Yami hovered over Hikari's helpless body only to hear Ryou knocking on the door. Yami cursed and thought, Son of a..!!! Bad Timing, Ryou! He threw Hikari's clothes at her telling her to get dressed so Ryou won't find out. As he scambled to make everything seem perfectly fine, he grabbed the First Aid Kit under his bed and took out a band-aid. He unwrapped it abruptively and put it on Hikari's wound around her neck so it would look like she didn't get hurt.
Hikari, on the other hand, was confused, but convinced that Yami didn't want to get in trouble by Ryou. She fiddled with her clothes trying to put them back on like nothing happened. Yami finally cleaned up and rushed down the stairs to the door. Hikari followed shortly.
Ryou was waiting outside for Yami to open the door. He thought, What's taking him so long? As he was about to use his key, Yami opened the door panting.
"Uh...Hi..Ryou..." Yami said panting like a dog after chasing it's tail.
Ryou thought that Yami was in the shower and he had to get out because he had rung the door bell.
"Gomena Sai" Ryou said with his innocent british accent as he walked in.
He set down the groceries he bought in the kitchen and opened the cabinet under the sink to get a pot. He filled the pot with water and set it on the stove. He turned the flame on and walked back into the living room. As he sat on the couch, he saw Hikari sitting on the stairs leading to his and Yami's room.
"Oh! Hello Hikari. I didn't know you were here!" Ryou said.
Hikari looked at Ryou trying to act like nothing happened. "Hi..Bakura-san."
Ryou smiled and said, "You can call me Ryou if you want."
"Ryou" she said.
Yami closed the door and flopped down in the couch next to Ryou. He let let out a heavy sigh and rested his arms on head on the side of the soft couch. Ryou stood up and went to the kitchen to check on the water if it boiled already. While he was gone, Yami walked over to Hikari and grabbed her right arm. She flinched.
"Ow!" Yami looked into her eyes as she flinched.
He whispered, "You better not tell anybody what I was doing to you, alright..."
Hikari turned away not answering. He squeezed her arm that was in pain. She flinched again.
"Do I make myself clear you, wrench?!" Hikari nodded "yes" Yami let go of her arm and returned to his seat.
As Ryou came back into the living room with a cup of ramen, he looked at Yami who was giving the "I-Don't-Give-A-Damn look."
Hikari stood up and said,"I might as well be on my way now. Nii-san would want me home early because the first day of school is tomorrow."
As she walked to the door, Ryou said bye. Hikari waved and went out.
As she was walking on the streets of Domino, she kept thinking about what Yami said to her. It kept repeating in her head like a broken record.
She said to herself, "How am I not suppose to tell anybody about what you did to me?! It's unforgivable!"
She just shook her head and kept on walking trying to look foward to the good things in life like the first day of school, her friends, family. She could care less about Yami, that heartless b*****d! He's not gonna stop her from having fun herself! As she came home, all the maids greated her. Kaiba and Mokuba were there asking where she was.
Hikari just answered, "Roaming Domino City, that's all." and walked up to her bedroom.
She opened the door leading into her white room with her black and white queen-sized bed that was next to her small nightstand with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon clock. She sat on her bed looking at the two wide glass doors that lead to a blacony hovering over the garden. Her bookslef that was lined with various Manga books and sketch books was next to the glass doors. Her computer table with her laptop on it was on the other side of the doors, next to the dresser. A large array of plushies filled the room and gave it color. Hikari liked the comfort of her room. It felt so safe and secure that Yami won't get in. She changed into her pajamas and shut the blue curtains to the glass doors. She lied in her bed, sleeping, eager for the next day to come and bring good memories.
Alright! Ryou saved Hikari! She's eager for the first day of school to arrive, but is there more than going to her highschool and seeing her friends again?
Look out for Aishiteru Ryou! Aishiteru Yami! Part 8 as Hikari goes back to highschool! Please comment and give me any ideas for my next part! Arigato! ^^