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Resident Evil RP
Part II B

Scene IV
The zombies and creatures gained up on both Seras and Leon and were cornering the both of them to the edge of the land where the five foot barrier is. “Dang it, more of these guys? You got to be kidding me?” Leon shouted irritably while Seras just stared at him and he put himself as a barrier for Seras and said gently, trying to be the charismatic macho man, “Don’t worry, I’ll fight them off for you. You just stay behind me, okay?” She nodded and stood behind him, not knowing of her true capabilities and watched as he battles.

He then grabs his gun blade from his back and starts shooting at the zombies that were coming towards him, and one by one he slaughtered the zombies before him, with a gigantic pool of blood surrounding the bodies with their brain tissue sticking out of their skull and guts everywhere on the brick floor. By the time Leon killed off about a hundred zombies and creatures, about ten thousand more appeared in the room. When Leon was about to shoot at one of the zombies, he noticed that he had no ammo in the weapon. Leon decided to use his sword part of his gun blade as a last resort of weapon use and wielded it on his right hand. As he raised his blade up in the air and swinging it against one of the zombies, one of the demonic creatures swooped by with their wings and took his gun blade and threw it over at the right corner next to him. As Leon attempted to reach the right corner of the room to where he was, about ten of the zombies came marching to the corner of the room and barricaded the gun blade before Leon had the chance to grab the gun blade from where it is.

“Damn it!” Leon said while swearing under his breath.Then Leon reached to his side pocket which had his pistol in hand. He pulled his grayish black pistol out of his side pocket and wielded it on his right hand and lifted it with his right hand and pointed it towards one of the zombies. When he pulled the trigger at one of the zombies, no bullet came out of the guns opening of the bullet to sky rocket at the zombie. Leon quickly checked the ammo inside his pistol and in his side pocket to see if he had more. Unfortunately to his luck, there was no ammo to be found in his side pocket, nor in his gun for that matter. Then he recalled that he used practically all of his ammo for his pistol to confront the zombie in the S.T.A.R.S. uniform. “That’s right! I used all of my ammo inside my pistol to fight off the zombie I faced earlier!” He exclaimed as he recalled that memory then began to swear under his breath “Damn it, we’re all screwed!”

Leon tried to push away all of the zombies that were coming towards both Seras and himself as much as he could with his own bare hands. But the more he attempted, the more persistent the zombies became. As the zombies became more persistent, it became much more difficult for Leon to fight them off alone. After holding off the zombies for about twenty minutes, Leon was at the verge of giving up with fighting the zombies off. He did not know what to do, nor did he know what to use against them since his pistol is considered useless and his gun blade was tossed to the corner where the left side of the river bank was in doorway position, in his position, it be tossed to the right corner of the river bank, near where the river bank.

Seras was thinking for a moment on what to do with the zombies since she technically speaking had no manufactured weapons she can use. Then was thinking of using her left arm but she still did not know how to use it properly. “How can I help my friend if I don’t have any weapon to use against these things?”Seras said to herself. Leon fell to the ground on his butt as he was fighting off one of the zombies, and he was trying to shake off the zombie, but the zombie was too strong for him and attempted to bite Leon on his neck. Seras then became desperate to help Leon before it was too late, she lifted her left arm and her arm slowly formed into shadows that formed into a bat wing. However due to her desperateness, the wing slowly formed into large deadly spikes and moved it at both ends of the room.

At the last minute when the zombie was about to bite his neck, huge black spikes swooped through the room in every corner and scattering in different areas all the way to where the last group of zombies were. All at once, all ten thousand zombies and demonic creatures were impaled by the deadly spikes. The zombies were impaled in the head and in the heart, while the demon creatures were impaled in the heart. Blood was spurted everywhere across the room, with gore flying from the decayed bodies of the monsters, and guts, brain tissues, and flesh falling to the brick floor. Leon was covered in blood with some parts of his head as well. His face showed completely shock and his whole body was quivering from the amount of shock he went through. The spikes slowly receded back to the direction it came from and the ten thousand bodies fell down to the ground before him. He stared at the dead bodies just lying there with their gruesome image of their internal organs showing in public view.

Leon slowly turned his head around to see where the spikes came from. When Leon looked to where Seras was, he notice that Seras was still in her same garment, however her left arm had the appearance of a bat wing made from shadows with white fangs showing from her mouth. He also began to notice that her eyes were gleaming red with pale skin, which were noticeably there when he first met her, he just didn’t completely noticed it till then when he had a better glimpse at her appearance. Leon’s eyes grew wider and his face grew paler as he shivered in fright from staring at Seras. Leon then immediately got up from the brick floor from which he fell from, and ran away from Seras as he panicked.

Seras just stood there as he ran away from her and did not say anything. Leon then paused at the door way and turned to where Seras was. He noticed as he looked back to where she was that she seemed upset as she glared at him sorrowfully. Leon then looked down upon the floor solemnly and turned to where Seras remained standing and asked, “When you said … that you paid the price for investigating Umbrella Corp. laboratory, because you felt like they were hiding something from you, and you were curious about it…Is this what you really meant…by ‘paying the price’?” Seras nodded her head as she looked at him solemnly and replied,”Yes.” “What did they do to you exactly?” Leon asked as he was now giving a worried look at Seras. Seras took a moment to clear up her thoughts as to what really happened at the lab, then she explained clearly, “The scientists knock me out and dragged me to some experimentation room, where they experimented on me by giving me some kind of serum and injected inside of me, and about hours later, I became this.”

“So what are you exactly?” Leon looked at her as he got interested as to what she really is, knowing that she is not human. “Well, according to what my friend told me, I appear to be some vampire-like creature.” Seras explained to Leon as easy as she could have without getting him confused. “A vampire-like creature, huh? Umm… sounds kind of interesting.” Leon said as he put his right hand over his chin and gave a glimpse of her left arm and looked back at her. He then apologized as he rubbed the back of his head, not sure of what to say, “Oh, sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to run off like that. I was just…kinda scared, I guess?” “Oh, you mean that? Don’t worry about it, you came back and acknowledge. That’s all that really matters?” She said as she smiled at him with her fangs showing, not afraid of how she appear to him as for the fact that he chose to accepted her as a friend, whether she was human or a vampire-like creature.

“Say, do you know exactly what they injected you with exactly?” Leon asked as he laid back against the wall. “Why do you want to know?” Seras looked at him as she gently said, waiting for an answer. “You know, just curious.” Leon answered as he looked to Seras was and smiled. Seras tried to remember exactly what the head scientist had injected inside of her before she passed out on the bed. “Well, do you know?” He looked at her as she had remained silent for more than a minute. “It seems that you don’t remember for some reason, why don’t you sit down here and relax for a while, and see if your memory jogs up. Okay?” Leon said as he grabbed Seras’s hand and both of them sit right next to each other on the brick floor.

Leon sat next to Seras’s right side while Seras sat next to Leon’s left side against the wall on the left side of the river bank where the gun blade was sitting all the over the corner where Seras was closest to, which obviously near the river bank is. Seras looks at him as he gazes blankly into the background, but Leon slightly smiled in the process. As Seras looked closely at him, she noticed that his aura was different from other humans, and had a slight eerie touch to it. Seras said nothing though and left it as it is. As Seras looked over to where Leon is, noticing he’s not paying attention, she manipulated her left arm and changed it from a bat wing into slithering shadows and slowly reached for Leon’s gun blade without him looking. As Seras’s left arm reached to the left corner of the river bank, she grabbed the gun blade carefully by lifting it up as slowly bringing it to where she is so that way she won’t make too much noise. When she was pulling the gun blade towards where she was, she then grabbed the handle of the gun blade with her right hand, manipulated her left arm changing it back from slithering shadows into a bat wing, and used a crystal clear leather clip on slot that she grabbed by accident besides the gun blade and strap it around her chestal area, making sure that the sword slot was on the back and slid the gun blade through the slot as she looked to his right wrist.

She then noticed that on his left side there was a large cut on his wrist and blood seeped through it. Leon turned to his right where Seras was, he noticed that she looked hungry and as he looked downward to see what she was staring at, he noticed that his wrist was bleeding. He then looked back at her and said, “You look kind of hungry, want me to give you some of my blood?” Seras then snap back into reality and spoke out, “Huh, wait what?” “Here, have some.” Leon insisted as he pulled out his left arm, rolled up his left sleeve, and lifted his left arm to her where his wrist can reach her mouth. Seras smiled for a moment as she mouth with her fangs showing as she down at the blood, then she shook her head and told Leon, “I couldn’t possibly take it from you, it just doesn’t feel right.” Leon said cheerfully, attempting to encourage her, “Sure you can, plus your instincts tell me you need this more than I do. Go on, take it, lick it, do something with it.” Seras paused for a moment as she hesitated on whether or not she should take his offering, and then she started licking the blood off of his wrist as it continued to seep through and her fangs showed as she continued to lick it. Leon stared at her as she continuously licked it for five whole minutes.

When she was done licking the blood off of Leon’s wrist, Leon looked at her and said, “Well…” “Thank you so much, I really needed it. I feel so much better now after drinking the blood from your wrist, but for whatever reason, it tastes like cinnamon.” Seras replied cheerfully. “Tell me about it, you’ve been licking my wrist for five minutes straight nonstop. You’re friend really wasn’t kidding when he said you are a vampire-like creature, you really are a ‘vampire’-like creature.” Leon looked at her with astonishment of her vampire-like behavior. “I’m sorry.” She said as looked down as she felt like she had done something terrible. “It’s alright, you didn’t do anything wrong. Besides, I would have done the same thing if I was in the same position you were in. I’m just amazed that you can consume that much blood on my wrist in such a short amount of time.”Leon admitted to Seras as she looked to where he was. “Alright, thanks again.” Seras acknowledge him after his apology. “Don’t mention it. Say, can you tell me what your friends name is by any chance? I never got his name.” Leon asked Seras as she continued to smile.”Oh, it’s Nemesis.” Seras replied. “Nemesis, so that’s his name, huh? Sounds like a badass.” Leon said as he responded back to her reply as she giggled.

She continued giggling for a few minutes which kind of got Leon worrying of whether or not he said the right thing and asked, “What’s so funny?” Seras then giggled more and more which made him even more worried, “Come on, what is it? Say something to me, you not saying anything, all you’re doing is giggling. Speak to me, what is it that you find so funny?” Leon asked as he was getting more worried. Finally, Seras stopped giggling and replied to him trying to hold her laugh, “You do realize how long has it been since you told me that you were looking for you two team members, right?” Then, there was a long silence from Leon, he then pulled out a random watch from his pocket to check the time on there, then after he check the time and swore under his breath, “s**t, Clarabell’s going to kill me if she finds out I’ve been gone for this long!” “So, did you figure out how long you’ve been here for?”Seras asked as Leon was in shock for the amount of time he has spent in the sewers. “I was stuck here for over 9000 minutes! That’s like over thirteen hours spent in here!” Leon said in complete shock as he looked directly at Seras. Seras then started bursting out in laughter, and Leon gave a pissed off glare at Seras.

Seras then stopped laughing for a moment and said, “I can help you look for them if you want, besides, I have a pretty good idea where they are.”“Alright then, let’s go.” Leon said feeling very upbeat. “So Seras, where to?” Leon asked as Seras as she was leading him the way. “Beyond this doorway should lead you to a room with an old mirror, there you’ll find them.” Seras said as she pointed to the doorway for Leon to go through. Leon then paused and said, “Hey Seras, will you come along with me?” “Wait what?” Seras question as she was confused. “Seras, what are you waiting for, come?” He asked her as she stood behind him. She then paused for a moment. “It’s okay, come along, I’m not going to leave you here all alone, and Nemesis can come along too.” Leon then said to Seras as she stood there before him and he looked at her waiting for an answer. Seras, after a while of hesitation said cheerfully with a smile on her face, “Okay, yes.” Both Leon and Seras exit the river bank through the doorway as they head to the room.

“Say Seras, remind me again why did you not say anything before about where my team members are right in the first place, umm?” Leon asked as he smirked at her while she was walking right next to him. “Because you never asked where they were.” Seras replied with a smile on her face. Leon was blushing in fury and shouted, “Hey!” “It’s true, plus you were to fascinated at the fact that I wasn’t really human right after the battle with ten thousand zombies and creatures that I took out in one blow, even though you did freak out when you discovered that I was a vampire-like creature and not human.”Seras explained as they were walking through the sewer. “Oh yea, that’s right and …hey! That wasn’t very nice, I did not freak-out.” Leon exclaimed at Seras, denying the fact that he actually freaked out at first. “Uhuh, sure you didn’t.”Seras said looking at Leon in disbelief and Leon smirked. “Yea, you definitely did.” “What! Come on! That was completely unfair! I was caught by shock!” Leon kept denying it, hiding his manly pride. “Admitted Leon, you did.” Seras gave Leon a serious look, like the one she gave after the battle. Leon slowly turned around and jumped up about five feet and put his hands up in the air.”And that was the same look I gave after the battle, yea. You definitely freaked out.” Seras said as she was looking at Leon.”Dammit! Fine, you win!” Leon sighed as he knew he was caught from denying. “Yay! See I told you so!”Seras exclaimed in joy like a little kid as they walked down the rest of the way while Leon stood silent, but eventually started talking to her again when they headed midway.

Scene V
Clarabell and Luka were waiting in the room to see if Leon would actually return, but so far for the pass thirteen hours there was no sign of him yet, and Clarabell was getting worried. “Oh my god where is he?”Clarabell asked Luka as she passed around the room, stressing herself out. Luka turned to where she was and said whom was sitting on a rock, “Don’t worry just wait for a little bit longer.”Clarabell interrupted “How much longer! Luka, we’ve been waiting here for thirteen hours Luka! There is no sign of him and I don’t know where he could be!” Luka looked to the doorway of the room and noticed a couple footsteps from the distance. Clarabell stood there and looked at Luka and said as she looked at Luka, “Are you even listening?” Luka continued to stare at the door way as the footsteps came closer and closer as they grew louder each time.

Suddenly she saw the shadows of two different people, one male, and the other female. The male shadow had neat cut hair with a jacket and slacks to go with is and a belt in addition, while the female shadow had spiky hair wearing a uniform and boots. However, her left arm was in the shape of a bat wing while her right arm was completely normal with a glove in hand and carrying something on her back. When the shadows became more visible to the human eye as they came closer toward where the room is, the more visible the figures appeared. When the figures where about five inches away from the room, the figures where then noticeable in every detail, including their faces. Luka then notice that the two people have entered the room, and among two people were Leon and girl with blond hair wearing a blood red outfit and her left arm consisting of shadows that formed a bat wing.

Luka got up from where she sitting and ran to where Leon was and hugged him. “Yay! Leon’s here!”Luka turned around to where Clarabell is and said cheerfully to her, “See I told you Leon would be back.”Clarabell walked over to Leon, looking all sad, then Clarabell grabbed her fists and started beating him in the chest yelling, “Where the hell have you been, for a moment I thought something bad happened to you!” Leon scratched the back of his head and said, “Well, it’s a long story you see.” Luka turned to where the girl was and looked back at Leon and asked him, “Hey, Leon, who’s that girl you were walking with?” Leon turned to his left where Seras was, looking all confused. He then looked back to where Luka was standing and replied, “Oh, This is Seras, I met her along the way of finding you guys. Seras, this is Luka.” “It’s very nice to meet you Luka.” Seras said in a cheerful voice as she looked directly at Luka with a smile on her face. Luka then looked at Seras with joy, as if she just saw a doll from a rare collectible store, and said as she squealed at her, “Oh my god, you look so awesome! I love your outfit! I love your wing! How did you get it like that? When can we hang out! I love the color of your hair! We can dress each other! We can look like each other! Oh my god! We can be sisters!”Leon just gave out Luka the scared look thinking that Luka has finally lost it. “Aww… she’s adorable.” Seras said as she hugged Luka softly with her right arm she looked down upon Luka. Luka said in a cheery voice as she continued hugging Seras around the waist like a koala hanging on to a bamboo tree, “Thank you!”

“Okay Luka, you can let go now.” Leon said to Luka as she continued hugging Seras and Seras is standing there. “Nuh-uh.” Luka replied as she shook her head and continued to hug Seras. “Luka…” Leon said irritably as he was getting impatient with Luka the more she continued to ignore him. “No way!” Luka persisted as she continued to hug Seras. Leon then grabbed Luka by the waist and said angrily, “Luka, it’s time to let go!” Leon then pulls her away from Seras without hurting anyone in the process. “No! I don’t want to!” Luka squealed as she tried to reach for Seras to cling on to her further, pulling away from Leon’s grasp. “Sorry Luka, maybe another time." Leon said as his patients started to wear down with Luka and placed her on a rock and Luka pouted when she was placed on there.

Leon then turned around to where Clarabell was and gave him a deadly glare. He smiled nervously and immediately looked at Seras and introduced her to Clarabell, “Seras, this is Clarabell. Clarabell, this is Seras.” “It’s very nice to meet you, Clarabell.” Seras greeted Clarabell with a gentle smile on her face, being polite as she looked directly at her. “Oh, hi.” Clarabell greeted back sounding like she was kind of peeved off about something as she stared blankly at Seras, and then glared at Leon. She then walked to where Leon is and whispered to Leon, “And it’s Clare for your information.”

Clarabell then turned around to where Leon was and asked him, “Say Leon, do you know where your gun blade went by any chance?” Leon checked his back to see if his gun blade was there. He then realized that his gun blade was not there, and then Leon said in panic as he turned to where the doorway, “Oh man, don’t tell me that I left it over at the river bank and forgot to pick it up after all the zombies were killed. Gahh, I got to go get it.” Leon then ran to where the door way was and walked slowly back to his group and said as he was panting, “Nah, it’s too long of a walk from here to the river bank anyways.” Luka and Seras were both giggling at him Clarabell just shook her head as she put her hand on her face as it was looking downward, trying to hold her laugh.“What so funny? Ah, come on! What did I do this time?” Luka continued giggling while Clarabell was still trying to break through the laughter and Seras walked to where he is and pulled out the gun blade from the slot she was carrying in front of him and held it to him with her right hand in the middle of the blade asking him with a smile on her face, “Is this what you’re looking for?” Leon looked at the gun blade in surprise as he picked it up from her hand with the handle and replied in relief, “Yes, yes it is. Seras, how did you get it in such a quick amount of time before we left from the river bank?” “Well, while we were sitting against the wall, while you were not looking, I used my left arm to retrieve it and I carried it with me. I figured that you would probably forget since you were worried about other things rather than you gun blade, so I picked it up.” Seras explained as she twirled around the room. “Seras, thank you so much.” Leon said as he gave her a hug, while Clarabell looked even more pissed off, not realizing that Nemesis was standing behind her.

As Leon was done hugging Seras, Seras turned around to where Luka and Clarabell were and noticed that Nemesis was behind where Clarabell was and greeted Nemesis, “Hi Nemesis! How’ve you been?” Everyone in the room except for Seras slowly turned their heads around and looked directly where Seras eyes where pointing at. Their faces grew wider as they stared at the demonic figure which appeared to be Nemesis. “Seras, it this Nemesis?” Leon asked as his voice shriveled. Seras looked at Leon and nodded as she looked directly at him with a smile on her face. Luka at first looked frightened, but then a few minutes after, she ran to where Nemesis is and gave him a hug, as if he were a teddy bear. Clarabell turned over to where Nemesis is and looked at him with a stern face and then looked back. Nemesis then imagined her with longer hair with a purple dress and white sandals, and his head started to ache the more he looked at Clarabell and put his hand over his head. Seras ran over to where Nemesis was and asked him, “Are you okay? Is there something wrong?” “That girl with the red hair, I remember her from somewhere before, but I don’t remember from where.” Nemesis replied with his hand over his hand, indicating that his head was still aching.

Seras then turned around to where the rest were standing and asked them, “So what do you guys think of Nemesis?” Luka then shouted happily as she continued to clinging on to Nemesis, “I think he is the most awesome teddy bear I’ve ever met!” “Luka, Nemesis is not a teddy bear.” Leon said as he was looking at Luka with blank face. “I don’t give a damn! He is awesome!” Luka shouted back at Leon as she continued to hug Nemesis. “Well, that explains one of the three answers.” Leon answered as she continually stared at Luka who is still clinging on to Nemesis. “Leon, what do you think about Nemesis?” Seras asked him as she was standing right next to him. Leon then looked to where Nemesis was standing, Nemesis growled at Leon as he stared at his presence, Leon gulped and looked back to where Seras was. Leon then said, hoping Nemesis will show him mercy, “I think he’s a pretty cool guy, I mean he hasn’t killed anybody nor has he caused any harm and seems really nice, overall he’s a really cool dude.” “Really, you think so?” Seras asked as she looked to where Leon is. “ Yea, really. “ Leon replied as he looked to where Seras was. Seras then smile and ran back to where Clarabell was, but had second motions.

Nemesis walked up to where Leon was and said to him, “You only said that because of Seras, am I not correct.” Nemesis glared at him as Leon was still in vibrant shock from his eyes, and Leon scratched the back of his skull like the numskull that he is. Seras then stood in the room twirling around, and Leon thought of asking Clarabell of what she thinks of his new friends he met, since he already knew what Luka’s will be judging on how happily she smiled when she first saw the both of them. Leon then slowly walked to Clarabell , whom was sitting on the rock looking all annoyed and Leon asked her, “ Say, Clarabell, there has been something I wanted to ask of you as of late.” Clarabell slowly glared towards where Leon was standing and said sternly, “What is it? Spill it out, I don’t have all day! Go on, say something.” Leon then said to her in a kind and polite way, “What do you think of our new friends?” Everyone else, including Seras and Nemesis turned their attention towards Leon’s and Clarabell’s conversation.

Then Clarabell burst out coldly to Leon, “Friends? You call those friends? Hah, as if.” All of them, including Seras and Nemesis looked in confusion to what was really going on. “Seras and Nemesis shouldn’t even be considered as friends!” Clarabell went on as her eyes were filled with rage, and everyone else looked in disbelief. “They’re monsters! They should be enemies, not our friends! What’s more, monsters have no hearts! Once a monster, always a monster!” Clarabell ranted on in hatred, making her position worse than it already is. Both Seras and Nemesis were pissed, Nemesis growled angrily and he place his hands around his arms trying to hold his anger while Seras hissed as her fangs began to show up, her left arm slithered up the shadows on it making it appear like a black flame and her eyes glowed red with wrath. Seras walked up to where Clarabell was and looked at her with despite.

Seras then grabbed Clarabell’s collar and pulled it up towards her face, yelled at her, “So you think that were ‘monsters’ have no ‘heart’, huh? Would ‘monsters’ with no ‘heart’ be hospital to you, or even try to be nice to you, even when you don ‘t deserve it? I think that you’re getting confused here! Yea, Nemesis and I are both ‘monsters’, I have no doubts on that! But the real ‘monsters’ with no ‘heart’ are the ones that experiment on you! The ‘monsters’ with no ‘heart’ are one’s that bring you into experimentation rooms and turn you into something like this!” Clarabell stared at Seras frightened as Seras pointed at herself. Seras then ranted on with anger and hate, “The real ‘monsters’ with no ‘heart’ are the ones that Nemesis and I are both after, the building way over there with the red and white striped Umbrella! I’m sure you have heard of those guys before, have you?” “Yes. I’ve seen those things before.” Clarabell replied solemnly as her eyes grew wider. “Okay, did you know that I used to work over there as an employee for a month?” Seras asked in anger as she looked at Clarabell and Clarabell shook her head in freight, “And guess what happened after a month of working there and discovered the secrets of the lab?” Seras asked Clarabell another question, but this time much more calmly, and Clarabell then nodded. Seras asked her calmly as her temper slowly when away, “Okay, then if you know, tell me what happened?”

“You were knocked out with a rock and dragged all the way to the experimentation room and you were experimentation room.” Clarabell replied very solemnly as she looked down on the floor. Seras then slowly placed Clarabell on the bricked floor near where the rock was carefully and then asked Clarabell, “How did you know that I was knocked out first before I was dragged to the experimentation room?” “Because the same thing that happened to my boyfriend, only he was experimented in front of my face.” Clarabell replied sorrowfully as she looked down upon the floor. Seras then said solemnly said to Clarabell, “I’m sorry to hear that.” Seras said as she looked down on the floor, “If you boyfriend were here with you right now, how would he react to the whole entire conversation?” “Most likely he would be upset with me, and I don’t blame him for it. I am really sorry for the way I reacted towards both you and Nemesis; you both really didn’t deserve that blow off that I gave you.”

“It’s alright I forgive you, and I am sorry for get off at you the way I did.” Seras said as she looked to where Clarabell was, moping on the floor. “No, don’t apologize; it’s really my fault for making you this angry anyways.” Clarabell said softly as she got up from the brick floor and looked to where Seras was. Clarabell then said as her eyes, “It’s my fault that my own jealousy and pride got the best of me. No one else is to blame but me.” “That’s right Clarabell! Suck up your pride!” Leon stupidly shouted out of nowhere, causing everyone to turn around to where he was and Luka to punch him in the stomach and landed against the brick on his face groaning in pain. “Ouch! What the hell was that for?” Leon groaned as he was kneeling on the floor. Luka looked down to where Leon was with a pissed off glare and said, “Because you are an idiot and you deserve it!” Seras and Clarabell looked at each other and Seras said to Clarabell as she gently put her hand on her shoulders and smiled, “It’s alright, your hurt, what more can you do?”

Clarabell looked at Seras, with watery tears coming out of her eyes and said, “Why are you being so nice to me? Even after all the things I did to you?” Seras then smiled gently as she looked at Clarabell and said, “Because we’re your friends and where here to help you, always. That’s what friends are there for, to help you. Right.” Clarabell wiped the glistening tears from her eyes and looked at Seras and nodded. “Don’t worry, we’ll do everything in our power to help find your boyfriend and to reunited with him, okay.” Seras said to Clarabell as she smiled gently at her.

Clarabell nodded as she looked at Seras with a slight smile at her face. Seras then calmly asked Clarabell as she put her hands behind her back, “Can you tell me what the name of your boyfriend is?” “Howard Gearhart, my boyfriend’s name his Howard Gearhart.” Clarabell said as she tried to wipe away the tears with her snow white sleeves. “Alright we’ll look for Howard Gearhart together, all of us. Nemesis, Luka, Leon, and myself, we’ll help look for Gearhart together, alright?” Seras said as she looked at Clarabell with a smile on her face. Clarabell nodded with a happy smile on her face as she tried to hide away the tears from her eyes and replied, “Okay, we’ll find him together.”

“What do you say you guys, are you willing to help find Clarabell’s boyfriend and bring them back together?” Seras said as she looked to the rest of them whom stood in the room against the room looking at each other. Nemesis then nodded with an attempt smile on his face and Luka cheerfully said, “Sure, we’ll help Clarabell look for her boyfriend all the way!” Leon then said as he was trying to use his manly pride, “Uh, yea I guess so.” Luka then grabbed her right hand and stuck her middle finger mid way and pressed against his sides and Leon said happily in pain, “We’ll help you all the way Clarabell!” “The works of the magic touch makes dreams come true.” Luka said with the smile on her face as she held her middle finger mid way looking all sinister. “Thanks you guys.” Clarabell said with a joyful smile with less tears in her eyes.

Scene VI
“But first, let’s get Umbrella Corp. out of the way first, otherwise those guys will cause more trouble to us and it will be even harder for us to find Gearhart and reunite him with Clarabell.” Luka suggested as she looked up in the ceiling as she had a radar on her right hand. “That’s true; Nemesis and I made a pact to defeat Umbrella Corp. for the tyranny the created amongst their victims.” Seras explained as she crossed her right arm as she looked at everybody else. “I’ll go with you! I’ll help you and Nemesis fight off Umbrella and their head!” Luka insisted as she looked to where Seras was. “I’ll come too!” Clarabell replied as she held her hands together, looking to where Seras was. Leon stood there for a moment in silence, and then he said, “Alright, I will go along with you guys. Besides, those Umbrella guys are scaring the living day lights out of me with the kind of experiments they do in the labs daily”

“Thanks you guys, you’re the best!” Seras then said as she looked at all of them with a smile on her face as she glistened with her uniform. “You’re welcome.” Luka, Clarabell, and Leon said all at the same time and all of them had a wide smile on their faces. “Don’t worry, we’ll help the both of you defeat the Umbrella Corp. and stop their tracks of tyranny. No matter what cost we’ll have to pay along the way.” Clarabell said as she stood here with a wink on her face. “But before we go anywhere, Luka has to read a couple of documents from Umbrella to make sure we know what were fighting against and our advantages.” Leon inputted as he smiled, while next to him was Luka whom had her computer opened and her radar on set. “Are you sure that it will work?” Nemesis asked unsure of the plan as he looked at Leon with a questionable glare. “Hey Luka maybe a fourteen year old and is quite the ditz on the block, but don’t be fooled by her looks, her I.Q. is actually 350.” Leon added as he smirked at Nemesis, Nemesis looked at him in disbelief, so he turned to Luka and asked, “Is this true of what this imbecile is saying.” Leon was in shock, as if Nemesis gave him the biggest insult in his life. Luka then responded to Nemesis, “Pretty much, right now I’m getting into the Umbrella Corp. top secret files.”

Luka then typed in the keys on her computer as soon as she hacked on to the website of where the top secret files were being kept. “There were in its top secret files website.” Luka said as she was done typing in the correct keys for the password. “What were the keys to the password?” Leon asked as he was hovering over Luka as she was looking though Umbrella’s top secret website. “Oh, the password was mother, and please don’t hover around me, you remind me of the ***** for every time you do that.” Luka responded as she was browsing through the website. Leon backed away from where Luka was as he asked her, “Why is the password mother?" “Let’s look to the biography of the company head of Umbrella Corp. and find out, shall we?” Luka said as she continued to browse through the website until she found a tag where it says profiles and clicked on it.

Luka then skimmed through the profiles as she went through each and everyone, until she came across executives. She clicked on executives and skimmed through there and watched carefully for founder. “Are you there yet Luka?” Leon asked as he was getting impatient as he stood there. “Hold up, I’m almost there. Geez, you’re so impatient.” Luka said as she continued to look through the executive profiles looking for its founder. Suddenly, Luka came across a profile documentary that was labeled founder and over it had the name of Walter Sullivan. “There found it! Walter Sullivan!” Luka said as she clicked on Walter Sullivan’s profile. Everyone pulled their heads towards the computer screen as the profile was done loading. Seras said as she put her right hand over her chin, “Yea I remember the dude pretty darn well; he was my boss and was the same one that denied employee entry to the lab.” “Same here, he’s the same one that experimented on my boyfriend.” Clarabell said as she looked down upon the floor solemnly.

“So he was the reason you and your boyfriend got separated, huh?” Seras said as she looked to where Clarabell was and Clarabell nodded. “Okay the biography of Walter Sullivan here says that when he first created the Umbrella Corp., he originally wanted to use his Corp. to cure all diseases, but it says here that he went insane according to of the scientist journals.” Luka said as she was reading through the document of Walter’s biography. “Wonder why?” Leon asked as he looked over to where Luka was. Luka continued to skim through the document until see came across the scientist’s journal entries posted on Walter’s biography. Luka slowly read through the journal entries and took a while to process the information, due to so many entries. Then Luka summed it up for them long story short, “ Well, it says here that they’re were overall two reasons why he did go insane and started to experiment on live human people to turn them into creatures and zombies.”

“How so, that’s the answer that everyone wants to know.” Leon said as he lied there, slanting against the wall. “Oh, the first reason was because he was using too much cocaine in his diet.” Luka explained as she continued to skim through the biography on Walter’s profile. “The typical crack head, great; isn’t there already enough crack head in the world as it is?” Leon said in a very dreary voice as he continued slanting against the wall. “But wait the second one is much more interesting than the first one. It says here that the other reason for causing Walter to go insane is because he wants to reunite with his ‘mother’.” Luka added on as she skimmed through the profile. “His ‘mother’, what do you mean by ‘mother’?” Seras asked as she looked to where Luka was as she was standing right next Clarabell on her right side. Luka then explained, “Apparently, Walter was an orphan at a very young age. When it came around his fifties or so, he began researching about his biological past.” Luka then explained, “Apparently, Walter was an orphan at a very young age. When it came around his fifties or so, he began researching about his biological past.”

“I see, can you tell us more?” Seras asked Luka as she placed her arms out in the open. “Well as he continued to do biological research on himself, he discovered that his mother was an Oni god, later he discovered that he had the ability to create monsters from the top of his head. Since then he then order about half of his scientist to create horrific creatures using different serums, while the other half continued to create cures for mankind so that way they won’t suspect a thing. Furthermore Walter wanted to reunite with his mother so he can dominate the world and rule as supreme god, but in order for him to do that, he needed twenty one sacraments and the ultimate weapon.” Luka continued to explain as she read through the profile document.

“What are the twenty one sacraments?” Clarabell asked as she looked at Luka in a gloomy way, containing horrible thoughts in her mind. “The twenty one sacraments are known as the 21 experiments, or murders in some cases. The twenty-one sacraments consist of human beings. In order to make each of those destined human beings into a sacrament, they must be either killed or be captured alive and be turned into an experiment. In order to make the sacrament complete, the sacraments have to be from a different series of serum experiments, there cannot be two sacraments with the same experiment series. Experiment series can vary depending on the genetics they put inside the serum. Once the sacrament is complete, they will then have their memories erased and be used as a vessel to whomever the Omni’s son used, otherwise known as Walter Sullivan.”

“Alright give us a list of the sacraments that are complete so far.” Leon asked Luka as he slanted against the wall as Luka continued to browse the website until she came across a tab that said: List of Sacraments. As she clicked on it, she reviewed the list of the sacraments and answered, “There are so far seventeen sacraments out of the twenty one.” “I see so that means that they are not far from reaching their ultimate goal, in that case we’ll have to hurry before Walter creates more sacraments. By the way, can you look through the lists of the people whom are on the sacrament list?” Leon added as he gets up from slanting on the wall as he looked to where Luka is as she browses through the list.

Luka then replies, “Nemesis is definitely on the list, in fact he’s sacrament #14, the serum that they injected in him is the cyclone series. His abilities include built in weapons, as well as having ultimate strength. Seras however is not in the sacraments list. The sacraments, disincluding #14, will go by numerical order. Sacrament #1 is from the Zombie Series, also known as T-Virus; sacrament #2 is from the Canis Series, known to be a dog demon; sacrament #3 is from the Feline Series, a cat demon; sacrament #4 is from the Titan series, a giant creature; sacrament #5 is from the Demi Series, a supernatural creature whom has an appearance like a goddess; sacrament #6 is from the Calamity Series, a angel-like creature with more than one appearance; sacrament #7 is from the Eptesicus Series, a bat demon; sacrament#8 is from the Lupus Series, a wolf demon; sacrament #9 is from the Angelus Series, an angelic creature with a deadly curse; sacrament #10 is from the Flora Series, a flower demon; sacrament #11 is from the Demona Series, a horned demon; sacrament #12 is from the Aves Series, a bird demon; sacrament#13 is the Arachne Series, a spider demon; sacrament #15 is from the Serpente Series, a snake demon; sacrament #16 is from the Rattus Series, a rat demon; and sacrament #17 is from the Taurus Series, a bull demon.”

“Alright, but did they create the ultimate weapon yet, Umbrella I mean?” Clarabell asked as the others looked at her with complete shock as she looked to where Luka is. “Unfortunately they already have.” Luka replied as she browsed through the Ultimate weapon’s profile. “Unfortunately they don’t have the picture about the Ultimate weapon; however I do have the information on it. Want me to read it to you guys instead?” Leon, Nemesis, Clarabell, and Seras all looked at each other and then all turned to Luka and said agreeing with each other, “Sure!” Luka then explained as she read through the profile, “The serum that they placed in the Ultimate Weapon is what is called the new D.N.A. substance, known as the Vampyre Series, not vampire, but ‘vampyre’ instead. Unlike all the other serum series, only one person was tested on this, which was recently within the past two days. According to the research that Walter Sullivan used on the database, which was proven to be pure a hundred percent, the abilities that this weapon will have is super human strength, super human speed, third-eye, can sharpen teeth like a vampire, has the ability to fly with her one wing that looks like a bat wing , which can also have the ability to morph it into a human arm, any non-lethal weapons, as well as being able to form it into deadly spikes killing effortlessly, manipulate shadows, regenerate, eternal youth, immortality, telekinesis, and the ability to sense peoples auroras and penetrate illusions. The ultimate weapon is supposed to have the appearance of a vampire. However the only thing that is not related to a vampire is that it can walk under sunlight and photos can be taken with a powerful obsura camera, but not in a harmful way.”

“Weird, the description matches with Seras’s appearance as well as most of her abilities I’ve seen so far.” Leon said bluntly out of nowhere, not even realizing what he actually just said and everyone turned their heads over to where Leon was, and then looked back to where Seras was and back to Leon, “What? What did I say?” Leon questioned as he looked confused and Luka just stared at him and said, “You didn’t even realized what you just said did you?” Leon paused for a moment, recalling what he just said a few moments ago before everyone just suddenly turned their heads over. Leon then said, “Yea, I said that the Ultimate weapon’s description matches with Seras’s appearance and most of her abilities that I’ve…holy s**t she’s the Ultimate weapon!” “I’m a weapon of great destruction that can be used for world domination. Thanks guys, really I feel so much better after hearing that information that now I have to not only fight them, but to be aware of Umbrella’s every move now because when they see the opportunity they’ll try to kidnap me and use me for not only for their own purposes, but for destroying mankind as well.” Seras said as her eyes were glowing red again, knowing that the real ultimate weapon is her, now not only worrying about only defeating Umbrella, but to also be on a watch for any sign of opportunity for Umbrella to kidnap her as well.

“That’s correct, which means that everyone has to be on an extreme watch for anything that seems suspicious, and especially keep a close eye on Seras. Because if any of the Umbrella members kidnaps Seras and brings her to head quarters and puts any controlling motives on her, it’s all over for all of us!” Luka said as she looked at everyone in the room as she closes off the website and closes her computer and putting it away in a school bag. “And since Nemesis is one of the 21 sacraments, we might want to watch out for him too.” Luka added on as everyone turned over to where Nemesis was as he stood there looking all confused. “So, chances will be that while we will track down Walter Sullivan or anyone that is allies with them, we will have to separate Seras and Nemesis from each other for the time being to reduce the chances of any of them being kidnapped, more especially Seras. I won’t say that it is a hundred percent preventable, but it’s worth a try. Is everyone on the same page?” Luka explained the circumstances as everyone in the room was listening carefully, and nodding there head as they were looking directly at Luka.

“Here’s the plan, everyone in this room will be placed into different groups. However Nemesis and Seras will be separated in those two different groups. Seras’s group will have to have one extra body guard because Umbrella has more of an interest in her and they would of Nemesis. Leon, you be body guarding Seras; Clarabell will be body guarding Seras; I’ll be body guarding Nemesis.” Luka explained the plan, but was interrupted by Leon, “Why can’t I be body guarding Nemesis?” Luka then looked over to where Leon was and replied to him, “Because you are an idiot and we can’t risk the mission to be in failure. As for why Clarabell was chosen to bodyguard Seras is because the place that I chose to investigate with Nemesis is someplace where he does not have to hide his face in public and I know it’s a place where both you and Clarabell do not like.” “Ah, I see. Alright, I’ll go with what you’re saying.” Leon said as he was attempting not to pull the argument any further.

“Here’s the game plan, Nemesis and I are going to investigate the video game convention center to see if we can find any documents about Umbrella and it’s scientist, because as it turns out, one of the conventions department areas contain a secret documentary room where it contains documents that rightfully belong to Umbrella Corp.’s top secret information department. You guys and Seras will investigate the café across from where Umbrella is, the café owner is a former scientist that has secret information of the Umbrella Corp. as well as a room filled with recent day profiles of scientists that work for Umbrella and has predicting powers. She is also good in trick card games, so if you ask her permission and for whatever reason she does not let you unless you beat her card game, allow Seras to play her card game, even though it might be risky.” Luka continued to explain her plan as she wrote down her plan B. “Wait, what do you mean by risky?” Clarabell as Luka curiously as she had a worried look . “Well since the café is near where Umbrella Corp. is, the chances of any scientist or a sacrament being there is pretty high.” Luka said to Clarabell as she was finishing writing down plan B.

“If we are lucky not to get caught by anyone from Umbrella at all, everyone will meet at the city square of raccoon city and we’ll move from there, got it.” Luka said as she was making sure that everyone was paying attention. “I got it, but what about Seras, how will she fit in the crowd without anyone gaining any suspicion?” Clarabell asked Luka with a worried look in her eye still. “No need to worry.”Seras said with a smile on her face. “And what makes you so sure of that Seras?” Clarabell asked Seras as she looked directly at Seras with confusion. Seras then lifted her left arm and changed it from a bat wing into a human arm that was symmetrical and identical to her right arm. “Alright that makes more sense now.” Clarabell said with a slight smile on her face.

As the groups departed from the room and walked through the door way and went in separate directions to their destinations to look for more information on Umbrella, Luka then turned around to where Seras was and said to her “Seras.” “Yes.” Seras replied as she turned around to where Luka was. “Make sure before you ask the owner of the café where the room is, ask her what fate lies before us, okay?” Luka asked Seras as both of them were departing into their groups. “Why do you say that?” Seras asked as she looked to where Luka was. “Don’t ask, something told me to and it was bugging me since Umbrella got involved in the investigation. Just make sure you ask her for one prediction, okay?” Luka replied as she was waiting for an answer from Seras. “Alright, I will.” Seras responded and both girls nodded from each other. Then they turned to opposite directions from each other, Luka walked to where the right side of the doorway with Nemesis, while Seras walked to where the left side of the doorway was with Leon and Clarabell as the two groups exit from the sewer grounds.

End of Part II

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