I really don't know why I've been feeling so tired lately. I mean take today. When I got off work I felt like I could have dropped down on a bed and fallen asleep right there. The last couple days my sleep schedule has been following something of a pattern. I'll go to bed around 3 to 4 am, and I set my alarm to make sure I get 8 hours of sleep. None of the work I do is physically exhausting, so why am I this tired?
Today was kinda filled with drama. Thankfully the first, oh, almost four hours of my shift were spent away from customers. I was doing stuff left on a list, like bagging ice, sweeping the parking lot, stocking the walk-in. I like doing the walk-in best. I don't mind cold that much, and it's totally off-limits to customers so I'm completely alone in there. My only drama in chores was there's waaaay too much Powerade in the cooler, and it's all stacked so that you have to shift like over a dozen boxes (15 bottles of Powerade per box) just to get at the flavors you need. If anyone was watching the camera they probably thought I went crazy, I was slinging those boxes and muttering to myself XD I put everything back when I was done, hopefully in an order that won't warrant a repeat of box-slinging, but again there's just so much of it back there that it all kinda gets in the way no matter what.
After the cooler I was bagging hot dog buns. Simple stuff, just put the bun in an individual bag, fold, twist, and tuck the bag shut, then put it in the holders for customers to grab, or in containers for stocking the holders later. We got through a ton of buns a day, and it's kinda tedious work. I'm standing there, tossing as many buns in bags as I can. (Gotta wear gloves for that, but not for twisting the bags closed. So we bag first, cause we can seal the bags during lapses between customers.) Out of nowhere this fight starts up between two women. One cussing and saying the shirt and sunglasses the other was wearing were paid for by her, and hers, and the accused woman going on about how the accuser was full of it. I'll say this, the accused chick at least seemed to be trying to keep it from escalating into a full-on fight, and wasn't cussing. My partner told 'em to take the fight outside, and they left.
Well not even ten minutes after that, this van comes pulling up in the parking lot. You could tell just by how it was driving that something was up, a bit too fast and going in a direction that looked like they were trying to catch someone. Well one of the passenger doors opens, while the van is still moving, and this shirtless dude jumps out and starts waylaying on this car parked right in front of the store. Like seriously trying to get the hell in that car, beating on the windows using all his strength and everything! The car pulled back and half tried to get out of there and half tried to run the guy down, and I saw the driver was the same lady that started making a fuss about the shirt and sunglasses earlier.
Well the two other customers in the store and my partner pile outside, customers to watch and my partner to tell the driver and shirtless dude to get the heck off our property. I twisted a couple more bun bags shut, then, because I was kinda worried, I went out of the store too to help if I was needed. Got out just in time to hear the shirtless dude shouting about how someone had a gun too XD Well after my partner shouted a little at both of them they both left, so nothing really happened after that.
The rest of the shift was kinda slow. About the time my partner was about to go home this woman comes in with a really hyper and bratty kid. Dunno what set him off, but when she went to go to the bathroom he started this awful din about having to go in with her. Well he couldn't have been older than 6, probably closer to 4, and little kids can be such a pain. Swear, he was wailing like a banshee for like 10 minutes! The mother had gone through back surgery, so she couldn't really manhandle him for misbehaving. They were finally gone though.
The last bit of horror today was this one lady that showed up about an hour before my shift ended. Wanted $3 on pump 5. Did that, went through the rest of my line cause it was starting to get a little busy. She comes back in after a few minutes and asks me to turn the pump on. I look at the screen and see the icon that says it's pumping gas, and tell the lady. She leans out the door and shouts something or another to her friend. After a bit more stuff to that nature she comes in and is in front of my register saying that her friend hadn't even touched the pump, and that it had said $3 when her friend last looked at the screen, and stuff like that. Well I look, and the last purchase before the $3 was something for $50. The gas purchase was just far back enough that I pulled the receit for it, and I did put the gas on the pump and on the right pump. All that boils down to there being $3 on pump 5, and someone pumped it. I try explaining this to the lady, but she keeps on about how they didn't touch the pump, and they have no gas, and just repeating herself. Meanwhile I've got a line backing up into the next state. Tried calling my manager but she didn't answer. A coworker, off duty, was in line and I enlisted her in helping explain that I couldn't really do anything else since my register was telling me I'd sold the $3 in gas to them. Finally the lady I was supposed to be helping next either took pity or got fed up, cause she paid $3 to put on their pump. I was so tired I just didn't really care at that point. Don't get me wrong, if I saw I made a mistake I would have taken the fall. But everything I was seeing from my register pointed at those ladies lying through their teeth and just trying to get free gas. I'd have checked the cameras if I could to be sure, but I don't know how and don't know if I'm even allowed.
To end all that I'm kinda ticked at a friend. Haven't seen him in almost half a year, he didn't even know I was working at the gas station, and he just shows up. We exchange cell numbers, cause he got a new phone and didn't have my number, and we part ways. I text him later and ask if he's not doing anything later if he wanted to hang when I got off work, so we could catch up. We text a bit, and he says that he'll text me when he gets out of rehersals and let me know. Well I end up texting him, and he says something to the effect of how he's at home now and maybe tomorrow. I text back and let him know what times I could hang cause I had work, but he doesn't reply. The next day I have to text him again and ask are we still gonna hang. He replies with, "I'm at home." Yea, thanks for that. I text back that I figured he might be, but he could come up to see me at work or I could get him when I got off. He texts, "I'm at the house in Iowa Park." Let me impart something, his home is his family's house in Iowa Park. So basicly he's giving me nothing to work with, and after having to cut through a lot of bull and try to be tactfully blunt he pretty much says not tonight. So I'm in WTFRAWR mode at him already. Ugh.
I texted my other friend, cause I felt in the mood to rant a bit even if I was tired, but she never texted back either. *sighs* I think I'm going to become a hermit and live in the wilderness somewhere, so I can avoid all human life and all the irritations that come with it...
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Ramblings of a Jinx
Kinda pointless, since I know people don't read these, but I post 'em anyway.
jinxgirl5 is...
09/17/19 New computer, so hopefully I'll be posting a little more. Writing muse is still very iffy though. If you want to break pre-arranged plots with me I promise I won't be upset, just send me a PM so I know what's going on. Many sorrys, life just took that kind of a turn! That being said, hopefully I become a lurker once more.
09/17/19 New computer, so hopefully I'll be posting a little more. Writing muse is still very iffy though. If you want to break pre-arranged plots with me I promise I won't be upset, just send me a PM so I know what's going on. Many sorrys, life just took that kind of a turn! That being said, hopefully I become a lurker once more.