~K I D A ~ R I O ~

His blond hair fell over his seductive gray-blue eyes. His neko ears twitched. It was July already and the warm breeze from the opened window blew past his face, the smell of trees and city air mixed as he inhaled. Taking a sip of the Vitamin Water he had in front of him he continued to nod to Aria. He never really payed attention to her amazing body, she had a nice personality and they could talk about basically anything. Which cause a lot of his guy friends to torment him and say things such as, "Stop being a p***y and just nail her already!" he just never really found the urge to do that, which at times really pissed off Aria. He was never really a normal guy, he realized that, but he was normal enough to be getting married to a woman who was clearly out of his league. He was finding himself falling more and more into his day dream, pulling on the strings of his gray hoodie and tapping his foot as he hummed a tune, it was now clear he wasn't listening.