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Silk Hiding Steel
Oh, how I love this.

"The Proper Lady, a delicate flower. Her manner and appearance suggest meekness and submission. She has perfect etiquette, never speaking out of turn, and her voice is an ephemeral whisper. She is kind and pure, someone who is neither capable of performing, nor even understanding the brutish ways of others in the world."

Sums me up brilliantly, thank you!

Proper and polite does not mean passive. I do things out of politeness all the time, which finally explains how I am. (Lightly recall "Truly Sweet" wink . This entry ("Silk Hiding Steel" wink is the right explanation after all this time. I have always felt it is rude and harsh to point out someone did something upsetting, stand up for oneself, and possibly give the person "the reason you are not a good person" speech along with one's commenting. I suppose the politeness can be a hindrance, but as long as I find nothing is wrong -smiles- I'll feel okay.

.... No, no, no, tha-that wasn't meant to scare anyone. D8;;
I apologize if it sounds a little eerie; the tone is inseparable.

"Comprehend that even though [Virgos] are sensitive, they can be very defensive. If you pick a fight with a Virgo just because they look defenseless, think twice, they have a spine of steel and a tongue to match!"

Now, now. That is going a little too far.
There will be no threatening the nice people, wiki quote!
But -pauses- you know .. if something happens,
if something should happen - not that it would ~ ♪

"What's going on inside Virgo's mind is often a mystery to those around them. When they are brought to the point of expressing their displeasure with a person or situation is often to the surprise of those around them. Virgo is patient and kind, but only has so much patience and kindness, and when it's gone, it's gone! They can sometimes bottle their feelings up out of politeness."


(Related: quiet people, niceness, and silly behaviour)

A Virgo has class and is disgusted with vulgarity; therefore, sadly for those who would like to befriend someone with elegance, one cannot simply talk to a Virgo in any way one pleases; one will be met with not a scowl, not necessarily, but one will see the Virgo deems one's presence non-existent. One simply will not have their attention unless one is clean/mature and intelligent for a Virgo loves conversation and intelligent stimuli. (Optional: To add someone else's words because I like their two nouns, which I've never used myself, in the middle of the sentence, "A Virgo will not waste their wit and charm on someone they feel is inferior." wink

"You cannot talk to a Virgo any kind of way." (Found from this, I went through all of them because not everything applies to people when it comes to horoscopes! C: )

"[Virgos] like comedy movies and funny comedians. To make a Virgo laugh can sometimes be a little tough. The joke can't be too immature, but it can't be too dirty, either. [e x e] Just keep it real." Laughter is the best medicine, and it is fun too! ♥

I'm demure and you can't ...
Improper, indecorous, and indecent things a-are .....
Oh, it's rather unsettling!! gonk I-It's all very ' ^ ' ... -waves handkerchief around in the air- You cannot clean it. -shudders- ; ^ ;

"This sign is the symbol of chastity, the sign of the virgin which shows decency and a simplicity of style. The Virgoan possesses a well balanced mind and have superior intellectual abilities. They are considered by friends and family to be courteous, diplomatic, cool and rather reserved. They are real thinkers; having a quick and keen perception. Virgoans are renown for their constructive ideas and sound advice, with an active intuitive power that gives them a deep understanding of human nature and motives by others."

"One thing you need to know about a Virgo woman - she has guts and lots of them! It doesn't mean that she is not as shy and as reserved as she seems to be. It's just that she can do anything and everything for the people she loves. By love, she means real love, no other type of love exists for her. A Virgo female is a complete woman! She has all the charms and tricks that any other female has, but she is not weak. In fact, she has quite a determination and can do anything if she sets her mind to it. When they fall in love, they show such extreme passion and intensity that only few other women can."

I'm quite determined c: ie: "When a Virgo starts something we're in it till it's over. We hate giving up."


Don't forget, standing back, I usually observe when there is nothing I need to say, or something needs to be thought over. Due to similarities, I love my fellow analysts in Bleach. Not any villains, mind you, so everyone is dismissed except Kisuke and Uryū. For the villains, I admire the personality trait, watching the very action of analyzing while one acts the same and knows the process, but still find joy in the event. One has to admit, the detailed and swift brilliance is delectable; it's like a meal without any food. A quick circling in the mind, glancing at every aspect, excluding nothing, and stowing many layers underneath for when something goes awry so nothing will be uncounted for for as much as possible. The mind is a powerful thing. "To the world, Virgo presents a calm and collected exterior but on the inside, nervous uncontrolled intensity in the mind, trying to figure things out, how to improve everything, analyzing and thinking." And Virgos are said to live in their minds; they can tire themselves out by not moving even a muscle and nothing escapes them ... Virgos "are pure, their motives are honest, never malicious, and they want to accomplish something."
Enjoying knowledge and learning, we love listening because it's like story time to us. Entertain us. C': -kid- When you are one person, you only have your POV, your thinking, and your experiences; everyone else's thoughts and experiences are awesome to hear about, whether that part of their lives is happy or sad. It's interesting! ("Virgos always try to put themselves in other people's shoes to try to understand." wink

"Virgos are extremely observant - nothing escapes this sign - and can run circles around their opponent."

-taps her finger on her chin- Taking it literally in a way .. All that running would not do well for you if it were physical running. =( I imagine your head would hurt, dear.

Not taking it literally, now, what a splendid action, when a clever character displays their strategy.

In other words, how cool, lol c:

(Urahara Kisuke, anyone? c': )

Yes, I'll stop talking like this; pardon me. I'm a teen too, remember? Sorry for the change = u = d ~ Just because my personality is like this, due to being refined and polite, doesn't mean I'm from the past, I wear a corset and a dress, and I have learned to expertly balance a book, or several books, on the top of my head while I walk although that talent would be rather beneficial. I do not know where it came from, but when it came to poetry or Shakespeare, though really difficult poetry lines would baffle me like it would anyone else, I have a natural understanding of it; I wonder why. I still don't know. Now, I'll stop talking like this or we will all become to accustomed to this behaviour and leave the modern world. ( ' -');

(I like a simple life. Washing dishes as opposed to a dishwasher and making home-made food. I walk into a supermarket, stand there, and think, with disappointment and a blank look, 'There's nothing here.' Something is either instant, made of powder, full of sodium (salt), full of sugar, comprised of ash (powder), or pre-made. In other words - nothing. I never felt something was so useless o.o I really should have found a market market where I could spend time picking a good fruit/vegetable no matter how long I'd take and how deep I'd dig c: Because of that love of simplicity, "olde" things are cool; and forgive me for sounding redundant and Eleventh Doctor-ish. A horse-drawn carriage is cool. (I've seen one in the present time, though it's not a carriage, it's a trolley, because it's for touring somewhere; I love trolleys and I don't know why; they look so cool ♥) Candle light is absolutely dangerous, and it scares me to use one because of the little flame on top being real and present, but the idea of using candles is cool. Writing letters is cool too. Seeing someone write it in their scrawl on a wooden desk in an old but clean room. In a quill pen? 8D No
, those don't exist ~ T .T Actually, what I mean is, do you know how hard it is to write with those? Dx I'm never using one again ; - ; It was hard to carefully but firmly hold it > > let alone drag it against the "bark" of paper. ... As long as things are historically accurate, I'll love it. eg: Chinese restaurant with decorated furniture and walls, a vast pond filled with koi and some vegetation, correctly designed walkways (wooden?) and doorways/arches/walls carved in a certain pattern. And some historical objects in the halls. From the restaurant's inferior, there's a door to the outside, to the koi pond, designed as, and is, a sliding door. I stood there and looked up. One can use one's hand to slide the door open, but, after it sensed my presence, the door slid open. It was an automatic door. Everything else was accurate and they had an automatic sliding door. Who needs it when you have your hand?? O - o No, seriously. Who needs it? Dx Why is it there? How is that absolutely necessary? It does not fit the time period or the rest of the restaurant!)

"Virgos are always analyzing everything, forming opinions and judgments. On the outside, you seem sweet and innocent, but your quick mind never misses a detail. Virgo is also the sign of service, and you're always there when help is needed. You're an amazing, careful listener, and as a result, you give the best advice"

(I didn't write this. I wouldn't say 'best'. It's not the most awesome advice that ever existed on the planet - no. If you think it's brilliant, then I feel happy you think so. I always appreciate it when people give me all the information: the explanation of the problem, the entire backstory, their feelings, and the other person's point of view before I mediate or provide my thoughts.)

"Virgos are very intelligent, they have an excellent memory and a highly analytical mind. This makes them good investigators and researchers. They also have the ability to probe into a person's emotions and they can often see into people and detect what their motives are. This makes them great policemen or interrogators. Virgos are very good at problem solving, this is what they do best. They are confronted with a problem, they will pick apart the pieces and put it together in the proper order. They are rational thinkers and are good at settling other people's disputes and putting them on the right track for reconciliation. Any position that requires the above features, which is a very long list, is perfect for the Virgo. They keep the world in order."

I don't like seeing someone upset. If someone's sad/upset/troubled about a problem and not simply upset (problem and feelings versus feelings), please note that I don't find joy in knowing you have a problem.

Like in the episode Midnight, the Doctor, being a scientist, feels interested about the new species, but the other passengers think he's excited that they're all going to die. That thing can kill us and he's smiling - and maybe even wants to keep it alive! They would think he's got a sick mind, but they mistaken his interest. Similarly, yes, a problem is .... really great cause the process of eradicating it is fun, but I hate seeing anyone I care about upset and hurt because it kills me to watch "someone going through something and not be able to help them."

There's a difference between a person's "chaos" and the effect on the person, and the person's hurt feelings. Don't put them together as the same thing.


"Virgos choose to ignore certain things, but don't think we didn't notice."

(Lol;;. I'm sorry it sounds like a threat, but, hey, at least everyone won't think they "can do anything and she won't complain/say anything." wink


"Virgos have a strong need to be needed and a talent for healing the sick, giving good practical advice and assistance, and solving problems for others. Their advice is usually worth following because it tends to be based on a thoughtful analysis of the pros and cons of a potential course of action rather than a knee-jerk emotional reaction."

________________________________________________d i v i d e r_________________________________________________

(Optional: "When a Virgo points something out, it's usually with good intentions." Suddenly points out something if I was quiet earlier.)
"Virgos speak with purpose. We don't talk unless it's going to mean something."
"Virgos offer their opinion for a reason, we hate to see potential go to waste."
"Virgos take it personal when people don't listen to us. We don’t normally say things unless we feel it needs to be said."
"There's nothing a Virgo can do to make them believe they deserve to be ignored."

(It's really difficult to "offer [my] opinion" when there's a fear of rejection and the existence of the word "stupid idea". After the first time I was frowned at or it looked like my voicing in wasn't a good idea, I hated offering anything in group discussions/plan forming during class. I felt bad that it looked like I wasn't helping - and it's quite the insult to any service-oriented soul - but I couldn't do anything else. I know my idea can be foolish because people can think what they think. May I also point out there is no such thing as a dumb question? Dumb idea, dumb question, same thing. There is no such thing as a "dumb question" because of one's intelligence level. If one's level is higher than someone else's, one would view something as a dumb question when, in fact, it is not one. It is only seemingly dumb because someone is smarter. It all depends on the person who sees the question. Same with slowness, which I realized, months ago, from the similarity between "denseness" and "dumb questions". One looks slower because you would be quicker. You would be smarter, you would understand sooner, you would analyze faster, and you would notice more things that someone may overlook.)

Thank you very much for listening! C:

"Virgos always put other people before them, but sometimes we need to be the first priority."
"For the most part Virgos know how to contain their emotions, when they do show them it's something serious."

-below- Awww! How nice ♥ ~ I like making jewellery and I'm a meticulous and good person c: I found this! 8O I would like to share this, please, because nothing is worth nothing if you have no one to share it with! ^, u ^
"Tactful and adroit, the Virgoan, has a way of dealing with others. They are great conversationalists and appear to be cool and reserved. Their natural bearing and outward behavior command respect and admiration from others."

Things are as true as it can be as I'm an honest person and I like to share things with attentive people otherwise I wouldn't say anything. What you have read on here may not be entirely true .. and not entirely false either. I would like to say, if you'll let me, you don't know if my truth is who I am because you're been reading this, not chatting with me c:> Keep in mind - "beneath the mask" is another mask because, of course, this is a public entry and anyone can think whatever they would like, be their view correct or incorrect. To prevent any misunderstandings in the community, no one knows me until you've been friends with me for a long time and have spent time with me =)

"Raven keeps her emotions largely in check, rarely expressing any sentiment more passionate than a sarcastic quip. Then the episode "Nevermore" gave her a Journey to the Center of the Mind , where we got to see all the different sides of her personality." Unlike this, where Raven's hidden person is truly revealed, I'm saying that, in my entries, the showing of myself via text in the journal, might still be hiding myself. I'll make this Friends Only later. Depends c:

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