Okay, so I said I'd do a Four Brothers thing? Sorry, I'm a liar. Thing is, I got sidetracked for an idea for another story of my own imagination and my own characters. And yes, those of you who know me know I love vampires, so yeah, that's what it's about.
The dark shadows welcomed her, the chill breeze blowing through Chastity's white-blond hair.
A scuffing sound to her right made her jump and look around wildly.
The street she was walking down was known for its rapists, pedifiles, and random crazy people. So it was no surprise when a frightening person stepped out of the shadow of an abandoned building.
Chastity dug frantically through her purse, looking for her pepper spray.
Suddenly, the man was right in front of her, moving faster than the speed of light. His hand was around her throat, his eyes glowing red, long fangs dripping with saliva and gleaming in the pale moonlight.
As he brought his lips to her neck, another strange figure appeared out of the darkness.
The dark-haired stranger pulled something long and silver from its holster on his belt. At first, Chastity thought it was a gun, but closer examination revealed it to be much, much sharper.
He tackled the vampire to the ground, burying the stake deep in his heart. The creature turned to dust before Chastity's eyes.
The dark-haired stranger put the silver stake back in his belt, then looked at her.
Chastity noticed he wouldn't meet her eyes, his face covered in shadows. She couldn't make out his features quite clearly.
"Who are you?" she asked.
The stranger turned away a moment, surveying their surroundings. "Dante."
"Got a last name?"
"Not one that I can easily remember."
She supposed he was a schizo patient, or perhaps a victim of amnesia.
"What was that thing?" she asked.
"A vampire. Couldn't you tell?"
"I thought . . ."
"You thought vampires didn't exist." Dante turned, and she saw him clearly.
Chasity felt her heart skip a beat. He was quite handsome, with shoulder-length black hair, silvery-gray eyes, pale skin, and full lips.
However, no matter how good-looking he was, that wasn't what startled her.
"You're one of them," she said.
Dante took a step forward, a smirk playing upon his face.
"One of what?"
Chasity backed up until she was against the wall. Dante put his forearm on her throat.
When he spoke, his voice was soft and seductive. "What am I?" he asked.
"You're . . . a vampire." Chastity motioned toward the pile of dust. "Like he was."
Dante's eyes narrowed. "No," he whispered. "Not like him."
"Then what are you?"
"A vampire. But I'm not like him."
"What makes you say that?" she asked.
"I kill vampires like him."
That didn't make sense to Chastity. "You're a vampire. You're supposed to kill humans, not other vampires."
"I don't kill humans."
"Then where do you get the blood?"
"Blood drive donations. When they're not looking, I slip in and take some." He smirked and took a few steps backward.
"Why do you kill vampires?" Chastity asked, watching him warily.
"Because a vampire made me watch as she killed my wife and children, then she Turned me," Dante answered.
Chastity suddenly felt sorry for him. "It must have been awful."
Dante shrugged, but she saw tears in his eyes. "Whatever. Just go."
With that, he left, his long black coat billowing in the cold winter wind.
What'cha think? Am I gonna be a writer someday?
That was just part of the thing I'm working on now. Do me a favor: Comment and give me some suggestions of a name for it.
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Bored out of my mind, so I shall write random things.
Random, crazy-a** s**t; movie reviews from yours truly; story ideas.
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