on the contrary, I really have no idea what I'm doing.
week is going well. better than expected, at least ^^
housing situation on the verge of being finalized.
by the grace of God some profs understand the immense pressure they've put us under this week, so there's been a little wiggle room with assignments. One of the papers due Tuesday was moved to Wednesday morning, and the paper due Wednesday is now due Friday, and the test that was supposed to be this morning is actually a "take-home" test, so not only do we get to use our notes and everything for it (we get to watch awesome movies for that class and talk about comm... for this test, we're watching Outsourced, It's a Wonderful Life, The Incredibles, and The Breakfast Club ^.^), but WE DIDN'T HAVE CLASS THIS MORNING.
can you say SLEEPING IN?!?! *partyparty!!*
feeling refreshed. >.<
Today I need to re-do the literary analysis of a sonnet... 3-5 pages of crap, in my opinion.
I wish there was more time in the day.
Seriously, so much to do...
biggest concern next week will be a test...
plus another paper.
Thursday night:
finished calls. less than a dozen people expected, out of 550 that I called. gonk
I'm getting tired of it..... *le sigh* the end until september or october sometime is TUESDAY.
... right then. have a test to take yet tonight, a paper to write, another test to study for, miscellaneous future projects to think about...
Friday afternoon:
seriously, I've gotten nothing done. Rest assured that I've thought about it, but that's about it.
concert tonight.
after that probably grab something from the grille or the like, then do the test.
six things to do before Thursday.
I didn't really get the jist of what was happening during biblical foundations, so instead, I did this...:

ladies and gentlemen, I give to you a multi-level timeline.
and our party dorm. cheese_whine
I SMELL PIZZA. *drool*
is it strange that the only thing keeping me going at this point is my excitement at getting new dye over spring break? xD
seriously, that's all I can think about.
or even just thinking about thinking about it, actually. O.e.
this is the Awkward time. It's an hour of nonsense, in my opinion... an hour is not enough time to get anything constructive done, yet too much time to just sit around.
class now. better post this before someone sees me typing...