Alright, my first post here, and I have to warn you all: This is a steady stream of thought. Parts may not make sence. There's swearing. If you don't like that or expect something semi intelligent sounding, you might as well just walk away and never visit my lj again. Get it? Got it? Good.
I want to rant about TROLLS. Yes, trolls. And I don't mean those damn ugly things in fairytales or the things that Norway from Hetalia can summon at will that creeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. No, I'm talking about the internet trolls.
Now, in my opinion--and y'all can correct me if I'm wrong here--there are 2 types of trolls. There's the trolls that point out the obvious to you when you ask a really ******** stupid question. They have fun with you and are generally unharmful. like what you see a lot of on here: I have seen amny examples of this type of trolling, and quite honestly, I love it. They're funny and sarcastic.
Then there's the trolls that make me want to kick a puppy. Yes, a puppy. or a baby. I love both things really. but in any case. these trolls can't even be called Trolls. they don't get the privledge of runnign around singing, "trololololololololololol." These types of trolls can also be refered to as flamers(and not in the gay way) and haters, respectively speaking---though for these individuals there is no such thing as respect.
My best example of the puppy-kicking-troll is the example I had the other day. A friend of mine was telling me about a reviewer of her story(said reviewer will remain unnamed), who did nothing but bash her. So I went to check it out, just for curiousities sake. for a 7 chapter fanfic, she left 3 reviews. one on chapter 1, one on chapter 2 and one on chapter 6. All three had the same type of review:
"You're OC is such a mary-sue! UGH I have your OC! i hate this story!"
(For the few who don't know, a MAry-Sue/Gary-Stu is a made up character who everyone in the story adores, or is perfect in every way. they're annoying to know end and have permanantly made me avoid any fanfic where I see "OC" in the summary.)
okay, I can understand leaving that review once. Not 3 times. and even moreso, the girl kept readin the story. >_> Now, I am going to quote the obvious: "If you don't like something, DON'T READ IT." it's not that hard. There's that silly little blue arrow in your left hand corner to hit "back" and the read x in right hand corner in the offchance you need a moment to go get the brain bleach. Which happens on occasion, I admit. (And I never saw Ciel the same way again...) But this girl just kept repeating the same thing.
Now, my friend is a beginner. She's still learning how to write--she has brillant ideas, but doesn't quite know how to exacute them properly. (this happens to me a lot. no wonder I never get anything done.) And yes, her OC was a mary-sue. But if you hate a story, just hit back or x. And if you're going to review a story and complain, give CONSTRUCTIVE critisism. There are a LOT of people out there who don't seem to know what constructive critisism is. It does not consist of "I hate your work", "You suck" or negatory things of that nature. Instead, it's educational. Such as, "It would be better if you do this", or "maybe you should rethink your character. try this...". Constructive critisism is a POSITIVE thing, and TEACHES people. not put them down.
Oh, and contrary to what the baby-kicking-troll example said, the phrase, "don't like don't read" does NOT mean "PRAISE ME! PRAISE ME! PRAISE ME OR I WILL BAWWWWWWW". And yes, that is a direct quote. The phrase simply means, "If you don't like it, why are you looking at it?" The author(or in some cases, artists) don't want to hear how much you dislike thier fandom. If you're homophobic or hate gays with a passion, and you read a gay based story, we don't want to hear about how gays are wrong and we're all going to hell.(this will be a topic of another journal.) Its called being mature and hitting the back button.
Thats another difference between the two types of trolls. Trolololols are mature in thier trolling. They don't breed hate; they're witty and full of sarcasm. And sometimes, they're just there to smack a sign on your forehead that says, "I'm dumb." Puppy-kicking-trolls are just douchebags who want attention. so they rant and rave and earn themselves the nickname of haters. >_> I hate them so much(LOLPUN!)
I also hate the douchebags on youtube who purpousfully look up videos or watch videos about things they hate and comment. how ******** stupid do you have to be, I mean really?! It's bad enough that no one in the world knows how to keep thier rude a** opinions to them selves...why hullo there douchebags who seem to thing youtube is only for Americans!!!(Yet another rant I'll do later.) Just because you have the freedom of speech does not mean you should always use it.
That being said, trolls. Trololololol is OKAY. Haters/Flamers/kicking-puppies-trolls are not. Don't come to me, Haters. I will not be nice. O^O
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Rantings of an angry Finn
This is all rantings about things that bother me. There may be some language and questionable content. Don't Like something, don't comment. thank you.