Well whatever the main thing i want to talk about is why do I, a guy have more women or girls on my friends list? and i see that in most guys on here. Now I'm not trying to complain but seriously cant i have some guy friends? i meet enough cool guys on here that i can enjoy hanging out with but i never add them. is that true for other guys or even the other way around for girls. I see this on many guys lists. But when you look at a girls list they are a mix of both male and female friends. How do they do it! I mean i just looked and i have 18 friends and all but on is a girl and the guy hasn't been on lately and his Avi is a girl. Man i feel so wrong about it now. So for anyone who reads this take a challenge to add around the same amount of guys or girls on there as the opposite sex.
Anyways I've rambled on for quite enough. Remember my Cheshire smile tootles. ^__^.