Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Age (appearance, not actual): Late twenties
Birthday/sign: Early Winter
Species: Fate (of Chaos)
Hair: Black, it hangs down his back to just above his butt, his bangs hang down and frame his face, they are red (not Ginger red but blood red) and hang down past his jaw line. The red part doesn’t start at his roots though… it starts just about where his eyebrows are
Ears: human
Eyes: Crimson Red
skin-tone: Tan (slightly darker than average)
Weight: average
Height: Tall (@ least 6'3" wink
Body: fit, he has toned muscles (that he likes to show off) smooth skin (no body hair)
Weapon(s): can turn anything he can get his hands on into a weapon (in a pinch) yes even fluffy stuffed animals, it makes him feel ridiculous but he can do it. He can also randomly summon and use Fire (he can control it once it has been summoned but cannot willingly/knowingly summon it)
Markings: none
Jewelry: he likes Egyptian styled jewelry, mainly the arm bands and gold bracers
Clothing styles: Leather and jeans are his preferred choice for his pants, kinda on the tight side, in the warmer temperatures he prefers going shirtless, and will wear Egyptian sandals, black boots, and things like that, in cooler temperatures he will wear tops willingly, sweaters, trench coats, and leather jackets. He will also (when the occasion calls for it, such as for Aiden’s balls and other fancy get togethers) wear Tuxedos, he actually likes getting dressed up because and I quote “I look Hot."
Make-up: black eye liner is an everyday thing for him, sometimes he will make it look Egyptian, and when he is trying to ‘woo’ anyone, he will go all out and use the ‘eye of Horus’ look. When he is trying to look crazy or psychotic (as he puts it) he will wear dark red eye shadow that goes up to his eye brows (with the Egyptian styled eye liner) Like This
Other form(s): he can turn into a red dragon (with goldish yellow belly scales) ranging in size anywhere from about the height of a full grown Doberman to 4-5 stories tall, and length wise can go from about 6ft to a little over half a football field long, his wings span out a little longer than he is, and are red like his body except on the undersides where it is a slightly lighter shade of red. His eyes stay the same crimson red. He also has horns but I’m bad at describing them…. So here have a picture of Dragon Cos to help me explain. (my scanner doesn't like red) This form is still new to him so he is a little wobbly when running or flying, take offs are usually pretty smooth, landings not so much, and flight itself is wobbly
Turn-ons: being hit on, seriously being hit on, someone trying to force him to do something, sweaty smooth skin, boobs, he likes to fight for control in bed, but he doesn’t like to if he loses all the time, he likes the fight to be a genuine contest where the results are not always the same (ie. Him always losing/ winning or winning/losing every other time)
Family: Wife: Destiny, Boyfriend/Lover: Anubis, Children from oldest to youngest: Son: Asheron, Twins: daughter: Mia, son: Sol, daughter: Pandora, Brother: Order, cousins: Lucelos and Discord. he also considers Solen and Mischief a part of his family.
Relationships: Destiny, Anubis, Aiden to some degree, and Lucelos (mostly for fun, flirts, and sex)
Personality: he is a sweet heart, a caring and loving father, a devoted husband/lover, a crazy and mischievous SOB, he is kind of a pyro (a responsible pyro?... kinda…) he likes explosions… 4th of July is his favorite earth holiday because he gets to light little rockets and watch them explode, he also loves Halloween because it is the perfect time to play pranks and cause mischief. Mia is the cute crazy little apple of his eye, and he would probably do anything she asked.