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Too many spoilers for my friends to handle.
Xigbar: DON'T BLAME ME! You're the one that nearly sterilized him! I had nothing to do with it!
Xigbar: ... *squeaks* Did you lose the abiity to sense the difference between light and dark in that armor too?
Vanitas: Now, that would be my fault. *walks up*
Xigbar: ...Hey, weren't you that little munchkin that followed Xehanort around all the time?
Vanitas: *eyetwitch WHACKS WITH KEYBLADE* Was I his apprentice? Yes.
Xigbar: *ducks!*
Terra: ... Okay, I know I technically said I wouldn't maim you, but- *WHACKS VANITAS WITH GAIA BANE* YOU DID WHAT NOW?!
Vanitas: *DUCKS!* Exactly what I said. I hoped if you beat the goody-two-shoes enough I'd be free from those two.
Xigbar: <If this gets much more violent, I'm gonna Triple Indy off the side of this building and RUN LIKE HELL.>
Kingdom King 13: (FUNNY VISUAL IS FUNNY)
Terra: ...So in essence, you used me again.
Vanitas: ... Yeah, pretty much. *GRIN*
Terra: ... ... ... *'calmly' and maturely turns and walks away*
Xigbar: <...Yeah, right. He's gonna turn around and slap the little midgit silly.>
Vanitas: *smirk* Good choice. We don't want anything to happen to Ventus, do we?
Terra: ... You should watch your tongue. *FIRES OFF CANNON AT THEN LEAVES*
Vanitas: *deserved that one, FOLLOWS XIGBAR* So...it's been a while, Braig. How's Master's plotting buddy been?
Xigbar: Well, frankly, been better. *unzips his coat partway, shows him the hole* But it has it's perks.
Vanitas: *low whistle* Damn~ *after that shocker, smirks a bit* Well, at least you kept your wits about you unlike 'Master.'
Xigbar: Oh, even without his memories, he's got wits coming out the a**. Don't you worry your head about it.
Vanitas: *chuckles* His Heartless' common sense is lacking, though.
Xigbar: Oh, you were talking about his Heartless. Well, you've seen normal Heartless. It's impressive that Mr. X kept his human shape, let alone his sentience. But still, being a Heartless does have its side effects on his mind. His two sides don't get along that well. *smirks*
Vanitas: Oh? *curiosity has been piqued*
Xigbar: Classic duel of brawn vs. brains, little dude. Ansem's got the brawn, but our boss, Xemnas, has got the brains. XD
Vanitas: *cackles* How amusing... Then I suppose it's good that Terra locked away his ability to use the Keyblade... Wouldn't have left any worlds to toy with. *Flood pops up next to him, pats it*
Flood: ^_^
XxTwilit StrifexX: (lol, Flood likes his daddy.XD)
Kingdom King 13: (Aww... XD)
Xigbar: Oh yeah. It'd just be a race to see which would destroy the worlds first. *cackles*
Vanitas: *smirks behind glass* Indeed, it would be. And to think the Heartless still wishes to use me for that purpose. <What a fool.>
Xigbar: He's still going on about that, huh? Xemnas'll get a kick out of that.
Vanitas: More than you can possibly imagine...
Xigbar: So what's it been like for you, being stuck inside Sora the goodygoody?
Van: You know hell? Yeah, that. Especially when he stupidly fell right into 'Ansem's' trap. Though, I have to say it was amusing to watch a kid who has no idea how to even use the Keyblade kick a former Master's a** with it.
Kingdom King 13: (Official apology for what I'm about to type: Sorry.)
Xigbar: Yeah...but you gotta admit that the part where he BURST INTO FLAME AND STARTED FLYING was rather surprising.
Kingdom King 13: (It's awesome inside my head. You should come sometime. XD)
Van: ... Yeah, good point. I think that was the first time I had popcorn, too.
Xigbar: Sora's cranium has popcorn in it? It couldn't have been all bad then, sitting back and watching him be stupid with a bowl've it.
Van: ... Ven hogged most of it, then Roxas and that memory doll joined in and ate the rest. =A=
Xigbar: ...I keep forgetting how many dudes Sora has wandering around inside his skull.
Roxas and Xion: ^^
Van: Welcome to the club.
Kairi: *is SO glad she only had Namine* ^^
Xigbar: By the way, you hear that Ven already joined up with the brat pack?
Van: Saw them on the way here. Ven isn't that pleased to hear he can't get rid of me so easily~ *smirk*
Xig: I heard he had a rather comedic moment in which he pulled a Terra and mistook Sora for you, as well. *joins in teh smirking*
Van: Yes, probably because he's the only one who has seen my face.
Xig: You two must look alike, or wear the same cologne or something. That's two dudes that mistook that ninny for you.
Van: *smirks* Well, I did steal the brat's face...
Xig: ...Ya wha?
Van: Did you ever wonder... why the brat's Nobody and Ventus are identical?
Xig: ...Uh oh. *can see where this is going, is now very amused*
Van: Ventus and I were once one and the same, but Master had gotten fed up with how much Ventus resisted releasing his dark power and so, he created me from Ventus' heart. However, it left his light half shattered in the process and his heart connected to another... *grins* You see, I originally didn't have a face. I was 'born' with this helmet to mask that truth. However, when Ventus connected his shattered light with Sora's newborn heart... *glass melts away, hello thar* -his face became my own, albiet with a few personal touches.
Xigbar: *listens to this rant* Yeah...you're Xehanort's apprentice, all right.
Van: *smirks* You don't think I hung out with him simply because I was bored, did you?
Xigbar: Yeah, but you'd probably have to wait half an hour for the other one to finish his speech before the other guy could start and talk for another half hour straight.
XxTwilit StrifexX: (FOR THE CREEPY LULZ)
Van: Hey, unlike him I keep mine somewhat short...er.
Xigbar: *snorts* Anyway, so if you stole Sora's looks, how do you explain these? *points at Van's bulging biceps* Sora's a twig. Seriously. Even Demyx called him "Twiggy" back in the castle.
Van: *shrug* Darkness powers, and the fact that I was run ragged during training.
Ven: *pops out of nowhere from the shock of what Van just said* Wait, did your training involve a Bowflex?!
Xigbar: *boogy eyes*
Van: *blinks, turns to face Ven* ...That, and a couple other things.
Ven: ...We've had our differences, but I suddenly feel so close to you. D:
Van: ... Don't go all sentimental on me so soon. *smirks*
Ven: Eraqus had us benchpressing EACH OTHER at the BEGINNING of our training. It was crazy. Wha'd Xehanort do to you?
Xigbar: ...*is too amused to interrupt and try to kill Ven*
Van: *gives Xigbar a look saying 'you try that and you have to go through me, too' before responding to Ven* Dodging earth pillars and his little habit of trying to freeze you by the neck as a warm up, ironically. Benchpressing wasn't even implimented until his osteoporosis was too much to keep some of the pillars going. =A=
XxTwilit StrifexX: (C'mon, I'm not the only one who thought that because of his hunched back... XD)
Kingdom King 13: (ROARS WITH LAUGHTER)
Ven: Yeah...he likes the neck freezing bit, doesn't he?
Kingdom King 13: (Terramuse: Hell yes he does. He f!cking STRADDLED me, trying to do it. I felt disturbed.)
Van: Understatement, much? But yeah, at least you were standing when he did that to you. *KNOWS TERRA'S PAIN FAR TOO MUCH*
Ven: ...I get the feeling that maybe I shouldn't ask what that means.
Van: Good plan. Now, was there any other reason you came here besides the shock that is our workout routines?
Kingdom King 13: (Am I the only one deeply amused by the mortal enemies temporarily getting along to b***h about their masters, or are you enjoying this too? XD)
XxTwilit StrifexX: (I'm enjoying this far too much, too. XD)
Ven: <I don't know where you lived with him, but I'm betting you made sure to never drop the soap in the shower with him around.> Well, I was going to kill you, AGAIN, but it's been forever since I could talk about training with someone. Aqua usually just told me to suck it up.
Van: <No kidding. I preferred my a** not to be frozen in a two-inch sheet of ice.> That does sound like her... *smirk, ignores the whole 'killing' part since that would entail suicide as well*
Ven: Heh, and Terra practically enjoyed it. He's even more ripped then you. Good times. Painful times, but good times.
Van: *smirk* I'll bet. You didn't have the creepy old guy pontificating at length while he kicked your a**. ...Well, after the split, that is.
Ven: Fortunately, my memories before Eraqus' castle are still mostly shot. : D... Good God, he pontificated WHILE he was training you sensless? ...And while you were frozen, you couldn't cover your ears. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually feel bad for you right now.
Van: You are lucky that you can't remember him doing the same to you a few times before I was made to remember those days for you.
Ven: What the hell was he talking about so much?!
Van: Dunno. All I heard was "Blahblahblah Darkness blahblah overtaking light blahblah stronger than the Heartless blahblahblah."
Xigbar: *cuts in* Stronger than Heartless? What was he talking about there? Ansem's pretty fricking infatuated with them now...although he is royally, ROYALLY biased.
Ven: <...Wasn't that the douchebag that was goading Aqua in the Keyblade Graveyard that final night? ...Eh, I'll kill him later.>
Van: <Yes, yes it is.> These. *snaps fingers, HELLO THERE UNVERSED* Ever compare a Flood's strength to a Shadow?
Xigbar: Yeah, cause we've had such a ready supply of them with you gone for ten years.
Kingdom King 13: (Oh, that just created a funny visual...Xiggy summons a Shadow, Van summons a Flood, and pits them against each other, and Van gets increasingly frustrated as the Flood and the Heartless continually parry and dodge each other's attacks.)
XxTwilit StrifexX: (lol, let's not this time... xD)
Vanitas: Well, before you fools created the Emblem Heartless, the goal was to create Unversed who were stronger than the Heartless. Today, I'd say they're pretty close to equal in strength since I've been caged for so long. *eye twitch, Unversed vanish into shadows at their master's irritation*
Axel: *watches a Flood run past him* <... So many memories.>
Xigbar: Hey, with you being a goody-good, we needed more powerful troops.
Ven: <Oh, he's not going to like that~>
Van: *clenches fist, evil grin* And who said I'd turned my back on my true nature?
Xigbar: Alright, alright, I'll lay off.
Ven: So, as long as we're chatting so inexplicably amiably, what're you up to this time around? Looking to bust out the Chi Blade again?
Van: Can't say I'm that interested in it knowing where it led us last time. I have no intention of sharing a body with Light after finally getting free again. In fact, you could say that as an Unversed I have a little something against Heartless myself.
Xigbar: How do you feel about us Nobodies? *grin*
Van: Towards Nobodies in general I'm more partial towards. But... *HOLDS KEYBLADE TO XIGBAR'S THROAT* You, however, just insulted me.
Xigbar: ...*annoyedface* Remember how I said being a Nobody has its perks? *teleports behind Van* I'm a lot more "spacey" than I use to be. :3
Kingdom King 13: (There are only two things my Xemnas muse fears: Xigbar, and even then he's not above poking fun at him, and Terra.)
Van: Sonova... *jumps out of the way, glares* Hey, Ventus. Feel like lending your lust for vengeance for him attacking not just Aqua, but Terra as well?
Ven: ...As a matter of fact, I do. :3 *glances at the alley where Axel is hiding to see if he wants a piece*
Van: ... I'm starting to like you, Other Me.
Axel: If my partner's in, I'm in too. *comes out of hiding* Long time no see, One Eye.
Ven: Disturbingly, the feeling's mutual.
Xigbar: *goes from grinning cockliy to ohshitface in a milisecond*
Axel: Now then... *summons chackram, SLASHER SMILE* I heard you gave Sora one hell of a show after I faded.
XxTwilit StrifexX: (... You know it's bad when the one who pontificates at length is telling someone else to shut up. XD)
Ven: Wow, you aren't itching to kill or anything. :3 LET'S MURDER 'IM~
Van: And someone obviously doesn't want to burn things.
Xigbar: *warps behind the group, takes off running in the opposite direction*
Axel: ...This is one hell of a game of tag, don't you think?
Ven: It's about to get even more awesome. Hey Van? Could you swipe a thing of ice cream from that vendor right next to you for me?
Van: Ohh, this trick, hmm? *smirk, does so and pays back with a Flood, tosses it to Ven*
XxTwilit StrifexX: (No ice cream vendors were harmed in the making of this crack.)
Ven: Yep, this trick again. You gotta admit, you no likey back in the day. *gulps it down quickly, SPEED RAVE* ... *LUNGES*
Xigbar: Ack! *teleports to the other side of the street...where Ven is in front of him waiting* HOW THE HELL?!
Van: *ROARS WITH LAUGHTER* Ah, Ventus. You truly outdo yourself... *warps behind Xigbar, griiiin*
Ven: Thank you, Dark Me. :3 I think we should put out the other eye and give him symmetery. *LUNGES FOR SAID EYE*
Van: You're welcome, Light Me. >:3
Xigbar: *WARPS AWAY...but not before two inches of his ponytail is lopped off* You little runts! *whips out guns, warps his hands beside Van, and fires*
XxTwilit StrifexX: (Yeah... muse keeps switching to Japanese mode. XD)
Kingdom King 13: (Hey, I was saying Icaruchio myself the other day. XD)
Xig: ...That totally isn't f- OW RIGHT ON THE SCAR.
Ven: Axel, if you keep moving at a snail's pace, you won't get a piece! : P
Axel: I don't have to move fast~ *SPIKEY WHEEL TO THE FACE, MOTHERF!CKER >D* (mwahaha, AR MODE)
Van: *smirks at Xigbar* Since when, in the years you've known me, have I ever played fair?
Xigbar: *is now quite charred and cut up* Okay, that's it. LET'S SEE HOW YOU DANCE! *OPEN FIRES FROM ALL DIRECTIONS*
Van: *now regrets never learning reflect magic, just FYI* b*****d... *SUMMONS UNVERSED TO BLOCK SOME OF THE DAMAGE*
Ven: Pfft. *dodges just by leaning right and left...is in speed rave, bitches, bullets move in slow motion nao*
Van: <Again I say it: You're lucky you had Eraqus.> *jealousy creates more Unversed to help Axel out*
Axel: *will thank later, winces at a few more wounds*
Ven: <Jealous that we had a Light teacher? We're turning him~> *bullets stop raining* You guys okay?
Van: <Oh, shut up. I'm just admitting he's better than Xehanort.> Been better. *Dark Cures a few cuts on his face* You, Flame man?
Axel: It's AXEL. Got it memorized? * closes up wound on his arm*
XxTwilit StrifexX: (Shut it, I'm combining them for the crack.)
Kingdom King 13: (You are now that you remember~)
XxTwilit StrifexX: (say what you will, dense one.)
Kingdom King 13: (WHY SO VENOMOUS? : P)
Xigbar: Why aren't you dead yet?! *runs again*
Van: Didn't you hear us the first time? *warps in front of, SLASH BEAMS* WE TRAINED UNDER ERAQUS AND XEHANORT. THAT MEANS WE'RE TOO STUBBORN TO DIE.
Ven: *pats Axel, who falls under neither catagory*
Axel: Eh, I'm still too stubborn to die thanks to your double and Xion.
Xigbar: *nearly loses a finger*
Van: *continues going Darkling on Xigbar's a***
Axel: ... Now would be a good time for popcorn, wouldn't it.
Xigbar: *warps in front of building, pieces together his sniper rifle, takes aim and fires at Van*
Van: *sinks into the ground...*
Axel: ... What the-?
Ven: Oh, we're gonna see some fireworks now. Literally.
Xig: *oblivious*
Axel: ... I like that kid. >:3
Ven: He's okay until he holds you down and tries to fuse with you to form a universe-destroying weapon of death. >.>
Axel: ... Good point.
Van: *SIGH, goes back to kicking a***
Ven: <THEN WHY IS THIS FLOOD GROPING ME?!> *points down at said Flood*
Van: <I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?> *mentally tells it to back off*
Flood: *nyuu, likes his master's other half; hugs more* <3
Van: *FACEPALM* Ugh, useless idiots...
XxTwilit StrifexX: (lol, it's Twin's RP all over again.. *remembers this happening with Riku XD*.)
Ven: I can't run at full speed with this thing glomped onto my ankle! D:
Xigbar: *is still rolling on the ground holding his crotch*
Flood: *wibble, lets go of Ven and hugs Axel's leg* ;w;
Ven: ...You know, it's pretty funny when it happens to someone else. *runs to the top of the building in seconds, CUE THE MAIMING*
Axel: OTL
Van: So nice of you to join us, Light Me.
Ven: Would've been here sooner, but I was too busy being molested by one of your minions.
Van: Yeah, sorry 'bout that. *CONTINUES MAIMING XIGBAR*
Sora: *wanders onto rooftop* See Kairi, I told you the view...would...be...what the hell's going on up here?!
Kairi: O___________O
Ven: *whispers* Van, his brain's been fried enough today, put the glass back on your mask. Well, this guy's a bad guy right? We're maiming him.
Van: *does so out of courtesy, nods*
Kairi: *just...stares at how similar Van's outfit is to Riku's dark mode*
Ven: *facepalmsnort*
Van: *sweatdrop* Okay, can we leave the jokes until this guy is dead again?
Sora: I'm not joking! You're the second guy I've seen with a frigging kilt like that!
Ven: ...Van, you don't know Sora that well. He's being completely serious.
Xigbar: *coughs blood*
Van: *eye twitch* No, they aren't. Now for the love of- ... Screw it. *SLAMS KEYBLADE INTO XIGBAR'S FACE*
Xigbar: *flies off the edge of the building with that one*
Axel: *creates a niiice cage of fire for the old coot* ... *can't do much else while being held down by Floods*
Van: *guilty smirk*
Xigbar: *stops in midair, begins walking upside down* Forgot I could do this, bitches?! *walks off triumphantly*
Ven: ...Hey, Van? Could you steal another ice cream for me real quick? The one with the airplanes in it?
Sora: Is this really the time for ice cream?!
Van: Yeah, sure. *has Flood do that*
Flood: *pops up from the ground, holding the ice cream*
Ven: Well Van, here's a trick I never showed you over the course of our battles. *pops the ice cream, AIR RIDERS AFTER XIGBAR*
Xigbar: OH COME ON! *fleeeees!*
Van: Fascinating... *watches with interest*
Kairi: *half-hiding behind Sora, can sense the evil*
Sora: ...Did you just call him Van? As in Vanitas? Why are you working with the guy that YOU TRIED TO KILL ME OVER?!
Ven: I'LL EXPLAIN LATER! *chases!*
Van: *chuckles* Don't worry, Princess. I'm not after any of you. Taking care of remnants from the old days is far more interesting.
Kairi: ... *continues staying behind Sora* Those creatures you summoned... Why are they familiar?
Van: *shrugs* You may have had an incident with them before. Dunno. *pause* Well, see you around fellow Keyblade wielders. *jumps off building*
Sora: ...Bye?
Kingdom King 13: (Well, Ravens aren't really big enough to hold up Van..)
Ven: VAN, YOU CAN'T FLY, YOU MORON! *glides underneath, Van lands on top of him* Ooof! *manages to stay in the air*
Ven: ...I've never seen you do that before...thought you didn't know how.
Van: What? You thought you're the only one with a few tricks up your short sleeves? *tosses up Keyblade, jumps on it* Or did you forget the Keyblade tornadoes?
Ven: That was Xehanort, and you know it. *glides towards Xigbar while he's waiting for Van's Key to change*
Kingdom King 13: (Darn, I was going to have a Ven flies, Van shoots scenario of awkwardness. XDDD)
XxTwilit StrifexX: (XD Nyuu~)
Kingdom King 13: *XDDD*
Kingdom King 13: ...(Why did I use * instead of: )
XxTwilit StrifexX: (I DON'T KNOW)
Kingdom King 13: (I always pictured his as a more traditional motorcycle. The badass kind. Red and black. Skinnier and sleeker than Terra's.)
XxTwilit StrifexX: (Hmm... I like your idea. XD)
Kingdom King 13: (XD Why thank you. :3)
Van: *smirk* <Fool.> *Keyblade turns into flying motorcycle, follows~*
Axel: *sweatdrop* Show offs...
Ven: *grabs onto the back of Van's ride* Van, go as fast as you can, then make a sharp turn to the left! REALLY sharp!
Van: You got it, Me. *FLOORS IT AND DOES SO*
Kingdom King 13: (Why do I hear tires screeching even though he's flying? XD)
Ven: *Let's go midway through turn, LAAAAAUUUUUNCHED AT XIGBAR*
Kingdom King 13: (Mach 10 Air Rider for the win. :3)
XxTwilit StrifexX: (INDEEEEEEEED)
Xigbar: *ohshitface*
Kairi: *watches* Wow... For people who apparently hate each other they make a good team...
Ven: *grabs Xigbar, smashes him through three buildings before the momentum wears off*
Sora: I was just thinking the same thing...
Axel: *somehow gets away from Floods, warps up to the rooftop* Could live without the Floods, though... *pokes one clinging to his foot*
Kairi: *giggles*
Sora: So what the hell is that thing again?
Van: *meanwhile, GOES TO CATCH UP TO VEN*
Ven: *brushes rubble from his hair* That worked almost too well.
Axel: They're Unversed. Vanitas' lackeys just like the lesser Nobodies are the Organization's mooks.
Xigbar: *imbedded in fourth building, in absolute pain*
Sora: Huh. ...Affectionate little guys, aren't they?
Van: Aahh, for someone who prided themselves to be more 'spacey' you certainly look like you're not much better off. *smirk*
Axel: ... Apparently to those Vanitas likes. *tries shaking off Flood*
Flood: *cliiiiiiiiing*
Xigbar: ...b***h...*warps out of building, charges up a huge blue bullet, fires*
Ven: *descends!*
Vanitas: Someone apparently doesn't like the truth. *HELLO GAME OF DODGING BULLET*
Sora: I'll be right back Kairi. *WARP SNIPES BULLET*
Xigbar: *takes bullet in gut* WHY ME, GOD-DUDE?!
Kairi: *smiles* That's my Sora... <3
Flood: *ick, love... poof*
Kingdom King 13: (XD)
Sora: *at Ven and Van* YOU'RE WELCOOOME
Ven: ...Yeah, he can't fly. He'll be okay though.
Van: I noticed that... *all the same has an Arch Raven fly after falling Sora just in case*
Sora: ...Were you telling me about another Vanitas earlier, or...? *catches hold*
Ven: He seems to have mellowed out after ten years, but same Van, yeah.
Van: I blame being trapped in Light for said amount of years. =A=
Ven: Hey, we ain't knockin' it. You gotta admit that being a team has been fun, what with our mad combos and all. :3
Sora: *tells the Raven to take him back to Kairi*
Raven: *does so*
Van: ... My pawns LISTEN TO THAT KID? WHY, GOD?! WHY?! D8
Kairi: Welcome back. :3
Sora: I gotta say, that was fun. : D
Kairi: *giggles* I'll bet.
Ven: Dude, I mistook him for you. Terra mistook him for you. I'm guessing the Raven thinks he's you too.
Xigbar: *is slowly trying to summon a dark portal to GET HIM THE HELL OUT and not attract attention*
Arch Raven: *lands next to Sora, nuzzle before flying off to peck at Xigbar's face*
Vanitas: *SWEATDROP* ... Okay, how about a little test. *summons another Arch Raven* Try telling it to do something.
Ven: Eat that guy's remaining eye. *points at Xigbar*
Van: ... My God, they listen to you too... *HEAD, MEET BIKE BARS*
Van: I think it was the time I spent in you that caused it, Light Me.
Xigbar: WHY THE HELL AM I NOT DEAD YET?! *peck'd*
Ven: Still...would've been nice.
Sora: We need to get more of these things. XD
Van: Tch. Whatever. *flies off, casts one more Fire spell at Xigbar before heading back to the others*
Xigbar: *is on fire, comfortably unconscious at this point*
Ven: *glides back to others as well, turns back into normal!Ven*
Sora: *points at Van* You, my friend, have earned yourself a sea salt ice cream trip. Let's go. :3
Van: ... *has never had ice cream before*
Kairi: *forces a smile* Yeah, then can you explain what just happened? :3
Van: ... *nods* Fine.
XxTwilit StrifexX: (Haha, Ansem isn't going to be pleased~ XD)
Sora: Gonna be hard to eat ice cream (NO HE WON'T! XD) through that helmet. You can take it off, you know.
Ven: *ohshitface*
Van: I'd rather not just yet... I doubt you'd like what you see. *smirk*
Sora: Teen acne? It's okay man, they make medicine for that now. :3
Ven: *facepalmsnortgiggle*
Van: ... *same as Ven*
Sora: All right, but it'll be quite a trick eating ice cream through that. Let's go to the one down below us before they close, I hear they've been getting robbed all day.
Van: ...heheh. *has a Flood drop off enough yen for the ice cream from earlier, follows*
Kingdom King 13: (Timeskip?)
XxTwilit StrifexX: (Sure)
Sora: *tosses a Sea Salt ice cream bar to Van* Dig in. *gives one to Ven, Kairi, and Axel*
Kairi: <3 *noms it*
Axel: *smirk* Thanks. *also noms*
Van: ... *lets some of the glass around his mouth melt away, keeps the glass around the rest of his head, though* ... *noms it, shivers at the cold* (lol, he's not used to it at ALL. XD)
Sora: Dude, seriously, we don't care about your acne. *pats him*
Van: It isn't acne. *eye twitch*
Ven: It really isn't.
Sora: ...What the hell is it then?! *curious*
Ven: *sees the shiver* Is this the first time you've had ice cream? O_o
Van: *turns to Ven* Yes, yes it is. *then to Sora* Not giving you the details on that, but I will say it's thanks to Xehanort's meddling.
Sora: Wow...I'm really, really not surprised by that. Nor am I shocked that he never took you out for ice cream. *bops Ven*
Van: *blinks, puts a hand to his helmet* ... Strange. *nibbles on the ice cream more, trying to decide whether he likes it or not XD*
Sora: We can try another flavor if you want. This stuff comes in literally hundreds of flavors. This is most of our favorites, so we thought we'd try you out on it first. :3
Van: ... Lovely. *omg, a honest smile*
Ven: *has known Van for longer, is about to wig out over honest smile*
Sora: Does that mean you like it? : D
Van: ... Yes, yes it does. |3
Kingdom King 13: (I think Terra and Aqua would just about s**t if they walked in on this. XD As would Ansem. XDDD)
Sora: *slaps him on the back* Congrats, you have officially had your ice cream virginity taken. XD
Axel&Kairi: *looks at Sora, then Van* ... *FALLS OVER LAUGHING*
Van: *eye twitch, has Flood glomp Sora from behind*
Sora: Gotta say, this is the one thing Heartless never tried to do to me...*torn between amusement and disturb...ment*
Van: *laughs* There, now we're even.
Flood: ^_^ *nuzzle, then goes back into Van's shadow*
Kairi: *watches it do so* ...I still find that to be a little weird.
Sora: I've seen weirder. Like an eight foot tall stick thin skeleton dressed up as Santa Claus, weird.
Ven: ...I think he's got you there, Van.
Van: ... Yeah, I'll admit that.
Ven: Dare I ask wh...no I don't, it turns out.
Axel: *smirk* So, weren't you two going to explain why you're so chummy to each other now?
Ven: Well...I think it boils down to a mutual annoyance of Braig, really. And it just sort of grew from there. We kind of beast as a team, I think.
Sora: I gotta say, that motorcycle slingshot thing was fricking beasty.
Van: *smirks* You think so, eh? Well, I have to admit it's better than what 'Master' and I did back in the day.
Sora: Your master was that crippled old man version of Xehanort, I assume?
Van: Bingo. The original Xehanort, before he possessed Terra's body. But from what I saw before Ven here got there... Terra wasn't fully absorbed into Xehanort's heart.
Sora: Really? He seems pretty absorbed now, poor guy. Didn't see a trace of him in Ansem or Xemnas.
Ven: D:
Van: *chuckles* Ah, but you DID see a trace of him. Just not in a place you expected...
Sora: ...Why does my a** hurt all of a sudden?
Van: *smirks* If I were you, I wouldn't look who's coming over your shoulder.
Kairi: ... *looks over, blinks* Hey, isn't he the one Namine drew-?
Terra: *sees them all having ice cream together, WHAT THE ******** DID I MISS FACE*
Sora: Wow, you're okay?! I'm Sora! Please to meet you, sir! *stands up, holds out hand to shake*
Terra: *nod* Likewise... sorry about your a**. *awkwardly shakes hand*
Van: *falls off chair laughing*
Sora: Ah, it's probably just sore from sitting. *OBLIVIOUS*
Sora: That actually looked like it hurt. XD
Van: I still blame being stuck in- *cut off by Ven glomping Terra to the ground, laughs more*
Terra: OOF! *glomped painfully to the ground, laughs and hugs back* Good to see you too, Ven. I see you haven't changed in all these years...literally!
Ven: I guess you need a heart to age...or something like that. *puzzled face, never thought about it himself*
Terra: *chuckles* Then we're in the same boat. I haven't had that or my body for quite some time, now.
Sora: So...are Ansem and Xemnas gone now that you're free, or..?
Terra: *shakes head* I'd have my heart and body now if that were the case.
Kairi: *sadface*
Sora: ...You look...I mean...THIS IS A WEIRD FRICKING WORLD. We'll have to ask the Answer Man about it later.
Ven: ...Where the hell is he, anyway?
Josh: *having ramen in a store nearby, lol*
Kingdom King 13: (XDDD SORA LOST JOSH)
Axel: Look in the window, dumbass. *points to the store*
Ven: *boots Axel playfully*
Sora: Hey Van...ever had ramen?
Axel: *booted, rubs shin* What? It's called brutal honesty.
Van: ... No.
Sora: Want to? :3
Kairi: ... Then what the hell DID Xehanort feed you?
Ven: ...What DID he feed you, come to think of it?
Van: ... Perhaps it's best for your brains that I DON'T tell you.
Sora: ...It wasn't sugar and crack, was it? (I LOVE OUR HIDDEN AR REFERENCES.)
Ven: *whispers to Terra* See? He's even looking out for our brains now.
Van: No, that probably would have sucked too much light from the other half of me. *smirks at Ven* (I DO, TOO. SO MUCH.)
Terra: *whispers* No kidding.. but he still reeks of evil.
Kairi: Oh...kay. *wonders where Xion went...*
Ven: *whispers* I don't think he can help it, what with being the dark half of me and all.
Terra: *whispers* Probably.
Sora: I'm curious, I can't help it. Whisper it to me.
Roxas and Xion: *having fun maiming Noise and practing their skills after so long*
Van: ... I'd show you my face before I'd tell you that, and I already said I wouldn't today. *stands, smirks a bit more*
Sora: *slightly annoyed face* Oh well. So anyway, yeah, want to try ramen?
Van: *shrug* Whatever.
Terra: *senses that may be his favorite word...*
Axel: *seconds metalman's thoughts, completely unaware of that too... XD*
Sora: Heh, we'll see if you can keep your enthusiasm down so low after you've had a bowl of this stuff. *takes the group into the store* Josh, Van, Van, Josh. We're being allies for the day, possibly longer. It's up to The Mask, here. *claps Van on the back*
Van: Har har. Call me that again and we'll see how you like my little 'pets' when they're mad. *is half kidding*
Josh: Eh, he's called others worse. *offers hand to shake*
Van: *smirk, shakes it*
Sora: I've been up to my eyeballs in Heartless for the past year and a half. I'd manage. *grins* And yes, yes I have, although not in Kairi's presence. *GLARES AT JOSH*
Josh: *smirks playfully* Hey, I didn't mean those names, partner. Heehee~
Van: ... *likes this kid*
Kingdom King 13: (SHOCKING. XDDD)
Terra: *to Ven* ... Good God, a Light snarky b*****d and a Dark one in the same room? *whacked by flowery Keyblade from behind* Ow!
Sora: ...I believe I've been tricked into saying too much.
Axel: Yeah, I suggest not cursing in front of the lady... *chuckles*
Kairi: *pouts at Sora*
Ven: *amused* You just got bopped by a rookie. XD
Sora: *bops Ven*
Ven: ...Darn.
Terra: Now what was that?
Kairi: *giggles*
Sora: Oh right, you wouldn't know what to do. Van, just look at the menu, see what looks good, and tell the nice man there what you want.
Josh: *whisper to Sora* Never been to a resturant or never had ramen before?
Sora: ...I think both. He had a douchebag for a master/guardian.
Josh: *wince* Ouch. Well, luckily he has us for some new things virtinity stealing I mean lessons on life in general.
Van: I heard that. *glares at through helmet, then orders the special*
Sora: ...How'd you hear that?
Kingdom King 13: (LOL JOSH SLIPPED UP)
Terra: ... *pulls Ven into the corner for catch up times XD*
Ven: I've got five words that might make you run up and glomp Vanitas right here.
Josh: That's my little secret~
Terra: Oh?
Ven: He. Helped. Us. Maim. Braig.
Terra: ... *laughs* Excellent. I had a feeling only launching a cannon blast at the two would get something started. *grin*
Ven: Turns out Van didn't like the guy anyway. Plus Braig dissed him. So we joined forces to maim him for a bit, and we just kind of...had fun working as a team, I think. Sora offered him ice cream for helping, and here we are.
Terra: Damn~ Too bad my story doesn't have much of a happy ending. *tells him about what he saw through the body, then through Ansem...getting here somehow, and the little chat with Braig*
Ven: Braig may be a manipulative douche, but he was telling the truth this time. These guys can use magic and stuff, but they have yet to even tap the Keyblade's power, let alone use it fully.
Terra: *nod* I noticed that fighting Sora in the Graveyard...
Ven: And yet he's still here, so he must have some kind of talent. :3
Sora: I heard my name. What's up? *walks over*
Terra: ...Nothing, only what it is you and the others still need to learn. Speaking of... Have you seen Riku recently?
Sora: Pfft, he went and got himself lost again this morning. Don't worry, he's looking out for himself. ...I'll explain that later.
Ven: *places his order, goes to check up on Van* So be honest: Did you ever have a tenth this much fun working for Xehanort?
Van: Once, making a cursed pumpkin carriage fall on three women who got a little too envious of a certain Princess of Heart. *smirk*
Ven: ...Interesting...the time you most had fun with him was when you were pwning darkness, in a way?
Sora: So what is it we need to learn, exactly?
Van: Possibly~ *snicker* Though it was a little funny when it also sucked Aqua in. For some reason it's amusing to watch them be destroyed inside-out.
Terra: How to tap in and use the Keyblade's power. So far, you aren't even close to it.
Sora: ...Well, I did manage to beat both sides of Xehanort as I am... *slightly defensive*
Terra: *smirks* I know. *pats* But still, if he ever were to join together again and were to be able to wield the Keyblade again... you all wouldn't last ten seconds.
Ven: It kind of is, actually. *remembers when Sora used Inside Combo on that one cage Heartless*
Sora: Was he that bad?
Terra: *nod* He became even worse within my body before Aqua and I sealed his memories. But I'm afraid... if he were tle leave my body and power behind that would come undone.
Van: Well, that's one more thing we can agree on. *leans back against the chair, waiting for his order*
Sora: I say we kick their asses before they join back together.
Terra: ... Oddly enough, I agree with you. But we don't know what this world will cause to happen when that does occur. After all, it gave me a physical appearance again.
Sora: Okay, well, let's see what you can do real quick. Guys, we'll be right back. *goes outside* Show me what you mean?
Ven: Oooh, Van, this is gonna be good. *cranes neck to see Sora's awed reaction*
Van: *sticks head out* Need a target to hit so we don't take out the kid?
Terra: ... *can't believe he's saying this* If you'd be so kind.
Van: *chuckles, summons a couple Unversed* Have fun with it. *goes back inside*
Ven: ...Terra's been trapped in Xehanort too long. *yells outside* THERE'S NOISE IN EVERY SQUARE INCH OF THIS TOWN~
Terra: *shakes head at own stupidity, summons Keyblade* Since you've already seen what it can do with Light-based attacks, I'll show you something Xehanort has stolen from me. *calms self, DARK IMPULSE MODE AND ZANTETSUKENS THE UNVERSED BEFORE GOING ON TO ATTACK THE NOISE*
Van: How much you wanna bet that only attracts more Noise for him to maim?
Sora: HOLY SONUVA WHOA! Wait...have I seen that Keyblade before?
Ven: ...Uh oh.
Van: ...Should've used a different Keychain, Terra~ *griiiiin*
Terra: *oops, oh well...continues maiming until Dark Impulse wears off...has to admit it was fun pile driving into an Elephant Noise, though*
Van: How much do you think Sora's gonna freak?
Ven: I was conscious when they met. Given the beating he took...quite a bit.
Sora: Hold up, lemme see your Keyblade a minute.
Terra: You've gotten to see it plenty of times before.... *holds it out for him to get a better look* Oh, before I forget... *Casts Regen on Sora's a**...and a couple toes*
Van: *smirk* Well, this'll be interesting. *noms ramen while watching*
Terra: Sorry about that... I mistook you for Vanitas.
Ven: I have to say, since I made the same mistake, this is embarrassing.
Van: Aaaand the shouting match begins. >:3
Ven: Dude, I almost can't blame him. The a** whupping Terra gave him was so bad I hurt for a week.
Van: Agreed.
Sora: You sure as hell weren't blind enough to not run my a** over on that weird hoverbike of yours!
Van: ...and to add to Terra's excuse, it's hard to tell what power is against you when you're blinded there. Millions of Keyblade Master's spirits still haunt it.
Ven: Why the hell did Xehanort like it there so much? *temporarily ignores rageasms outside*
Van: No idea, probably because it helped cut off ties to the other Masters just by being there.
Terra: Look, I'm sorry, alright?! It's hard to tell what any sort of power is in that graveyard!
Sora: ...Graveyard? We were fighting in a graveyard? *temporarily calms down*
Terra: Yes, the Keyblade Graveyard. It's haunted by millions of souls that were slain in the Keyblade Wars thousands of years ago.
Vanitas: He only knows about the souls because he technically WAS one, but... *bopped by Josh* Ow.
Sora: So that creepy feeling wasn't just from talking to an empty suit of armor, huh?
Terra: Not by a longshot.
Sora: Okay, truce. Unless you ever decide again that half my a** offends you and you carve it off. Okay?
Ven: *spittake*
Van: ...That was unexpected.
Terra: *smiles* Truce. And I'll pay you back by helping you tap into the Keyblade's power just like I intended to teach Riku when I chose him.
Sora: ...Oh yeah, you were that guy on the island from when I was little! ...Riku ended up telling me you were his uncle.
Terra: *laughs* Ah, he DID keep his promise somewhat, then.
Sora: I always had my suspicions...XD
Terra: *pats Sora on the shoulder* Well, shall we go back inside and finish eating before they eat ours?
XxTwilit StrifexX: (heheh, he hasn't eaten in over a decade. XD)
Sora: (Sora hasn't eaten in over two hours, and is somehow just as hungry. My Soramuse is a BOTTOMLESS PIT, I tell you.) Sure!
Terra: *chuckles, heads back in then...*
((XxTwilit StrifexX: Vanmuse: ... *decides a shopping trip is in order*
Kingdom King 13: Xionmuse: DID SOMEONE SAY SHOPPING?! I need something other than this robe- whoa, what's with the mask?
Kingdom King 13: Got it. They can start by finding him A MASK WITH AIRHOLES.
XxTwilit StrifexX: XD
XxTwilit StrifexX: He may just drop the helmet...eventually.
Kingdom King 13: Sora: Ice cream, ramen, AND oxygen? This has been a big week for y-...Well aren't you a handsome devil?
XxTwilit StrifexX: Van: *chuckles* Technically the first time I had oxygen was the day I possessed Light Me over there. *points to Ven*
XxTwilit StrifexX: Terra: You ALSO forgot the Heel Face Turn... XD
Kingdom King 13: Sora: Which explains why he attacked me...Terra, Ven, you're both re-forgiven. This dude is very nearly a dead wringer.
XxTwilit StrifexX: Terra: *chuckles*
Kingdom King 13: ARGH, I'M GOING TO BED NAO.
Kingdom King 13: Night! XD
XxTwilit StrifexX: NIGHT. XD))

Van: *noms the ramen, spies on the others*
Ven: Yeah, I think Sora's still training outside with Terra.
Sora: Okay, okay, I can do it this time. I think oh no NOT THE WHIP
Ven: Yep. Sure is.
Van: *cackles* Man, that was fun to watch from INSIDE his head.
Josh: I'll bet, but didn't it hurt? *smirk, noms ramen*
Van: ... Touche.
Ven: Little bit. I just lost feeling in my right arm, myself.
Josh: *smirk* I see... *watches the training with interest*
Van: *wonders how he'll skirt by this with Ansem later...pokes at his skirt* <I am going to be screwed when you guys vanish for the night...>
Josh: If it helps any, going near the strongest source of Light might just save your skirt-wearing a**.
Ven: Dude, I can hear you. He ordered you to check us out, right? So say you were spying on us.
Van: And the whole "my minions listen to denizens of light" part?
Ven: Technically, that isn't your fault.
Sora: YOU-THINK-HE-CARES?! *in between whippings*
Ven: *pouts*
Van: What the newbie said.
Ven:...So lie. He ain't here now, is he?
Van: *pauses* ... Good point. *overly paranoid, much*
Sora: Just watch out for the demonic ship thing. That's a PAIN to take down. *stumbles in after his training session*
Van: *helmet/table*
Terra: *chuckles, is kind enough to cast Cure on Sora after following*
Sora: Your master train you like that?
Terra: No. Our master had us benchpressing each other at the beginning. I'm just a little more lenient...
Sora: But he was easy with the whippings? *dry smirk, inhales ramen*
Terra: Two words: Nail. Bat.
Van: Count yourselves lucky you weren't frozen for fun half the time.
Sora: Two words: Holy. s**t.
Kairi: *bops Sora*
Sora: ^^;
Ven: Forgot about the nailbat. But you had that coming, you use to skiv off training all the time from what Aqua told me about your early days. : P
Sora: Oh reaaaaaaaally? *eye twinkle*
Terra: ... ... ...
Josh: Oooooh~ *smirks*
Terra: *points at Josh* You heard NOTHING, got it?
Josh: Sure thing, Mr. Lazy Bum~
Ven: ...You heard what he skivved off to do in his mind, didn't you?
Josh: *nodnod*
Josh: I prefer my a** in one piece~
Van: Hmm... Smart move, Answer Man.
Terra: ... *mutters something*
Ven: What was that? :3
Terra: I said *muttergrumble*
Van: I don't think we quiiiite heard what you said, there~ >:3
Terra: ... I was playing hide and go punch the idiot who made Aqua cry, okay? ... And trying to find something to cheer her up.
Sora: Who was the idiot?
Terra: Actually, the idiot got worse than that... *chuckles nervously, pauses* ... Don't remember his name. He got kicked out after the beatings, so...
Josh: *chuckles*
Sora: What was worse than the nailbat?
Terra: ...I don't think either of us would like to talk about that one.
Kairi: *just going O_O at the whole thing*
Sora: ...Just...holy crap. No wonder your so violent to your pupils.
Kingdom King 13: (I love how we've turned Van good and Eraqus damn near evil. XD)
XxTwilit StrifexX: (XD Indeed~)
XxTwilit StrifexX: (... I'm trying to picture Mickey's reaction if they were to walk in and see this madness. XD)
Kingdom King 13: (I'll introduce Mickey if you introduce Riku and they both wtf. XD)
XxTwilit StrifexX: (WORKS FOR ME.)
Van: ... Oh s**t. *looks out the window, bopped by Kairi but doesn't seem to notice... GOES WIDE EYED*
Mickey: Hey guys! Took forever to find...you...*sees the gang chatting amiably with a Nobody and Van* ...This is about as close to cursing as I'll ever come in my life.
Riku: *staring at Van's outfit* What... the...
Van: Hello to you, too. *rolls eyes under helmet*
Sora: This guy is Van. He dresses in all black, but he's all right. ...Mickey, seriously, he's okay? Why do you look murderous?
Axel: This isn't awkward at all... *JOINS VAN IN AWKWARD CORNER*
Ven: He's right, Mickey, he's in the process of turning over a new leaf! Seriously.
Sora: ...Oh, and that's Axel. He's been good from day one, pretty much.
Axel: Yo. Long time no see, Riku.
Riku: Uh, yeah... Still didn't appreciate the chakram to the back, by the way.
Van: *stays silent, and prepares to GTFO if Mickey doesn't listen*
Mickey: ...How do you know?
Ven: Pardon?
Mickey: How. Do. You. Know?
Sora: He helped us stomp Xigbar...
Van: So THAT'S what he's going by, now... <I always knew him as Braig or "guy we'll probably write off after all the BS is over.">
Mickey: ...*eyeballs him suspiciously*
Van: What? Do I have to prove I've switched sides somehow? I'm not attacking anyone, am I?
Riku: ... *seconding Mickey's suspicions, whispers to Sora* You sure about this guy?
Mickey: You're also outnumbered by six to one, about.
Sora: *whispers* Well, he did maim Xigbar pretty damn good. I mean, REALLY good. I'm not sure yet, but I think he deserves a shot at good guy status.
Van: *eye twitch* Whatever. Just know I'm not looking to repeat what happened the last time we met. *crosses arms in a huff*
Riku: *whispers* ... I'll be honest, he reeks of it. It's gonna take a lot to convince me and the King he isn't evil.
Sora: Ven explained it to me. He reeks of it because he's Ven's other half. Ven is all light, Van is all dark, courtesy of our favorite...um, apperently bald evil mastermind.
Ven: There's also the small fact that we can hear each other's thoughts somewhat, and Van hasn't thought about betraying us at all.
Mickey: O_o
Riku: ... You're going to have to fill me in la- *grabbed from behind* Wha-!
Terra: Long time no see, Riku. *smirks*
Van: Yeah... It's kind of weird. *rubs the back of his neck*
Van: Speaking of which... What time is it?
Sora: Game time. (I NEED SHOT FOR THAT.)
XxTwilit StrifexX: (*SHOOTS*)
Ven: *looks at clock* ...Um...time for us to start thinking about the least ridiculous lie for you to tell Ansem in the next five minutes. O_O
Van: ... Well, this is going to suck.
Riku: ... Wait, you're with ANSEM?
Sora: ...*ohshitface* WAS. WAS with Ansem.
Mickey: *is looking at Sora like he's insane for hanging out with Van*
Van: He doesn't yet know I've switched sides, so... <Ven, if the King doesn't buy the honesty in one minute I'm showing my face.>
Ven: <...How will that convince him? *slap happy/drained laugh*>
Josh: ...Ow, my ears.
Mickey: ...Wait a sec. I just had an idea. You there, with the silver hair. Riku told me you know a lot. Is there any way to predict where we'll show up tomorrow?
Josh: The higher ups decide in the middle of the night where everyone will show up. Only way to know where that'll be is to either be one of them or have the gift of foresight.
Mickey: Know anyone with that power? *can sense the light in Josh, has officially raised an eyebrow*
Josh: Sanae Hanekoma.
Ven: < ...He's eyeballing Josh almost as bad as you, Van. What the...?>
Van: <The kid is almost pure light, Ventus. I'm surprised he didn't start staring earlier.>
Josh: ...Was there something else, or do you just like staring at others? *pretending to be oblivious~*
Sora: *is now staring between Josh and Mickey*
Kairi&Riku: *same*
Ven: < ...I...really don't think Josh was his first priority when he walked in, Van.> >.>
Van: <Yeah, yeah. Seriously though, YOU NEED TO WORK ON SENSING THIS CRAP.>
Ven: <Ironically, it's harder for me since there's almost no difference between us. ...I think. Or I genuinely suck.> D:
Kingdom King 13: (Okay, I gotta go to bed. Night!)

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