Name: Nyoko Desanges
Nicknames: Nyo; also goes by any of her names from previous lives
Age: 23
Hair: Black; dyes the bangs blue and orange
Eyes: Gold
Body Type: Thin, medium chest, and a bit curvy in the hips
H/W: 5'7"/130lbs
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, though she's been known to "experiment"
Marital Status: Taken (may as well be married to Vance Yarehasu)
Story/Personality: Nyoko, like her older brother, is immortal.
She, however, was turned rather recently. The short version of the story is that, when Edge was mortal, she was his little sister who died when he neglected to watch over her. Through the Ancient of the Cycle of Life, Death, and Rebirth (a major deity), Edge learned that Nyoko's soul was immortal and was reincarnated continuously, forever. The difference between her and any other reincarnated soul, however, is that she is capable of maintaining the memories of her past lives given the proper trigger. Edge then gave himself to immortality to walk the world to find her and make her as physically immortal as her soul. It wasn't until the current era that he was able to do so, however.
Nyoko has been slowly recalling past lives as triggers continuously send her into a coma, from which she awakens a day later with full memories of some other life as if that life has never ended. As such, she can be very conflicted and emotional, and at times terribly irritable and depressed. On good days, she is laid back, happy, and rather lustful. She is very devoted to her brother and will not willingly separate from him.
She also used to be something of a playgirl before she met Vance in a future timeline (another long story), whom she fell completely in love with against her own "better judgment" and whom she would follow to the end of time itself. She is usually untrusting and doubtful, but she places her utmost faith in her closest friends and family (mainly Edge, Vance, and Christian).
Other than her immortality, Nyoko doesn't have any supernatural powers or abilities. She isn't a terribly amazing fighter, but she recalls some techniques from a past life and prefers a staff with thin blades on either end which can separate into two individual long-handled short blades (mostly just because it looks cool). She loves to dance and likes to use it as a means of fighting.
Nyoko usually stands with her weight on one leg (contraposto) and tends to share the same facial expressions as her brother. Though she is much more subdued and subtle than Edge, she is sarcastic and can be rather arrogant. She often has an expression of disbelief or impatience when dealing with Edge's s**t. None can roll their eyes with such gusto quite like Nyoko.
Though she has yet to discover her place and importance in the world, Nyoko happily exists alongside her family and lives rather spontaneously.
Wardrobe: Nyoko has a casual, punkish style of dress that includes revealing or fitted tops, all manner of pants, and her signature pair of custom boots. She doesn't care for skirts, dresses, or formalwear, and shuns blouses and preppy tops. She prefers to wear at least one black article of clothing with every outfit as a matter of personal taste. She loves jewelry of all kinds, with no special preference for any one metal or gemstone.
-Black triple-band tattoo on her upper right arm; usually, tattoos and piercings will heal and fade as her body reverts itself to when she was immortalized. This tattoo was already there when she was turned, however, and therefore is permanent.
-Custom boots; these were made for her by an old friend, and are her favorite pair of footwear. She is rarely seen without them.
-Various piercings; as shown in the references.
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