A Path To Be Free
20 Years after the Yuuzhan Vong Conflict. The New Republic and Jedi Order are rebuilding what was lost and trying to regain their support and numbers. The Jedi & Sith have form peace between eachother. Throughout the galaxy, some systems have begun to fall and lose faith in for the New Republic.
Three weeks into the rebuild, a sith occult has begun attacking Corusant destroying everything in their path. The Temple has fallen once again & a call has been made. Only the strong and the brave can stop them here and at the source.
Chapter 1
Kanos sat down going through his father things. Thinking how to avenge his father's death. He pulls out his fathers robes & begun cleaning it & fixing the broken parts.
"One day father, I will avenge you and mother" Kanos said gripping one of his lightsabers.
Kanos felt something wrong as he step towards the outside of his hideout. He step back inside & got ready to set out.
Kanos step & started making his way to the Temple. He notice a women trying to defend herself & her child from someone in black armor holding a lightsaber. Kanos started walking towards them shouting.
"Hey! If you gonna harm someone, harm me instead!"
Kanos pulled out his lightsabers & started running towards the mysterious black armor warrior.
Kanos leaped forward swinging his lightsabers towards the warrior
Cutting his arm off and pushing him away with the force
Kanos put his lightsabers away & walked over to the women & her child kneeling down
"Are you alright Ma'am?"
Kanos asked holding out his hand helping them up
"Yes, I am now. Thank you sir for saving me and my child." The young lady said running into a building to hide.
Kanos made his way towards the temple, reaching the Senate. Kanos open the the shatter glass doors gripping his lightsabers in hand searching for any survivors.
Kanos started to walk around the Senate listening for cries and following the force as it guided him to where it was strong. Everything was quiet and death fill the air. Felt like a cage to him, so much chaos and blood shed. No one saw it coming. Could it even be stop? Kanos mind began to race with questions that might not have answer to.
Kanos headed for the stairs following a trail of blood. Hearing screams echoing from a distant. He began to run up the stairs following the sounds of the scream.
Kanos searched everywhere on the middle level of the Senate, wondering in every room. As Kanos made his way into the last room of the middle level he saw another black warrior in the same style armor standing over a dead young teen boy holding a training lightsaber in his hand. Kanos felt anger and rage building inside of him. The boy never had a chance to really defend himself. Kanos and the Black Warrior stared at eachother for a moment.
The Warrior leapped towards Kanos. Kanos did the same and swung at eachother.
Kanos block the Warriors attack and swung his second lightsaber chopping his head off. Kanos landed near the boy, looking down on him shedding a single tear of sorrow for him. With the force he shut the boy's eyes forever.
"We were too late then.." a young woman wearing a cloak walked into the room as she looked down at the boy sighing. She would kneel and take the training lightsaber slipping it under her cloak. "A shame..such a waste"
Kanos turned his head slightly over. And gave a slight nod.
"And you are my child?" Kanos spoke asking.
"I'm not a child..I'm Lecari" She would cross her arms sighing a bit as she looked Kanos over "Who are you exactly? You look like a Sith."
"Forgive me. I'm Kanos. Once a student of the New Jedi Order. Trained to be a Sith, but with guidence of the Jedi. I was left alone after my parents died in the Vong Conflict. You?" Kanos said turning around and walking towards Lecari.
"Me? i'm nobody..just someone looking for her next meal" Lecari was not about to say that she was a self trained force user just yet.
"Right." Kanos started walking towards the exit of the room and heading towards the elevator to the top floor. "Come if you like. I'm on my way to the temple."
"As am I" She would crack her knuckles as she followed Kanos. "What are you heading there for?"
"The will of the force is guiding me there. But as you can see, there are complications along the way. I've always been taught by my father to help those in need." Kanos said walking into the elevator pressing the button going up. He stepped inside heading towards the back closing his eyes.
"The will of the force huh?" Lecari would place her hand under her chin as she stepped into the elevator. "No sure I've ever really believed that myself.."
"For me, it's all I have left now."
The elevator shook as they got to the top. Kanos gripped his lightsabers reversing them as he turned them on. As the door open, different color armor warriors fighting with what looks to be memebers of the Senate. Bodies falling to ground.
Kanos ran towards a group closes to them. Swinging his lightsabers at the warriors. Kanos miss and dodge the first two and cut the arm off of the third warrior and pushing him towards a large window. Kanos turned around killing the first warrior and slicing the second warrior deep in the chest watching him die.
He began running towards the crowd jumping in front of them deflecting every block he could pushing the rest of the warriors back away from the Senate members.
"Hmph" Lecari would pull her blasters from under her cloak and pull off ten shots in rapid succession. Leaping back back she would fire six more.
Six of the shots would fly home at their targets. as they raised their lightsabers to the shots the shots would turn and curve in the air missing the lightsaber to hit home. Lecari fired three more shots as one of the warriors bore down on her. She would drop her blaster as it got sliced in half. She reached for the training saber she had taken before and barely blocked the next slash as she was pushed back.
Kanos pushed back the rest of the warriors and through his lightsabers at all of them. Three fell down to the floor with there heads rolling towards Kanos as he force jump catching his lightsabers and used his force lightning on the forth warrior, bringing it to his knees. Kanos started walking towards it.
Kanos walked right up to the warrior picking him with the force. "Who are you? What do you want?"
"Kanos..a little help here? Lecari was straining to hold back the warrior the training saber sparking. "Crap" she would try to raise her blaster.
Kanos turned his head and through the warrior at the one that was on top of Lecari knocking them both arcoss the room. Kanos ran towards her, shooting lightning at the warriors.
Lecari would spin as she hit the ground firing once more at the warrior. "Damn lightsaber users"
"For a force user, you sure hate the weapons of the Jedi's and Sith's." Kanos said holding out his hand to help her up.
"the lightsaber stands for something I disgust...." Lecari sighed as she holstered her remaining blaster. "I don't hate jedi and sith personally but on a group level I don't care for them no.."
"I see. I will leave it at that then. Tell me if you like. I won't hold it against you." Kanos pushed the doors open and walked onto the platform looking out into the city towards the temple. Smoked and fire burning the building rising up to the top. Kanos closed his eyes feeling the screams through the force.
Chapter 2
Kanos walked to the edge o the platform, staring out and down.
Kanos dropped down off the platform falling onto a large sail barged ship. Standing up, he face back at the platform looking at Lecari, if she was coming.
"She's strong, but who trained her?" Kanos thought to himself.
He closed his eyes, concentrating. Letting the force guide him. He turned around & walked up to the controls & started getting it warmed up & ready. As he walked up to the controls, he notice out of the corner of his eye a body laying across the seats. He stopped & stared at the face of the male body.
"It couldn't be?!" Kanos said to himself.
He walked over to the body & poked it.
"You awake or are you dead?" Kanos said, reaching down checking his pulse, "You are dead old friend. Don't worry, I will avenge you as well."
Kanos picked up his lightsaber & put it on his backside. Continuing to the controls.
Kanos started working the controls on the barg & begins to take off.
Nyobi emerges from a shallow cave just after feeding from a scraggly bit of rabbit meat.
"I will find you again Kanos. Soon."
She walks into the sunset towards the distant Temple. What drew her towards there she was unsure but she was certain it would lead to her final destiny...
Nyobi continues to the temple following what she calls her guiding light which she knows isnt a light at all but an undescribable feeling. With time progressing further she thinks about her past and her savior from her hell...
She remembers the dark musky stone of her prison.The way her captors disgusting guardsmen would look at her and the taste of hatred on her lips that still clung strong even after all this time. The smell suddenly bacame too real and as she looked up there stood two dark armored men in her way...
Kanos begins to take off and heads towards the business district. As Kanos continues on the path he feels is the right one. He also feels a disturbence. And feeling he hasn't felt in a long time.
"She's here some where?" He thinks to himself.
Kanos takes a deep breath and sends a message to the person he felt.
"Not again!" In a bout of mistaken courage and permanent hatred Nyobi lunges at her two attackers missing the first and stumbling before the next putting her very fears before her eyes.Falling to the ground she looks up at the dark figures looming above her and awaits her death.
"Is this the end? How?"
Kanos felt her in pain and felt her close by. He stopped above the spot jumping out of the barg, pulling his lightsabers out coming down. Kanos slice deep into the backs of the acolyes and throwing them into the shadows.
Nyobi realizing her eyes had been closed,curses herself silently for her cowardness and jumps to her feet. She looks into Kanos'' eyes not believing he is here again..and for her! "Again youve rescued me...how did you know..."
"Its over love. You're safe now. Like I promise years ago, Nyobi" Kanos said holding his hand out.
Looking into his eyes Nyobi takes his hand and instantly feels her heart beating faster and instantly felt the same deep passion she'd felt so long ago that shed hoped hadnt died out. Indeed it felt as though it burned hotter. Gratituded and longing molding into one deep feeling of love. Wordlessly she moved forward and planted a gentle kiss to his lips.
Kanos grin and turned away. "Follow me. He's at the temple."
"You're right.Lets go." With a sigh of relief she follows.Wondering if he knew she would follow him from today forward no questions asked ready to learn and kill however necessary.
Kanos brought the barg down and got on with Nyobi. They took off towards a club with smoke and fire.
...The Temple...
As the Acolyte runs into the Temple and making its way though it finding the Council Member Chambers. Pushing the doors open and rushing to a man standing in the shadows. The Acolyte gets down on one knee and looks up at the man.
"My lord, we have a small situation." The Acolyte spoke.
"And what is that?" The Sith Lord spoke.
"A group of unknown people are fighting back and killing our warriors." The Acolyte spoke with a hesitant voice this time.
The Sith Lord step out of the shadows and force choked the Acolyte into the air, "Then fix it! His words through mine are your orders! NOW GO!"
The Acolyte fell to the floor coughing. He quickly got to his feet and ran out the door and out of the Temple.
Nyobi happy to be finally reunited with her savior and (in her mind) master, felt a bit apprehensive about what lied ahead. "So what are we to expect now?"
Kanos took a deep breath and looked forward. "I honestly don't know yet. But this place has been hit hard and is falling apart again. Most of everyone have fled, except the Temple."
Ah. So forgive me,I've been in the desert for a long time now. Why do I feel this temple calling to me? Do you feel it to?" Nyobi said with her head down.
"It the will of the force that you feel. When something goes wrong and when there are cries, it calls to use and sometimes we must follow it." Kanos said looking at her and smiled.
"I see.But why me? Who else feels this? For so long I had no idea what this was.Only that I must follow it if for no other reason that to get answers. Nyobi thought for a brief moment. I will learn from you." She said.
Kanos grin and with a small chuckle. He hadn't done that since a long time. He glance his eyes towards Nyobi. "I promised your father I would take care of you. Are you sure you're willing to finish what you started years ago?"
Kanos looked ahead and notice two people fighting on the top of the building.
A smile passed Nyobis face as she looked into Kanos' eyes. "Of course I am. I..." As the two figures became more clear a feeling of cold desperation and fear overcame over her "..trust.."
Kanos put a hand on her shoulder. "It's alright princess, feelings we can discuss later. Hold on! I'm setting us down to help whoever needs it."
She gave a nervous laugh "feelings?? pssh im so ready! Yeah, lets see whats going on down there."
Kanos set the barg down and got out running towards the fighting, trying to see who is on what side of the battle.
Nyobi , anticipating a fight, followed Kanos towards the excitement.
Kanos lungs at the Acolyte pushing the teenager away. "b*****d!!!"
Kanos swung his lightsabers across the Acolytes body killing the Acolyte instantly.
At the Temple..
Lord Phoenix walked up towards the broken window looking out towards the City. Taking deep breath and closing his eyes. Opening his eyes quickly, sensing a presence that he hadn't felt since his late teens.
"So you are here after all this time." Phoenix said to himself.
He walked away from the window and sat down in what used to be Luke Skywalkers chair.
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