xD everyone at my school thinks i was drunk after school today when i was waiting for my friend xD or i was high on pot because i brought in a whole bunch of healing herbs from my garden (school project). I AM NOT A POT OR CRACK HEAD!
I tripped over a curb believe it or not. I also sat down once and fell back so my legs went up in the air, i flicked off a random car driving by, and me and my friend who was trying to keep me from walking into the road started talking about our favorite fingers and our favorite words, all being the middle finger and ******** along with about a million other cuss words xD blaugh I scared my mom when she drove up. My friend Kesha who saw me sugar high yesterday when i practicly pounced on her when she gave me a candy cane that is months old xD lol, then yesterday Kesha stole the candy cane and i almost kicked her a** to get it back xD
Oh yeah, and today i also spun around endlessly so when i would sit down i would fall on the ground, and i walked into a road with a bunch of cars going down it. Then me and my friend walked around the school and i fell into the lockers, i just acted so freaking drunk today. mrgreen rofl rofl rofl rofl Some of this you had to be there to find funny
Only reason i did all this stuff was because my teacher gave me one small piece of candy. I think someone spiked it with something. When i got home though my mom pissed me off and i got all my energy out with a really long bike ride.
That was my boring, hyper day ninja
Sammy2903 · Fri Apr 28, 2006 @ 11:55pm · 0 Comments |