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Resident Evil RP
Part III B

Scene V
As Luka and Nemesis entered the documentary room, they came across a dark and decayed scenery with murky green wallpaper and concrete floor. Within the eerie room, they came across a musty old wooden book shelf with a handed set documents with Umbrella’s insignia covered folder sitting on an old Victorian desk and a black leathered rolling chair used for professional offices and is the only room with no light, only an old fashion lamp that sits on the desk, glimmering in dim light. Nemesis and Luka then slowly walked through the room, in its tiny living space and as they got to the center of the room, Luka silently said as she pointed to the book shelf, “Nemesis go look through the book shelf and see if you can find anything. I’ll go look through the desk.” Nemesis nodded as he looked to where Luka was said, “Alright then.”

Nemesis walk to the dusty book shelf and started to pick out books from each of the shelves and began reading each of the titles to see if they had any use to them, while Luka began reading through the Umbrella documents that were sitting on top of the desk. As Luka began reading Umbrella’s documents, she came across a document that was labeled on the top with block writing ‘sacraments’ and pulled the document out of the folder and carefully inspected it. As Luka read through the document, her eyes began to widen, and by the time she read through the whole document, she said bluntly as she lied back against the chair with an exhausted look on her face, “Interesting…”

“Luka, what’s interesting?” Nemesis asked Luka as Nemesis tossed one of the books on the floor, making it the thirteenth book that he actually tossed on the floor. “The twenty one sacraments…the first twenty sacraments are used as vessels for Walter to use, but the two requirements that he needs in order to conquer the world is the twenty first sacrament and the Ultimate Weapon.” Luka explained as she rolled the chair over toward where Nemesis is standing, looking pale. “I see, but the real question is whom the twenty first sacrament is? We already know that Seras is the Ultimate Weapon, which is the second requirement Walter needed. But what we don’t know is who is the twenty first sacrament he is after.” Nemesis confirmed to Luka as he was trying to put one and two together.

Suddenly, a red leather book fell on top of Nemesis’s head and landed on the floor, and Nemesis looked down to the direction of where the book landed. Nemesis then bended over and picked up the book from the floor with his gigantic hands. The then saw scripted hand writing on the cover of the book which read ‘Walter’s diary’. “Walter’s diary, huh? Maybe this could give a hint of who the twenty first sacrament is.” Nemesis bellowed as he inspected the book carefully and then looked to where Luka was sitting. Luka then fixed herself from her slouching position and sat normally on the black rolling chair and inputted, “It could be, let’s see what we can find in this journal.”

Nemesis then walked to where Luka was sitting and handed over the book to her gently, and Luka grabbed the book from Nemesis hand slowly and placed the book on top of the desk where the folder was placed when they first entered the room. Luka then opened up the book and she started to turn over the pages and both skim read through his diary. As the two skim read through Walter’s diary, they came across a family photo of him with a woman with blond locks and cream skin wearing a blue dress, and a little seven year old girl in the middle that looked similar to the mom, and Luka’s head started to ache. “Luka, what’s wrong?” Nemesis looked to where Luka was, showing a worried expression on his face as he saw Luka kneeling against the table and almost fell off of the chair. “Oh, it’s nothing, who are those people any way?” Luka asked as she slowly turned to where Nemesis was somewhat smiling.

“Let’s continue reading through the book and look more into it.” Nemesis suggested as he stood behind where Luka was sitting as she was laying her head against the table. Then Luka got up from her laying position, sitting straight up and replied softly as she turned her head over to where Nemesis was standing, “Let’s.” Both Luka and Nemesis continued to look through the diary as they skimmed through the pages until they came across an interesting document entry in the diary entry and on the top right hand corner of the paper that read ‘June 06’. “What’s this?” Luka exclaimed as she looked through the diary entry, which some parts of it was stained in blood. Luka then grabbed the book and started to read the log all to herself, quickly skimming through the diary log as Nemesis just stood there and watched as she did so.

Nemesis then asked as Luka when through further into the diary entry log, “What does it say?” When Luka reached to the last paragraph a few minutes later, she froze in freight as she looked through every detail of the diary entry, her eyes widened, her skin when completely pale, she was drenched in fear. Then she slammed Walter’s Diary shut, and turned the black rolling chair one hundred eighty degrees clockwise and faced towards where Nemesis was, completely terrorized. Finally, she then replied as her voice quivered and her face shriveled in fear, “Walter, he brutally murdered his wife by mutilating her body parts with a dagger, then scattered her insides within her house hold, including her heart, leaving her remains in a dark pool of blood. As for his seven year old daughter…” “About his daughter…?” Nemesis inputted as he got curious as to what Luka was trying to get at. “His daughter escaped and went to seek shelter in the S.T.A.R .S. police department and was adopted several months later by a scientist with chocolate brown hair and emerald green eyes with square like glasses and a dark blue trench coat. His name was enclosed, so no one really knows who actually adopted her, or did but never enticed it to public view. However, Walter vowed to search for her in every piece of this planet just to find her, and when he finds her, he will use her as the twenty first sacrament.” Luka added, as she came to the conclusion that Walter’s daughter was really the twenty first sacrament.

Nemesis then responded to the explanation that Luka gave her, now seeing the horrible truth that was hidden inside the diary of Walter Sullivan, “I see, but why? Why would he give his own child, his own blood, such a horrible and cruel fate?” “That I do not know, but we must not waste more time than we have to. We have to look further into the sacraments profiles, and find Walter’s daughter before it is too late.” Luka suggested as she placed her right hand under her chin, as she looked down upon the musty ground with a worried look on her face.

Nemesis then asked Luka as she was still looking down upon the floor, and looked at her with a serious look on his face, “Are there any sacrament profiles inside the Umbrella files on top of the drawer?” “I don’t know. Tell you what; you look through the rest of the book shelf while I look through the desk to see if we find any similar profiles that links to the twenty one sacraments. Hopefully we find something in relation to it.” Luka replied as she tried to be understanding with the whole situation, at the same time she smiled cheerfully at Nemesis, as a sign that there is still hope. Nemesis nodded and Luka then pulled the black chair up to the desk and started scavenging for the twenty one sacrament profiles, while Nemesis dug up through the book shelf for any document entries that are related to the twenty one sacraments.

As minutes passed by, they continued searching through the room through both the desk and the book shelf until there was nothing left. The room then became a huge pig sty as they were searching for the documents endlessly, through each and every little thing hidden in the room. The both began to pant as they completely ransacked the documentary room reading through every book and file that was contained within the book shelf and desk, leaving all but piles of paper, folders, and books piled randomly on the floor forming an endless abyss at the bottom of the room. “Did you find anything related to the sacraments, anything at all?” Nemesis questioned Luka as her face was covered by her arms and her head lying downward against the table. Luka then shook her head while she laid her head against the table and mumbled loudly, “No, not one thing.” Luka then brought her head back up as she raised her posture, though her arms were still laying on top of the table crossed and looked over to where Nemesis was and asked wearily, “You?” Nemesis shook his head vibrantly as he looked down on the floor as he stared at the endless abyss of literature.

“Should have known that the profiles would most likely be held at the cafe, at least we tried though. Well, I guess we better place the books back where they belong, otherwise they’re going to think that we trying to pull off a grand theft. I’ll start off with the files surrounding the chair since you really can’t move at the moment.” Luka suggested as she got up from the black rolling chair and stared to pick up some of the files off the floor and neatly putting them in piles based on category. Nemesis looked down a turned everywhere around him, noticing that the piles of books have surrounded him everywhere as he tried to move. As she was done placing the files back in its proper place and picking the files off the floor, she then started to pick up the books off the floor and placed each one of them on top of the desk as she continued making a pathway for her to get to the book shelf.

“You know, you remind me of someone that I know of, someone that was special to me.” Luka said sweetly as she looked to where Nemesis was standing as she smiled. “Whom do I remind you of?” Nemesis questioned confusingly as he looked at Luka, whom was finished making a pathway for her to put away the books and grabbed the first bunch as he became now interested in what of whom he reminded her of. “That’s the thing, I don’t remember. Doctors have told me that I had two cases of amnesia, one was from a tragedy that happened a long time ago and the other one was caused from trauma that was placed on top of my head recently two months ago. According to what they said, it was from the explosion that occurred in the house that I previously lived with my adopted parent.” Luka explained as her left hand touched the side of her head as she stood there with her right arm crossed. “Hold on, you mean that you are…” Nemesis said as he looked at Luka with astonishment, and yet in shock of what she was telling him.

Then she grabbed two stacks of books and walked to the book shelf and placed the books on there and replied solemnly, “Yea, I was an orphan since I was seven and I was being held for adoption, one person adopted me a year later and took care of me since then, until two months prior to this day. The S.T.A.R.S. headquarters is taking care of me momentarily until they actually find another legitimate guardian for me and solve the case of my previous guardian’s disappearance.” “I see, I’m sorry to hear that. I wish there was something I can do, but unfortunately for me; I have the appearance of a monster. S.T.A.R.S. will never let me adopt you under these conditions, especially for me of course.” Nemesis replied, feeling in some way that it was his fault for being partially involved in this mess and there was nothing he can do to help Luka.

Luka then grabbed all the books by the dozen, putting each and everyone inside the book shelf to fill up its compartments. Luka then acknowledged Nemesis as she turned around and looked at him, “It’s alright, it’s not your fault. It’s the way the situation is built up right now and there is really nothing that anyone can do for me at the moment. Right now they need to know what happened to my previous guardian before they can do anything further.” “Alright then, where off to?” Nemesis asked softly as he held Luka’s left hand as he looked down at her with a somewhat joyful, yet sad look on his face. Luka then faced upward to where Nemesis was staring at and said with a cheerful look on her face, like always, “First, let’s head out for the square center of the city first. I’ll mention the rest later.”

Nemesis nodded as both were heading for the exit of the documentary room. Then Luka stood there and insisted, “You first.” “Why me?” Nemesis asked as he looked over to where Luka was, who was still smiling cheerfully. “Because, I don’t want anything happening to you on your way out, I want to be there to protect you!” Luka replied, whom still had her adorable smile on her face as she said cheerfully. Nemesis nodded as he attempted to smile at Luka, and Nemesis opened the door and pushed it out from where he was and Nemesis exited out of the documentary room, followed by Luka, whom went after him for his own sake.

Scene VI
As the Leon, Seras, Clarabell walked through the dark and eerie stairs with the guidance of the old woman, Seras took a glimpse at the stair well of what they were walking through, both background and scenery. The walls consisted of ancient wood from the 17th century, so where its floors, which some were cracked in half and some others were covered in spider webs in the corners the old Victorian house railings on the sides of the walls in addition to gold railing supporters. The room had a dark blue shading in the background at the bottom end of the stairwell lied a dark abyss to where the door was, and to the top was a shining white light gleaming from the distance. “Miss.” Seras spoke in a sweet voice as the group members continued walking though the stairwell. “Yes, what is it dear?” The old woman replied in soft tone as the old woman continued up ahead to make sure everyone in the group is following along to.

The old woman carried a giant lantern on her left hand and her cane at the other, and then Seras asked the old woman as they all continued walking through the stairwell, “Well, I was wondering, since you know so much about me, do you know about everyone else to?” The old woman turned her head around slightly, as well as paying attention to what’s in front of her at the same time, “Yes, in fact I do know about pretty much everyone around here, shall I tell you about your friends?” “Yes, I insist!” Seras exclaimed in a cheerful voice as she look to where the old woman was as she continue to walk through the staircase. “Alright then.” The old woman agreed as she smiled and walked though the staircase and looked to where the light was. “Leon, you male friend over here is a sweet, kind gentlemen, whom be willing to help the ones he loves.” The old woman began to explain as all of them walked closer to where the light was.

Clarabell snickered as the old woman told Leon’s whereabouts, and Leon turned his head around giving her an evil glare. Then Clarabell pouted as she glared at him back and whispered as she replied, “You’re no fun.” “I’m no fun! You should seriously look at yourself in the mirror and see here who is really more fun here, me or you!” Leon whispered back as he exclaimed at her back as he gave out an angry face at her. The woman then continued on with her explanation, despite Leon and Clarabell’s bickering, as if they were an old couple, “Yet, from time to time, he talks behind his friend’s back.” Leon then just stared at the woman as if she said the biggest insult in the world, then he went in denial and responded casually, “ Me, talking behind peoples backs? I have no idea what you are talking about!” “Huh, what about the time you called Clarabell an anstey self-centered brat? Isn’t that considered talking back behind peoples backs Leon?” Seras replied coldly as she smiled comically as she said it. Clarabell’s face went from happy go lucky to fiery temperamental and growled at Leon mostly for hiding something like that behind her, and Leon became silent with an angry look on his face shortly after. “Leon, you shouldn’t get angry at Seras, she only stated the truth as it is, despite on who is on her side or not. Besides, she is the one whom saved you from those creatures when you were outnumbered, and she didn’t have to do that.” The old woman replied and went on, “Plus, that what happens to those whom don’t head their elders’ warnings when they tell their young one’s to never cross a dragon.”

The old woman then continued on with Leon’s story, “Alas, he thought he fell in love with the most beautiful creature on the planet. With long fluorescent red hair and ice blue eyes along with sassy attitude, but was he wrong.” “Why do you say that?” Seras asked as she became curious as she looked at the old woman. “Leon, do you want to tell them?” The old woman then asked Leon as the all continued walking up the stairs, as Leon still looked a little peeved off, but wasn’t angry at Seras, but rather at himself, then she said, “Sure, I think it’s time they should know anyway.” “In that case, go on when you’re ready.” The old woman replied as she continued walking to the light.

Leon startled for a moment then he began his story, “Alright, I was betrayed by her, she joined a mercenary group called ‘Angles Last Flight’ that worked for Umbrella. Apparently Walter placed me as one of their targets for some reason, and she was willing to kill me. One night, I was walking alone in the mountains of Raccoon City, by where the Umbrella building is. Then something grabbed me out of nowhere and tried to push me off the cliff. At first, I thought it was some guy in a ski mask, but when I went to pull off the ski mask, it was her. I then felt a sharp pain in my heart; I don’t know what it was exactly. Then I asked her why is she doing this, her response was for the money, and as she tried to push me off of the cliff, she appeared to had a tranquilizer gun with her and shot me in my left arm, leaving a tranquilizer dart just underneath my sleeve. Then a man in a scientist coat with brown hair and green eyes came out of nowhere and pushed her off of the building. Then he pulled me up from the edge of the cliff as I pulled out the tranquilizer dart out of my sleeve before I ended up passing out from the amount of anesthesia that was in the dart, and took me for a ride to his house, that’s when I met Luka as I entered inside the house. I was around seventeen by then, and she was eleven at the time. Later on, I joined S.T.A.R.S. as a recruit trainee, a few years later, so did Clarabell and Luka. That’s how it was since then.”

“I see, well I’m sorry that you girlfriend ended up betraying you.” Seras responded solemnly as she looked to where Leon was. “Ah, don’t feel sorry, she was a pain in the a** anyways.” Leon said as he looked to where Seras is as he smiled at her. Seras then smiled back cheerfully as he acknowledged her, despite earlier. “One more thing about Leon that you should know.” The old woman interrupted as she turned her head slightly to where the rest of the group was. “What would that be?” Seras questioned the old woman as to what she had to say. The old woman then changed the level of her voice again from sweet to stern. “He’s the twentieth sacrament.” “The twentieth?” Seras said solemnly as she looked over to where Leon was, and all with a worried look on their face.

“Now, Clarabell, I heard a great deal about you.” The old woman said sternly as slightly turned her head over and looked to where Clarabell was. Clarabell looked down to where the floor was for a moment and looked back up to where the group was. “Your personality is very much like a dragon’s, prideful with a hot temper, very narrow minded, and bossy.” Clarabell looked down to where the floor was once more, but in silence. Leon then started laughing out of nowhere, and Seras pulled of her glove on her left hand, and with her right hand, she wacked the glove violently against his skull, and Leon replied painfully, “Ouch, that hurts!” Seras then placed her glove back on her left hand. “But overall, you have a good heart.” The old woman smiled as she talked in a stern tone as she looked back at Clarabell. “And if I recall, you were to be betrothed by your soon to be husband Howard Gearhart, if I am not correct, he called you ‘Clare’ rather than Clarabell.” The old woman continued on with her explanation as both Seras and Leon looked at her.
“Yes.” Clarabell replied solemnly as she looked down upon the floor as droplets fell down to the ground as her eyes were covered in gleaming droplets. “So that’s why you wanted Leon to call you ‘Clare’ rather than ‘Clarabell’.” Seras replied in a somewhat stern, yet gleeful tone, then she looked back at the old woman and questioned her, “But then, that doesn’t explain why she wants Leon to call her ‘Clare’ but doesn’t say it to anybody else!” “Because his voice reminded her so much of her loved one, and wanted to hear his voice calling out to her, to make her feel secure.” The old woman replied softly as she slightly looked to where Clarabell was. “I see, because she was heartbroken to know that he was missing, and believes that he is gone for certain.” Seras responded as she looked to where Clarabell was and Clarabell nodded as droplets came out of her eyes.

“But, wait is her loved one really gone yet?” Seras asked as she looked to where the old woman was. “No, he still around, you just haven’t recognized him yet.” The old woman replied as she chuckled to herself, already knowing of what lies behind them. Then, recalling of what the old woman said earlier, and then spoke to the woman in curiosity as she was adding one and two together, “But wait, if Leon’s the twentieth sacrament, wouldn’t that make Clarabell the …” Before Seras could say the rest, she was interrupted by the old woman, whom immediately responded to her thoughts before she did, “The nineteenth sacrament, yes, yes she is. Meaning she has to watch for anyone who is a blond hair male that wields a dagger in his hand.” “What do you mean by that?” Clarabell asked as she looked at the woman with teary eyes and a sorrowful voice.

“That will be explained in the long way over were you and your friends will find the sacrament profiles. I unfortunately cannot explain it any further than it is, do you understand?” The old woman responded sternly at Clarabell, hopefully she would understand where she was getting at. Clarabell took a moment to calm herself down and then she responded softly as she looked to the old woman, nodding her head, “I understand.” “Good. Don’t take it the wrong way, I’m not saying this to be mean or any of the sort, but it is for the best for right now.” The old woman then responded sorrowfully as she looked to where Clarabell was. “I understand miss.” Clarabell replied sweetly, trying not to burst into tears.

As all of them reached to the top of the staircase toward where the white light was, they came across a large hallway with six different colored doors. To the left were three doors with the colors blue, purple and red. To the right were another three doors in the colors of orange, yellow, and green. Straight in front of them was a door which led to the third floor of the building; the background consisted of grey wooden walls, with wooden plank tiling for the floor. The old woman then walked up to the third door to the left, which was the red door and gently pulled it open as she looked to where Seras, Leon, and Clarabell were as they raced up ahead to where the old woman stood.

As Seras arrived there first to where the old woman was, followed by Clarabell, then Leon, the old woman pointed to what was in the room and said gently, “ This is where the profiles of the Umbrella Corp. lie, you may look through all of them if you wish. This is the part where I leave you, when you are done, come back downstairs immediately, don’t stop for anything, even if it’s a morsel, because if Walter finds out you’re here, most likely he will either come after either you or you.” The old woman then pointed to where Clarabell and Seras when she pulled out her warning.

“Wait, if he comes after one of us, what will be the worst case scenario on who get’s chased by him?” Seras asked the old woman solemnly, worried about what would happen. The old woman then sighed solemnly, “If it is you that will get caught, the worst that can happen is that you’ll be locked in a cage and being held hostage, but don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world just yet. You friends can release you if they get cunning enough by getting past through security, but it must be timed. They have until they kidnap the twenty first sacrament, once they kidnap the twenty first sacrament, then it’s all over, you’ll be used against you own will and there is nothing you can do about it. As for your friend…” The old woman looked toward where Clarabell was standing and Clarabell stood in silence. The old woman then replied sternly as she continued explaining, “If your friend is caught, there is no worst case scenario, it is what it is and unfortunately there is nothing that can be done from this point on.”

“Wait, one more question miss!” Seras spoke voluntarily as she walked closer to the old woman before she had the chance to move anywhere. “Yes, what is it dear?” the old woman spoke as she turned her head around to where Seras was. Seras then took a moment to clear up her thoughts, and then asked the woman, “Can you tell me who the twenty first sacrament is?” The old woman looked at her sincerely as she gleamed at her and replied sternly, “That I cannot say at all, that answer you’ll find in the profile room on your own. However what I can tell you is that the twenty first sacrament is someone related to Walter Sullivan and an unfinished murder victim from a long time ago.” “A murder from a long time ago…” Seras whispered to herself as Leon stood right next to Seras listening to every word that travelled through her mouth.

The old woman then looked away from them and said gently, “I shall say no more. Have a good day, dear.” The old woman then walked off across from the hall and walked down stairs. “Shall we investigate the room?” Clarabell asked politely as she looked to where Seras was, whom was looking through the room, which laid a window in the center, a brown modern book case, and a desk with a bunch of papers on top. “I guess so, since that’s the only thing left to do.” Seras replied as she looked into the room further and walked into the room. Leon and Clarabell followed after her as they both walked into the room. Leon gently shut the door as he looked up to the ceiling to make sure he does not break to door, knowing how ancient it must be by now.

When he was done shutting the door behind him, he looked to what was in front of him and noticed not only the white wallpaper and wooden floor, but also noticing Clarabell standing right in front of him, with her arms crossed, her right foot tapping and with a scowl on her face and said furiously, “Anstey self-centered brat, huh?” Leon just smiled embarrassingly as he was slowly tip toeing away from Clarabell and Clarabell continually scowled at him until he finally ran to the file cabinet where all of the Umbrella profiles where being placed. Clarabell then smirked humorously as she stared at Leon, shaking her head and then asked Seras, “So, how are we going to look through the profiles of the Twenty one sacraments?” Seras then pulled out all of the profiles of a bucket that was labeled the ‘Twenty one Destined’ and looked back at Clarabell and replied as she was carrying all of its files, “Well there three of us, right?” “Right?” Clarabell replied as she looked to where Seras was as she was trying to understand what Seras was going with.

“In other words, we’ll each look at one based on three’s, Leon looks at the first pile of three’s, you will look through the second pile of three’s, I’ll look for the third pile of the three’s. That’s in total of seven documents for each of us.” Seras explained as she looked to where Clarabell and Leon where standing in the room as she smiled cheerfully. Leon then inputted, “That makes the work load a whole lot easier on all of us rather that looking through each of them one at a time. So who’s getting what exactly?” “Well, since there’s twenty one sacrament profiles and each of us are getting seven documents, You will be getting Sacrament Profiles 1, 4,7,10,13,16, and 19. Clarabell will be getting Sacrament Profiles 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20. I’ll be getting Sacrament Profiles 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 21. Sounds like a fair deal?” Seras explained as she was sorting out the documents on top of the desk on the side of the file cabinet as she smiled softly.

“It’s pretty fair to me.” Clarabell replied cheerfully as she smiled while her arms were still kind off crossed as she looked to where Seras was. Then Clarabell turned her attention to Leon and asked him, “Leon do you think that it’s a fair deal?” Leon stood there frozen for about a few moments, and then he replied slowly, “Yea, I think it’s pretty fair from what I can see. Let’s hurry though before anything weird starts going on.” Seras then each handed them several files of the sacraments, in the exact numbers that she handed to them, as well as herself and announced to the both of them, “Well, let’s get started, shall we? Pick a seat while you’re at it.” Seras then picked a random pillow chair that was next to the modern book self that was about six feet wide and it was blood red color made out of silk. Clarabell then grabbed the chair that was inside the desk and sat on it as she was facing toward where the desk was. The chair was wooden with green polyester fabric attached to it with golden studs for decoration. Leon looked for a seat to sit in the room, but unfortunately for him, there was no chairs left in the room, so he decided to sit next to the pillow chair, where Seras was sitting.

As they read through each one of the profiles of the sacraments in numerical order, they began to notice that each and every one of them had a picture of them right before they were experimented on. The first batch of the seven contained a woman with golden locks, a YMCA coach, and a female attorney with short orange hair. When they got to the second batch, Leon was reading a document on a lingerie model with black hair and purple eyes, Clarabell was reading a document on a guy who was apparently a Mexican tour guide, and Seras was reading on a woman named Sirse, and when she saw a picture of her with Leon, she then asked him politely, “Leon, is this your ex-girlfriend?”

Leon looked over to where Seras was as she held the picture of him and her together eating ice cream together, showing Sirse with fluorescent red hair, ice blue eyes, cream colored skin, and both are wearing black biker jackets. “Yea, that’s her alright, why do you ask?” She then showed the file of the sixth sacrament with Sirse’s name on there, and there was a long silence between them. Then finally he said, “What! She still alive, but as a sacrament! I swear on a stack of bibles if we ever encounter that hooker any time soon while where investigating, I will seriously beat the living tart out of her!” “But wait, isn’t she like an angel like creature of the sort?” Seras asked Leon as he looked to where he was sitting. “Yep.” Leon replied bluntly as he looked up upon the ceiling. “And normally angels are supposed to have bird wing, right or wrong?” Seras said casually as she looked below her. “Guess it depends if she’s a fallen angel or not. But other than that she’s a bloody bird that never leaves you alone! Wait a minute…” Leon replied to her question, but then added one and two together and turned his head slowly at her, realizing what she was actually insinuating.

“What, she is a technically speaking a combination of a bird and a human female!” Seras exclaimed as she closed the file of the sixth sacrament containing both her profile and the picture of her and Leon. “Huh, yea I got the joke the first time round.” Leon said as he chuckled to himself. “Alright then, what did I insinuate?” Seras asked him as she looked down upon him as she grabbed the document of the ninth sacrament from her right side. “A Siren.” Leon replied as he looked up to where Seras was. “What’s another name for a siren?” Seras questioned him as he grabbed the document for the seventh sacrament, “A harpy?” There was a long silence between them for about a minute or so, finally, Leon broke the silence and exclaimed as looked at her, “You’re terrible!” Seras then started to burst in laughter as she smiled and said cheerfully, “I know I am! I’m extremely horrific!”

Leon then stared down at the floor for a moment, looking depressed, and then Seras now was getting concerned after a few moments of not answering and asked him, “What’s wrong? Was it something that I said?” Leon then looked over to where Seras was and then smiled, “Nah, it wasn’t what you said. Actually, what you said earlier was pretty funny though, I’ll admit.” “But if it wasn’t what I said, then what was it that was bothering you then?” Seras questioned him as she looked below her, where Leon was kneeling on the side of the pillow. Leon then lifted up his posture from the side of the pillow chair and turned her head to her and asked her solemnly, “Can I ask you a question?” “Sure, go right ahead. What is it?” Seras replied gently as she looked down to where he sat at the same time question him, wondering what he really had to say.

Leon then looked down upon the wooden floor as he looked down upon the seventh sacrament and responded calmly, “Even if she was an assassin, and almost murdered me, do I still have feelings for her still?” “It could be, but yet, I still think you have greater feelings for someone else, rather than her. Why, is it about the fortune that the old woman read to us about?” Seras answered calmly as she gazed to where the ceiling was, and then looked back at him, waiting for a response. Leon then sighed for a moment as he stared down at the file, then he raised his head up and replied, “Yea, it kind of has to do with the fortune that the old woman said earlier, why?” “Well, we all know she has long red hair, does she have a purple dress that you recall her wearing?” Seras asked him as she slightly smiled as she skimmed through the ninth sacrament’s profile. Leon then opened up the seventh sacrament’s profile and took a moment to respond as he was recollecting his memories of Sirse, finally he shook his head and replied calmly, “No, she wore a black and white dress.” “Then it is not her.” Seras replied cheerfully as she smiled at him, and Leon slightly smiled back.

“What are you guys talking about?” Clarabell questioned as she was still skimming through the eighth sacrament’s profile and slightly had her head turn towards their direction. “Oh, Leon was confused about who he really likes, mainly had to do with the fortune that the old woman spoke about earlier.” Seras replied as she skimmed through the profile of the ninth sacrament, at the same time looked back to where Clarabell was. “What fortune?” Clarabell asked as her head turned to where Seras was sitting, looking confused as she held on to the chair. “Well, you were around at the time, but you were busy figuring out which key was the one that opened up the path way to upstairs, so I’ll repeat the fortune for you. This was to both Leon and I.” Seras explained calmly as she skimmed through the profile. “Okay go on, what is it?” Clarabell asked as she had a suspenseful expression on her face, waiting for Seras to reply. “The fortune was like this ‘during your journey of something that you will pursuit, you will lose something dear to you.’. The old woman described that the person that Leon will lose is a woman with long red hair in a purple dress. For me, it is her lover.” Seras explained the fortune glumly as she looked at Clarabell with a pessimistic look on her face.

Clarabell paused for a moment, thinking about what the old woman was referring to, and then she then replied calmly, “I’ll look further into the meaning of what the old woman was referring to. In the meantime, continue searching through the profiles.” Clarabell said calmly as she turned her head back towards where the desk was and continued skimming through the eighth sacrament’s profile that was keep in the open folder on top of the desk. Then so did Seras and Leon with the seventh and ninth sacraments’ profiles. As it turns out, the seventh sacrament turned out to be a wealthy merchant man in France, while the eighth sacrament was a martial artist in China, and the ninth sacrament was a little girl standing next to what happened to be her twin sister. The fourth batch of seven that all three looked through next was a movie star for Leon, the twin sister of the ninth sacrament for Clarabell, and a guitarist from a band called ‘Necromantica’.

The fifth batch, Leon was reading about the thirteenth sacrament, and as he was reading it, he then burst out in laughter as he was reading it. “What! What is it?” Seras asked curiously as she looked down to where Leon was rolling on the floor laughing. “As it turns out that the thirteenth sacrament that I was reading happened to be a scientist in Umbrella, who was also Howard Gearhart’s coworker.” Leon explained as he looked to where Seras was with a wide smile on his face. “What’s so funny about that?” Seras questioned his judgment as he was scanning through the document, wondering what he had to say about that. “Guess what the guy’s name is?” He asked as he tried to hold his laugh as Seras looked at him with a confused look on her face. “No, what?” Seras said as she tried to play along with it, but at the same speaking, she was not sure what he was going with. Leon then turned his head around and said bluntly, attempting really hard not to laugh, “d**k H. Weiner.” Seras then stood there in a long deep silence, as that piece of information scarred her mind as she was comprehending it.

Finally, after the long silence, she then chuckled in laughter exclaiming, “That’s terrible! Who would name their child that?” Leon then started laughing as his head knocked against the wall and replied in laughter, “I honestly wish I can tell you, but I don’t know the answer to that one.” “Did they change his name after he was experimented on by any chance?” Seras asked as she saw Leon skimming through the profile as laid against the pillow chair reading through it. “Yes, actually they did change his name from d**k H. Weiner to Arrachnus because he was injected with the Arrachne Series.” Leon explained as he looked at the picture as well as the background information while he was lying on the side of the pillow chair. “Ironic, the guy your reading about has a perverse name while the girl that I’m reading about has a perverse occupation.” Seras implied as she was skimming through the profile of the fifteenth sacrament as she laid the folder on her lap. “What do you mean by that?” Leon asked as he looked up to where Seras was with his head facing upward as he remained lying on the side of the pillow chair. Seras then replied calmly as she was skimming through the folder at the same time looking down where he was lying. “The fifteenth sacrament was originally a female porn star with blond hair and blue eyes, whom also worked for Playboy Bunny, and the picture that they show of her here is of her butt naked with a bunch of chains wrapped around her in a perverse manner…” Seras then shriveled as she mentioned about the picture description as her arms scrunched up her limbs became stiff.

Leon then immediately then reached up for the folder where the profile of the fifteenth sacrament was being kept as Seras lifted it up as she raised her arms trying to keep it away from him, and Clarabell turned around to where Leon and Seras was as he shouted out loud , “Porn! Let me see!” Then Seras then lifted the folder across from where he is and placed it under her butt and smiled relaxingly. “Ah, come on, you could’ve just let me peep for one second. Please I beg of you!” Leon whined immaturely as he kneeled to the floor and presented himself like it was the end of the world. “Question? Want me to drain your blood and turn you into someone like me?” Seras asked as she raised her posture against the chair as she looked at him with an evil smile on her face with her fangs showing and her eyes glowing red. Leon then stared at her with a blank face, removing all excitement on his face and replacing it with anxiety and fear, and then replied as he turned away from her, “Fine, you win, for now!” “Uhuh, yea sure, let’s just go with that.” Seras replied casually as she grabbed out the document for the eighteenth sacrament and skimmed through it. “Thus that is what happens male hormones rage when they hear about porn or anything perverse about a female.” Clarabell then spoke out of the blue as she turned back to where the desk was and she pulled out of the folder from the stack of documents that she was given.

“Say Clarabell, what did you find on the fourteenth sacrament?” Seras asked politely while was sitting down on the silk pillow chair with a smile on her face, sitting down with both legs closes and appearing to have her ankles attached to each other, while Leon on the other hand sat on the floor with legs crisscrossed and his face with a somewhat scowl on his face, peeved off of what Clarabell said about his male moments. “Actually, I’m saving that one for last. I just read about the seventeenth sacrament just a while ago, as it turns out it was a waste manager in Michigan.” Clarabell replied calmly as she was reading through the twentieth sacrament and the folder plopped open in front of the desk. Then Leon interrupted before Seras could say anything, “Hold on, you skipped documents! That’s cheating!” Seras then grabbed the folder that she was reading and bopped him in the head, and then Seras asked her first before saying anything to Leon, “Why did you decided to put the fourteenth sacrament as last?” “I don’t know, a voice in my head just told me to. I think that leaving it for the last is for the best right now, I guess.” Clarabell replied very solemnly as she thought about it for a bit.

“I see, alright then, we’ll just keep looking through the rest of the documents okay.” Seras insisted, hoping that it might calm the suspense down by a bit. Leon stood in silence, realizing now the reason why Seras bopped him in the head was not because he was acting like an idiot, but because that she felt something wrong when Clarabell said about skipping the profile document about the fourteenth sacrament, as if something told warned her not to read it until last. Then Clarabell read the twentieth sacrament while Leon and Seras were on the sixteenth and eighteenth sacraments. The sixteenth sacrament turned out to be a Prince from Morocco, while the eighteenth sacrament was from the World Series, which was in the form of the fly demon of the sort. When Seras read the description of the eighteenth sacrament, it turned out to be the head scientist of Walter Sullivan, apparently the reason for his experimentation was because he defied orders of Walter Sullivan and released Nemesis from his prison by giving his humanly emotions back and intentionally allowed him to escape with the Ultimate Weapon in his hands. When Seras read this, she came depressed as she slowly read this through every detail.

Clarabell read through the twentieth sacrament, and as it turns out the old woman was correct as she saw Leon’s name on the top right hand corner with a picture of Leon on the left standing right next to his motorcycle. As she began to read deeper into his background information, and is stated at the bottom that they will be injected with the Necro Series, which was suppose to make him into a demon of hell of the sort, and also showed a computer generated picture of what he will look like when they were done experimenting on him. He will still have his jet black hair and azure eyes, but his lower left jaw will be nothing but bone and will have boney black wings in addition, but can manipulate his back body as well as his eye color, which the inner iris will glow yellow-green for every time he changes form or ‘hollowfy’, as a long story short he’s like a combination of a Shinigami and a hollowed soul. Clarabell then turned around to where Leon was and then asked him, “Leon, just in case if you get experimented on or something, is that okay if I call you ‘bone daddy’ for now on?” “Why?” Leon replied nervously as he looked all confused as he looked to where Clarabell was. Clarabell then showed him the profile of the twentieth sacrament and had Leon’s normal picture on there. “Okay and…” Leon said bluntly as he was still staring in confusion. Then Clarabell flipped the page over and showed him the computer generated picture of him as she somewhat smirked at him. He then jumped up from where he was sitting and screamed as he shriveled back to where he was sitting, “Holy! What the hell is that?”

“That will be you once you’re done being experimented by Umbrella Corp.” Clarabell explained as she smiled while still holding the profile on her left hand as Seras was laughing, causing her to almost fall off her seat. “Okay, in that case it would be a bad idea for them to experiment on me, trust me, its frightening enough that Seras gives off that vampire-like energy when she smiles evilly with her eyes glowing at the process. I hope you don’t take that as an offense, Seras.” Leon said nervously as he was pushing the profile away from him as much as he could. “Yay! I’m complimented!” Seras then exclaimed as she grabbed the profile of the twenty first sacrament. “Ha-ha! So you do get scared by Seras every now and then! I knew it!” Clarabell boasted as she looked down to where Leon was. Then Leon shouted at her, “You’re a jerk!”

“I know what you are, but what am I?” Clarabell asked in a joking manner as Leon grabbed the profile of the nineteenth sacrament and quickly skimmed through it. Then as he read the information clearly, he then came up with a comeback response has he boasted while pointing out at Clarabell, “Dragon Queen!” “Wait what?” Clarabell then looked at him with sight confusion and weariness. “No see, right here!” Leon then flipped the profile folder over to where see can see it as she held it up. Seras glimpsed at it for a moment as she read more than half of the information on it, and seeing Clarabell’s picture on it with her S.T.A.R.S. uniform on it. However, she also realized that if Clarabell were to get caught by Umbrella that she will be experimented on with the Ryuu Series, a serum where it changes a human into a Dragon Demon. As Seras took her eyes away from the document and slowly opened up the twenty first sacrament’s profile, Clarabell got up from her seat and walked over to where Leon was to take a closer look at it. She then grabbed the profile away from Leon’s hand as started to slowly skim through it. She then turned the page over and read the description of her experimentations and the aftermath. She then slowly replied softly to Leon as she looked down at the documents, “I see.”

She then gently handed the profile of the nineteenth sacrament back to Leon as she bended over, then she raised her self back up and walked back to the seat she was originally sitting at and spoke softly, “I’ll be reading the last of the sacraments that I have, in the meantime rest for a bit as Seras and I read the remaining two, okay?” Leon nodded as he laid back and rested for about a few moments as Seras and Clarabell read through sacraments fourteen and twenty one.

After lying back on the side of the pillow chair for a few minutes to rest his eyes, he then raised his posture up and looked to where Seras was, who remained silent for more than a few minutes. Leon then asked Seras as he looked at her with curiosity, noticing that she did not say anything for quite a bit with a mournful look on her face, which was quite unlike herself, “Seras did you figure out who the twenty first sacrament yet?” There was a long dreary silence between the both of them for two whole minutes as Seras stared at the profile of the twenty first sacrament. Then after the long silence, Seras then replied mournfully as she stared at the paper, “Luka…” Leon then looked at her in complete shock as if he cannot believe that those words came out of her mouth, and denied as the words that where coming out of her mouth, but then recalling the words that she whispered to herself earlier before the old woman left them, “What that’s crazy talk. She can’t be unless…” “She is the unfinished victim of Walter’s murder from a long time ago.” Seras bluntly said as she continued to read through the document without looking once at any one in the room.

Leon then got up from where he was sitting and walked to where Seras was sitting and stood on her left side as he leveled his head down and looked below to see what she was looking at. Then he saw on what appeared to be the upper left hand corner Luka in her school uniform sitting on a wooden bench in a background of a bunch of trees. Then he looked to the upper right hand corner and saw her name on there, but instead of ‘Luka Wingate’, it read ‘Luka Wingate Sullivan’. Leon then responded confusingly as he looked at Seras, “Luka Wingate Sullivan? But I thought that Luka’s surname was Wingate, isn’t it?” “No, that’s her middle name. The government started to use her middle name as her surname soon after the murder of her mother occurred when the police were investigating the crime scene because they wanted to keep her father away from her as much as possible for the reason they already learned his plans of taking over the world and wanting her as a tool to do so.” Seras explained as she stared down as she looked at the paper and with Leon right next to her as he looked down to where he was sitting.

Clarabell then looked at the profile of the fourteenth sacrament and read through it carefully as the conversation went on between Seras and Leon. She then looked to the upper right hand corner and the name labeled on there was ‘Howard Gearhart’. Her eyes began to widen as they watered, her teeth began to bite against her lower lip as she flipped the pages around and then back. She then noticed a picture on the upper left hand of the first page and then pulled it out from the paper clips grip as she wept and faced it downward on the table and whispered to herself, “So that’s where you were, this whole entire time, why did I not see it before…?” She then got up from her seat pushed the chair back as she had the photo faced downward on her left hand and her right hand she closed the profile of the fourteenth sacraments folder gently as she stood on the same place for about a few minutes to calm her tears down.

Leon then burst out in anger as he held his fists tight and leveled his head down to the ground further, “What the hell is the matter with this guy! He goes ahead and experiments on innocent people that haven’t done a single sin to him, turning him into monsters and he uses his daughter as tool to conquer the world! And how he does it exactly? He goes ahead and puts her life on the line and tries kills off his little girl in the process of getting his dirty work done! What kind of father would actually do that to his own daughter, his own blood? I should seriously burn the man with a blow torch and end the old man’s life right there!” Seras then got up from the silk pillow chair, stood on her two feet and said sternly as she became more worried about Luka’s safety rather than killing Walter for his cruelty towards mankind, “ Look I know how you feel right now, I want to kill him too and send him off to hell! But right now we have to go to where Luka is right now and get her out of there before Umbrella has the chance to kidnap her and do who knows what to her!”

Leon then said softly, knowing that none of them has time to waste for leisure time now that Umbrella was on the run, “Alright then.” Clarabell then walked up to Seras with the appearance of a gentle smile on her face as she handed the photo to her facing it upside down and said to her calmly, “ Seras I want you to keep this somewhere where you won’t lose it.” “What is it?” Seras asked, looking like she was about to face it upward. “It’s a picture that I found in the fourteenth sacraments profile. Don’t look at it until everyone is reunited and you know you guys are safe and sound. Just put it somewhere safe for now, alright.” Clarabell replied softly as she held the photo upside down while Seras was holding on to it. Then Seras unbuttoned and opened up her left chest pocket and placed the picture in there without anyone else looking at it as she looked away from where she was placing the photo. Then when she was completely done placing the photo completely inside her left chest pocket, she then looked back to where the pocket was and closed it up with the button placed on there. “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s go.” Clarabell insisted as she smiled gently.

Seras then nodded and then she then exclaimed at the whole group as turned around to where the door was, “Come on guys, let’s go help Luka!” Seras and Leon then marched off to the door as they rushed off, while Clarabell turned to the opposite direction of where they were walking to and dropped on her knees. As Seras and Leon reached to the door, Leon turned his head around to the noise that he heard from the background and notice Clarabell weeping on the floor. “Hold on, I’ll be right back. Wait for me right here.” Leon said gently as he looked to where Seras was as she stood about five inches away from the door with a sad look on her face as she looked to where Clarabell was. Then she looked back to where Leon is and nodded with a cheerful smile on her face and replied softly, “Alright, I will.”

Leon then rushed to where Clarabell was and kneeled down on his feet as she stood beside her, holding on to her, and as he looked at her face and noticed that she tears came out of her eyes slowly on the floor and asked, “Clarabell, what’s wrong?” Clarabell stood in silence for a moment as she cried hysterically, then she calmed herself down and replied as she quivered, “Why? Why would they do such a horrible thing to him? Those cruel scientists! They should all be burnt to hell, along with that son a b***h Walter Sullivan! I want them to feel the pain I suffered, the agony and torture that they put Luka and I through mentally and emotionally, and the physical pain the placed on my beloved and Seras. I will see to that justice will be served!” Leon then stood in silence for a moment, and then Leon grabbed a hold on her facial area and pulled it toward where his face was. One by one, he used his pointer fingers and wiped away Clarabell’s tears, and as all her tears vanished from her face and hugged her close to him and whispered in her ear gently, “Don’t worry everything going to be okay, but right now we just have to get Luka and Nemesis from the convention center before Umbrella has the chance to kidnap Luka, okay?”

As Leon tried to calm Clarabell down, Seras stood there as she waited for the both of them, and she wanted to help Clarabell in any way she can as a good friend. However before she could move a step forward to where Leon and Clarabell where, she felt something penetrating her neck that felt like a needle without warning from the auras which caused her to pass out. But before her body could thump onto the wooden floor, a pair of female hands grabbed her by the arms and dragged her body quietly from the floor. Both Leon and Clarabell got up from the floor facing each other as Leon spoke to her softly as he looked at Clarabell’s indigo eyes, “Come on let’s catch up with Seras.”

“Alright.” Clarabell replied cheerfully as she smiled at Leon, whom stood before her, and then as both turned their heads to where the door stood, they both notice that Seras was not there. “Where’s Seras?” Clarabell asked nervously as she looked back to where Leon is. “I don’t know.” Leon replied as he said it with shock and his eyes began to widen. “Come on, we got no time to waste! We got to find Seras!” Leon exclaimed as he ran out to the door and grabbed Clarabell’s right hand and dragged her along. “Wait! What about Luka?” Clarabell questioned his appeared to be ‘unreasonable’ actions. “Don’t worry! We’ll worry about her later, right now let’s find Seras!” He replied as he ran both himself and Clarabell out of the profile room as the wind from their speed carried the door and slammed it shut.

To Be Continued in Part III C

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