Ash Delgado
Cheer Up, Emo Zombie
God - Anakmosatlani (God of Secrets)
Age: 19
Birthday: November 2nd
Hair: None (previously black)
Eyes: Orange (previously dark brown)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: ~100-120lbs. He's mostly bone and sinew.
Nationality/Race: American/Latino
Distinguishing Features: Everything Scarred body, grayed skin, orange eyes, and a penchant for black clothes and hooded sweatshirts.
Calling: Angsty Undead
Nature: Cynic
Pantheon: Atzlanti
Deity: Mictlantecuhtli (adopted/stolen from Xipe Totec)
Role: Possibly Anakmosatlani (The Recluse)
Current Location: Spring Creek, New Mexico
Ash is the youngest of three brothers, and decidedly the unhappiest. His entire life has been spent trying to rise and surpass his elder siblings, but the only things he's ever had over them are his good looks and his sarcastic, distasteful unpleasantness. The eldest of his brothers, Jacob ("Io"), is a bonafide genius; the middle child, Lucas ("Loki") was blessed with uncanny social skills. Ash, however, was merely pretty.
An angry, spiteful young man since early childhood, Ash quickly became the shame of his family. He was an unruly child, an angsty teenager, and a reckless nuisance with some very obvious behavioral problems that his parents chose to ignore rather than treat. As a small child, unrelenting teasing and ostracizing from his classmates coupled with an intense jealousy of his brothers made him close himself off from the world, and it only got worse as he got older. His pretty face belied his ugly nature, vengeful and jealous. Some might take pity on Ash, sensing a deeply self-loathing and tormented individual, but the truth is that he has almost no redeeming qualities, either. He is, sadly, a lost cause.
Ash continued to live a hateful life until the day that he died at the tragic age of 18.
Riding in the backseat of Loki's car, with Io riding shotgun and Loki tearing up the highway, Ash sat silent and aggravated. His brothers were acting like fools, and despite Ash's insistence, refused to either strap on their seatbelts or even slow down to a cool 80mph.
Predictably, Loki lost control of the car. They careened across three lanes, over the shoulder, flipped over the concrete divider, and finally landed upside-down on the other side. Miraculously, Loki and Io sustained no major injury, being ejected early on and landing in the median. They suffered a few broken bones between them. Ash, however, had his left arm violently severed (hanging on by just a few threads), suffered a broken hip, nose, clavicle, and several ribs as well as a severe concussion, some lacerations from flying glass, whiplash, ruptured irises, and a shattered cheekbone. Barely conscious, he struggled weakly to unfasten his ill-chosen seatbelt, and the car (as per Ash's luck) burst into flames. The fire prevented his brothers from rescuing him, though they admittedly tried their best (Io, having a brain, was able to quickly tie a tourniquet around his shoulder to slow the massive bleeding from the severed arm). His seatbelt, the one thing he thought would save him, melted in place, making the car Ash's own personal deathtrap.
Ash woke up stumbling in a dark cave, where he heard the rasping breath and incomprehensible whispering of some unknown entity. Though he wandered and searched for what seemed like forever, he never seemed to make any real progress. Before he was able to make out what was going on, however, Ash woke up for real - in the hospital.
Ash had died in the blazing wreck, and was revived several minutes later by paramedics on the way to the hospital. It was during his death and subsequent coma that he dreamed of the cave. For the next year, a horrifically burned and scarred Ash would be continually put into medically-induced comas to help speed up the healing process of his severely damaged body. He spent more time in the hospital than at home, and more time "asleep" than conscious. During his long coma periods, Ash tended to suffer from excruciating nightmares, sometimes involving the cave, sometimes involving the accident, and sometimes involving unspeakable horrors that often called out his name.
As he was being brought out of his final coma "treatment" (which he lovingly referred to as "torture"), Ash had yet another nightmare. In this nightmare, however, he finally found the end of the winding caves, and came face to rotting face with the Aztec god of the underworld, Mictlantecuhtli. Mictlantecuhtli - a decayed corpse with maggots in his eye sockets and his organs spilled out onto the floor - explained to a horrified (and somewhat indignant) Ash that he was in need of Ash's assistance, and that Ash was the child of a god himself. Though Ash's real Divine father was another Aztec called Xipe Totec (the Flayed Lord), he'd died before Xipe had gotten to him. Mictlantecuhtli snapped up the young Scion in death, claiming him for himself...and told Ash that he would receive great power in return for his help.
Ash woke up brimming with power, no less cynical and angry than he had ever been before (in fact, more so), found his Birthrights in a ceiling tile, and went on to enjoy his new life. He still hates himself, though, despite the power - he is ugly, unloved, and has not forgotten his miserable past. He likes to take his hatred out on himself and others, violently, and in sacrifice to his father. Verbal poison is also a favorite pastime of his, and between tormenting the easily-scarred and trolling the internet, Ash takes a sick pleasure in schadenfreude and hurting others' feelings.
Though Ash desperately hates himself and society as a whole, and prefers to be very alone, he also hates not having someone to complain about it to, so Ash loves the internet. He had found a bit of respite in Bandmate Aura, whose germophobia, OCD, and fragile psyche were like Christmas toys for him to play with; though now, between her amnesia and a personality shift, Ash has been left to feel even more alone than before.
Ash's story is in progress, as I am currently RPing him
Personality: A major a*****e. Describes his whole existence as one giant FML. He's basically manic-depressive with a healthy dose of douchebaggery.
Ash is sarcastic, cruel, bitter, self-loathing, self-deprecating, depressed, angry, jealous, and vengeful, among other things. He likes to bring others down with him, and doesn't take well to being ignored. At the same time, however, he's attention-starved, and will do anything to garner the unappreciated sympathy of others. He'll tell someone else to stop being a b***h and to get over it, but in the same breath whine about how much his own life sucks. It is possible that Ash will warm up to his Bandmates and grow maybe a fraction of a soul, but it is unlikely that he will ever stop being an utter jackass. He has serious abandonment and betrayal issues and finds it painfully difficult to trust anyone other than himself.
It is very, very rare that Ash will show a smile.
Wardrobe: Black, of course.
Ash prefers clothes that cover most of his flesh. He is not proud of his appearance, and likes to hide as much as he can. He wears hooded sweatshirts or long-sleeved shirts even in the summer, dark pants, and heavy black boots. His sweatshirts and t-shirts usually sport some emo or metal band logo, and his absolute favorite hoodie is one with the word "Angst" emblazoned on the front.
He originally liked to pull his hood over his head and look at the ground to help hide his ruined face, but eventually becomes more bold and keeps it down more often. He is unlikely to ever show much skin in public, but alone he will strip down a bit more.
Ash does not wear jewelry, as it irritates his cold skin, and has no piercings. He does, however, have a pair of sweet aviator sunglasses that are a Birthright doubling as legitimate eye protection - his damaged retinas are hypersensitive to light.
Favorite Colors: Black, darker grays, and red.
Scars: Literally everywhere.
They mainly follow joints and muscle lines, but are in some other trauma spots as well (mainly along the left side of his body, where the impact was greatest). He was literally stitched back together after the brutal accident. It is almost impossible to hide every single one of his scars, so eventually he learns to get over it and use them to his advantage.
Most prominent are the scars on his face, and when naked, the quantity alone makes for a horrifying image.
- Scars, dead-looking skin: The boy is dead. He has to look like it. His startling appearance is his main feature.
- Orange eyes: Ash's irises were ruptured in the accident, turning them from brown to amber.
- A sour expression: Ash generally displays nothing but scowls, grimaces, frowns, and looks of utter contempt. Also common are bored expressions or those where he zones out, tuning the world out completely. While a smile is not completely unheard-of, it's so rare that most people will never see him do it.
Optional: His Birthrights - a pair of aviator sunglasses and an obsidian scalpel with a handle roughly carved in the shape of a tribal dog.
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