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Lanzer's Journal
Ocean Party and Gaia
Today's an exciting day for us here because we've finally released the Facebook version of Aquarium - Ocean Party! Now everyone who likes Aquarium can share the fun with their friends, relatives, or frienemies that are not on Gaia! biggrin

The first week where we came up with the idea for Gaia Aquarium we were excited about the idea because of its ability to be ported to other places like a social network. It actually took us more than a year to reach this goal, so it's a long time coming.

Making a completely different aquarium game also allow us to play with different gaming ideas that aren't tied to our gold economy and the current gameplay aspects that were set when we first worked on aquarium a year ago. It'll allow us to take the learning and make better features in the future. The question for us now is how we balance our time in enhancing aquarium and working on something new for Gaia. Well, it'll all depend on what excites the creative team.

Oh yeah, here's the announcement

User Comments: [34]
Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 02:36am

Awesome!!! ^-^ thank you...

Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 03:19am

so gold is transfered from there to here?

or there is no golds? crying

edit: just read the no ties thing....

but cool concept.... i can only hope that all networks will coincide with one another.

Midnight Trickster
Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 03:28am

No wait, that was mean...
I mean, eh fine, knock yourselves out. But you do realize those other people that run your company that see facebook and say "OH YEAZ, ALL TEENAGERS ARE ON THAT, LETS GO DO STUFF THAR" have it all wrong. I'm pretty sure the majority of true gaian's have no interest in facebook what-so-ever. I mean, we're on Gaia after-all.

Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 04:45am

I do not use facebook, and do not plan to use facebook. Will there be a way to access the Ocean Party game without leaving Gaia? It seems pretty lame that I would have to go to a completely different website to play a Gaia Game. confused

Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 04:56am

FFFFF Awesome! Also I would like to see more games on here any way and facebook

Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 06:11am

to be honest i probably use facebook more then gaia and i rather enjoy the idea that you are integrating more gaia into facebook.

can't wait to give it a try.

Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 02:32pm

I'm not actually a fan of Aquariums, but i'm excited that it's able to transfer so seemingly smoothly. The future of gaia and it's expansion are exciting to think about. Did I meantion i'm excited for you? biggrin
I can't wait for the gaia take over of the internet.

Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 06:01pm

I love the Aquariums. heart

Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 09:56pm

I'm excited about this. I'm on facebook as much as I am on Gaia--they're the only 2 tabs open on my computer whenever I'm on.

Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 10:50pm

Oh wow, It's been a long time since we've seen a new
Journal entry from you Lanzer.

Sounds like you guys have been quite busy in the Office.

Glad it's all working out, although I'm not a fan of Facebook. User Image

Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 11:32pm

User Image


gee whiz that's confusing. =u=
it's super cute though. >O>
even if it lagssss. xD

Community Member

Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 11:59pm

Thank you!

Rum and Noodles
Community Member

Sat Feb 13, 2010 @ 03:53pm

Simply awesome.

Community Member

Sat Feb 13, 2010 @ 09:00pm

Lanzer! Thank you so much!!! OMG, I barely go in facebook, to the major disappointment of my real life friends. But facebook is sooo dull......I also call it gossip-book, start-stupid-arguments-book, something to be avoided if ya ask me.

Now though, I will have something to do on facebook as my friends act like complete morons! biggrin Ohhhh and if they like the application, I may be able to drag them to Gaia...................

More folks like me on Gaia; y'all are in trouble! lol

Thanks again and take it easy dude!

Community Member

Sat Feb 13, 2010 @ 11:35pm

Incase I am not around. Happy Birthday Gaia!

Sand Negro
Community Member

Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 08:42am

I love you Lanzer. biggrin

Community Member

Thu Feb 18, 2010 @ 10:52pm

This just makes me proud to be a member on Gaia. heart

justian werefox
Community Member

Sat Feb 20, 2010 @ 01:01am

I love you Lanzer. heart



but NOT because of this Facebook thing....Facebook is effin 'tarded. *srsnod*

Fudge Mon
Community Member

Sat Feb 27, 2010 @ 12:57am

Cools, dude. I do agree with some here on this comment list. Facebook is so-so. Gaia's still better.
But still, I likes.

Community Member

Mon Mar 01, 2010 @ 05:37pm

copy and paste this into 10 profiles and press f5 to refresh the page you will see a blue giftbox floating around your screen which has a katana


Community Member

Tue Mar 02, 2010 @ 03:30pm

dude ur the greatest u r so nice and cool hope u stay like that 4 ever

help me buy my dream avi

User Image
Community Member

Sat Mar 06, 2010 @ 03:18pm

Note: The number zero appears in the spelling of ped0phile due to gaia's clever use of their filter system. Any persons who are not registered to the site but read the forums cannot see the word ped0phile in its proper spelling all they will see is ************ thus misleading them into what exactly is been promoted.

These threads;

Another attempt by demon of the 14th shadow to promote ped0philia

Don't ever be decieved in to thinking that this topic is about getting the child sex industry raised and addressed in society in the hope of abolishment, it starts that way but it will drift away into ped0philes ranting about age of consent reform and legalizing sexual abuse images of children and prostitution involving minors.Ped0philes groom/influence/brainwash children to their way of thinking. That is the only reason that thread is present. Its not about getting that awful hideous industry abolished, its about legalizing it. Gaiaonline has been supporting ped0philes since its incarnation in 2003.

The Official Daddy-Dom relationship thread. MORE PED0PHILIA
Miguel Lobo
The relationship can be anything from a Adult/child relationship to Adult/adult with age play and everything in between. It can be based on sex, the Daddy being possibly ped0phile in nature but without a child being involved, to a kinky role play. It can be where the little girl feels herself as a little girl of whatever particular age she feels, but not in a role play sense. It would be that she would BE a little girl, 6, 7, 15, but not role playing, not putting on an act but rather being that little girl.

Submissive support . In reality...grooming kids into violent sex

Lick my boots, master slave the passion and the lifestyle. In reality........the rape and degradation of children
There are also many topics on bestisality, necrophilia, promotion of rape, drug abuse, prostitution etc etc



This next link will lead you to the N.C.M.E.C [National Center for Missing and Exploited Children].
You will now be presented with a publication entitled "Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis".
The publication is written by Mr. Kenneth V. Lanning former supervisory special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Here is a brief introduction to Mr. Lanning, which can be found a few pages into the publication.

Kenneth V. Lanning, M.S., FBI (Retired)
Mr. Lanning is a 30-year veteran of the FBI who spent 20 years in the Behavioral
Science Unit and National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime at the FBI
Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He is a founding member of the Board of Directors
of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and
current member of the Advisory Board of the Association for the Treatment of
Sexual Abusers (ATSA). He is the 1990 recipient of the Jefferson Award for
Research from the University of Virginia, 1996 recipient of the Outstanding Professional
Award from APSAC, and 1997 recipient of the FBI Director’s Award for
Special Achievement for his career accomplishments in connection with missing
and exploited children. He has testified on seven occasions before the U.S. Congress
and many times as an expert witness in state and federal courts. He has
consulted on thousands of cases involving deviant sexual behavior and the sexual
victimization of children. He has authored numerous articles and publications
including one monograph titled Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis and
another titled Child Sex Rings: A Behavioral Analysis that have been widely distributed
by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). He
has made numerous presentations at major national and regional conferences on
the sexual victimization of children, child abuse and neglect, and missing and
exploited children and has lectured before and trained thousands of criminaljustice
and mental-health professionals.

Here is the publication:
Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis

Sado Masochism and ped0philia are the most common traits found in preferential child sex offenders.
Preferential child sex offenders are placed on the Motivation Continuum. Preferential child sex offenders will actively seek out their young victims.


Here is the Motivation Continuum
User Image
You can also view the motivation continuum by downloading the linked Federal publication. It appears on page 23.

You will see this old chestnut appearing many times on gaiaonline," A ped0phile is not a child molestor
ped0phile=/=Child Molester".
Here is what the worlds leading expert on child sex offenders has to offer on the subject off "ped0phile=/=child molestor" and all other related nonsense that distorts the truth.
"Kenneth V Lanning"
Many child molesters are, in fact, ped0philes, and many ped0philes are child molesters.

You will find that excerpt on the bottom of page 19 in the linked Federal document..

So all of that leads me to this:
Gaiaonline allow ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors. They have been doing so this past 7 years.
To put it in a more truthful manner, gaiaonline.com allows and welcomes preferential child sex offenders to interact with children and has done so for this past 7 years.

Derek [Lanzer] Liu, your website is in violation of state obscenity laws and also violates the UN charter of Children's Rights.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu,you allow, and welcome, preferential child sex offenders to your website. You allow preferential child sex offenders who actively seek out their young victims to be present on your site with children/minors.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu are you involved in child trafficking?

Gaia collecting the email passwords from children/minors.
User Image

Gaiaonline collecting the phone numbers of children/minors.
User Image

It's time to wake up and get real!!

This majority of this website is made up of sexually deviant adults pretending to be kids grooming kids into their chosen illicit lifestyles.

Gaia states it will never ask for you account password. Why would they want it, they already have it. You give it to them when you signed up, remember? They are now in a posistion to use your account. They can now private message and instant message your friends on gaia by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your off site e-mail password upon sign up they can now access your off site email account and send emails to all your friends by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your phone number they can now pretend to be one of your gaia friends and call you and chat to you.
Vulnerable, naive children will submit their personal information

Think about this for a moment. A heap of strangers that has access to your email account and all of your contacts.
Imagine this scenario:
An E-mail sent from your account and then erased.

"Hey Jane, its me Tom, Jane I'm in some trouble, could we meet by the park in 10 minutes, i really need to see you, dont tell anyone where you are going, please I beg you, I need your help".

Next day Janes parent's call the police to report a missing child. Tom told the police the last contact he had with Jane was 3 days ago. Looks like Jane will end up on here

These websites are not regulated by law. Law enforcement do not know who runs or creates websites. Anyone can set up a website. You don't need permission from law enforcement or government officials. The TOS and privacy policies displayed on websites are nothing short of nonsense and crap. Thay are in place to make you feel more secure. They are in place to make you trust websites.If you bring the TOS and privacy policy to an attorney or lawyer, they will tell you that those documents mean little bar that the site is, was not, and never will be responsible for anything. That is all.

Websites can be setup/organized or run by anyone and that includes child abductors, child torturers, child rapists, child murderers or any other walk of life. Essentially, they are just a heap of strangers that we know nothing about.
Its time to get real and wake up.

This website is designed specifically to attract young children/minors, think about it, virtual goldfish, jigsaws, the dressing up of the avatar much like a child dressing a doll, the overuse of bright strong colours, the games etc.

This site allows and welcomes ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors, that says a billion things about the owners and creators of this site.

Derek [Lanzer} Liu, and the entire gaiaonline team and staff, I publicly accuse you of child exploitation.

Discuss: Gaia a breeding ground for child traffickers.
Note: The number zero appears in the spelling of ped0phile due to gaia's clever use of their filter system. Any persons who are not registered to the site but read the forums cannot see the word ped0phile in its proper spelling all they will see is ************ thus misleading them into what exactly is been promoted.

These threads;

Another attempt by demon of the 14th shadow to promote ped0philia

Don't ever be decieved in to thinking that this topic is about getting the child sex industry raised and addressed in society in the hope of abolishment, it starts that way but it will drift away into ped0philes ranting about age of consent reform and legalizing sexual abuse images of children and prostitution involving minors.Ped0philes groom/influence/brainwash children to their way of thinking. That is the only reason that thread is present. Its not about getting that awful hideous industry abolished, its about legalizing it. Gaiaonline has been supporting ped0philes since its incarnation in 2003.

The Official Daddy-Dom relationship thread. MORE PED0PHILIA
Miguel Lobo
The relationship can be anything from a Adult/child relationship to Adult/adult with age play and everything in between. It can be based on sex, the Daddy being possibly ped0phile in nature but without a child being involved, to a kinky role play. It can be where the little girl feels herself as a little girl of whatever particular age she feels, but not in a role play sense. It would be that she would BE a little girl, 6, 7, 15, but not role playing, not putting on an act but rather being that little girl.

Submissive support . In reality...grooming kids into violent sex

Lick my boots, master slave the passion and the lifestyle. In reality........the rape and degradation of children
There are also many topics on bestisality, necrophilia, promotion of rape, drug abuse, prostitution etc etc



This next link will lead you to the N.C.M.E.C [National Center for Missing and Exploited Children].
You will now be presented with a publication entitled "Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis".
The publication is written by Mr. Kenneth V. Lanning former supervisory special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Here is a brief introduction to Mr. Lanning, which can be found a few pages into the publication.

Kenneth V. Lanning, M.S., FBI (Retired)
Mr. Lanning is a 30-year veteran of the FBI who spent 20 years in the Behavioral
Science Unit and National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime at the FBI
Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He is a founding member of the Board of Directors
of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and
current member of the Advisory Board of the Association for the Treatment of
Sexual Abusers (ATSA). He is the 1990 recipient of the Jefferson Award for
Research from the University of Virginia, 1996 recipient of the Outstanding Professional
Award from APSAC, and 1997 recipient of the FBI Director’s Award for
Special Achievement for his career accomplishments in connection with missing
and exploited children. He has testified on seven occasions before the U.S. Congress
and many times as an expert witness in state and federal courts. He has
consulted on thousands of cases involving deviant sexual behavior and the sexual
victimization of children. He has authored numerous articles and publications
including one monograph titled Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis and
another titled Child Sex Rings: A Behavioral Analysis that have been widely distributed
by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). He
has made numerous presentations at major national and regional conferences on
the sexual victimization of children, child abuse and neglect, and missing and
exploited children and has lectured before and trained thousands of criminaljustice
and mental-health professionals.

Here is the publication:
Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis

Sado Masochism and ped0philia are the most common traits found in preferential child sex offenders.
Preferential child sex offenders are placed on the Motivation Continuum. Preferential child sex offenders will actively seek out their young victims.


Here is the Motivation Continuum
User Image
You can also view the motivation continuum by downloading the linked Federal publication. It appears on page 23.

You will see this old chestnut appearing many times on gaiaonline," A ped0phile is not a child molestor
ped0phile=/=Child Molester".
Here is what the worlds leading expert on child sex offenders has to offer on the subject off "ped0phile=/=child molestor" and all other related nonsense that distorts the truth.
"Kenneth V Lanning"
Many child molesters are, in fact, ped0philes, and many ped0philes are child molesters.

You will find that excerpt on the bottom of page 19 in the linked Federal document..

So all of that leads me to this:
Gaiaonline allow ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors. They have been doing so this past 7 years.
To put it in a more truthful manner, gaiaonline.com allows and welcomes preferential child sex offenders to interact with children and has done so for this past 7 years.

Derek [Lanzer] Liu, your website is in violation of state obscenity laws and also violates the UN charter of Children's Rights.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu,you allow, and welcome, preferential child sex offenders to your website. You allow preferential child sex offenders who actively seek out their young victims to be present on your site with children/minors.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu are you involved in child trafficking?

Gaia collecting the email passwords from children/minors.
User Image

Gaiaonline collecting the phone numbers of children/minors.
User Image

It's time to wake up and get real!!

This majority of this website is made up of sexually deviant adults pretending to be kids grooming kids into their chosen illicit lifestyles.

Gaia states it will never ask for you account password. Why would they want it, they already have it. You give it to them when you signed up, remember? They are now in a posistion to use your account. They can now private message and instant message your friends on gaia by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your off site e-mail password upon sign up they can now access your off site email account and send emails to all your friends by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your phone number they can now pretend to be one of your gaia friends and call you and chat to you.
Vulnerable, naive children will submit their personal information

Think about this for a moment. A heap of strangers that has access to your email account and all of your contacts.
Imagine this scenario:
An E-mail sent from your account and then erased.

"Hey Jane, its me Tom, Jane I'm in some trouble, could we meet by the park in 10 minutes, i really need to see you, dont tell anyone where you are going, please I beg you, I need your help".

Next day Janes parent's call the police to report a missing child. Tom told the police the last contact he had with Jane was 3 days ago. Looks like Jane will end up on here

These websites are not regulated by law. Law enforcement do not know who runs or creates websites. Anyone can set up a website. You don't need permission from law enforcement or government officials. The TOS and privacy policies displayed on websites are nothing short of nonsense and crap. Thay are in place to make you feel more secure. They are in place to make you trust websites.If you bring the TOS and privacy policy to an attorney or lawyer, they will tell you that those documents mean little bar that the site is, was not, and never will be responsible for anything. That is all.

Websites can be setup/organized or run by anyone and that includes child abductors, child torturers, child rapists, child murderers or any other walk of life. Essentially, they are just a heap of strangers that we know nothing about.
Its time to get real and wake up.

This website is designed specifically to attract young children/minors, think about it, virtual goldfish, jigsaws, the dressing up of the avatar much like a child dressing a doll, the overuse of bright strong colours, the games etc.

This site allows and welcomes ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors, that says a billion things about the owners and creators of this site.

Derek [Lanzer} Liu, and the entire gaiaonline team and staff, I publicly accuse you of child exploitation.

Discuss: Gaia a breeding ground for child traffickers.
Note: The number zero appears in the spelling of ped0phile due to gaia's clever use of their filter system. Any persons who are not registered to the site but read the forums cannot see the word ped0phile in its proper spelling all they will see is ************ thus misleading them into what exactly is been promoted.

These threads;

Another attempt by demon of the 14th shadow to promote ped0philia

Don't ever be decieved in to thinking that this topic is about getting the child sex industry raised and addressed in society in the hope of abolishment, it starts that way but it will drift away into ped0philes ranting about age of consent reform and legalizing sexual abuse images of children and prostitution involving minors.Ped0philes groom/influence/brainwash children to their way of thinking. That is the only reason that thread is present. Its not about getting that awful hideous industry abolished, its about legalizing it. Gaiaonline has been supporting ped0philes since its incarnation in 2003.

The Official Daddy-Dom relationship thread. MORE PED0PHILIA
Miguel Lobo
The relationship can be anything from a Adult/child relationship to Adult/adult with age play and everything in between. It can be based on sex, the Daddy being possibly ped0phile in nature but without a child being involved, to a kinky role play. It can be where the little girl feels herself as a little girl of whatever particular age she feels, but not in a role play sense. It would be that she would BE a little girl, 6, 7, 15, but not role playing, not putting on an act but rather being that little girl.

Submissive support . In reality...grooming kids into violent sex

Lick my boots, master slave the passion and the lifestyle. In reality........the rape and degradation of children
There are also many topics on bestisality, necrophilia, promotion of rape, drug abuse, prostitution etc etc



This next link will lead you to the N.C.M.E.C [National Center for Missing and Exploited Children].
You will now be presented with a publication entitled "Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis".
The publication is written by Mr. Kenneth V. Lanning former supervisory special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Here is a brief introduction to Mr. Lanning, which can be found a few pages into the publication.

Kenneth V. Lanning, M.S., FBI (Retired)
Mr. Lanning is a 30-year veteran of the FBI who spent 20 years in the Behavioral
Science Unit and National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime at the FBI
Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He is a founding member of the Board of Directors
of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and
current member of the Advisory Board of the Association for the Treatment of
Sexual Abusers (ATSA). He is the 1990 recipient of the Jefferson Award for
Research from the University of Virginia, 1996 recipient of the Outstanding Professional
Award from APSAC, and 1997 recipient of the FBI Director’s Award for
Special Achievement for his career accomplishments in connection with missing
and exploited children. He has testified on seven occasions before the U.S. Congress
and many times as an expert witness in state and federal courts. He has
consulted on thousands of cases involving deviant sexual behavior and the sexual
victimization of children. He has authored numerous articles and publications
including one monograph titled Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis and
another titled Child Sex Rings: A Behavioral Analysis that have been widely distributed
by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). He
has made numerous presentations at major national and regional conferences on
the sexual victimization of children, child abuse and neglect, and missing and
exploited children and has lectured before and trained thousands of criminaljustice
and mental-health professionals.

Here is the publication:
Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis

Sado Masochism and ped0philia are the most common traits found in preferential child sex offenders.
Preferential child sex offenders are placed on the Motivation Continuum. Preferential child sex offenders will actively seek out their young victims.


Here is the Motivation Continuum
User Image
You can also view the motivation continuum by downloading the linked Federal publication. It appears on page 23.

You will see this old chestnut appearing many times on gaiaonline," A ped0phile is not a child molestor
ped0phile=/=Child Molester".
Here is what the worlds leading expert on child sex offenders has to offer on the subject off "ped0phile=/=child molestor" and all other related nonsense that distorts the truth.
"Kenneth V Lanning"
Many child molesters are, in fact, ped0philes, and many ped0philes are child molesters.

You will find that excerpt on the bottom of page 19 in the linked Federal document..

So all of that leads me to this:
Gaiaonline allow ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors. They have been doing so this past 7 years.
To put it in a more truthful manner, gaiaonline.com allows and welcomes preferential child sex offenders to interact with children and has done so for this past 7 years.

Derek [Lanzer] Liu, your website is in violation of state obscenity laws and also violates the UN charter of Children's Rights.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu,you allow, and welcome, preferential child sex offenders to your website. You allow preferential child sex offenders who actively seek out their young victims to be present on your site with children/minors.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu are you involved in child trafficking?

Gaia collecting the email passwords from children/minors.
User Image

Gaiaonline collecting the phone numbers of children/minors.
User Image

It's time to wake up and get real!!

This majority of this website is made up of sexually deviant adults pretending to be kids grooming kids into their chosen illicit lifestyles.

Gaia states it will never ask for you account password. Why would they want it, they already have it. You give it to them when you signed up, remember? They are now in a posistion to use your account. They can now private message and instant message your friends on gaia by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your off site e-mail password upon sign up they can now access your off site email account and send emails to all your friends by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your phone number they can now pretend to be one of your gaia friends and call you and chat to you.
Vulnerable, naive children will submit their personal information

Think about this for a moment. A heap of strangers that has access to your email account and all of your contacts.
Imagine this scenario:
An E-mail sent from your account and then erased.

"Hey Jane, its me Tom, Jane I'm in some trouble, could we meet by the park in 10 minutes, i really need to see you, dont tell anyone where you are going, please I beg you, I need your help".

Next day Janes parent's call the police to report a missing child. Tom told the police the last contact he had with Jane was 3 days ago. Looks like Jane will end up on here

These websites are not regulated by law. Law enforcement do not know who runs or creates websites. Anyone can set up a website. You don't need permission from law enforcement or government officials. The TOS and privacy policies displayed on websites are nothing short of nonsense and crap. Thay are in place to make you feel more secure. They are in place to make you trust websites.If you bring the TOS and privacy policy to an attorney or lawyer, they will tell you that those documents mean little bar that the site is, was not, and never will be responsible for anything. That is all.

Websites can be setup/organized or run by anyone and that includes child abductors, child torturers, child rapists, child murderers or any other walk of life. Essentially, they are just a heap of strangers that we know nothing about.
Its time to get real and wake up.

This website is designed specifically to attract young children/minors, think about it, virtual goldfish, jigsaws, the dressing up of the avatar much like a child dressing a doll, the overuse of bright strong colours, the games etc.

This site allows and welcomes ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors, that says a billion things about the owners and creators of this site.

Derek [Lanzer} Liu, and the entire gaiaonline team and staff, I publicly accuse you of child exploitation.

Discuss: Gaia a breeding ground for child traffickers.
Note: The number zero appears in the spelling of ped0phile due to gaia's clever use of their filter system. Any persons who are not registered to the site but read the forums cannot see the word ped0phile in its proper spelling all they will see is ************ thus misleading them into what exactly is been promoted.

These threads;

Another attempt by demon of the 14th shadow to promote ped0philia

Don't ever be decieved in to thinking that this topic is about getting the child sex industry raised and addressed in society in the hope of abolishment, it starts that way but it will drift away into ped0philes ranting about age of consent reform and legalizing sexual abuse images of children and prostitution involving minors.Ped0philes groom/influence/brainwash children to their way of thinking. That is the only reason that thread is present. Its not about getting that awful hideous industry abolished, its about legalizing it. Gaiaonline has been supporting ped0philes since its incarnation in 2003.

The Official Daddy-Dom relationship thread. MORE PED0PHILIA
Miguel Lobo
The relationship can be anything from a Adult/child relationship to Adult/adult with age play and everything in between. It can be based on sex, the Daddy being possibly ped0phile in nature but without a child being involved, to a kinky role play. It can be where the little girl feels herself as a little girl of whatever particular age she feels, but not in a role play sense. It would be that she would BE a little girl, 6, 7, 15, but not role playing, not putting on an act but rather being that little girl.

Submissive support . In reality...grooming kids into violent sex

Lick my boots, master slave the passion and the lifestyle. In reality........the rape and degradation of children
There are also many topics on bestisality, necrophilia, promotion of rape, drug abuse, prostitution etc etc



This next link will lead you to the N.C.M.E.C [National Center for Missing and Exploited Children].
You will now be presented with a publication entitled "Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis".
The publication is written by Mr. Kenneth V. Lanning former supervisory special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Here is a brief introduction to Mr. Lanning, which can be found a few pages into the publication.

Kenneth V. Lanning, M.S., FBI (Retired)
Mr. Lanning is a 30-year veteran of the FBI who spent 20 years in the Behavioral
Science Unit and National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime at the FBI
Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He is a founding member of the Board of Directors
of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and
current member of the Advisory Board of the Association for the Treatment of
Sexual Abusers (ATSA). He is the 1990 recipient of the Jefferson Award for
Research from the University of Virginia, 1996 recipient of the Outstanding Professional
Award from APSAC, and 1997 recipient of the FBI Director’s Award for
Special Achievement for his career accomplishments in connection with missing
and exploited children. He has testified on seven occasions before the U.S. Congress
and many times as an expert witness in state and federal courts. He has
consulted on thousands of cases involving deviant sexual behavior and the sexual
victimization of children. He has authored numerous articles and publications
including one monograph titled Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis and
another titled Child Sex Rings: A Behavioral Analysis that have been widely distributed
by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). He
has made numerous presentations at major national and regional conferences on
the sexual victimization of children, child abuse and neglect, and missing and
exploited children and has lectured before and trained thousands of criminaljustice
and mental-health professionals.

Here is the publication:
Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis

Sado Masochism and ped0philia are the most common traits found in preferential child sex offenders.
Preferential child sex offenders are placed on the Motivation Continuum. Preferential child sex offenders will actively seek out their young victims.


Here is the Motivation Continuum
User Image
You can also view the motivation continuum by downloading the linked Federal publication. It appears on page 23.

You will see this old chestnut appearing many times on gaiaonline," A ped0phile is not a child molestor
ped0phile=/=Child Molester".
Here is what the worlds leading expert on child sex offenders has to offer on the subject off "ped0phile=/=child molestor" and all other related nonsense that distorts the truth.
"Kenneth V Lanning"
Many child molesters are, in fact, ped0philes, and many ped0philes are child molesters.

You will find that excerpt on the bottom of page 19 in the linked Federal document..

So all of that leads me to this:
Gaiaonline allow ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors. They have been doing so this past 7 years.
To put it in a more truthful manner, gaiaonline.com allows and welcomes preferential child sex offenders to interact with children and has done so for this past 7 years.

Derek [Lanzer] Liu, your website is in violation of state obscenity laws and also violates the UN charter of Children's Rights.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu,you allow, and welcome, preferential child sex offenders to your website. You allow preferential child sex offenders who actively seek out their young victims to be present on your site with children/minors.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu are you involved in child trafficking?

Gaia collecting the email passwords from children/minors.
User Image

Gaiaonline collecting the phone numbers of children/minors.
User Image

It's time to wake up and get real!!

This majority of this website is made up of sexually deviant adults pretending to be kids grooming kids into their chosen illicit lifestyles.

Gaia states it will never ask for you account password. Why would they want it, they already have it. You give it to them when you signed up, remember? They are now in a posistion to use your account. They can now private message and instant message your friends on gaia by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your off site e-mail password upon sign up they can now access your off site email account and send emails to all your friends by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your phone number they can now pretend to be one of your gaia friends and call you and chat to you.
Vulnerable, naive children will submit their personal information

Think about this for a moment. A heap of strangers that has access to your email account and all of your contacts.
Imagine this scenario:
An E-mail sent from your account and then erased.

"Hey Jane, its me Tom, Jane I'm in some trouble, could we meet by the park in 10 minutes, i really need to see you, dont tell anyone where you are going, please I beg you, I need your help".

Next day Janes parent's call the police to report a missing child. Tom told the police the last contact he had with Jane was 3 days ago. Looks like Jane will end up on here

These websites are not regulated by law. Law enforcement do not know who runs or creates websites. Anyone can set up a website. You don't need permission from law enforcement or government officials. The TOS and privacy policies displayed on websites are nothing short of nonsense and crap. Thay are in place to make you feel more secure. They are in place to make you trust websites.If you bring the TOS and privacy policy to an attorney or lawyer, they will tell you that those documents mean little bar that the site is, was not, and never will be responsible for anything. That is all.

Websites can be setup/organized or run by anyone and that includes child abductors, child torturers, child rapists, child murderers or any other walk of life. Essentially, they are just a heap of strangers that we know nothing about.
Its time to get real and wake up.

This website is designed specifically to attract young children/minors, think about it, virtual goldfish, jigsaws, the dressing up of the avatar much like a child dressing a doll, the overuse of bright strong colours, the games etc.

This site allows and welcomes ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors, that says a billion things about the owners and creators of this site.

Derek [Lanzer} Liu, and the entire gaiaonline team and staff, I publicly accuse you of child exploitation.

Discuss: Gaia a breeding ground for child traffickers.
Note: The number zero appears in the spelling of ped0phile due to gaia's clever use of their filter system. Any persons who are not registered to the site but read the forums cannot see the word ped0phile in its proper spelling all they will see is ************ thus misleading them into what exactly is been promoted.

These threads;

Another attempt by demon of the 14th shadow to promote ped0philia

Don't ever be decieved in to thinking that this topic is about getting the child sex industry raised and addressed in society in the hope of abolishment, it starts that way but it will drift away into ped0philes ranting about age of consent reform and legalizing sexual abuse images of children and prostitution involving minors.Ped0philes groom/influence/brainwash children to their way of thinking. That is the only reason that thread is present. Its not about getting that awful hideous industry abolished, its about legalizing it. Gaiaonline has been supporting ped0philes since its incarnation in 2003.

The Official Daddy-Dom relationship thread. MORE PED0PHILIA
Miguel Lobo
The relationship can be anything from a Adult/child relationship to Adult/adult with age play and everything in between. It can be based on sex, the Daddy being possibly ped0phile in nature but without a child being involved, to a kinky role play. It can be where the little girl feels herself as a little girl of whatever particular age she feels, but not in a role play sense. It would be that she would BE a little girl, 6, 7, 15, but not role playing, not putting on an act but rather being that little girl.

Submissive support . In reality...grooming kids into violent sex

Lick my boots, master slave the passion and the lifestyle. In reality........the rape and degradation of children
There are also many topics on bestisality, necrophilia, promotion of rape, drug abuse, prostitution etc etc



This next link will lead you to the N.C.M.E.C [National Center for Missing and Exploited Children].
You will now be presented with a publication entitled "Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis".
The publication is written by Mr. Kenneth V. Lanning former supervisory special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Here is a brief introduction to Mr. Lanning, which can be found a few pages into the publication.

Kenneth V. Lanning, M.S., FBI (Retired)
Mr. Lanning is a 30-year veteran of the FBI who spent 20 years in the Behavioral
Science Unit and National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime at the FBI
Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He is a founding member of the Board of Directors
of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and
current member of the Advisory Board of the Association for the Treatment of
Sexual Abusers (ATSA). He is the 1990 recipient of the Jefferson Award for
Research from the University of Virginia, 1996 recipient of the Outstanding Professional
Award from APSAC, and 1997 recipient of the FBI Director’s Award for
Special Achievement for his career accomplishments in connection with missing
and exploited children. He has testified on seven occasions before the U.S. Congress
and many times as an expert witness in state and federal courts. He has
consulted on thousands of cases involving deviant sexual behavior and the sexual
victimization of children. He has authored numerous articles and publications
including one monograph titled Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis and
another titled Child Sex Rings: A Behavioral Analysis that have been widely distributed
by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). He
has made numerous presentations at major national and regional conferences on
the sexual victimization of children, child abuse and neglect, and missing and
exploited children and has lectured before and trained thousands of criminaljustice
and mental-health professionals.

Here is the publication:
Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis

Sado Masochism and ped0philia are the most common traits found in preferential child sex offenders.
Preferential child sex offenders are placed on the Motivation Continuum. Preferential child sex offenders will actively seek out their young victims.


Here is the Motivation Continuum
User Image
You can also view the motivation continuum by downloading the linked Federal publication. It appears on page 23.

You will see this old chestnut appearing many times on gaiaonline," A ped0phile is not a child molestor
ped0phile=/=Child Molester".
Here is what the worlds leading expert on child sex offenders has to offer on the subject off "ped0phile=/=child molestor" and all other related nonsense that distorts the truth.
"Kenneth V Lanning"
Many child molesters are, in fact, ped0philes, and many ped0philes are child molesters.

You will find that excerpt on the bottom of page 19 in the linked Federal document..

So all of that leads me to this:
Gaiaonline allow ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors. They have been doing so this past 7 years.
To put it in a more truthful manner, gaiaonline.com allows and welcomes preferential child sex offenders to interact with children and has done so for this past 7 years.

Derek [Lanzer] Liu, your website is in violation of state obscenity laws and also violates the UN charter of Children's Rights.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu,you allow, and welcome, preferential child sex offenders to your website. You allow preferential child sex offenders who actively seek out their young victims to be present on your site with children/minors.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu are you involved in child trafficking?

Gaia collecting the email passwords from children/minors.
User Image

Gaiaonline collecting the phone numbers of children/minors.
User Image

It's time to wake up and get real!!

This majority of this website is made up of sexually deviant adults pretending to be kids grooming kids into their chosen illicit lifestyles.

Gaia states it will never ask for you account password. Why would they want it, they already have it. You give it to them when you signed up, remember? They are now in a posistion to use your account. They can now private message and instant message your friends on gaia by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your off site e-mail password upon sign up they can now access your off site email account and send emails to all your friends by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your phone number they can now pretend to be one of your gaia friends and call you and chat to you.
Vulnerable, naive children will submit their personal information

Think about this for a moment. A heap of strangers that has access to your email account and all of your contacts.
Imagine this scenario:
An E-mail sent from your account and then erased.

"Hey Jane, its me Tom, Jane I'm in some trouble, could we meet by the park in 10 minutes, i really need to see you, dont tell anyone where you are going, please I beg you, I need your help".

Next day Janes parent's call the police to report a missing child. Tom told the police the last contact he had with Jane was 3 days ago. Looks like Jane will end up on here

These websites are not regulated by law. Law enforcement do not know who runs or creates websites. Anyone can set up a website. You don't need permission from law enforcement or government officials. The TOS and privacy policies displayed on websites are nothing short of nonsense and crap. Thay are in place to make you feel more secure. They are in place to make you trust websites.If you bring the TOS and privacy policy to an attorney or lawyer, they will tell you that those documents mean little bar that the site is, was not, and never will be responsible for anything. That is all.

Websites can be setup/organized or run by anyone and that includes child abductors, child torturers, child rapists, child murderers or any other walk of life. Essentially, they are just a heap of strangers that we know nothing about.
Its time to get real and wake up.

This website is designed specifically to attract young children/minors, think about it, virtual goldfish, jigsaws, the dressing up of the avatar much like a child dressing a doll, the overuse of bright strong colours, the games etc.

This site allows and welcomes ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors, that says a billion things about the owners and creators of this site.

Derek [Lanzer} Liu, and the entire gaiaonline team and staff, I publicly accuse you of child exploitation.

Discuss: Gaia a breeding ground for child traffickers.
Note: The number zero appears in the spelling of ped0phile due to gaia's clever use of their filter system. Any persons who are not registered to the site but read the forums cannot see the word ped0phile in its proper spelling all they will see is ************ thus misleading them into what exactly is been promoted.

These threads;

Another attempt by demon of the 14th shadow to promote ped0philia

Don't ever be decieved in to thinking that this topic is about getting the child sex industry raised and addressed in society in the hope of abolishment, it starts that way but it will drift away into ped0philes ranting about age of consent reform and legalizing sexual abuse images of children and prostitution involving minors.Ped0philes groom/influence/brainwash children to their way of thinking. That is the only reason that thread is present. Its not about getting that awful hideous industry abolished, its about legalizing it. Gaiaonline has been supporting ped0philes since its incarnation in 2003.

The Official Daddy-Dom relationship thread. MORE PED0PHILIA
Miguel Lobo
The relationship can be anything from a Adult/child relationship to Adult/adult with age play and everything in between. It can be based on sex, the Daddy being possibly ped0phile in nature but without a child being involved, to a kinky role play. It can be where the little girl feels herself as a little girl of whatever particular age she feels, but not in a role play sense. It would be that she would BE a little girl, 6, 7, 15, but not role playing, not putting on an act but rather being that little girl.

Submissive support . In reality...grooming kids into violent sex

Lick my boots, master slave the passion and the lifestyle. In reality........the rape and degradation of children
There are also many topics on bestisality, necrophilia, promotion of rape, drug abuse, prostitution etc etc



This next link will lead you to the N.C.M.E.C [National Center for Missing and Exploited Children].
You will now be presented with a publication entitled "Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis".
The publication is written by Mr. Kenneth V. Lanning former supervisory special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Here is a brief introduction to Mr. Lanning, which can be found a few pages into the publication.

Kenneth V. Lanning, M.S., FBI (Retired)
Mr. Lanning is a 30-year veteran of the FBI who spent 20 years in the Behavioral
Science Unit and National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime at the FBI
Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He is a founding member of the Board of Directors
of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and
current member of the Advisory Board of the Association for the Treatment of
Sexual Abusers (ATSA). He is the 1990 recipient of the Jefferson Award for
Research from the University of Virginia, 1996 recipient of the Outstanding Professional
Award from APSAC, and 1997 recipient of the FBI Director’s Award for
Special Achievement for his career accomplishments in connection with missing
and exploited children. He has testified on seven occasions before the U.S. Congress
and many times as an expert witness in state and federal courts. He has
consulted on thousands of cases involving deviant sexual behavior and the sexual
victimization of children. He has authored numerous articles and publications
including one monograph titled Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis and
another titled Child Sex Rings: A Behavioral Analysis that have been widely distributed
by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). He
has made numerous presentations at major national and regional conferences on
the sexual victimization of children, child abuse and neglect, and missing and
exploited children and has lectured before and trained thousands of criminaljustice
and mental-health professionals.

Here is the publication:
Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis

Sado Masochism and ped0philia are the most common traits found in preferential child sex offenders.
Preferential child sex offenders are placed on the Motivation Continuum. Preferential child sex offenders will actively seek out their young victims.


Here is the Motivation Continuum
User Image
You can also view the motivation continuum by downloading the linked Federal publication. It appears on page 23.

You will see this old chestnut appearing many times on gaiaonline," A ped0phile is not a child molestor
ped0phile=/=Child Molester".
Here is what the worlds leading expert on child sex offenders has to offer on the subject off "ped0phile=/=child molestor" and all other related nonsense that distorts the truth.
"Kenneth V Lanning"
Many child molesters are, in fact, ped0philes, and many ped0philes are child molesters.

You will find that excerpt on the bottom of page 19 in the linked Federal document..

So all of that leads me to this:
Gaiaonline allow ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors. They have been doing so this past 7 years.
To put it in a more truthful manner, gaiaonline.com allows and welcomes preferential child sex offenders to interact with children and has done so for this past 7 years.

Derek [Lanzer] Liu, your website is in violation of state obscenity laws and also violates the UN charter of Children's Rights.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu,you allow, and welcome, preferential child sex offenders to your website. You allow preferential child sex offenders who actively seek out their young victims to be present on your site with children/minors.
Derek [Lanzer] Liu are you involved in child trafficking?

Gaia collecting the email passwords from children/minors.
User Image

Gaiaonline collecting the phone numbers of children/minors.
User Image

It's time to wake up and get real!!

This majority of this website is made up of sexually deviant adults pretending to be kids grooming kids into their chosen illicit lifestyles.

Gaia states it will never ask for you account password. Why would they want it, they already have it. You give it to them when you signed up, remember? They are now in a posistion to use your account. They can now private message and instant message your friends on gaia by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your off site e-mail password upon sign up they can now access your off site email account and send emails to all your friends by pretending to be you.
If you gave them your phone number they can now pretend to be one of your gaia friends and call you and chat to you.
Vulnerable, naive children will submit their personal information

Think about this for a moment. A heap of strangers that has access to your email account and all of your contacts.
Imagine this scenario:
An E-mail sent from your account and then erased.

"Hey Jane, its me Tom, Jane I'm in some trouble, could we meet by the park in 10 minutes, i really need to see you, dont tell anyone where you are going, please I beg you, I need your help".

Next day Janes parent's call the police to report a missing child. Tom told the police the last contact he had with Jane was 3 days ago. Looks like Jane will end up on here

These websites are not regulated by law. Law enforcement do not know who runs or creates websites. Anyone can set up a website. You don't need permission from law enforcement or government officials. The TOS and privacy policies displayed on websites are nothing short of nonsense and crap. Thay are in place to make you feel more secure. They are in place to make you trust websites.If you bring the TOS and privacy policy to an attorney or lawyer, they will tell you that those documents mean little bar that the site is, was not, and never will be responsible for anything. That is all.

Websites can be setup/organized or run by anyone and that includes child abductors, child torturers, child rapists, child murderers or any other walk of life. Essentially, they are just a heap of strangers that we know nothing about.
Its time to get real and wake up.

This website is designed specifically to attract young children/minors, think about it, virtual goldfish, jigsaws, the dressing up of the avatar much like a child dressing a doll, the overuse of bright strong colours, the games etc.

This site allows and welcomes ped0philes and sado masochists to interact with children/minors, that says a billion things about the owners and creators of this site.

Derek [Lanzer} Liu, and the entire gaiaonline team and staff, I publicly accuse you of child exploitation.

Discuss: Gaia a breeding ground for child traffickers.

Noah of Dreams
Community Member

Thu Mar 18, 2010 @ 06:17pm

i should tell my friend
she finds gaia confussing (don't know why)
but she understands facebook 4laugh

Community Member

Tue Mar 30, 2010 @ 03:38am

You. Are. AMAZING!

Rindesayu Ayame
Community Member

Fri Apr 02, 2010 @ 06:54pm

That's pretty awesome. What you could do to get people to come over to Gaia, you could advertise the games you can play on Gaia like Zomg with facebook, or on the Ocean Party, but to play it they'd have to come on Gaia. That would get more members if that's what your looking for.

Community Member

Mon Apr 12, 2010 @ 04:36am

*trails on through*

User Image

Paranoid Puppet2
Community Member

Mon Apr 19, 2010 @ 10:26pm

Some of the new stuff is pretty awesome
and Ocean Party is a pretty good way to make a good amount of gold on here
But when are we gonna get more gaia stories/plots and events? D:

Community Member

Sun Apr 25, 2010 @ 07:51pm


This is the best thing that has happened to gaiaonline since i started playing i couldn't believe it worked for me but when i logged in i had my special ITEM witch was a katana this is gaia's newest Daily chance!!! So i just wanted to show you guise the announcement so you can learn a little about it so enjoy

Here is wat it looks like

User Image

Akumi Hirogatsu
Community Member

Thu Apr 29, 2010 @ 07:00pm

I heard only recently about the Ocean Party on Facebook. I don't spend as much time on it as Gaia due to the love I've had for it since hearing about it in '03. But I'll be sure to check it out. ;D

Hopsy Hops
Community Member

Thu May 06, 2010 @ 02:13pm

@ Midnight Trickster

What you said.. Is epic win

darkness angel
Community Member

Fri Jun 18, 2010 @ 02:11pm

Hi Lanzer.
I was wondering if you could make it so that we (gaians) can transfer our gold from Ocean Party to Gaia Online.
That promo was NEAT!
And I've just recently discovered that a few months ago.
I wish you could bring it back.

Community Member

Wed Dec 01, 2010 @ 05:51am

grr.... who ever said gaia online is doing bad stuff is wrong, yes i got a message on my computer saying that right in this very journal! a*****e, wanna mess with gaia, then you have to mess with the fans of gaia to get to him! just try and find us though were all safe from you, you wont find out my name very easy! so ******** off! scream idiots!

Community Member

Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 05:00am

lol nice one surprised lol

User Comments: [34]
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