(The only character who I'm constantly aware of is a Tsundere is Inner Moka. Other characters, I'm not aware they're being a Tsundere sweatdrop I don't pay attention like that and with Inner Moka, it's too clear so it's easy for anyone to tell! C: )
The tropes site was confusing to understand. (By the way, I love the picture they have c': )
(My 'Tsundere' behaviour is only towards distrusting boys - and this indecision/argument of thoughts rarely happens! But it can happen. My Tsundere behaviour is not towards everyone because why? o.o There's no need o3o d. I'd be a possible Dandere to everyone else. When in a group of close friends, I just don't need to say anything so I don't say anything, or if it's everyone else, it may be out of shyness or out of trust issues. Being painfully shy doesn't help you trust people you don't know (yet) ._. Being painfully shy from childhood .. rips that completely away from you ^^;; ... Let me tell you, Virgos hate the unknown and that's my biggest weakness; I have a hard time trusting in the unknown and uncertain (ie: future). If you kindly advise me, because you care about me, to trust in what I don't know will happen, my first instinct is to refuse and to run because the idea of it is unsettling and un-doable. It's telling someone, to do the opposite, to do something that would defy the laws of their personality. I could try but it's very creepy. I know I don't know if people will not like me, but I also don't know if people will like me either and I'm supposed to go ahead anyway. Sure. I do that, but after some attempts, I slink back in my shell anyway/again, my apologies. I have THE hardest time make ever-lasting friends. This doesn't really help me: Virgos believe being friendly doesn't make two people friends; friendship goes way deeper with us; because of that, only a number of people during my entire life, until I die, will be permanent friends. You understand that, right? During ALL those double-digit years til 50-70yearsold, only a number of found people would be friends forever until the end of all our lives.)
I was trying to find the right description for me ._.
I don't know where "likes the person but not admitting it" is put! gonk
Cause the "not admitting" equals cold behaviour where one truly feels uncaring (having no romantic feelings is no lie), but the coldness is also an act, looking like they don't like someone, to prevent any damage in case the feeling's not mutual. If that makes sense to anyone.
Like Sango with Miroku (Inu-Yasha), or Inner Moka with Tsukune (Rosario + Vampire).
-goes to Types site (full of anime character examples) and scans the entire page-
Oh, they are actually listed 8''D Lucky me ; u ; I have proof ~
"Yet another Tsundere by Rumiko Takakashi (wow, she seems to really love the trope) is Kagome Higurashi from Inu Yasha. Note that she warmed up to Inuyasha quite faster than the other Takahashi Tsundere towards their love interests, though.
Sango, another main character, is also a tsundere to an extent towards her love interest Miroku but when not provoked she's basically a Yamato Nadeshiko."
Sango is a Type B, usually sweet, while Inner Moka is Type A, usually cold. And neither one will ever admit their true feelings.
[Edit: (Please don't think they like you and, knowing this, try to coax a confession out of them e - e. Bad idea. I can feel it.)]
Don't try anything. Not unless you want a Hiraikotsu stuck up where you don't want it, or to be given a single but severe kick, launching you across the room.
As Sango or Inner Moka, I have no problem with that.
(ie: I'm stubborn person so if she's stubborn while a Tsundere, I'm feeling the same. I won't feel any guilt because I'm in character, not Kiyori. Sango is Sango, Moka is Moka, and I'm me; we're separate people with some similarities, which makes roleplaying easier.
In 2006-2008, I felt bad so I was never fierce or mad at anyone; I was the innocent village girl side of Sango. ..... Unfortunately, the wrong idea because I wasn't even in character - Sango's a strong and feminine person. Hey, I was young, and too polite it flattened me into a mat, diminishing my hidden backbone so much I didn't know I had one because I was young and not knowledgeable about my personality. I'm a nice person and I chose to be nice as my default. I trust people to know what's right and what's wrong. If anyone has as much as the nerve to "pick on"/"take advantage of" someone like me, "wow". But that wasn't my point, sorry. It's not that I do not have a backbone. I just prefer not to use it as a normal occurrence as it is not polite to snap up straight like that with the skeletal structure and talk in such a way, you know? Suddenly. Rude. Abrupt without a warning. Easing into it, however, sounds more well-mannered, does it not? I don't like to suddenly snap at someone if that's how I'm standing up to myself. It's not nice. I'd rather stay quiet if it's tolerable because I can stay quiet about it. I understand it's a little annoying to see this but, well, I don't know. Once, I was nice and patient before trying to talk to my dad, waiting for him to be done whatever. My mom asked me why I didn't already talk to him because I could have asked him if he was busy to which if he wasn't, we could talk while we work. I hadn't thought of that, which was strange because I ask if a friend's busy all the time, and I ask if my mom's busy most of the time when I know she's busy; I guess I'm wired to be polite to adults and strangers. I mentally agreed with her that I could have asked my dad the simple question, then told her I felt it was rude to interrupt. She exclaimed, visibly bothered, that it's not rude. She said if I waited like that in real life, no one would care; they wouldn't even know if I wanted to talk to them (and leave after they're done). That's true, it's very true, but for the example: "regardless, I stand by what I think." Don't be stuck on "she's always polite and can't do it." No, I can go ahead quicker than I'd usually be, like my mom wanted me to in the example, but I chose 'polite' as my normal feeling. I do things out of politeness all the time, but I'm not weak.)
For Sango, it is not safe to confess because Miroku is a womanizer. This is clear to everyone in the era, and the show's viewers. A ruined love life ultimately will not hurt her; Sango will not be distracted, not necessarily, but it could temporarily faze her, youkai taijiya or not, like a rejection would do to anybody. And the independent woman doesn't need the complication. Sango may like the kind houshi-sama, but what is the first rule of battle? Do not let your feelings out, or let your feelings cloud your mind, or it will mean your death. Sango is not a housewife - she is a fighter. Love can play with her later when she has the time. It's not that she will not like him, because she falls in love with him, she cannot like him - so she won't like him; that is her decision as she buries her feelings. (But when she does like him again from time to time, she won't admit it for I-don't-know-why. It just comes out anyway ._. Maybe she can subconsciously tell the danger is still there. Virgos do hate vulnerability; they are strong/brave/determined people. In any case, a battlefield is really not the time and place to be wed to your loved one ^^; .. )
"Virgos try their hardest not to get their feelings involved." Exactly.
As for Inner Moka, she has her pride.
Let me explain the "Inner" thing. There are two personalities of Moka; she doesn't have a dual personality but a split personality. One is the Moka everyone normally sees, Outer Moka - the sweet and caring girl. She always wears a rosario (rosary cross) around her neck; it seals her powers. Though she still has more strength than the average human, as she is a youkai, she can't fight while the rosario is on.
The other personality, Inner Moka, is the "real" Moka because she was given the rosario by her mother during her childhood before she went to live in the human world for a short time. (Spoiler from R+V II 34 manga) The personality that is Outer Moka was born from the rosario, and it takes the place of Inner Moka while she's sealed; this personality is meant to protect both her seal and body while Moka is asleep. No one has been able to take the rosario off so Outer Moka has been present ever since Inner Moka had put the rosario on before middle school in the human world ... until high school in the youkai world where Tsukune surprisingly takes it off for the first time. When the rosario around Outer Moka's neck is removed (only Tsukune can remove the rosario safely, but Moka is also able, albeit with potentially fatal side-effects), the seal that keeps her true nature is released, transforming Moka into a vampire and revealing Inner Moka.
"As for Inner Moka, she has her pride."
Inner Moka is deeply aristocratic, though this softens as she starts to openly like him a little. Her personality is upper-class nonetheless, especially in the beginning of the series. She is quite the tsundere, smacking her love interest without hesitation, because he did something out of line, while she's in subconscious denial: not admitting she's in a denial, making the denial nonexistent to her, and not admitting she has any romantic feelings for someone. You could say it's a little beneath Inner Moka to fall in love with a human. The human isn't always beneath her, proven by her growing to like him; it's the action she doesn't like. It's very her to answer "I saved you not because I like you" because she wasn't in love with him at that time yet or "I saved you because Outer Moka cares about you." When the proud Inner Moka starts to like Tsukune, she hates to admit it to herself or anyone else very much; she pummels her friends to shut them up when they tease or when Tsukune barely tries something or she hits them as a "You didn't see/hear anything". They are fine, don't worry; though their strength is not nearly as powerful as Moka's, they are youkai too. Basically, Inner Moka mostly never admits it. But she's not mean about it, like "I hate you" or "die" evil exclamations (ie: Helga from Hey Arnold - that's a scary person and not a Tsundere o - o ... More like "bully", "obvious liar", and "splutters affection the wrong way entirely" o n o She made me wonder and worry if she needs to be taught how to show someone who like them D'x I mean, seriously, she used 'hate'! Hate is a incredibly powerful word. I know people colloquially (oh god no, really? The world's that doomed if people easily and happily use it) use it when they don't mean the kind of passion that is to be delivered to the most evil thing in the world, but still o _ o It's expected to be said to evil warlord, tyrant, or dictator, but a loved one? That is going too far, even for a lie. It is going too far that it is unhealthy behaviour. Mentally unstable and emotionally unhealthy. I'm serious.). Inner Moka is not like that; she's a kind person. She's just stubborn, embarrassed, annoyed, stubborn, in denial, in love, and ... well, prideful. What can I say? She's a high-class youkai. She's powerful and she's arrogant. To admit something like that would be to admit defeat in her mind. No tsundere admits anything C: until they stop being a tsundere, of course ~ ^ v ^
(Additional information/Spoiler:
Moka Akashiya is the step daughter in the Shuzen family. Her father left his past lover, but kept his two daughters Kokoa Shuzen and Kahlua Shuzen...
Talking about the Shuzen family estate while Moka's surrounded by a happy atmosphere, don't be mistaken by thinking "I thought the Shuzen family estate would be more terrifying'. “Vampires are a species who thrive on battles. They are strong and feared, and there probably isn’t a single cell in their body that knows the meaning of defeat. This place is where creatures like that gather, a castle of demons… Even in the underground world in China, the name ‘Shuzen’ is very well respected. In this country, there probably isn’t a more terrifying place than here…”
Don't click unless you've read the white text Rosario + Vampire II Manga Ch.30 (Season II))
-from scrolling down the page-
Kaoru Kamiya (Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X) is also a tsundere; I don't roleplay her but I have a post style which I haven't used. I made it in 2009-2010 when I felt tempted to roleplay her. She's a firm fighter like Sango, and she's nice c: But I think I'm busy enough right now as it is ^ ^;.
Taiwan (Axis Powers Hetalia), a normally sweet girl, is sometimes a tsundere when China annoys her. C: With his big-brother lectures and obsession with food = o= ....
Oh my god, look what I found in the Mixed Traits. "Risa Koizumi from Lovely Complex exhibits this behavior, but that is mostly due to the indecisive and hard-to-read behavior of her love interest." LOLOL. Yes, it's always brought on by the boy, otherwise the girl would be fine! x'D That's how it is for me anyway C: Like, don't like, like, don't like - if the guy likes her back, it's easy to go ahead and like > u < And if it's not clear, the indecisiveness, the fear, the risk/danger makes me act as a Tsundere > >;;;;. Type B, normally sweet, but sometimes cold and in denial to confuse people, because that is the point. You are not right and you are not wrong; only I know the real truth and you'll never know. C:
-now seriously read the Tsundere page to find out what they are-
eek ... Certain tsunderes are mean, did you know that?? D8 I was reading the Tropes website and I couldn't believe my eyes! The "Tsundere" definition known to the public isn't correct for me. On the Tsundere trope site, I scrolled down and clicked on the "Here is a scientific explanation on the appeal of the tsundere character," wondering 'there's a scientific explanation?' o.o. I don't care about the appeal; it's too easy to have heard of the appeal and know something about it - I don't need to look at some explanation. I was simply astonished there's a scientific explanation . . . for this? .__. Anyway, apparently, a tsundere is a "character who hides their adoration of a particular character behind an impenetrable wall of [b-word]iness" - and that's not me!
I'm never strongly mean to anyone when I'm a tsundere myself (meanness out of frustration, yeah, but my attempts will be meek as in "I was trying to be mean to you! -hits chest repetitively with hand or hits with pillow-" wink towards someone, neither is a character of mine on one of my accounts. My character may be cold, may be ignoring, may appear to not like someone, may turn their head and not pay attention to them, or may hit the person as punishment, but she will not be evil. She may be harsh but she DOES like the person, remember?!? & o & She's only trying to hide it; she doesn't hate the man rolleyes
Gosh. The above definition (a character who hides their adoration of a particular character behind an impenetrable wall of b-word-iness) is certainly exaggerated. It clearly defines only ONE type of Tsundere so it's an insult, and a very mean and incorrect thing to say, to the other type - the sweet and kind girl ='(
"An impenetrable wall of [b-word]iness"? It's exaggerated so much/it's so wrong it irritates me . . . The author dares to use that phrase, and that expletive. The author dared. ... Hmp. Use a generalization and ignore the other half of people who are nice, you're allowed to! .... That was not a nice thing to do, sir =( that was not nice .... ;, ^ ;
Moving on. There is "too mean" where it is obvious their coldness is sometimes an act; the person likes the other person and usually acts quite harsh to them in clear contrast to when they are friends with their crush (Inner Moka). Then there is the light mean where it's not obvious the person likes nor dislikes their crush. It's also perfect so no one finds out because you're that clever in subtly ... or you have a few Virgo traits that make you a Virgo (Sango).
I'm the "light mean"! I like the person; it's not like I hate the guy or want nothing to do with him. We're not enemies c: Maybe the guy is a danger to the heart, but that's not what an enemy is .. I mean, that doesn't make him an enemy; that wouldn't make sense because that's not what an enemy is.
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sky, or a beautiful sunrise. There's so much they hold.
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sky, or a beautiful sunrise. There's so much they hold.
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