Yori is your cliche "used to be sweet but is now severely damaged" type character. She used to be the kind gentle girl who trusted everyone and loved everything. But then she pretty much got screwed over and is much more introverted and quiet now. She's calm, thoughtful, and very calculating. She'll spend days or even weeks just learning about and watching a person before she decides that they're trust worthy enough to even give any of her time to. That is, if they're perfect and she has no reason to be afraid of them. If a person is not perfect, it will take much longer for her to let you in. Much, much longer.
When one does breach her emotional barriers, she still has a very strong and beautiful heart. Yori is just afraid of letting it get broken again, so she just pretends she doesn't have one in most occasions. She has a soft spot for children and fools, though she is much more stern and unkind to the fools. This isn't because she hates them or is angry with them, but because she would like to see them safe and taken care of. She was a fool once, and she was hurt. Heaven forbid things like that every happen to anyone else.
Yori comes from...so many different things. She was the character I used for everything when I was young. But one main RP she comes from is MaS. A very old and very awesome RP (that makes no sense to people who weren't apart of it. It was very much a crap RP.), during which she starts out as the bubbly cute, so-happy-you-want-to-smack her type character. Then she falls for a guy who turns evil, makes amends for one night and knocks her up, and then turns evil again before dying shortly after. (Depending on the story) Her child dies too. After all of this, she's become very closed off and not so happy.
I have also thrown her into some random writings on immortals, and I'm very interested in moving further in that direction with her.