Devnet is pretty damn awesome. At least, that is the answer you would get if you asked her, anyway. Despite the fact that she's very good at her job and is quite wise, she's also completely full of herself. She is the first woman to become a hunter where she comes from, and literally pushed herself into the position despite everyone else telling her she couldn't. She's strong and in tune with nature, and does not like boats, cars, or planes. In fact, she just likes to keep her feet on the ground. Just why does everyone always need to get places so fast, anyway? Transportation machines are loud and noisy and they make the world smell just terrible.
While hunting, Devent is calm, quiet, and deathly focused. When it comes to hunting Gods, there's no one better. She can follow targets using trails that are days if not weeks old, and has no problem killing anyone who gets in her way. There is no such thing as an innocent, and she'll remove any obstacle she has to to get the job done.
In MaS, Devnet hunts Gods. She is a shoboo (animal person type thing...). She's part human and part white-tailed deer, with long elf-like ears, horns, a tails, as well wide eyes and limbs that are slightly longer than that of a human. This also makes her very tall. She had a husband who was the hunter before she was, and took his place when he died despite being told that a woman cannot hunt. I'm very fond of this character, though she is a little bit difficult to place into just any RP.