~N A I~
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
~ T H E ~ W O L F~
~ T H E ~ W O L F~
Nai looked at the water his still, he didn't move he didn't even look back when Eli called his name, he couldn't. He hated himself, he hated the beast. He knew everyone would hate him, but his hatred for himself would be the strongest. "Tristan...brah...I'm sorry..." he thought his emotions weakening. Tears escaped his wolf eyes, he was making himself sick. He swayed around the wolf weakening, his fur changed from his blond to jet black. He watched his fur as it changed and whimpered, he changed with his emotions. Looking at Eli his icy blue eyes locked on her, pain clear. He saw the blood and whimpered more. He was covered in Tristan's blood...was it possible he had attacked Eli during his rampage to. His stomach churned and he howled, and howled, and howled more. Pain filling each howl. He was lost, he was confused, he was hated...the thought of never seeing Tristan again, because of him caused panic. "No...No...No..." forcing himself to stand up he slowly walked over to Eli his head down, he whimpered and nudged her. He was sorry, for everything. He looked at her and tilted his head, why did she come to him? Why...after what he did...she risked everything to come to him. He whimpered more and more, he was crying. To ashamed to go into his human form he kept his head down and whimpered. The breeze blew his now jet black fur dramatically as he howled again. "Eli..." he said softly to her. Though he couldn't speak his words were sent to her telepathically. He did this with Tristan on many occasions. He nudged her again before falling on his stomach, tears streaming out from his eyes.