Its me again. Just coming to update everyone on me.
I've got a few girls at school that I like and wishing they would ask me out. I'm having a hard time coming up with the courage to ask them out. Sad, I know.
Only got a few more days of my freshman year. Soon, summer will be upon everyone. hahaha. I'm going to be taking drivers ed, and baby-siting during the summer. Just the usual.
Hi to anyone who is reading this and posting their thoughts with it. I will mention you in the next journal.
One last thing, the phobia of the day is: hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. That is the fear of long words. xd
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Heartless's thoughts
Its just about me and my life.
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You have just discovered the secret message.
Please send your anwser to old Pink, care of the funny farm, Chalfont.
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The_Good_Docktor Community Member |
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I can't Driver's Ed this summer! GAH!!!! I was suppose to! But I can't cough upo the money and neither can my parents V__V I get made fun of by my friends saying "HA! Did you not take driver's Ed (Ed FMA get it, get it?! sweatdrop no pun intended) because you can't see over the wheel" Oh well vertically challanged and proud of it.
Anyway O.o;; nice phobia XD! lol, sorry for the rant.
-Signing over and out- ninja