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Resident Evil RP
Part II
Scene I

Three people in the S.T.A.R.S. uniform had entered the sewer doors as they stepped down with a steel ladder. One was a male with short and neat cut black hair, blue eyes, and cream colored skin. The other two were females; one was with a giant bust with short red hair, ice blue eyes with peach colored skin; while the other one had the appearance of a high school girl with long, dark blond hair, grey eyes and light apricot skin. The male with the black hair also wears a black leather jacket that is left slightly open at the top with black leather slacks with a belt wrapped around it, black gloves with holes on the fingers to go through, and carries a gun blade with an onyx black handle on his back. The female with the red hair wears black hair clips on the sides of her hair with a white jumpsuit with black straps on the thighs and the higher parts of the arms with loose sleeve with belt straps connected to it with white high heeled boots and a white sniper on her left hand. The teenage girl wears a white shirt with a dark green tie, a light blue plaid skirt with white stripes, and a blue blazer; white knee high socks and brown school shoes, holding a metal tracking device in her right hand. Leon, the one with the black hair asked as he looked to where the redhead, " So Clarabell, have any idea what are we doing here inside the city sewers?"

"I told you not to call me 'Clarabell', just call me 'Clare'!" She burst at Leon with that feisty red head attitude. Then she calmed herself down and answered softly, "Were here to investigate the city sewers to see if there is any strange activity occurring within those areas." "And to track down the evidence in the sewers using these satellite digital cameras." The teenage girl interrupted. “And, yes to get some evidence from the sewers, thank you Luka." Clarabell said sighing as she looked at the teenage girl.

Leon’s personality is carefree and easy going; he does not like to listen to his group when it comes to directions, making him the slowest of D-14. He also considerate on peoples points of view and problems, so if a character has some special information that can be useful or if it seems important he will listen you. Clarabell’s personality is hard headed, short tempered, and pretty ignorant when it comes to judging people on who they are. As a positive counter back, she is wise, resourceful and can be kind to people, when she wants to. Luka’s personality is sweet, bubbly, and a braniac at that. She is also the first to do anything she sets her mind to, is willing to listen to people, and has an I.Q. of 350. The only thing negative about her is that she is native and is too nice at times.

"No problem, now let's keep up with each other before one of us gets lost and has to do the whole entire goose chase around the sewers just to find the rest of the group." Luka said in a cheery voice while the others were keeping up with her. Leon was busy looking at the renaissance architecture of the sewer as the group was already ten feet ahead of him. When Leon turned to his right, he noticed that his two other comrades were already twenty feet away from him and he started running as fast as he could just to catch up to them. When he was almost too where the group was, he felt something heavy against his head and passed out.

The heavy object happened to be a rock that fell from the sewer ceiling and his two comrades were now forty-feet away from him, and the clomping of the rock was heard from the distance. They both turned their head slightly to the back and Luka asked, "Did you hear something?" Clarabell looked at Luka and replied, "I didn't hear anything, and maybe it’s just you. Come on; let's find a resting place before both of us start to go crazy." "Yea, Let's" Luka said feeling all worn out from the investigation and both continued walking to look for a place of rest without suspecting a thing.

Scene II
When Leon woke up from being unconscious from the rock that dropped on him, he noticed that his comrades where nowhere to be seen and the sewer was pitch black. He reached from his side pocket and grabbed out a flash light to see if anyone of his comrades was there. By the time he realized that his comrades were no longer in sight in the area he was, he started to freak out and shouted, "Hey! Can you guys hear me?! Clare! Luka! Is anyone there? Hello!"

There was no response from the distance, only echoes of his voice, he then grabbed his pistol and the flashlight and said determinedly, "I have to look for them and find out where they are. They must be worried by now." He then grabbed all of his items with a pistol in one hand and a flashlight on the other and started roaming through the sewer.

Meanwhile, both Luka and Clarabell were in a room within the sewer with a large rock in there along with an old mirror and rested there for the time being due to Luka being exhausted. "Wow, it sure has been a long day, hasn't it?" Luka exclaimed from all the exhaustion. "Yea, it sure has been, especially the amount of errands our boss makes us do." Clarabell said as she was laying back and resting. Then she got back up and started shouting," Hey Leon, since you’re not doing, why don't you cook for tonight!" When they both realized that Leon was not with the group, they both were in shock. Clarabell started to freak-out and said as she panicked, "Leon? Leon, where are you?!" Then Clarabell started yelling toward every direction of the room, "Leon! Can you hear me?! Leon!"

Clarabell then became sad, causing here to freak out even more and whimpered, "Oh god, Leon is missing, what I am going to do? The boss is going to kill me if he finds out about this." Then Luka said calmly in her cheery voice," Well we may not know Leon is at the moment, but something tells me that Leon is going to be alright." "How can you be so sure? You don't have the responsibility that I do have, so you don't know what is like to have you boss harp on you all day!" Clarabell shouted as she got more frantic on the situation.” Maybe not." Luka implied, “But what I do know is that he is probably looking for us right now as we speak. Just hang in there and see what happens, kay?" Luka added further. Clarabell then asked, " Kay, is that all you can say?!Aren't you even worried by the slightest bit of where he may be?!" Luka then replied, "Even if we are worried and we want to help him, there is just simply nothing we can do to right now. For all we know, he can be lurking anywhere in the sewers, or even somewhere else. All we can do is just wait for him right here and see what happens, I'm sure he'll turn out about." Clarabell said to Luka, "I hope you're right on this one, because if not, I'm going to kill that b*****d!" Both Luka and Clarabell waited in the room while resting in the smelly sewer.

Leon was searching through each and every one of the corridors to see if his comrades were there. For each and everyone he looked through, none of his comrades were in sight. Then, as the corridors got lighter as he moved up ahead, he started to see the sewer corridors much more clearly. Suddenly, he saw a figure from the distance which appeared as a man with a S.T.A.R.S. uniform on him just standing from the distance. Leon ran to the man in the S.T.A.R.S. uniform in hopes of the man knowing where Luka and Clarabell were. When Leon stood five feet from where the man was, he asked the man, "Hey sir, could you tell me where I can find two girls at, one looks like a teenage girl and the other one is a redhead who's an anstey self centered brat." The man did not respond, and Leon became a little more persistent on finding his team members. So Leon waves his arms around trying to get his attention and asked, "Hey! I need to look for two girls whom are my team members that I apparently lost along the way over here! Are you even listening?!" The man still did not respond, which questioned Leon about the man's reason for not responding, since everyone he knew of would have responded to him immediately, especially if it were an officer from S.T.A.R.S.

He then said to the man, "Hello, are you there?" He then put the flashlight inside one of his vest pockets and reached to the man and as he tried to touch his shoulder Leon said, "Hello?" When Leon touched the man's shoulder, the man slowly turned his head around and looked at the boy. The man was not a man, but rather and undead creature that looked hungry. Leon immediately pulled his arm away before the creature could act. The creature pulled out its arm as it was about to attack with its mouth wide open for the opportune moment to eat his flesh. As the zombified creature was about to eat some of Leon's flesh off, Leon immediately pulled out his pistol and started shooting the zombified creature multiple times until the creature's head was finally shot off and its body fell down to the ground. Leon was panting, his clothes where covered in blood, and asked while he was trying to catch his breath, “What...the hell...was that?!" Once he catched some breathe, he then looked over to his right and said, "I have to find Clarabell and Luka, before something else happens." and continues to walk to the corridors at the right, hoping that he would find his friends.

Seras was sitting on the concrete floor above were the river bank, thinking of the strategies that would be useful to their rebellion against Umbrella and the many things she had on her mind. The river bank, like the rest of the sewer had a yellow grey background with grey floor tiling and walls on one side and a door opening behind her leading to the room, where Nemesis was not there at the time, and in front of her was a river of murky water that was five feet above her and a huge line of vertically placed bricks was placed as a barrier to prevent the water from eroding the land above it. There were also two large sewer pipes on each end of the river bank was across from where Seras was. Then she looked at her left arm, which was in the form a bat wing consisting of shadows, she silently said, "I wonder, what is this arm suppose to do?", as she looked at it with curiosity. Her arm then slowly began to change as she lifted her left arm, and formed into a human arm with actual flesh on it and not formed in shadows and one that matched the color of her skin, and an identical glove of that of the one of her right hand. "Interesting." She mumbled calmly and slowly placed her arm back down. She then placed her arms on her thighs, her right hand underneath her chin and stared blankly into the background of the sewer.

Scene III
As he walked through the corridors, he looked through the corridors left through left or right looking for the two and to keep his guard as well. As he passed one of the corridors of the sewer, Leon noticed a girl whom was sitting right above what appeared to be the riverbank of the sewer.

Seras continually stared blankly into space as she was resting her head on her right hand as she looked like she was ready to fall asleep. Leon walked slowly walking to where the girl was, hoping that she might know where his friends might be. At first, he was thinking of getting the girl's attention by asking if she may know where his friends are, like he did with the guy he found previously. However, he was not sure because he was not sure if she would respond or not, nor is he sure of whether or not she is a zombified creature like the man he saw previously.

So Leon walked closer to where the girl was and reached arm slowly to touch the girl's shoulder, to see if she wasn't a creature or any of the sort. Seras was blankly staring into space, having more things on her mind as she laid her head against her right hand. Suddenly, she felt something lying heavily against her shoulder creepily, and she jolted and gasped. Seras then turned around to her right to see who it was. When she looked at her right shoulder, she noticed a male hand right on top of it, and when she looked up to see who it was, it was a boy with jet black hair and sea blue eyes that looked like he was the same age as her.

"Whoa, thank god. You're normal." Leon sighed in relief. "For a moment I thought you were one of them." Leon exclaimed as he was looking at the girl. "Wait, what do you mean by 'One of them'?" Seras asked the boy. He then scratched his head for a moment, then he explained to the girl, “Well, it seems kinda crazy, but apparently I got myself separated by my team members, and was looking everywhere in the sewers to find them. When I came up to this one man that had the S.T.A.R.S. uniform, I thought he could tell me where my other team members where. I notice that when the man did not respond, I went to touch his shoulder to have a look of his face. Suddenly the man turned around and his whole entire body looked decayed. The guy almost literally at my arm, I'm not sure if it was even human alone, I don't even know what it was." Seras then interrupted and said, “A zombie." Leon then looked at the girl with astonishment and asked, “What?" Seras then turned around to where the boy was, “It’s a zombie."

Leon looked at the girl with complete shock, then Leon asked the girl, “Can I ask what you name is?" Seras turned around and looked directly at the boy and replied, "Seras and you must be..." "Leon, my name is Leon." Leon said as he was introducing himself politely to Seras. "Say, how come is it that you know what those things are?" Leon asked Seras, whom was still sitting above the river bank in the sewer. Seras then stood up from where she was sitting, placed her arms behind her back, holding them together and explained to him, “I saw them a while back when I was investigating the lab in Umbrella Corp. behind glass windows, as well as mutated creatures that had the appearance of demons.” “Umbrella Corp., you mean that they‘re the ones behind this?” Leon asked in confusion to what is going on. “I thought that they were supposed to help mankind with creating cures to natural diseases?” Leon stated as he was looking to where Seras was, whom was standing with her arms out in the open as her right arm held on the her left elbow. Seras then said, “And that’s what I thought too,” “You mean that you worked there?” Leon asked. “Yea, I worked as an associate’s employee for about a month.” Seras replied mournfully, “But unlike the scientists whom work for the head of Umbrella, the employees were not supposed to go in the lab because it was said to be forbidden.” She added on as she passed around the room.

“I see.” Leon said putting his right hand over his chin, “But wait, did Mr. Sullivan ever mentioned why none of the employees are not suppose to be in the lab, at all?” Leon asked as he looked to where Seras was. Seras then shook her head and said, “Nothing, he did not even mention of his reasons for the employees not permitted to the lab, but from what I’ve learned from one of the employees, they brought in a few people into the lab on rare occasions but they never came out.” Leon was shocked to his surprise and said. “Alright, so then what happened after that?” Seras did not say anything for a moment to the amount of shock she went through, then said, despite her shock, “Because I became more and more curious about what Walter was hiding in the lab, I decided to investigate the labs whereabouts on that fateful night, and I paid the price for it as a result.”

Leon then asked to his curiosity as he looked to where Seras was, as she was passing around the room. “Wait, what price did you pay?” She then paused for a moment and looked to where Leon was at, unsure of whether or not she should tell him, despite the zombie that he confronted. Then she shook her head as she looked down and said, “It’s better if I didn’t say anything for right now, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you anyway.”

He looked at her with curiosity as she passed around the room and said, “Why do you say that?” Seras paused for a moment and said, “It’s a long story. Again if I told you, you would think I’m crazy and not believe me.” Then she turned around to where Leon was, and carefully pick out a question for him to ask and said to him, “If you met someone that you see as a good person, but noticed that they are deformed or unnatural in some way, would you still like them for who they are or would you leave them?” “What do you mean like that?” Leon questioned Seras as he stood there waiting for an answer from her. She then simplified the words for Leon to understand and asked him, “If you knew someone that is a friend to you, but then you discover that he or she is a creature of a sort that is not human and you know that they appear either deformed or appear super natural, would you still be their friend?”

He then burst out immediately after she asked the question, “I still will be the person friend, no matter what! I’ll defy every judgment that Clarabell does or says. I’m sorry, but if I know one person who would judge someone based on beauty and physical appearance, it’s her!” Then Seras asked Leon, “Whose Clarabell?” Leon paused for a long two minutes as he stood there blushing in anger. Then he said, still feeling kind of angry and peeved, “She’s one of the comrades that I was searching for, she’s suppose to be the leader of our group.” “What does she look like?” Seras asked, sounding very interested on what he had to say. Leon took a moment to clear up his thoughts, and replied very irritably, although he tried not to sound pissed off, “She has red hair and acts like an anstey self centered brat.” After he said that, Seras started to giggle as she tried to cover her mouth so that way her fangs would not show. Then Leon started to giggle and said, “Why not show your smile? I want to see you smile.” “Trust me, you wouldn’t want to.” She replied and stopped giggling, but put a slight smile on her face. “Say about earlier, why is it that you choose to ask me a question that sounds very complex rather than just directly giving me the answer?” Leon asked as he looked to where Seras was. However, before Seras had the chance to answer his question, from the doorway that led to the riverbank, hoards of zombies and creatures were coming from both ends of the door way.

To Be Continued in Part II B

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