So, does anyone else think Rob Zombie makes the scariest movies ever?
I mean, seriously. Halloween almost made me pee my pants. stressed
Michael Myers moves like a ninja!! Maybe he is!! Omg that would be so cool!! Rob Zombie's Halloween 3: Ninja Michael ninja
Starring Rob Zombie himself as Michael, perhaps? MUAHAHAHAHA!!! twisted
So, maybe I'm just crazy, but does anyone else think the guy that played the older Michael in the first one is kinda hot? sweatdrop
Mr. Zombie's movies are pretty boss, but it takes me so long to watch them because I keep taking them out and vowing never to watch them again unless I have an army of teddy bears at my command to protect me.
Unfortunately, when I watched the two Halloweens last night, I didn't have my teddy army. cry
It scared the shapoo out of me. I'm not kidding. But it was awesome in a sick, evil, demented way. twisted
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