Yay, its the weekend. Thanks for posting comments Ukera and Inuryu. xd anyways, still haven't asked anyone out. I feel like I could ask any one of them out, now the trouble is desideing on which to take my chances on. I don't know which to choose. gonk . *sigh* OH well, I'll figure something out.
The phobia of the day is Vestiphobia- Fear of clothing. Well, would you just be a nudist all your life. *scared* Is that a Shirt, I'm afraid. *runs away* Weird, yes, funny, yes, disturbing, you bet.
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Heartless's thoughts
Its just about me and my life.
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You have just discovered the secret message.
Please send your anwser to old Pink, care of the funny farm, Chalfont.
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Community Member
O.o;; uh... Nice phobia I think...???
Whelp I'm a outta here xd *Runs away* ninja
-Signing out-
P.s.- I FINALLY update my journal, it's like this uberly huge large rant, but you should see the pictures