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Resident Evil RP
Part III C

Scene VII
As Nemesis and Luka exited out of the documentary room they noticed that the convention center building was completely destroyed. The steel doors were completely smeared in blood, the walls where cracked, the windows and glass doors where shattered into mere shards, the third floor was burning on some parts, while bloodied steel building supporters barricaded all of the stairs. When Nemesis looked up to the ceiling, there was a gigantic hole on there that covered forty feet in diameter. Suddenly, Nemesis heard a girl screaming from the distance, and he turned around to where Luka was, she was nowhere in sight.

Then, as he looked to where the walls near where the documentary room is and saw a spider like figure that was standing on the wall. The spider happened to be twenty feet in diameter that had the body appearance of a black widow, but its head was in the form of a bloodied up human skull with glowing lavender eyes within the skull sockets. Then Nemesis looked to the creatures ligaments, and on the first two, the creature held on to Luka, whom it was carrying by the waist and tried to cover her mouth at the same time. “Luka!” Nemesis shouted as he looked to where the creature was holding Luka captive. Luka then restrained the creature from touching her mouth, and Luka screamed out as she tried to restrain the creature’s ligament away from her mouth, “Nemesis! Help! Nemesis! Help me please!”

“Long time no see, hey buddy!” The creature roared out as he won against Luka restraining it ligament over and covered her mouth shut once again. “Arrachnus!” Nemesis growled at the creature as he gave it a scowl. “Hey, you remembered me! Did you remember about you girlfriend and your adopted daughter too? Or did you forget about them like the rest of your memories?” Arrachnus asked casually as he walked to the side of the wall quickly, while carrying Luka in his clutches. “Arrachnus! Let go of the girl she didn’t do anything wrong!” Nemesis bellowed as he growled angrily at the creature while slowly moving his feet toward where the Arrachnus is. Then Arrachnus crawled slowly to the door on to the side which was next to the staircase and replied casually, “So you’re telling me to give up daddy’s little girl to you and let me go waltzing in to my bosses office without anything for my return. I’m sorry buddy, there’s a no can do in these kinds of situations here. You see, I’m working for the head honcho full time here and if I don’t get the head honcho what he wants, I won’t get a higher pedestal and I’ll be demoted into one of the weaker vessels on board.” Nemesis then walked up to him, filled with anger and frustration and yelled, “So you giving up the little girl’s life just for a pedestal?”

“Yep, pretty much.” Arrachnus replied as he crawled and jumped all the way up to the roof of the convention center building as he carried Luka hostage. “See ya later buddy!” Arrachnus yelled out as jumped through the opening of the roof along with Luka. “You b*****d!” Nemesis grumbled angrily as he looked straight up across where the hole was. Nemesis then looks down upon the first floor and notices an influx of zombies marching in to the building and started attacking the people below him and started eating their flesh alive, from the categories of zombie bite wounds from neck to zombie buffet out eating internal organs of live human beings. Then Nemesis grabbed the railing of the glass balcony and jumped over it as he held on to the glass balcony for five seconds and let go of the railing as he made the one hundred foot drop.

As Nemesis landed on the solid carpet ground on his own two feet, leaving two slightly large holes on the floor that was ten feet in width but six inches in depth, he looked around his surroundings as the zombies and the demented creatures continued with their feast. Then Nemesis lifted his right arm in the air as it quickly transformed his right hand into a cannon gun and aimed the trigger at several of the zombies before him. He then shot large five inch bullets from his right arm simultaneously at the zombies, demons, and the infected humans through every part of the body possible for him to reach, including the brain, heart, and unmentionables. Blood then flowed through the floor quicker for each time Nemesis shot a bullet and triggered through the enemy. Brains tissues, heart muscles, and vital organs appeared from different bodies from which lied on the floor lifeless, including torn off ligaments from the fallen victims of Nemesis’ built in bullets, of which all were surrounded by a puddle of blood. Then when Nemesis ceased the cannon firing then he turned his direction to the window like doors behind him and raised his cannon arm at the doors. Then he shot through the glass doors as shards of the door scattered through the foyer of the convention center building, leaving more bloodshed in there and Nemesis marched out of the door way of the convention center as its remains of the door were scattered across the floor.

Nemesis then marched through the grand staircase of the convention center building, where the convention stands stood before it along with the city grounds as it was presented in its post-apocalyptic form. The curtains and colorful decoration of the convention were tattered while its people were drenched in blood and their faces completely deteriorated with white blank eyes. The sky was red but its clouds were pitch black, but in the mist of it all laid two shadow like figures. One appeared to be an overgrown spider that was dangling through the telephone wires; the other figure appeared to be a human that was dangling within the spiders grasp, as if it was trying to break free from it. Nemesis then ran through the humungous staircase as he looked to what was in front of him as he zoomed through the convention stands. As he jumped on top of the convention stands one by one, the zombies and apocalyptic creatures tried to push against the convention stands, hoping that Nemesis would fall to his doom. However, not knowing of what the zombies were facing against, Nemesis pulled out his cannon gun like arm and triggered at the zombies that were in his way as he continued to jump on top of the convention stands at the same time.

When Nemesis reached to the end of the array of convention stands and arrived at the front entrance of the convention center, where its city grounds still appeared normal, he turned to his left and noticed Arrachnus, whom hung on to the telephone wire next to one of the city buildings still having Luka in his clutches. “Let her go!” Nemesis insisted angrily at Arrachnus as Arrachnus jumped on top of the building roof and still held on to the girl. “I don’t think so!” Arrachnus replied sternly as he continued jumping on roof by roof refusing to let go of the girl. Nemesis then followed them as he jumped over the metal fence and began to climb on one of the buildings and began to jump on top of the roofs as well, trying to catch up with them. As both raced against each other in random directions as they both were fighting for custody of Luka’s wellbeing, they both eventually arrived at the Umbrella building, near were station square was.

Both Nemesis and Arrachnus jumped toward the cement ground, in front where the café was as Arrachnus was still holding custody of the girl. “Let her go Arrachnus! The girl hasn’t even done the slightest harm to you!” Nemesis yelled at him as both where standing in the middle of the street and Nemesis stared angrily at him. “Make me!” Arrachnus said tauntingly as he smiled sinisterly at Nemesis as he held Luka to the side of him, near where his mouth is. Nemesis then held his gun arm at the spider like creature and aimed for his forehead. Before Nemesis could pull the trigger though, he then said calmly as he looked at Arachnus, “Let the girl go, or it will be the end of you.” “Ah, so you’re now going to pull the trigger at me, huh?” Arachnus replied questionably as he looked to where the trigger was pointing at, he then slowly turned around to where the girl was and picked her up with his two front ligaments. Then he placed Luka in front of him, like a shield, and placed her in front of where the trigger was pointing at and imputed smartly, “In that case, you might as well kill the girl too! I’m not going to let all my hard work just go to waste like that, and incase if I don’t come back alive on the mission, I want to leave something for my boss as a sign that I actually did something for my mission as a success rather than being at vain. So what’s it going to be now boy?”

Nemesis to a bit of thought into his decision as he looked slightly down upon the ground as he still had his gun like arm aiming at mainly Arrachnus. Luka slightly whimpered as the gun was also facing her at the same time as her body began to shake in fear while Arrachnus smiled sinisterly on the other hand. Nemesis then began thinking about Luka’s safety as she eyed directly at her, then figured out the ways she could end up being dead if he were to hand her over to Walter and Arrachnus, yet if were to pull the trigger at Arrachnus, not only he would kill Arrachnus but also kill Luka in the process in doing so. Thus there was really only one option left for him to do in order to save her life from either of these unfortunate events. He then slowly placed his right arm down to lower the trigger and looked up to where both of them reside and replied solemnly, “Take me in her place.” “Wait, come again?” Arrachnus questioned in disbelief of the words that were coming from his mouth. “I said take me in her place.” Nemesis in a solemn voice as he looked sadly at where Luka was standing in Arrachnus’ clutches.

“So, let me get this straight? You’re willing to put your life on the line to save this girl right here?” Arrachnus asked as there was a dead silence between all of them as Arrachnus smiled sinisterly at Nemesis. “Going once, going twice…” Nemesis counted off as he walked closer to where Arrachnus is standing and Arrachnus started to feel the pressure on him. “All right! All right! Deal! She goes, you stay.” Arrachnus replied sinisterly as he released Luka from his clutches and slowly walked toward where Nemesis was as he gave in to the pressure. He then stood five feet from where Nemesis was standing and pulled a weapon like tool from his back with two of his back ligaments and pulled it to the front using the rest of the ligaments. Arrachnus then whispered in Nemesis ear as he drew the weapon close to him, “And to make sure that you don’t get away.” He then electrocuted Nemesis with the weapon and Nemesis fell to the ground unconscious as Luka stared at the scenario with fright. Her eyes widened and her mouth began to tremble, as if she was ready to cry as she stared at Nemesis’ body as it lay unconscious on the floor.

Then Arrachnus carried Nemesis on his back as he picked it up from the floor as Luka stared and watched as he jumped from roof to roof and entered through Umbrella’s premises. Then as Luka lifted her head to the raining sky as she looked to what was above her, she noticed an angel like creature flying above her and a hovercraft on the side of it. The hovercraft carried what appeared to be a man with wavy hair whom sat on the seat in the hover craft with a glass covering the man, while the angel like creature carried a girl in her arms with short, spiky hair whom appeared unconscious. Then Luka looked down solemnly on the ground as she began to tear uncontrollably and wailed, “Why? Why did it have to come to this?” She continued to cry softly as kneeled on the sidewalk in front of the Umbrella building.

Scene VIII
As Leon and Clarabell entered the hallway of the second floor from the red door and looked around to see where Seras was, there was no sign of her and the hallway was bare in addition. “Where did Seras gone off to?” Leon asked as he looked frantically around the hallway, worrying about what happened to Seras and imagining all the horrible things that could have happened to her. “I would tell you if I knew, but none of us know what happened to her at this point. For all we know, she can be anywhere!” Clarabell replied as she skimmed through frantically the enormous hallway as she began to wonder were Seras had gone off to, both in the positive and the negative. Then suddenly a voice sounded off from the distance as it echoed through the ceiling, “Yoo-hoo! Is this what you’re looking for?” Leon then listened carefully to the voice that both of them heard yelling from the distance as Clarabell asked curiously, “Who was that?” “I know that voice from anywhere and it isn’t Seras.” Leon replied as recorded that perky voice that echoed from the distance from earlier through his mind as she froze in dead silence.

Both Leon and Clarabell then stared at the ceiling above them and noticed a womanly like figure wearing dark purple lingerie with black angel wings on the back. She had magenta red hair that reached all the way to the waist and ice blue eyes with mascara on her, with very pale skin, and in her arms was Seras, whom lay unconscious and her head tilted upward. Her upper body laid against Sirse’s right arm while her legs sat against her left arm and both stared in complete shock realizing that the description of the lady that stood above them matched in both the old woman’s story of the woman whom betrayed Leon and the profile of the sixth sacrament as they looked at the fluorescent woman in fear. Clarabell’s eyes began to widen as her skin turned pale as her feet began to tremble and lips quiver as her body shivered in freight as she then began to recall the old woman’s words of her warning before they entered the profile room. Leon however scowled at the fluorescent red haired women as he began to clutch his fists in anger and his feet glued to the ground and raised his right hand and pointed at the woman as he shouted her name angrily, “Sirse!”

The woman in the fluorescent red hair then glimpsed below her as she recognized the young handsome male voice that shouted from the distance and noticed a male with punk clothing with jet black hair and azure blue eyes and cream tint skin. Then replied in a perky voice, “Hey Leon, You remembered me!” “Yeah, but only because you’re the one whom tried to kill me!” Leon shouted back at her frustratingly and clutched his fists tighter. “Aw, but don’t you miss me?” Sirse questioned as she pleaded in a manipulative way. “You, f--- no, anybody but you! You are the last person that I want to see at this point! After what you tried to do to me, no!” Leon bellowed at her as she made a very firm scowl on his face as he raised his fist and threw them against his side. “Aw, is that anyway to treat a lady?” Sirse questioned Leon once for manipulatively, hoping that she can lure him on the spot. “Lady? The only ladies that I see here is Clarabell and Seras! You are a whore from what I can see here!” He growled at Sirse in disbelief and anger for what she did.

“Oh, I get it. So the girl standing right next to you is your new girlfriend.” Sirse replied in a manipulative way as she tried to make him give in. “No! Plus she is already going to marry another dude anyway, and if had to choose between both you and Clarabell for a girlfriend, I would choose her any day!” Leon shouted as he eyed at Sirse angrily as he clutched his fists tighter. “I see, well she did have longer and prettier hair than I did and a nice body shape appearance in addition to it, so it’s pretty obvious you would choose her over me.” Sirse replied manipulatively as she rolled her eyes around the room and looked back at him as she held Seras unconscious in her arms. “No, because her heart isn’t rotten, unlike yours!” Leon replied to Sirse in a frustrated voice as he tried to restrain his fists from knocking over anybody. “I see, what about Seras though, would she considered as a new girlfriend to you, possibly a bit more valuable than Clarabell standing right next to you, probably even more valuable than me?” Sirse asked manipulatively, hoping to drive Leon into madness.

“No! I don’t value people off the bat like that Sirse! And again if I had to choose between you and Seras to be my new girlfriend, it would definitely like Seras!” Leon replied in a ballistic voice as fire was seen right through his eyes as he glared at Sirse. Sirse then looked at Leon interestingly as her eyes narrowed while still holding Seras with both arms and replied with envy, “I suppose your right, after all, she is the ultimate weapon if I am not correct. She’s a lot stronger than I am, I’d say about tenfold to be exact. And she has the hour glass figure if I am not mistaken, plus she doesn’t have to put on so many cosmetics to get the guys attention like I do. Compared to her strength wise and beauty wise, I am inferior to her, but it’s not like I’m jealous of her or anything.” “Again Sirse, the reason that I would choose Seras over you is that her heart is a lot more pure than yours will ever be!” Leon boasted in anger as he growled in anger and his eyes began to fill with wrath. “Um, I see, well I guess that I’m not that important to you any more…” Sirse replied as she attempted to use manipulation against Leon, hoping that he will be tricked using her manipulation. Leon growled in anger as he became fit up with her luring and manipulation tricks, “That’s enough with your manipulation games Sirse! Give us back Seras now as we speak!”

Sirse then looked down at Seras then looked back at both Clarabell and Leon, with Clarabell still trembling from the shock of the old woman’s words of how precise they were with Leon glared at Sirse with fury. Then Sirse smirked sinisterly and replied, “Oh, I loved to get your girl off my hands any time, there’s just one problem though.” “And what would that be?” Leon questioned as he attempted to lower his anger level. “That would be me.” A manly voice bellowed from the distance as both Leon and Clarabell turned their direction at the shadow that stood behind Sirse. As the figure moved away from the shadows, the figure appeared to have dark yellow locks with steel blue eyes with a slight beard with a dark navy blue trench coat with navy blue slacks with brown work boots as the man limped with his right leg as he walked closer and closer to his view. Leon’s and Clarabell’s eyes began to widen as their faces appeared with shock of the shadows appearance, now knowing that all along that the particular man they’ve been hunting down for was standing right before them. “You…?” Clarabell whispered as she gazed at the man in freight and uncontrollable anger. Leon then looked at the face much more closely as he burst out the man’s name in vain, “Walter Sullivan?”

“That’s correct boy! The man you have all been waiting for is standing right before you in person, you have a good eye I’d say, for someone that does not like paying attention as much.” Walter spoke calmly as he gazed at Leon, whom was about ten to twenty feet below him. Leon then scowled as he glared up at Walter, yelling at the top of his lungs saying, “Walter Sullivan, you better give Seras back or else!” “Or else what boy? You’re going to grab your S.T.A.R.S. police force and arrest me? Don’t bother; all of you ‘police force’ is lying dead in a pool full of blood thanks to my vessels with all their ligaments torn off before their eyes. Not to mention that the ultimate weapon is back in my hands now because of you reckless actions. Unfortunately, she is too strong for even ten million people or for even me to handle alone, thus fitting in with the people in the café gave me the perfect opportunity for me to snag her while I had the chance.” Walter explained as he glared at Leon with a sinister smirk on his face. “But wait that does not make any sense, if she is so strong that she can take on ten million people at a time, including you, then how is it that you were be able to capture by just using one person?” Leon question as he was lost in Walter’s explanation, at the same time was concerned about Seras’s wellbeing. Walter then smirked sinisterly and replied gladly, “That’s because you put her in her weakest state.”

“Hold on, what do you mean by that Walter?” Clarabell asked as she became curious as to what Walter was really saying. Sirse then intervened before Walter could say anything, “It’s simple as this, her weakest state is when left arm is recreated to make it look symmetrical and identical to her right arm with no appearance of shadows of any case.” “What!” Leon burst out in shock as he then began to realize the foil of Luka’s plan, now regretting the mistakes he made on the mission as his began to freeze from the shock. “That’s right, once you place her with both arms symmetrical and identical to one another, all of her supernatural senses are cut off from her automatically, leaving her mostly defenseless with both living and dead, the only super natural ability that is not cut off is her third eye, which she still can use to contact with other people visually. Immortality and eternal youth she will still have regardless of the state she is in, as well as regeneration because they are not paranormal abilities.” Walter explained further on as he smiled sinisterly at the two as he pulled a remote control from his side pocket.

“Well I must be off now, but before I go, I would like to give you a gift for taking your time to listen to what I have to say.” Walter spoke calmly as he raised his right hand in the air as shadows began to appear from every end of the hallway as the Clarabell and Leon looked around their surroundings while Sirse and Walter make their back way exit as Sirse flew up in the air with Seras in her arms and Walter in a hovercraft device that looks like the air jet from the Batman Series with the Umbrella insignia at the front top of the hovercraft. Deformed monsters then appeared through the shadow like holes in the hallway and Leon grabbed his gun blade from the strap that was hanging on to his back as he began aiming at the creatures that had the appearance of deformed humans. Clarabell on the other hand shivered and hesitated at first as the monsters appeared before her from the holes, and then pulled out of what appeared to be a pen, but as she clicked the button on the little pen, it formed itself to look like a sniper. Then as more and more of the monsters began to appear, the shadow like holes on the hallway walls began to grow smaller and smaller, eventually when the ten thousand deformed looking creatures appeared in the hallway surrounding the two in the center, the shadow holes disappeared completely.

“Well, enjoy now! I must be on my way!” Walter exclaimed as both Walter and Sirse vanished through the hallway walls as Sirse carried Seras along with them, whom still laid unconscious as the three vanished through the wall completely before Clarabell’s and Leon’s eyes. “They’re getting away!” Clarabell exclaimed as she triggered her bullets at the deformed creatures with holding her sniper with both hands and her right hand at the trigger. “I know that! But we have to get rid of these monsters before we can do anything else at the moment; otherwise these monsters are going to kill both of us off! Then who will be there to defend Luka besides Nemesis while Seras is being held captive by those creeps?” Leon replied frustratingly as he shot the bullets through the deformed creatures while holding his gun blade with his right hand. “What are we going to do then?” Clarabell asked Leon as she then became uncertain of what to do next, however she still continued to shoot the enemies before them. “Just follow my lead, if I shoot, you shoot, if I slice, you slice, got it?” Leon replied as he continued shooting at the deformed creatures. “Got it!” Clarabell responded back as she continued shooting at the hellish looking creatures.

The both continued to shoot at the enemies vigorously with their weapons at hand as the enemies fell one by one with deadly shots to the head and heart, leaving the dead monsters in a large pool of blood in a gruesome image. By the time that they finished two thousand five hundred monsters of each, their bullets ran out as they were surrounded by a pool of blood. Then as the remaining five thousand monsters gained up on them closer and closer, Leon then began to slice the monsters up gruesomely with guts flying everywhere and vital organs showing through the open wounds ripped apart with the blade of his weapon with no hesitation or mercy at the matter. Clarabell then hesitated at the moment, as she witnessed the blood chunks flying right before her eyes as it flung to the monsters direction on her side, then slowly she shrunk her sniper as she clicked on the button at the top of the sniper next to the eye view and placed it back inside of her side pocket in the form of a pen. Before the monster can reach to her and bite her flesh of as they drew closer, she reached for her back and pulled out what appeared to be a long white cylinder rod. However, as she wielded the rod and clicked on a side button that matched the color of the cylinder rod, two huge identical silver blades appeared at the top end of the cylinder rod, having the appearance of a medieval axe. Then as one of the monsters was about to eat the side of her right leg, she raised the axe up in the air and swung it back down in fury as she wield it with both hands and cut up the deformed head off of the monster as the head rolled to the side with its body falling to the ground, leaving an expanding puddle of blood before her.

As the time passed by, all the monsters where slowly being cut up in a painstaking way with silver blades coming I contact with their sides, neck, ligaments, as well as vital muscle tissue and fluid tissue connected with the beings nervous system, lying in the river of blood carrying the bodies in different directions as their vital organs appeared sliced and diced to it gruesome extent. Leon and Clarabell then walked silently to the stairwell which led them to the first floor of the café building, as they walked over the bodies of the decapitated monsters floating on the bloody abyss, and hid their weapons away in their back straps that permits them to carry any long weapons on their backs, which kept them well hidden as they began walking down through the stair well of which they came from earlier. As the both arrived down stairs to the first floor to where the café was and opened the back door of the café , Clarabell entered through the café first, followed by Leon as the both pant from the exhaustion of fighting the creatures in the second floor. As the café customers noticed that the both of them had blotches of blood covering their faces and clothes, all the customers began staring at them in disbelief as to what happened up there and the crowd was in dead silence. Then one young male customer blurted out recklessly, “Whoa, who brought out the slaughter house?” The two remained silent as they walked quietly through the café, ignoring what the young man said as well as the staring of the crowd gleaming from all directions, including front and back. The old when walked over to where the young man was as she carried an envelope in her hand and slapped him on the head as Clarabell and Leon solemnly walked across the café room and walked to the double doors at the front entrance. Then Leon opened up the double door on the left side and let Clarabell exit out of the café first, and Leon followed after her as both exit out of the building.

As both walked down the front porch, they noticed that not only it rained while they were inside the building with the clouds all grey from the distance, but also a girl whom was on the side walk across from them as she kneeled in front of the Umbrella building, silently whimpering to herself as watery tears of pain slowly flowed down her face. The girl also wore what happened to be a bunny costume from K-On with long blond locks that reached all the way to her waist. Clarabell looked closely at the girl from the distance and noticed that this was not just a girl crying in the sidewalk in front of the Umbrella building, it was Luka. Clarabell then grabbed Leon’s left hand and started to run across the street as they held hands regardless of the traffic or the watery puddles surrounding them. As the both of them reached to the other side of the street from where the café was and stood in front of the Umbrella building, the both surrounded Luka from both ends and looked at her with a solemn face, Clarabell was in front of Luka while Leon was behind her. Then Clarabell asked Luka with concern, “What happened here Luka?” Luka then looked up and noticed that Clarabell was in front of her and then replied as she attempted to swallow her tear to speak up clearly, “Just when we were about to leave the convention center, a spider creature kidnapped me and attempted to bring me here into the premises of Umbrella. Nemesis did everything in his power to release me from their clutches, in the end, he took my place in captivity, and it’s all my fault for having Nemesis locked up there right in the first place!”

Luka then burst out in tears and began crying hysterically as she tried rubbing of the tears out of her face, then Clarabell kneeled down and attempted to calm her down while Leon walked to her side and bended over, hoping that Clarabell can calm the girl from her unstable condition. Then Clarabell spoke softly to Luka, “There, there, there, look, none of this was your fault, it just happened that there was nothing that was able to be done because of the circumstances that you were in at the time, alright. If any of us wind up dead, then that’s the time you should start crying. But everyone is still alive as we speak, so there’s no need for tears, there is still something that can be done about this. Promise me that you will stop crying, alright?” Luka then nodded as she swallowed up the bitter pain inside and wiped off the remaining tears off her face and all got up from the ground and stood on their own two feet. Then Luka looked around her surroundings and notice that the only person that was not present was Seras, so she looked at the both of them and asked, “Hold on, they took Seras too?” Both Leon and Clarabell looked at each other then looked back at her with a solemn look on their face and nodded silently. “Yes, and if we don’t pull up our strength and do something about it right now, it will be the end for all of us.” Leon spoke as he tried to hide his grief from the world as he looked directly at Luka. “Then what are you guys waiting for! Let’s go and blow up the place!” Luka replied cheerfully as she held a ticking time bomb in her hand and both Leon and Clarabell nodded and the both smiled at each other as they knew what Luka’s plan B was.

Luka then attached the ticking time bomb to the gates of the Umbrella department as Clarabell and Leon stood about ten feet away from the gate as Luka set the timer on the bomb for one minute. “Are you sure she knows what she’s doing?” Leon asked as he glared up at Clarabell whom stood next to his left side of him. “Yep, I’m pretty sure!” Clarabell replied with a cheerful smile on her face. “Get ready you guys!” Luka shouted from the distance as she came running towards them as fast as her legs would let her and jumped on top of Leon. “What the..?” Leon exclaimed questionably as he looked down to where Luka was, laying against his upper body, like a monkey on a tree. “In three… two…one!” Luka counted off as she kept holding on to Leon while she hugged him tightly around his arms. Then they heard a loud explosion coming from the gate as the gate doors flung inwards in the Umbrella building, leaving behind smoke coming from the gate entry. As soon as the three smelled the smoke coming from the gate entry all three ran to the gate as fast as quickly as they could without getting noticed by the security guards surrounding the outdoor premises.

“So she did know what she was doing!” Leon exclaimed as the three ran to the entrance glass doors of the building. “No really.” Clarabell said sarcastically as the three came across the glass do entrance of the building. “If you guys keep this up, well never reach to them on time!” Luka exclaimed as she pulled opened the glass door as she looked at the both of them. Leon and Clarabell looked at each other and then looked back at Luka and Clarabell responded, “Right!” Leon then glared at Clarabell and sighed as he knew that she had a point and replied, agreeing with Clarabell, “Fine.” “Then what are waiting for, let’s blow this popsicle stand!” Luka exclaimed as she grew impatient with the two of them, glaring at them. Then Clarabell entered the building first, followed be Luka, and Leon as last and the glass door quickly shut itself as soon as Leon entered inside the building as the other two waited for him at the stairwell on the left side of the entrance.

End of Part III

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