People to People Internat'l...
Sent me a rather bewildering piece of parchment recently. Apparently they want me to become a Student Ambassador and fly over to Australia, down under, that continent way down there. Australia! Do
they even know how much it'll cost
me ?? I'm sure boxing kangaroos is as fun as it sounds... but no thanks. I'm not flying off to some place I know next to nothing about, with a bunch of crazy teenagers I've never met... crazies.
talk2hand But then again, I do get to:◦Be set apart on college apps
◦Maybe meet cool peeps (esp. into global affairs)
◦Learn things about a place I've never been to
Talk to gov. officials◦Perhaps find if this is a field I wanna go into??
-The Maharani
Community Member
I wouldn't suggest putting yourself into debt for it, but it could be a really awesome experience.