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"oh where the road of life may take us, and we shall stand together side by side, a family united, not by blood, but by the moon"
jacob beamed at addie wanting to marry soon. he just wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled at nuri. "yes jacka-" gil quickly covered jacob's mouth. "the girls!" he whispered angrily "oh...right...sorry.." jacob said, still smiling, not letting gil's scolding bother him for the moment.

"so nuri...tell us bout the chick..." jaocb said, not sounding too interested. "you bring home some girl who knows addie...well dilia...which means she's an exorcist....what's going on?...are you on some secret mission i don't know about?" he asked with a mock pout at the end as he pretended to feel left out. "oh...and we're not just getting married....addie's...pregnant" jacob said and kissed addie on the cheek. since nuri hadn't been home for the news, just the follow up fight, he felt inclined to tell him.

as they awaited nuri's response bell started coming around. she sat up slowly. the door bell rang and the earl, feeling that no one had noticed his entrance, answered and took the flowers from the delivery service. "ho ho ho!" he said as he reentered the room with the bundle. he'd been keeping to his human form as of late and lero followed close behind him, appreciating the lesser weight to carry around.

"what's that fat man?" jacob asked trying to get a better look. "flowers jacob-pet...i thought you'd gotten smarter...guess not" the earl teased back at the boy. he handed the flowers to gil and ada, assuming they'd gotten them. bell was sitting now, nervous being surrounded by so many noahs, but she saw the flowers and looked at addie. 'those are from charles' she recognized, her little secret coming into assistance. "i think they are for dilia..." she said, accidentally out loud. everyone looked to her with suspicion except nuri and addie, the only ones who knew her (sort of).

"well well...the exorcist can speak~" the earl said, walking closer to get a better look at the girl. he knelt down a bit so he was eye level with her and nuri. "now then...what should we do with you..." he wondered aloud, trying to decide if he should let her live to appease nuri or to kill her to teach nuri a lesson. "hmmmm....cake!...we will decide after cake icon_heart.gif " he said and walked to the kitchen, expecting everyone to follow. Arisa and merri were so distracted by the prospect of a dessert before dinner that they forgot about all of their other questions.

nuri led bell to the kitchen, knowing cake wasn't an option...the earl was demanding it of them all. they were soon followed by ada and gil, leaving jacob and addie in the living room, addie holding all the flowers. jacob picked up the card. "wonder who they're from..." he wondered aloud but when he went to open the card addie took it quickly from his hand. "alright alright...privacy.....but seriously?....Celandines?...." he asked and laughed a bit, walking into the kitchen. he stopped in the doorway and turned to look at addie, smiling he said "and don't go running off on me now okay?...we're in this together....so no running like yesterday....i love you too much to lose you...." he grinned at her a then turned to walk in the kitchen joining the family and bell. cassius had also joined everyone in the kitchen.

Addie read the card to herself, and quickly stiffened up at what it read. "...Come alone..."

The card still in hand, she looked up to her family. The doorway to the kitchen was the kind that didn't actually have a door, just the entrance. She could spot everyone walking back and forth in the kitchen, getting cake, and having fun. The little girls ran around and round the counter, while Ada fed Gil some pastry, rubbing it off on his nose. Bell and Nuri sat next to eachother in a corner, talking and laughing happily, and the Earl and Lero sat with Casius, who had become almost a second lero the the large old man.

And then she saw Jacob. He wanted her to not leave like she did yesterday. They were going to be married, so she knew she had to be as honest as possible with him from now on, but she figured she'd tell him afterward. She didn't want to ruin the fun.

Making her way to the kitchen herself, Addie took a seat beside Jacob and the girls, who finally sat down to eat some cake. They played around for a long time, Addie and Jacob putting frosting on the girls' noses. Addie took a bit of cake and even fed Jacob some just for fun, and Gil twitched, yelling at the two of them to be more private. They were too happy at the moment to hear him, however.

They had their fun, and as the girls fell asleep on the floor for a mid-afternoon nap, the sugar rush finally ending, Addie and Jacob stayed behind.

She waved the note around, and while still sitting at the table, she explained to Jacob what the note was about. "....I know you don't want me to go out by myself, but he wants me alone...." She said quietly as she leaned over and played with his hair, twirling it in her fingers.

The rest of the family, though they couldn't hear what they were talking about, watched them closely, in awe that he let her touch his hair, and that the two were actually going to get married.

jacob looked uneasy as he waited and listened to addie. he tapped his fingers nervously against the table. "kitten...i don't like this at all....what if you go alone....but not?...what if we send someone from the shadows?....like nuri or your dad.....i know its not a good idea for me to be there...but you need to have someone....please consider it at least?...." he asked, worry on his face

"He'll be prepared for something like that....but alright...." She looked at him a bit uneasily. "....I CAN take care of myself you know....but I wanted to let you know...and if you really want someone....I guess I can get Nuri....letting Dad know about something like this....he'll get upset."

Taking a bite of cake, without frosting, she had to scrape it all off the taste being too sweet for her palette at the moment, she frowned in thought. "..I'll talk to him..don't worry."

Pulling Nuri away from Bell for a moment, she told him the situation as well, and he agreed to help, soon the three were off, seeing as there was no way they could leave Bell behind in a room with the Earl anyhow. The rest of the family would be cautious around her, but the Earl would downright try to kill her immediately if she were left alone.

They soon made it to the park, Nuri, hiding in the bushes, and Addie face to face with Charles the exorcist. They talked, so that not even Nuri could hear what was going on, though he could tell by the expressions that it was a rough talk....

"...You're bluffing." Addie frowned, she seemed to be doing it alot lately.

"No no...of course not, in this war, there's no room for bluffing....those flowers, the longer they're in your home...the more damage they're doing to your family..without them knowing...."

That was all Nuri heard, and he got up quickly, to go home and try to get the flowers out of the home, he didn't know what the deal was with them, but as long as they were doing harm, they couldn't be in the home. However, as soon as he got up, Charles saw him, and a group of exorcists jumped out, and grabbed hold of him, knocking him out and leaving him behind in the bushes. By the time he'd be found, the damage would be done anyhow, so it didn't matter to them. They then surrounded Addie, so that she couldn't fight, holding her down.

Charles gave a grin to the girl standing in front of him, "...Just go with me...and I promise the flowers' full poison won't be sent out...you didn't think those were just regular flowers did you?"

Addie glared at the ground, not knowing what to do, she considered it for a moment, and seeing Nuri had been knocked out, and she couldn't beat all these exorcists alone, she had to agree...and she did.

Handing her a phone, he told her to call her family, and tell them she wouldn't be coming home any time soon...

bell and nuri separated as he and addie headed for the park. she followed a different route to the park and from another angle simply watched the fight. she was too far away to hear anything but she saw nuri get up quickly and turn around, only to be jumped by the exorcists. it took everything she had not to jump out of her hiding place right then and there, but charles still didn't know she'd been in contact with the noahs and right now she was their best bet at getting out of this mess.

as they group left she moved through the shadows and bushes. she moved as fast as she could back to her hotel room. she grabbed her things and returned to the order quickly. she went to her room and picked up her innocence, a pen and slate. she locked her room door and began. "innocence activate" she said quietly and began writing.

at the new home her text appeared on the walls and floor so that the family could see. "this is bell, nuri and addie were taken by charles. something is wrong. i don't have much time, but please trust me. i am a 'neutral' party in this war...i am a bookman....please stay calm and try not to act too rashly...i'll work on finding them and i'll let you know when i do. goodbye"

Charles made it back to the order just as Bell had, he noticed that Bell had run past them. Addie walking beside him, he smiled at her, as she only looked down onto the floor, trying to not to cry, remembering what Charles had made her do a couple minutes back....

"......Jacob..? I-I can't...marry you for the time being...I have to go...and I can't come back..I'm really sorry...we rushed into things...I..I realized that I can't love you...we barely know eachother...I'm sorry I put your hopes up the way I did...I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me..."

Or course, Charles had made her say all the things she had, and she didn't know that Bell had already contacted the family, they'd be smart enough to figure out that she was forced to say that hopefully, but Charles banked on having Jacob come to find her in the order, and they would then settle the fight that Charles had been waving in ever since Michiru died. The wild card in this game was Bell.

"...Game set." Charles said, a grin on his face as he pulled 'Dilia' back into her room, and locked her out. The order was known for not having any windows in the bed room, and having locks on the outside of doors, in case there was an exorcist who wanted to escape. It was perfect to keep her locked away until the right persons came to rescue the "princess".

after recomposing herself bell found charles. "charles...what is going on...dilia's room has guards....did she do something wrong?...is her family alright?" she asked, knowing her concern seemed natural since addie's cover had been she was going home to visit family. she figured charles had to tell her now. "i'll get iku...we will go find out what we can if you want" playing her secon card. she knew charles HATED iku.

jacob didn't know what was going on. first he recieved the message from bell, then addie had called. 'this is....' he tried to stay calm, which surprised gil, who thought he'd be freaking out by now.

'maybe he can handle being a father afterall' he thought as he worried over his daughters safety and he debated whether or not they could trust bell. "this is bad...we need-" he broke into a coughing spell and grabbed his chest. gil was sitting near the flowers. they didn't know about them since bell couldn't hear that memo. ada had gone out to the park to find nuri since he'd been left behind by the exorcists. merri and arisa looked up at gil with evident terror.

"PAPA!" they pulled on his sleeves with worry. "girls....go outside...hurry" jaocb said and he helped gil up. he knew something was wrong. the earl and cassius helped, cas carried merri and held arisa's hand while the earl assisted jacob with gil. "jaocb-pet...something is wrong...." the earl said, not smiling.

"charles wants me to go to the order doesn't he master earl?" jacob asked, clearly taking this seriously since he didn't poke fun at the earl and actually called him by his respectful title. "i'm afraid so.....so what do we do now...." he asked, more aloud to himself than to jacob. they moved a bit from the house and they saw ada down the road, carrying nuri slung over one shoulder with a determined expression. she passed the note she'd found on him to jacob. "here..."

jacob read the letter, crumpled it in his fist, and set gil down against a tree, next to where ada set nuri and she tended to them both. jacob took a few steps away, pacing back and forth. arisa walked over to him and stood in his way, forcing him to stop. "uncle jack-rabbit..." she said sternly. "i know i'm just a stupid kid...but...let me help"

"a-arisa...thats sweet of you but-"
"its not sweet....i'm not stupid i know something is wrong....i want to help...."
"arisa-" ada said looking at her daughter with confusion and worry. "..arisa you want to-"
"look..." she turned to jacob again and she closed her eyes. merri faded away and arisa took on a mizture of her form and her sisters, keeping her blue eyes, but her hair getting lighter and lighter. "merri...my sister...is just a part of me....uncle jack-rabbit i can help...i promise....i can get them to let me in...afterall...mommy isn't really my real mommy..."

jacob looked at ada who seemed hurt by the statement but nodded once to jacob to confirm what the girl said. arisa closed her eyes and she split into herself and merri again. merri seemed oblivious to anything that had changed.

"jacob let her do it...." ada said sternly but with a motherly worry in her eyes. "she is the only one who can get close without being an alarm.

arisa ran to her mother and hugged her aboutt he neck, burying her face so they didn't see her cry.

"NO don't..." Charles said, stopping Bell from finding the 'devil child'. "Dilia had a problem with her family...and they're very dangerous...we're just keeping her from them for the time being."

He didn't want to mention to much. Charles wanted to keep the plan mostly to himself. Not even the chief of science knew why exactly the guards were on call in front of another exorcist's room, but Charles had a way with talking others into things, considering he'd been at the order for almost 15 years. "You can help though. There's a big chance there's going to be an attack on the order today...you should keep watch. I don't want anyone interfering with the plans..if there are any other exorcists, finders, or science department members....get them out of here. I'll keep an eye on Dilia."

Charles' innocence had recently evolved, his eyes allowing him to cast illusions now, and as he created many multiples of himself, they ran off, and he walked into the room to make sure that the Noah he was keeping in there, would be injured enough to spur a fight from the man he really wanted to kill.....

Outside, not just outside, but across the park that lay in front of the order's head quarters, the Noahs had gathered, planning on what they should do.

Gil sat on a bench, quietly trying to grasp air, while Nuri was layed on the grass just behind him. "...Arisa...you're brave..and strong..but we won't put you directly into danger alright honey...?", Stroking the little girl's cheek softly, he then gave her a hug.

The plan had been discussed: Arisa would distract the exorcists into opening their doors, she was the daughter of an exorcists after all, that part would be easy, then as the doors opened, and as many people as possible had come to find out what was going on, Jacob would be snuck in through the roof. and he would do what he needed to. Simple and clean, though they all knew a huge fight was ahead of them, hopefully that much would work.

jacob nodded to gil and made his move, dodging the sight of any passers-by. once inside he stayed to the shadows for a while, seeing as the exorcists continued to exit the building, slowly but surely. he stayed still a long while, unable to do much else, then finally he began his search, quietly and quickly.

bell acted in mock surprise at what charles had said. "charles...i know about michiru but this isn't the way to handle this...if you have emotional baggage you shouldn't be working this case and you know that...this is just going to get more people hurt than its worth...you shouldn't have led them to the order. this is the stupidest thing i have ever heard...i'm going to tell the head of the department about this...and i'm taking dilia with me" she said, glaring at charles as she helped dilia up. "you've gone mad...accusing an innocent exorcist of being a noah..." she looked at addie "i'm sorry dilia...let's get you out of here..." she said and tried to leave the room with the girl.

'don't try to stop me charles....plesae...' she thought as she took a step toward the door.

arisa was shaking wildly in the office of the chief of the science department. she was surrounded by four finders and a tall man with salt and pepper gray hair sat on the other side of a big oak desk. he looked pale and confused.

"h-how...did....where did you-...." he was at a loss for words as he beheld his daughter who had been missing for nearly ten years now. "...are you sure this little girl is her?" he asked the finder who had carried her in. "sir she looks just like the picture....her eyes are blue but you said she has innocence...it could have changed them from the green eyes she used to have..." he offered. "she found her way here...she hasn't said a word though" he offered again.

ada helped gil up and looked over at the crowd of exorcists that was thinning. cassius had gone over to the group, watching them from the inside. since he was human they had no reason to suspect him of anything wrong, and since he wasn't a noah the machine wouldn't affect him like it did the rest of the family. jacob was feeling the effects of the innocence machine however. his pace slowed dramatically as he waited for the time addie said it would shut off would finally approach.

"gil....nuri won't wake up..." she said, worried more about her girls than she was about nuri, but trying to hold herself together for his sake.

Gil looked to Ada, and then down to Nuri, taking a small chance to kneel down and try to wake his brother, but he was still knocked out cold. "..There's nothing we can do right now my Love....He'll wake up soon..."

The Earl, who was still tagging along with the rest of them, in his human form mind you, so he wouldn't get caught, summoned akuma after akuma, to help patrol the streets and give everyone that was part of the order, and outside a little something to do.

Merri, who was still with her parents, clung to Ada closely, and wondered where he sister was, and seemed to feed off Arisa's current feelings, shaking with fear as well. "...Un-Uncle Nuri's going to be okay right..? And..and Uncle Jackers..and Addie...and ..Arisa too right...?" She asked, tears in her eyes.

Charles stood up, and took Addie by the arm. She was too weakened to fight, so she was being pulled around like a rag doll at the moment. Shaking his head, he held onto the girl tightly. " I'm not insane Bell.....in fact...I'm far from it."

He spoke, his voice sounding calm, but his eyes looking more and more insane by the second. "Don't stop me...this is my destiny...I'll kill all of the Noah clan...then the Earl...then I'll continue what I wasn't able to do back in Allen Walker's era..."

Still holding onto Addie closely with one arm, he picked Bell up with the other, and threw her to the side, letting her hit a wall. He was tired of waiting by then, and dragged his hostage along with him, she weakly walking behind him. Walking by a large mirror that hung off the old and musty walls of the order, Addie's Noah reflection showed itself, just as it had plenty of times...as did the 14th's shadow that had been seen by Allen Walker back in his day when he was becoming possessed by the same being....


bell hit the wall with a hard thud. she fell back and weakly watched as charles dragged addie away. she had no idea what he meant by allen walkers era. its true he was famous for what had happened then, but he failed still.....no one from that era could possibly be alive now...it was over 100 years ago. cursing her body for not moving. bell sat weakly and waited for function to return to her. 'nuri.....'

jacob walked about the order and rounded a corner just in time to see charles drag addie around another at the far end of the hallway. he hadn't been spotted by the crazed and possessed exorcist, but he had spotted the reflection in the mirror. he started to follow after but he saw bell in the bedroom. 'i may need help later...i'd prefer to make sure i have it...' he thought and ran quickly to help the exorcist. "i trusted you...your turn..." he said as he offered his hand which she weakly took.

"there's something wrong...that isn't charles anymore...i never really liked him but i know he is being driven by more than just the moral appeal of being an exorcist....this has to do with what you did when you were a kid....its got something to do with his old partner." she said as they slowly and quietly walked down the empty hallway, after dilia and charles. "and the little girl...the one who had played with my hair...she is in the science department head of operations director's office....i don't know why" she said as they turned around the corner.

"Bell i need you to trust me...but i am going to have to hurt you" jacob said sternly as he planned things out in his mind. "i am going to use you as a counter hostage..." he said not realizing the severity of what the 14th would do to destroy the noah clan. "...okay.....but i am going to fight back...and jaocb....if you don't save your family nuri will never forgive you...so don't go easy on me because i am helping you..." she said back, just as stern.

meanwhile outside gil tried to calm ada and merri. finally nuri started coming around and everyone was so relieved that they stopped caring about everything else, using nuri as a necessary distraction. ada tended to him, gil questioned him, and merri clung to him, trying her hardest not to cry.

((can you be walker?))

((Sure thing..? I don't really know what to do though.))

Nuri hugged little Merri tight, while Ada fussed over him and he was questioned. "...The flowers in the house..they're full of some sort of..poison. He forced Addie to go with him or else he would make the flowers release all the toxins in them..." He explained to Gil.

"..Where's Ball...?" He asked, looking around. He didn't know where she had gone after he had been knocked out, and he was extremely worried now. "That exorcists didn't hurt her did he!?"

As he pulled Merri, with a lot of trouble, away from him, he handed her to Ada. She was small enough, when compared to other kids her age, to hold and carry.

"M-My daughter..." Walker said. Standing up from behind his desk, he walked over to Arisa, and knelt down in front of her, giving her a hug. He noticed she was stiff, shaking still, and quiet, just as the finder that had found her ((see what I did thar?)) had mentioned. "...You don't remember me...it's been so long..so very long.." He took a step back, reaching his hand out, and petting her head softly.

"...but Welcome home.." He said with a smile.

Charles, and the 14th that had been possessing him for God knows how long, continued dragging Addie around, yelling out to through the halls, "Where ARE YOU~? I know you want her BACK. COME AND GET HER"

Stopping at the door in front of the machine, he looked over to the already weakened woman in his grasp. He laughed, her lack of strength keeping her from even being able to lookup, let alone stand up, and she fell to the floor, her legs too weak at the moment. Leaving her on the ground, he opened the large and heavy metal door that was the opening to the room, and after once again picking up Addie, he pushed her into the large space, grinning at her strong screaming from the pain of being so close to it, then he closed the door, and waited once again.

jaocb heard addie scream and he ran quickly, dragging bell behind him. when he rounded the corner he tightened his grasp on her and swung her around, using her body as a shield, preventing charles from attacking. "CHARLES!" she screamed to him as her arm was twisted behind her back and pain shot down her limb. "CHARLES! I'M SORRY HE CAUGHT ME IN THE ROOM! AHH!" she winced as he gripped her tighter. "shut up" he said darkly, his hate towards charles being directed at bell for the moment.

jacob could hear addie screaming in agony and it all but tore him apart. "let...her....out" he said and his eyes showed his pure hate for the exorcist across the way. "your issue is with me charles....not addie...now let...her...go" his eyes shined over blue and then back to yellow as his form changed to the of jaizaiah. he formed a fire ball and shifted it into a knife like shape then pressed it against bell's neck, the fire burning her slightly.

arisa pushed walker away. "n-no!...your not him! your not my daddy!" she said, her eyes filling with another set of tears that would fall soon. she was scared and confused but she couldn't run away just yet...she needed to help jacob and addie. she looked at walker, then behind him, at the computer system he had. there were records of stocks, employees, missions, and also a wall of video cameras. 'uncle jack rabbit...' she thought as she noticed she couldn't see him anywhere.

"where is uncle jack rabbit?!" she demanded of the man who said he was her father, knowing he wouldn't have a clue who she was talking about since the noah clan were referred to as just that, the clan.

"m-momma....sissy is still scared.....she might need me to go help her soon..." she said as she trembled in her father's arms now since she'd been taken from nuri, who was trying to stand up slowly, aided by ada. she made gil put her down, took his hand, and lead him over to ada and nuri. she hugged both of her parents tightly. "bye mommy...bye daddy.....i love you" she said quietly and then she faded away, while back inside arisa absorbed her other self and her eyes stayed blue but her hair got lighter. she was so scared she was subconsciously using her innocence.

bell was struggling against jacob, trying to keep the fire from her skin. "LET ME GO! CHARLES HELP ME!" she begged as she fought wildly to get out of jacob's grasp

Charles gave a loud laugh at the opponent standing in front of him, and he opened the door, revealing Addie on the ground, writhing in pain, and screaming, not able to look up. She had wounds all over her body from the fight she had with Charles in the bedroom. "...Addie has plenty to do with this...if I remember correctly, you had alot to do with Michiru's death....I think an eye for an eye would be fair to say the least...I'm already blind anyhow.."

He laughed at his own joke, and ignored Bell's screams, walking over to Addie, and pulling her up, holding her close to himself, she too weak to fight back. "....J-Jack..."

"Your kid....she told me about it....she covered herself up very well, fighting...asking me to not hurt her unborn child...it was sweet...and I figured, it would be nice for you to watch the two of them die at once...then the rest of your family....then the Earl."

Giving Jaizaiah a wide grin, he held her up," But of course, I want to make sure you're lying on the floor on the verge of death first."

Holding onto Addie, Charles' skin turned gray, just as all the Noahs skin did, and the stigmata appeared on his fore head, a sign of clansman-ship. "I stole this body from Charles, so that I could get revenge for him..in return, he would let me live as him...and let me become the Earl. Fun story right~?" He laughed, running forward, Addie in this left arm, and a weapon formed from his innocence drunk tears in his right arm, aiming at Jacob.

Meanwhile, Walker was confused as to his daughter's way of acting. "..W-What rae you talking bout..? Who's this uncle...?"

He was shocked to watch her form change in front of her eyes, and he saw her staring at the video cameras, and he figured out someone had entered the Order that shouldn't be there. "QUICK! There must be intruders! HURRY FIND THEM!"

The guards reacted quickly, and left to search for whomever it was that had snuck inside.

jacob threw bell away to the side so he could dodge the on coming attacks better. the machine was hurting him but addie's pain was killing him. he dodged everything, waiting, thinking, like izzy would, for a moment of attack. he observed silently what charles did, then he decided to make his move. he formed a fire blast at an exact moment. it was blue and bright and it burned hot. he shot it directly at charles who dodged it easily, but jaocb smirked, because charles wasn't his intended target. the machine started sparking wildly as it went up in flames.

"....he's not charles..." bell thought fromt he ground as she watched the fight, helplessly. "...." she too was thinking of something to do, some way to help. she pulled out her innocence and stood up. she cut her finger on the paper and used the blood as her ink. "innocence activate" she said and the blood began to glow a soft white color on the slate. she wrote the word 'entrap' and a barrier surrounded the room they four of them were in, meaning there was no escape fromt his battle until she erased what she'd written. then she wrote 'sword' and a sword apeared int he air before her. she took hold of it, the weapon being made of innocence now, and she put her slate back in her bag she kept it in and set the bag down. no one else could use ehr innocence so she didn't need to worry about charles trying to erase what she wrote, he already knew he couldn't. she took the sword and held it up towards jacob.

"stop....stop now or i'll cut you...this blade is poison to a noah...you should know that before you act..." she said, hoping jai would catch on to what she was saying. "give it up....you can't win noah...people die...its something you have to face in life...accept that she is gone already...as are you will be gone soon too...." she moved closer to charles, showing her support of him by placing herself between him and jacob. once she was close enough she turned quickly and held the blade only half an inch from charles's throat. "since you are a noah charles...you know what will happen...afterall...." she glared at him, her worry about nuri spilling over into hate now "you were the one who claimed to be fighting for someone else....its fitting you should die for hurting someone i care about" she cut quickly at his shoulder on the arm that was holding addie, or dilia as the soon approaching exorcists and finders would see her as.

Jacob seized the opportunity and charged at the two exorcists, jumping over bell, who ducked at the same moment, and forming a fireball in each hand (one red and one blue) he combined them together int he last instant before hitting charles, causing the fire to burn a brilliant purple and black color (oh snap jack made dark matter energy) and throwing charles agianst the barrier. jai was crazed now. he was losing complete control of himself and izzy. his skin turned a dark grey, then faded even more. a red and blue mark appeared on his arm and shoulder and dark matter fire seemed to almost engulf his whole body. his hair grew longer and his eyes lost all sense of reason (is trying to recall the picture of crazy jack rabbit).

jacob had become one with his noah self and he was losing his ability to stay in his own mind.

meanwhile arisa was left alone now with walker. "n-no! you can't! make them come back!!! they are gonna hurt him! STOP THEM!" she was on the verge of hysterics now

Walker looked to Arisa, bending down to her level. "...Tell me, what exactly is going on...?"

Suddenly there was a large explosion somewhere off in the order's walls. Charles, who had hit the barrier hard, though had dropped Addie from the slash at his arm, hit the wall with full force. Getting up weakly, he held his arm, and watched as Jaizaiah started to lose control. His own skin still grey, and still being able to use innocence, since he was still in the body of an exorcist, he summoned another of his innocence weapons, and created multiples of himself, dashing inside the crowd, attacking from different places.

Ignoring Bell's attacks completely, since she had nothing to do with the intentions he had on killing the Noahs, he continued his onslaught on Jaizaiah, throwing him towards the girl that was helping Jack fight against him. Now that the machine was gone, since it would have been hurting himself as well, and it was blowing out smoke, he was far faster than before, his attacks far stronger.

Casting another illusion, making himself look like the Earl, he used whatever speed and agility, including the power that the Earl had to use that gigantic sword, a remnant left over from back when the 14th controlled Allen Walker, he swung it at Jacob, ignoring any transformations he was going through at the moment, to get the job done.

In all the fighting, he hadn't noticed that Addie herself was able to move a bit easily now that the machine was gone, and she herself used shadows to try to tie the ex-exorcist down so that any attacks on him would hit.

bell ran to addie's side and assisted in keeping her awake and focused as the fight ensued. She also tried to help by making barriers using her own innocence.

jai on the other hand had lost it completely. he took the hits from the noah/exorcist like they were nothing but bee stings. he moved fast and strong, hitting charles when he could and taking direct hits if he could get a hit on his opponent. he didn't even seem to notice the severity of his own wounds as he fought. he grabbed hold of charles, letting his blade cut into him, and he swung the noah/exorcist around and smashed him into the barrier bell had made, a sick smile on his face as blood dripped down the side of the innocence wall. he threw charles and pulled the blade out slowly, cutting his hands on the sharp edges. he dropped the sword on the ground.

bell erased her own sword so chales wouldn't be able to use it agianst jacob.

the finders reached the barrier and saw the two exorcist girls and then the two noahs. they signalled an emergency as they realized charles had become a noah. iku rushed to the room as quickly as she could. when she saw the fight she began pounding on the walls trying to get into the room.
((your turn to be iku??))

arisa looked up at walker and she took a step back. "y-your a bad guy...if you try to hurt my family....i will stop you..." she took another step back, then another. she turned to try and run away but the giant doors were too heavy for her to open.

((He can't possibly be taking it as if they were bee stings, bee stings hurt like FAWK....lol ))

Iku smashed and knocked on the barrier as hard as she could. "CHARLES YOU DAMNED b*****d!" Taking out the gun that had been passed down in her family ((I remember what her innocence is! YAY ME!)) she shot at the walls but no luck, only small openings were made that healed themselves up just as quickly. She decided that that would be enough, and shooting while she moved, she made it inside, just before it closed completely on her. "CHARLES STOP IT NOW!" She yelled, aiming the gun at him.

She shot at Charles, no warning given, and the bullets pinned him to the wall, as Jaiziah continued to attack, Charles not able to get out. "LET ME GO! LET ME GO!!"

He knew he was outmatched however, and using the same shadows that were holding him back, he merged in them to escape somehow, that being an extension somehow of the 14th's power that had grown through out the decades.

Addie could see that Jaiziah was still going insane, and she called out to him. "JACOB!! JACOB PLEASE WAKE UP! SNAP OUT OF IT! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!"

She looked to Bell, who helped her stand up, and she used her powers to help drag Jai down and hold him, while she was helped over to to where he was. He was unstable, and he would get out at any moment, hurting her and Bell, even Iku. "Jacob! Calm down! He's gone!"

jacob still wouldn't revert back, he had lost it. he struggled wildly against the shadow bonds addie had made, unseeing the difference of friend and foe. iku turned and aimed her gun at jacob. "dilia bell! get away from him!" she said and fired off a shot at jacob, hitting him in the shoulder. iku's attacks weren't anywhere near as strong as cross's had been however. the shot caused jacob to thrash even more, his whole body being englufed int he dark matter flames.

bell looked to addie and then at iku. the finders were still outside, and no doubt they weren't going to get out of this mess without an interrogation as to why they helped jacob. "Dilia get us out of here!" she shouted over the shouting and pounding of the finders and exorcists trying to break through the wall. iku turned her gun on bell and addie then. she pulled the trigger just as addie sank her party of three into the shadows. no longer in the realm they were in before, bell's barrier faded away.

in the dark world of addie's nightmares jacob was still out of control, but luckily they had more time to focus. bell had to make a barrier using her innocence to protect her from the dark matter of the dream world, so she lay in hibernation until addie got them out. jacob managed to break out of one of the shadow bonds.

ada stood, shaking and trying her hardest not to burst out into tears. she fell to her knees beside her husband and nuri. the earl watched from the distance, shaking his head from worry. Gil was blank, totally unresponsive to what was going on. fear sank in as he realized his daughters may not be coming back to him. suddenly a shadow portal appeared in front of them, dropping addie and bell from it and then a flailing and out of control jacob. bell released her barrier and ran to nuri, happy he was alright.

Gil gave a slight gasp at the sight of the three adults coming out, and he expected Arisa or Merri to be nearby,but his heart broke a bit when he didn't see them. "....Ar-"

He was about to ask about them, when he actually did focus on Jacob. He was flailing madly, still trying to get away from one of the holds. He clawed at whom ever was nearby, and pushed Gil and Addie away from himself.


Seeing that he had lost his mind, The Millennium Earl signaled for Gil and Nuri to take him down. " Be careful, he's dangerous!"

They ran forward, Gil first, and then Nuri, making sure that their respective loves were at a safe distance. Ada was too down at the moment to notice, so it was just the two of them.

As they stepped forward, the last restraint broke, and Jacob stood up, a hideous scream leaving his mouth, as he dashed forward. his mind crazy, but somehow accepting a challenge from the two of them.

The long scarf like thing draped over his head, turned into flames, and flew over at the two of the attackers, burning them, before he himself grabbing at the two, and throwing them at the same time in the same direction, creating two flying balls of fire, lighting anything that the two of them hit onto fire as well.

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