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Lanzer's Journal
Copyright and Gaia
Last week there were a lot of comments and opinions about copyright and how it is perceived and handled. I thought that it would be interesting to mention how Gaia stand within all of this aspect of copyright and what can individual artists do regarding Gaia's copyright materials.

In general, copyright is a huge grey line that everyone has their own opinion on what's right and what's wrong. North America does a great job in protecting creators with very broad rules to help foster creativity. At Gaia the virtual goods we create are always based on these basic premises:

Gaia original - Items that artists thought up, mostly fantasy items that belong to the Gaia universe.

Referenced items - Things like uniforms, skateboards, blue jeans, many items are simply based off of things around us. They're not creative, but fits the need from ourselves and our users for expressing ourselves in ways that most of us can relate to

Outside world inspired - From famous people, memes, anime, or games, we are just as much of fans and geeks ourselves, and we would like to celebrate our fandom, so either we seek the rights to create the actual items from series we like, or we make inspired items

From the past 7 years, we've released so many Gaia original items that Gaia users wouldn't have a doubt towards the level of talent and creativity of our artists. As I'm writing to Gaia audiences, I doubt that anyone here really question our artists's creativity or moral standards.

On the other hand, inspired items that aren't original are usually slipped into daily chance or rare boxes just for the joy of spreading the fandom and let everyone geek out. Technically we step on the grey line where some of those items have their own copyright, and if the copyright owner wants them gone we'll have to take them away. If we can gain the rights to release the items, we would. (the weird part is that usually we get paid to do that, because it'll act as us advertising their brand)

So turning the table around, I often get PM asking "what can or can't I do as an artist?", "can I draw and sell stuff based on Gaia designs?".

The short answer is that we welcome individuals to use Gaia materials for inspiration. Avatar art, NPC art, item designs, they're all in the same bucket.

The inspiration of how we act and think is mostly from seeing how things work in Japan. Taking Japan's Comic Market for example, twice a year, more than half a million people celebrate more than 50 thousand artists who create merchandise based off of other people's properties. Within that scene, there is no right or wrong in originality, it's all about artists being fans and creating merchandise as they hone their crafts and hoping that one day, they'll work on their own creations with their own fan following.

The unspoken rule is that the biggest stars (as in publishers and companies) allow the rising stars (individuals) to copy, while the higher and bigger the stars are, they face less flexiblility on what they can do, as the rising stars get inspiration from the bigger stars, but not off each other. There are no rules saying how original you must be, because the audience by nature will end up supporting those who end up evolving from today's standard into tomorrow's inspiring style. Tens of thousands try, hundreds successfully evolve and become recognized. The big picture is that at the end of the day, Japan have an eco system that drives fandom to its fullest and they have a nation with armies of creative talents.

Naturally, Gaia is a high and bright star being a company and all, and so our flexibility is little, and it'll be natural when we face more scrutiny. Meanwhile, we don't place judgement on the rising stars out there. We just like to see more artist drawing more stuff.

Lastly, there's the aspect of the individual artists themselves seeking copyright protection. This usually ends in paragraphs of debate than a resolution. To sum it up, the act of claiming ownership often doesn't attribute to success of the individual. Most artist become great because they find their strengths and keep building upon them. The secret is that "strength" are often skills outside of art. Whether it is the ability to manage time, communication, or the ability to make friends who can cover each other's weaknesses. My second company faced a situation where the idea was taken by a team member and was made into a different company under different owners. I moved on and started other companies then eventually Gaia. Looking back, every day I spent being upset over how the idea was stolen was a day that delayed me from reaching the final goal. Hope this little analogy is remotely relevant. smile

That's how I see our little eco system work. Anyone else is welcome to think or act in their own ways of course. smile

User Comments: [43]
Community Member

Tue May 18, 2010 @ 10:37pm

thanks 3nodding

Community Member

Tue May 18, 2010 @ 10:42pm

I totally concur with your analogy.

Community Member

Tue May 18, 2010 @ 11:04pm

And amen.
I love the way you said it all, Lanzer. Very, very clear.User Image

Community Member

Tue May 18, 2010 @ 11:06pm

All I really took away from that was fanfiction=awesome.
You're sounding a lot like my student adviser, lanzer.
Tell me I can do well in whatever I apply myself to?

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 12:59am

Well, I'm glad that the item in question was able to come back. I think you guys did the right thing in removing it while this was worked out. Can I suggest maybe soul binding the item the next time this happens? Just a thought. (:

Bee Movie Suit
Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 01:57am

Well Spoken.
And mimicry is a form of flattery anyways.

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 02:27am

Thanks for addressing the issue Lanzer. <3

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 02:30am

wise ole lanzer heart
((i don't mean old old gonk ))

that whole thing with QoD was a big ugly mess. x___x

much love to you guys and all you do!! 4laugh
((well, almost everything... but let's not get into that @U@ ))

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 03:32am

Well said. 3nodding

I wish this was the general consensus on copyright as it really gives more to everyone.

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 03:51am

Ahh, very clear and understandable. heart

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 04:20am

That was a great read, thankyou Lanzer.

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 06:47am

You put it very well. <3 Thanks for giving your opinion on the matter.

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 07:37am

There has certainly been a lot of dispute over this for a while, though it has just recently been highlighted with resent events. I'm happy you explained it further in a journal, to curtail any conspiracy theory's around why fan based Gaia items have been created and why they should be created in the future. I don't think any users want to have them go away, they have certainly become apart of the Gaia community itself and at least I like to see them around.

Just as Japan's art culture drives artists, become better at their craft. Same goes for interesting items on Gaia drives users to create avatars, draw,create stories around them in the same manner. I wish everyone who wishes to point fingers, grow from understanding the exchange of ideas, artistic or other is a way for a society and economy to grow, and should happen in one way or another.

Thank you again for making this post, it was certainly needed some light shed on it.

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 01:08pm

I absolutely love the fact that you seem to be on the same page as I am. Freedom is great, not to the point that out-rightly stealing a person's work should be allowed or even condoned in any form. I just love when people take ideas and concepts, allow people to use them and even modify them. I am always iffy on the actual credits though, as much as I would LOVE for it to be accredited to every one of the people who contributed to it (going down the line), that is just a very tough possibility to imagine in my view. Somewhere along the line, credits will disappear and as much as I wish it didn't happen, it just will. I am a huge supporter of Open Source of everything, I wish the world could be a place where you could release your unsigned worked and everyone would credit it to unknown rather than say "I made this". I am glad that an artist I respect as much as you are on the same page as I am.

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 06:47pm

*notices that Lanze changed his eye color*

To the entry.
My impression of the end was "it's tough being original, and it is best to do something in your own style regardless of similarities"

I am personally fond of Gaia items that are inspired (or are meant to be outright parodies) of copyrighted or well known material. Because then it becomes a "Gaia version" of the item and works quite well.

Sand Dancer Shaka
Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 07:36pm

Thank you for the food for thought. I find all kinds of art (be they inspired art or not) to be great too. The creativity of the artist expressed through it, and it's great in it's own right regardless of the property ownership!

I'm really grateful to Gaia and it's openness in these matters, and the flexibility to allow fans to create work from Gaia! heart

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 10:42pm

Roses grow from manure.

Community Member

Wed May 19, 2010 @ 11:51pm

Thanks for that insightful post. Hopefully people will mull over it for a bit and calm down. GOOD JOB Lanzer this is they kind of feedback we need to see around here more often. 3nodding

Community Member

Sun May 23, 2010 @ 02:35am

I agree. As long as you can admit to it being inspired it should be alright. I also think that it's a good way for upcoming artists to learn what works, and what doesn't.

Community Member

Sun May 23, 2010 @ 02:00pm


can you repeat that?

Srintella Tiagara
Community Member

Tue May 25, 2010 @ 01:03pm

Thank you Lazer for stateing this. Well said and even though I can't draw..I sure can write.

But really the next time GCD goes "Uncrativity!" or McSoureface: FANDOM ALART!

I will point them right to this journal.

Community Member

Wed May 26, 2010 @ 02:24am

You said it perfectly Lanzer. It was interesting to hear more on the copyright regulations.

After all, sometimes it's ok to lose your pants and throw up in an airport.
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Community Member

Mon May 31, 2010 @ 09:49am

Interesting, i agree with you. I think that the artist should have been flattered that her art was turned into a virtual item. 3nodding

Community Member

Wed Jun 09, 2010 @ 03:06am

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Easter_Angel Heart
Community Member

Thu Jun 17, 2010 @ 07:21am


dharc 4
Community Member

Tue Jun 22, 2010 @ 02:36am

******** ME NOW I NEED YOU

The Kings Champion
Community Member

Wed Jun 30, 2010 @ 10:01am

sorry i have a bad cold :3

i like avi art and random comments or fwend requests =w=
Community Member

Sun Jul 11, 2010 @ 06:44am

Lanzer, there's some new chain mail thing going around that says

And i quote:

Sorry that I had to send this message. Since Gaia has recently become very popular, has become the many complaints that Gaia has become unacceptably slow. The report shows that the reason is that Gaia has a number of non-active members and, secondly, many new Gaia members.
We want to send this message to see whether you're active members or not. If you're active, can you send this message to at least 10-15 users. Use the "Copy - Cut and Paste" to show that you are still active. Those who do not send this message within 2 weeks in, will be removed in order to get more space.
Send this message to your friends to show me that you are still active, and do not want to be removed.

Gaiaonline founder

I'm pretty sure it's spam mail, just wanted to double check.
Kudos if you actually read this. :]

Community Member

Mon Jul 19, 2010 @ 01:34am

How come when i clicked to read your latest journal entry i get a pop up wanting me to enter my name and password? How do these hackers get away with doing this to us? We are not even safe on your profile Lanzer ! crying

Community Member

Mon Jul 19, 2010 @ 05:57am

Hey Lanzer, there is a phising thing going around your Journal posts. Beware, everyone. This might get you all hacked.

Hibernating Goldfish
Community Member

Thu Jul 22, 2010 @ 09:02am

I got the same error code thing for phishing my password sweatdrop Gaia is not how I ever remembered it.. so much has changed.. Beware anyone who reads Lanzer's journal entries. Don't entry your username or password on ANY circumstance 3nodding

link the chosen hylian267
Community Member

Mon Aug 02, 2010 @ 03:14am


SHSL Togami
Community Member

Fri Aug 06, 2010 @ 04:49pm

Srry Lanzer...never meet anybody important like you..

bobo lovs u
Community Member

Thu Aug 12, 2010 @ 09:39am

Hey Derek hope your summer is going well.

Boy Cookies
Community Member

Sun Aug 15, 2010 @ 04:11am


The Beautiful tony1000
Community Member

Fri Aug 20, 2010 @ 11:14pm

this is good stufe

great white buffalo
Community Member

Wed Aug 25, 2010 @ 01:02am

Alot of the items on Ernya seem.. stolen.
Horns of the demon.. Rainy day.. etc..

Community Member

Thu Sep 02, 2010 @ 12:12am

SilverRevlis13 says...

Srry Lanzer...never meet anybody important like you..

Are you ******** kidding me?
Heres a thing about Lanzer, you weeaboo-f**.
Lanzer: The grandmaster f*****t that started it all. BAW and weep, weeaboo f**. Your site's creator's as JAPONESESE as yourselves and your mom. In fact, he's about as weeaboo as you. A weeaboo born from China (durr hurr, inferior, am I rite?), Lanzer was hired to keep weeaboo fags like you in place. However, he's just ronrey and wishes you were his ********.

Community Member

Sat Sep 25, 2010 @ 07:58am

can you bring my old account back pls lanzer i want my old stuff back =(((((((

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User Image
Community Member

Wed Oct 06, 2010 @ 07:15pm

i just became crew of a guild and have no clue on what to do i dont want to do it wrong if u can plz pm me and help

url=http://tektek.org/avatar/46323147]User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Webpage Title
Hexagon blast
Community Member

Thu Nov 25, 2010 @ 10:15pm

jagex is better

Community Member

Sun Jan 01, 2012 @ 09:25pm

Thanks Lanzer! I think your stance on using Gaia materials for inspiration is very thoughtful and well-meaning! I appreciate that kind of openness.

User Comments: [43]
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