betrayed them then too by telling the blackcoats the alarm would be off. But when Elinor got back to the library after escaping for the fist time, that's when she first saw how much her library had been destroyed. And she saw the chicken hanging from the cieling.

Gwin is still Gwin from what I remember.

But still... they ended it in a way that leaves no possibility of a Inkspell/Inkdeath movie without being not even close to the right story line!!!

Wow... I think I may of written more about the movie compared to the book then I wrote about the last couple of days! Oh well that had to be put out there so it may as well of been me... I think I'll go search the forums to see if there is a thread about Inkheart. If you come across one please post and let me know! (not that i've gotten ANY posts... not even from friends).

Sorry this was so long, you probably just skipped the part about Inkheart anyway. It is now 10:44 by the way... so it took me about and hour and a half to write this!

Thank you and have a great day.
Merci et bon joux ne.

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