The weather is now coming to the taste of summer. And in the summertime, a specific show hits the summer scene: "The Chippendales".... a chippendale is a stageshow dancer. And though mostly they are males, I have found female chippendales as well. So I'm sporting some ides of making some female chippendales for some of the girls.

this is an example of what a female chippendale would look like. female chippendales are rare, but are just as talented as the male chippendales (or so I hear on the street. I don't watch the male chippendales, I'm a queen's kat). so for a while, I will be doing chippendale avatars for any interested gals.
chippendale gallery:

these avatars I did of one of my gaian gal pals, she likes the second one better, but I keep both as a referrence

another ggp of mine.

I wish this ggp would be online more often

chippendale Rimu-chan. You remember Rimu-chan, right?

this girl still has the glitch, well I might as well make one of her like this.

I finally fount this gaia gal's ones. at least she likes them.

I never get tired of female chippendales.....
-Me, the mysterious katboy from afar.