Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Age (appearance, not actual): Ageless
Species: Egyptian God / shape shifter
Birthday/sign: N/A
Hair: Black straight (slightly messy) midway down his back.
Eyes: the whites of his eyes are black/dark grey, the rest is golden, with the exception of the pupils which are black and usually only slits (like a cat’s). Example
skin-tone: Darkish Egyptian Tan
Weight: average
Height: 6’5”
Body: built thin and athletic looking
Weapon(s): Egyptian Scimitars, and his shape shifting
Colors: dark warm and earthy colors
Markings: a scar that runs horizontal across the back of his neck (which is never shown due to the fact that his hair covers it)
Cloths: always wears 2 gold arm bands around his upper arms, and 1 around his wrist (he alternates wrists so it doesn’t matter which one you draw it on) and the Egyptian necklace. he usually just walks around in something similar to this minus the crop and funny brown wrist covers, but he is finding a fondness for black leather pants, and Ba’ast keeps trying to get him into jeans… but so far no dice. If he has to wear shoes he will only do Sandals (thong or opened toe) or slip-ons. And he doesn’t do shirts. In winter he will wear a trench coat (dark colored similar to this) and boots, but no shirts… he’s weird like that…
Make-up: black eye liner (done in an Egyptian style) and black eye shadow during rituals
Personality: Seth comes off as an a**. As he should. The only reason he is welcomed in the manor, is because of Ba’ast and Ra’s love for him. And because Ra and Ba’ast have assumed responsibility for anything he does. We have seen that he is capable of compassion and tenderness, but only with those he is close with. Ba’ast is trying to teach him trust and kindness… but progress is slow. He is quiet most of the time, but will not hesitate to throw in his two cents in anyone’s conversation.
Other form(s): anything he can think of. The only way to tell if it is him or not are his eyes most of the time, and he has a scar that runs horizontal on the base of his neck that is always there no matter what form he is in.
Family: Ra, Ba’ast, and Sorin (whom he only considers part of his family for Ba’ast, but he is slowly warming up to the idea of seeing Sorin as a son)
Relationships: Ba’ast and Ra. he is attempting to restart his previous relationship with Anubis
Important tidbits: Solen’s (Anubis’ alpha hell hound) Hate for Seth is so great that we have to make sure they are never in the same part of the manor at the same time, for Ba’ast and Anubis’ sake, because if they were, Solen would not hesitate to find and attempt ( I say attempt because Solen’s hate is that great that it makes him almost an equal match in strength to Seth) to rip Seth to shreds for something Seth did to Anubis and Ra (a LOOOONNNNGGG time ago)
And in my own Defense I didn’t mean it the way it was taken! Ra wasn’t supposed to come back when he did, when I heard him I panicked, and when he saw Anubis and I, he freaked out, (but he would of freaked out more if he saw himself and an unconscious Anubis) which pissed me off, and to work out some frustration I went on a little rampage… with some of the closest weapons I could find… which just so happened to be some of Anubis favorites, which in turn pissed Ra off… because he thought it was Anubis...