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"oh where the road of life may take us, and we shall stand together side by side, a family united, not by blood, but by the moon"
jacob cursed under his breath before walking back inside the house to face certain anguish. 'fat man you'd better leave addie alone...she's not well...if you upset her i swear i'll kill you....' he said in his mind to the fat man. he walked in and stayed as far away from the earl as he physically could.

"..." jacob looked at addie's closed bedroom door.

There was too much of a racket going on, because of the birth of the kittens, that Addie herself couldn't get too much sleep, especially because of the loud girlish screams coming from her own father.

She stepped out, and found Jacob standing by her door. Looking surprised, she stepped out, a blush on her face, and she looked to the floor, not being able to look up at Jacob at the moment. "...I...I can't sleep..."

"i-...i'm sorry kitten...." he said and took her hand gently in her own. he leaned in close and whispered in her ear "the earl knows...i don't know how....i'm sorry...." he waited in case she reacted badly.


bell and nuri had been out all day. it was late evening now and they were wandering about still laughing and enjoying each others company. "you...should proabably get home soon.....i'll head to my hotel....we can meet up again tomorrow" she said and leaned up on her tip toes to kiss him on the lips before taking a step back from him

She looked up suddenly, surprised, and squeezed his hand. "You didn't tell him...so don't be sorry but....D-Did he tell...everyone else?" She whispered her question back.

Even though before she hadn't noticed, she could tell Jacob was apprehensive. Of course he would be, she just threw a large amount of baggage on his shoulders all of a sudden. Looking down the hall, she saw the family gathered around, outside and inside, the bedroom, not really knowing what was going on, and not really caring at the moment. Pulling Jacob along, she took him into the living room, sitting on the couch, and pulling him along with her for a moment to talk with him alone.

"....I know I just....threw big news at you..that you probably didn't want to hear...and that you're not doing so well about...." She looked to the carpeted floor, fiddling with her fingers. " You need to tell me though...we need to be on the same page....You can't keep this from me....I told you..because you have a right to know...and even if I feel...like..like bursting into tears...and crying...be-because I know I can't do this alone....you pretending to be alright....doesn't help..." She was about to cry again, and she had to take heavy breaths.

Addie could tell she was going to get overly emotional a whole lot from now on, and she tried to suck it up, for her attempt on a grown up talk with Jacob.

"kitten..." he wrapped his arms around her soothingly "i'm scared yes...i mean...we have every right to be scared...but...it doesn't change how i feel...i love you...and i will love our child...i'm just....scared of what could happen....i'm afraid because of what has happened....and i don't want that to be again....i don't think i could handle that....but...i am not going anywhere...." he kissed her sweetly

"jacob-pet, addie...." the earl sain popping in to check on them both "so sweet...young love...." he teased, being much kinder in word choice and manner with addie there than he'd been with just jacob

She was about to ask what exactly he was talking about, she couldn't remember about the past that he had told her about so very long ago."What do you mea-...?" Just as she opened her mouth, the Earl came in, and she gave a large blush at his words.

She was probably one of the only ones brave enough to talk aback to the man, and since Jacob had told her the Earl knew, she gave a pout at the old man. "....We're old enough Master..."

In one second she'd gone from sad and crying, to very defensive towards the Earl picking on Jacob. "....thank you for understanding Master Earl....but I would appreciate it, if you kept our secret...a secret, until Jacob and I...can figure out..what we need to do.." She said, giving Jacob's hand a tight squeeze.


Nuri gave an 'ah-' sound, and pulled her back" ...A hotel...it's not safe there...you know that....you don't have your weapon..."

bell smiled "well what do you suggest?...are you going to take your exorcist girlfriend home?...i'm sure that would go over smashingly wouldn't it?" she teased him. "i'm going to be fine...i'm a big girl you know nuri~"


jacob took a deep breath as ada and gil walked into the living room. the girls were still playing with the kittens. "damn beasts of hell" gil said again and again under his breath

"...I know that..." He pouted. "You're also an exorcist...give me a call...if there's an akuma attack...call me..you have my number...and .." He fidgeted nervously. " I could always sneak you in as well...they wouldn't notice...."

Pulling her closely, he gave her a long kiss on the lips, and let her go from the hold. "...just..stay safe alright...?"


Addie tensed up as her parents walked in, and she looked to Jacob. unsurely, wondering if telling them and getting it over with would be best".....??"

The Earl gave one of his famous chuckles and sat across from the young couple. "....So many young ones making their ways into our lives..."

"addie....you feeling any better sweet heart?...you look rather pale..." gil said as he noticed the two kids int he living room. "oh....master earl?" he looked confused "....great.." he said with realization "what did they do now....jacob did you touch her again?!" gil started getting a bit red faced and walked over to jacob, dragging him away from addie by the collar of his shirt. "SHE HASN'T EVEN BEEN HOME ONE DAMN DAY JACOB! AND SHE ISN'T FEELING WELL!....GIVE THE GIRL A BREAK FROM YOU AND THE BEDROOM!" he threw jacob into a seperate chair. "don't tell me i need to lock you in your bedroom again!?"


"aw...your so sweet...so when i get caught they'd kill me by mistake" she chuckled and teased him before walking off. when she go to her room she lay on her bed. 'i could have asked him to stay here the night...i suppose' she looked around the room and felt empty and lonely

"DAD STOP IT!" Addie raised her voice at Gil for the first time in her life. "Stop...just stop....treating Jacob like that...." She walked over to her father, and gave him a hug, pulling him away from Jacob. Giving Jacob an apologetic look, she sighed heavily.

"......I love Jacob...with all my heart...and as the future father of your grandchild....I think you should treat him a little better...." She was flushed in the face, looking down at the ground, clenching and unclenching her fists, a habit she'd developed since she was a tiny girl with her other father.

"....We wanted to wait to tell you all....until..we could decide we were ready..." She once again had switched through emotions as fast as a fat man ate cake, once again crying. "....I'm having Jacob's baby..."

And then there was silence, except for the glass shattering in the kitchen.

Just then Nuri walked into the dead silence of the room, and stepped back out of the home, pulling out his cell phone and giving Bell a call. "...Ah...Bell..my family doesn't need me right now...."

"y-you sure...well...you can come over if you like...i'll ring you in when you get here"

"jacob stood up out of the chair and wrapped his arms around addie's waist and shoulders, trying to support her and let her know he was there for her. he looked from addie to ada, in the kitchen who had cut her leg when the glass she was carrying fell and shattered. the blood ran down the side of her leg and she had a blank expression on her face.

then he looked to the earl who could obviously tell what gil was thinking. he had a sadistic smile and he grinned at jacob who was suddenly lunged at and thrown against the wall by his neck by the older noah gentleman. gil had torn him off of addie in a split second and was glaring at jacob with eyes almost equivalent of those he'd given casius.

jacob couldn't breath and he felt himself fading out of consciousness. he hated to do this to gil...but he had no choice if he wanted to be strong enough to protect addie and the baby. he closed his eyes and reached for izzy, releasing jai. when he opened his eyes a flame appeared in each hand. he took the red, the weaker, and used it to throw gil off of him and across the room into the wall. jai's eyes were full of hurt and sorrow but his demeanor showed nothing of it. he held the blue flame at the ready in case gil retaliated.

"gil...you know we love each other...you know i am not going to just leave her....you know this baby has a family...the family you wished addie had growing up! do you want the kid to grow up without a dad...is that what you want?! you want me to high tail it out of this kids life?!" he knew it was a low blow but it was all he had to get gil to understand

Gil's blood shot up, his face red from anger, and he stood up from where he had hit the wall and fallen to the ground. "You haven't seen eachother in 10 YEARS! You barely even KNOW eachother anymore!"

His eyes were cold as he looked to Jacob, then walking over to him, he stood dangerously close to him, staring him down. "I sacrificed so much for both my daughters and my wife. I love them with all my heart, and I would never abandon them....Ada and Addie went through HELL before I could get them back, and you think that because you love eachother, that it'll be easy?! it's not! Wake up call. I'm glad you love eachother. I'm ecstatic, that you don't want to abandon her. but can you protect her? Can you protect the child growing inside her that is your flesh and blood? I can not believe this..." He walked back to his and Ada's room, and sat there, the girls trying to cheer him up, not knowing what was going on, but obviously knowing he was upset.

"...I ..I can't do this..." Addie whispered to Jacob, sitting on the couch.

jacob, hearing addie giving up already, and knowing that gil didn't support them, started falling inward a bit. 'jacob....get ahold of yourself...don't show addie that your hurt...don't let gil be right...show them you can take care of them....make him know' izy said softly, urging his brother not to give up.

"addie...you can't do this...you can't give up on yourself...and you can't give up on me" he said and tipped her chin up to look at him in the eyes. "we are going to be okay...." he let her go and stormed past ada and into gil's bedroom. "listen here gil! i'm not a damn kid anymore....and you and ada...how long were you two apart?....you know time doesn't change love. you know...so why....why can't you be happy for her?! why can't you let her know you love her...that's all she needs right now!" ada was behind jacob. she pulled him back and put herself between the two men.

"jaocb....out" she said and her eyes were icy and cruel like when she couldn't remember her past. once he left the room she looked to gil with concern heavy in her eyes. her leg was still bleeding, and so much so she'd left a small light trail of blood from the kitchen to her room

Gil saw that Ada was hurt, and even if she had come here to talk to him, probably to scold him, he pulled her over to the bed silently and walked over to the dresser, where they kept an emergency first aid kit, then kneelng down in front of her, he began to help fix up her wound.

"...They're just..kids Ada.....I know we were younger when we had Addie...but they're not ready..."

ada looked at him kindly as he tended her wound. she would heal it herself later, but for now she was too upset from everything. "gil....its not like they can undo this.....i am not happy about it either...we are too young to be grandparents...but ... think about what your doing. we just got our little girl back....are you going to push her away because she made a mistake...and because she admitted to it?"

bell opened her room door just before nuri knocked. she hid behind it a bit amd smiled slyly at him. "took you long enough" she said and opened the door a bit more so he could enter. she closed the door and he saw she was in lingerie. "so...what brings you out so late?....family troubles?"

Nuri's face was as bright as his hair for a second, but he turned away to not be too embarrassed and seem like a fool in front of her. "...umm you can say that...I..guess...I mean..if you're busy I can come back another time...I just...though." He didn't know what to think, trying to take a peek even if he was shy at the same time.

"They're...just arguing amongst eachother right now....thought I'd give them air..I need air..it's hot in here.." He mumbled to himself.


Gil was silent. He knew she was right, and once he was finished helping fix her up, he sat on the bed beside her. "...I don't want to push her away...I don't want to push either of them away... It's already so hard for us to raise Merri and Arisa with the war....and constant attacks..... We'll be there to help them..I know...there's no doubt I'm standing by them if they need me...or us, this baby is going to be born into a world of fighting..and hatred. Constant attacks.... even Jacob and Addie themselves...they're still to selfish to take care of another life....."

bell could sense nuri was embarassed and she decided to tease him a bit. she walked up behind him and warpped her arms around his neck, pressing herself agianst him and whispering into his ear "your allowed to look you know....i'm not embarassed"
"gil.....we don't know that....jacob and addie have both suffered in their lives...if they hadn't they wouldn't be noahs....but think about it.....jacob stood up...to you....because he didn't want you to upset addie....he is trying....come here" she quietly led him out of the room and down the hall, keeping out of sight from jaocb and addie. they saw the two of them sitting on the couch together. addie was calmed down a bit and jacob kept reassuring her.

"kitten...if they don't want to support us....we don't need them to....we can take care of ourselves..and the baby...and each other..." he brushed a golden lock behind her shoulder. "its going to work out....they don't need to be a part of this....i want them to be...but we don't need them to be....you went so long without them in your life...you know you can live without them...."

"...Well I wouldn't see why you would be.." He said, the come on coming naturally from his mouth. Feeling her against him like that, not to say he minded it, of course not, definitely not, "Ahah....maybe...we've known eachother for too short a while...NOT TO SAY..not to say that...I mind this...no..no no no no of course not...I mean...if you want to continue..that's fine...I just..." He couldn't think what to say.

He'd never been shy around anyone before, so this was a new feeling for him, but he found himself wanting to respect Bell not just gawk at her. Though, if he could respect her and gawk that would fine as well.


Gil gave a sigh of understanding, and pulled Ada along gently over to the younger couple, so as not to hurt her leg more. Squatting down in front of Addie, he looked to Jacob, to move away from her for just a second, and once he did, he took her hands in his, and pulled her in for a hug.

"Addie....you're my little girl...you'll always be my little girl...nothing will ever change that....I've finally got you back...and I can't lose you....my heart would break into a million and one pieces...that's why I'll stand by your decision and I'll be with you...both of you...if you need me..."

He looked over to Jacob, and gave a large sigh, he was disappointed in the two, that much was obvious, but as Ada had said, he couldn't lose them, either of them. They were his children...and this was his grandchild. Taking Jacob's hand and Addie's and putting them together, he gave them the best smile that he could come up with at this moment. Though he wanted to cry for the both of them, he wanted to be there as well. "...If you two can stand together like you are now....it won't be hard for it all to work out...there will be alot of trouble...trust me on this when I say it...but if you two stick together...stand side by side, and remain as strongly linked as you are now...then this baby will have the parents it deserves....don't lose yourselves...and don't lose eachother...your love is meant to be a strong one...like mine for Ada's...keep your love and your hearts strong...and open. This baby'll have a piece of both of you...a piece of each other's soul is in this child.."

He put a hand to Addie's abdomen and held it there softly. " And a child can only be born if two people are willing to share their spirits to make him or her come to life...but to keep them alive and happy...they need a family. Ada and I will be your family...we'll be your backbone. I promise."

He stood up and gave Addie a kiss on the forehead, and Jacob a ruffle of the hair.

jacob didn't even pout as gil messed with his hair. he was just so relieved to have gil's support, and ada's too apparently from the smile she gave gil as she walked over to them. "thank you.....thank you gil..." he was holding addie's hand again "and...sorry...about...ya know" he motioned to the wall where a small imprint of gil's body was outlined.

"...no need to be shy...if i didn't want to...i wouldn't...and if i mind...i wouldn't dress like this....we aren't going too fast for my tastes...but if you want to slow down i won't object...we both need to be ready...so tell me nuri..." she slid a hand gently down his side "are you ready?" she kissed his neck gently


iku and charles had a whole week to reaquaint. iku was tempermental. their week would be up in a few short days...she still needed to plan things with chuck

sir callen walked out into the living room. the kittens, and the girls, were asleep on the floor in ada and gil's room. the two had snuck back in when gil and ada left to talk to jacob and addie. the cat was quiet as it walked over to them. she rubbed against gil's leg and meows lazily and contentedly

Nuri gave a shiver at her kiss and brought her lips up to his own, wrapping his arms around her waist and bringing her body close to his, then moving then down to her hips where he kept them as he continued the kiss. " Don't worry about that..."

He grinned to her and took her hands, pulling them over his shoulders around his neck, as he lifted her and held her up easily, his hands underneath her bottom, giving her another kiss...


Charles looked over to Iku, and watched her pace around angrily. He'd known her since she was a small child, and frankly, he'd never really liked her to begin with. The upper boss' of the Order had ordered him to stay by her for as long as he could, watch her, stay by her, because they would of course, never trust someone who betrayed anyone, even if it was the Noah family itself.

"Iku....can you stay still for just a moment...? If you're planning anything, do it while sitting please...?" he was beginning to get dizzy watching her move around the room, a nervous habit she had that always drove him insane.


Gil twitched at the cat rubbing up against his leg, and he shoo'ed it away, pulling his legs up to where he sat. Looking to Jacob, he shook his head, "We'll talk about you fixing that later....firstly call this thing away from me!!!" He whined.

Addie gave a laugh at her father, and stared down at the cat quietly, watching her father interact with the animal. A small bit of connection grew between her and the animal, though she still wouldn't reach down and touch it,"...She's not so bad..."

jacob had a horrified expression on his face. he put his hand to her forehead. "are you sure your feeling alright?" he asked, obviously worried. he sent sir callen back to the bedroom and the kittens and sleeping girls. ada and addie went to addie's room as well, to talk about things, leaving jacob and gil alone in the living room. "......" jacob felt as though he was about to be reprimanded.


((fast forwards))

laying in bed, under a thin sheet, bell rubbed nuri's side lightly with her fingertips. "your....amazing...you know that don't you?" she asked and leaned in and kissed him again. "that was amazing....." she smiled and closed her eyes, tired out from the nights exploitations

"I'M FINE!" iku shouted, even though it was obvious she wasn't. "maybe i'd listen to you more if i didn't lose respect for you...you've been attached to the new girl at the freaking hip! don't forget your MY partner charles....remember what my 'brother' did to your old partner.....remember why we are doing this!?"

"addie...are you alright...really?" ada asked her daughter. she'd never gotten to be a mother to her before, because there was nothing addie ever needed help with, but this was something ada had gone through, something she could help her through.

As soon as the girls were gone, Gil made his way over to Jacob, and sat in the seat that Addie had been in just a moment before. "He gave him a smile, a creepy smile, and put his arm around Jacob's shoulder...tightly. "...So...you got my little girl pregnant....you're going to be a father...a father...a ....FA-th-ER." He repeated to make sure he made the impression he was trying to get at.

"What's it feel like...? You're pretty lucky you know...? My little girl...choosing you...letting you...be the father of her unborn child. You know...we have a loooonnnngg line of unworthy men fathering children to women who are...needless to say...worthy of being queens. She chose you out of a hundred...no THOUSAND other men....tho didn't have sex addictions....it must feel great huh?" He asked him, a smile on his face, yet still staring the younger man down. "She must reeeaalllyy love you."

The creepy smile, still on his face, he tightened the hand he had on Jacob's shoulder as hard as he could, which by a normal human's standards, was pretty damn tight. "I wonder what my sweet grandchild will look like...?" He said changing the subject quickly.


Charles slammed a heavy fist onto a table. "...Remember...we AREN'T partners...that was Michiyo's place...and you're not taking it from her." he looked away from Iku, knowing she was right about what they needed to do. " And so what if I feel closer to the new exorcist..? It pisses you off? Guess what? You're a bit too much of a b***h for my tastes." He said lowly.

Standing up, he stretched himself out, and walked into the bathroom, the only place he could get some time alone, and sat on the edge of the bathtub, listening to Iku's yells of anger after him.


Nuri buried his face in Bell's neck, giving her small kisses over and over again. Taking her hand in his, he gave a laugh and shook around a bit, "It takes two to tangle after all~"

They stayed together for the rest of the night of course, in their own little world, not caring if they were needed in their own respective factions, because to them, they didn't exist at the moment.


Addie sat on the bed quietly, her mother beside her and she looked to her. She really wanted to say, ' I don't know if I can do this...I'm scared I can't be a good mother. I'm scared that it'll get hurt some day because of what we're doing. I'm deathly afraid, that I'm forcing Jacob into something he's not ready for......I'm scared I don't want my own baby....I don't want any of this..I want everything to go back to normal.' That's what...she wanted to say.

Then again, she thought about her father, and how he must still feel, and how her mother, who was so kind and gentle to her, must feel. The disappointment, the sadness, the small lack of acceptance of the situation, and her heart quivered sadly. She'd cried enough for today, and she wouldn't cry and say these things in front of her mother. Addie wanted to prove that she could be strong too, just as Jacob was doing. Crying, and telling her all these things, would let her know that the two of them weren't ready for this, and if Jacob was determined to make it work, then so would she.

"...I-I'm fine Mom...just nervous....I'm going to be a mother after all..." She gave a small bashful smile to the other woman, hoping she wouldn't be able to read her mind...

(((((*hint she should be able to read her mind anyway*)))))

jacob quivered after gil's cold creepy stare. he cringed with the grip that tightened around his shoulder. he listened carefully to what gil said and he took the words into his own context, refusing to let gil break him so easily. "your right...she chose me....and i AM a lucky sex addicted fool...and she loves me despite that...probably because she knows that i love her more than i have ever loved anyone in my entire life gil....despite the fact ten years of it were taken from me....do you know what kept me hanging on?....it as the thought of your daughter waiting for me " he listened as gil thought about the baby. "the baby will be beautiful......no matter who or what it looks like....its a part of who we are....and we will be a part of who it is..." jaocb's usually standoff-ish behavior was suddenly softened at the thought of the child. he looked thoughtful as he tried to invision the child.


ada smiled back at her daughter and pleasantly asked "did you know your a horrible liar?...something you got from your father....and if i can tell when he is lying i can tell when you are as well....now then....why don't you tell me what's really on your mind?....i know its hard to believe but i wasn't quite so ready to have a baby when gil and i made you....so i know what your going through..."

((time jumping/skipping))

bell and nuri slept the night away. it was just before sunrise when she woke up. her cell phone was ringing off the wall. she had 7 missed calls and 12 txt messages, all from the order HQ. her stomach dropped through her and she froze in terror as she looked to nuri who had also stirred. her hand was shaking as another call came in and she looked faint as she turned to nuri, unsure of what to do

((hint .... she should answer the phone hahah))


iku had screamed and yelled all night until she fell asleep on the couch in the common room at the order.

Nuri watched her, and waved his hands around as a signal for her to pick up the phone.

(((((*hint: he can't really do much of anything else atm hahaha* )))))


Gil stopped his harassment of the younger male for a moment, to think about the baby as well. "....It'll be smart and kind like Addie, but stubborn and strong like you." He said with a smile, punching the kid on the arm, angrily but slightly playfully at the same time. "This is what I've decided and as the alpha male, what I say goes....I'll be sure to tell Addie so that she can...encode the baby with this knowledge as well."

"There's alot of things to think about now....Ada and I never got a chance to name Addie, she was taken from us....but you have that chance....not to mention..." the cold stare came back, though it wasn't as cold just more of a 'do what I tell you' look. "...I think you should make an honest woman out of her.....you have to protect your child, and Addie as well. You have to step it up, and grow up now."


Addie looked away, embarrassed, fiddling with her fingers. She told Ada all that she was thinking, all that she was feeling, all of her fears and doubts. She promised she wouldn't cry, and by the time she was done talking, she was glad she'd kept her promise, but could feel it about to break. She reached over and gave her mother a hug, clinging to her tightly for support.

ada listened and she just let addie cling to her. she comforted her a bit, patting her back gently. "i'm not going to lie to you addie...this is going to be hard. being a parent...changes you. you worry and fear for your child before you even consider that your hurt" she looked to the bandage on her leg, but didn't let addie see "but it also pays off in the end.....this won't be a walk in the park, but it certainly won't be a battle with the exorcists either....you have someone to share your troubles with...and you should use that....because i bet he has his own worries and fears that he's bottling up too....and maybe your right...maybe he feels like he has no other choice....but you should ask him...you should tell him everything you told me..and the things you won't tell me...you need to count on one another...he might tell you things too...things he is scared of...." she said and ran her fingers lightly through addie's blond hair.

"h-hello?" bell answered the phone, her whole body shaking, causing her voice to crack midsentence. "....." she listened tot he other end of the phone "my god charles!" she shouted, relief flooding over her. "she's a ******** teen-....DO NOT YELL AT ME!......i don't care she is-...." she grew angrier and angrier the more she listened to charles complaining about iku from the bathroom he was locked in. ".....are you quite finished?.....good. i am on vacation you arrogant mindless a*****e....i don't want to hear from any of you again unless there is an emergency...and to hell with it.,...not even if there is one!" she hung the phone up on him before he could respond.

"hahahahahaha" jaocb burst out into a small fit of laughter. he shook his head and stood up for a moment. "wait here a sec..." he walked to his bedroom and opened his closet door. next to the flute case addie had given him was a small shoe box. he took it down and carried it out to gil, then handed him the box.

"what is this jacob?" he asked, annoyance in his voice as he thought the boy was blowing off his 'suggestion'.

"open it..." jaocb said, a small smile on his face.

gil opened the box, inside it was a smaller box. it was silver and enlaid with a beautiful engraved pattern. it was something jacob had salvaged from the tree house. at some point while he was gardening he took a break and found the old house. he took the box, something gil had gotten for addie but never had the chance to give it to her. gil opened the box and inside it was a simple silver band with one diamond set within it. on either side of the diamond where images of a cross, addie's cross. jacob had gone to a jeweler weeks ago, after the night they'd spent together, before he was locked in his room, and had the ring made.

on the inside of the ring was a simple little engraving "all that i am i am for you"

jacob kept smiling a bit as he watched gil's reaction

Gil stared at the ring for a long while, and couldn't help but smile brightly, feeling a bit better about the situation, putting the ring down and pulling Jacob in for a tight hug, patting him on the back. He held him for a long while, and bounced a bit, giddily. "You were already going to ask her? you..you.."

He laughed and shook his head, "Jacob, I have to say...you are an amazing young man..honestly. This is more like it!" Patting Jacob on the shoulder, he gave him an approving smile. "....I'm looking forward to these two new additions to Ada's and my family..." Gil spoke, giving him his blessing.


Addie let go and of her mother and sat back, laying on the bed, tired out, and nodding to her understandingly. "...I know....If there's one thing I'm looking forward to...it's having him stand beside me....I just don't want to hold him back....I tried talking to him but....the Earl came by..and honestly...there's no privacy in this house...I'm starting to wonder how he and I even got the chance to make a baby..." She mumbled jokingly.

It felt nice to open up to her mother, and though she hadn't ever done it really before, she knew Ada was someone she could earnestly turn to, and it comforted her alot more than anything. "..Thanks Mom....How did Dad take the news...how'd you both handle it when you found out about me...?" She asked, wondering about their own story.


Charles gave a curse, as Bell hung up on him, and he snuck out of the bathroom, Iku still asleep, and into the outside wold, hoping he wouldn't see her for quite a while...


Nuri walked over to bell, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back down beside him on the bed. "What was all that about...?"

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