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• Name: Jesús Caminante
• Alias: Saint Walker
• Gender: Male
• Race: Human, Hispanic
• Age: 26
• Height: 6"4
• Weight: 250 lbs
• Sexuality: Heterosexual
• Former Occupation: Community Worker
• Likes:
- People ~ It may sound stupid but Jesús does really like people and has been giving to his community even since before the Event. He cannot leave someone in need, no matter who they are, and will always try to make others feel comfortable. He's a real people person and that might be his greatest strength.
- The Right Thing ~ Jesús is very moral in his decision making and is always trying to do the right thing. He believes that it is only through doing the right thing that anyone who is anyone is going to get through this and as such, tries to advocate it to everyone both through his actions and the Bible's teachings.
- His Faith/ Hope ~ Jesús takes great comfort in his faith. When he is feeling down and out, he knows he can fall back on the word of the Lord and keep hoping for better days. However, he does not blame God for anything and often prays more for others than himself.
- Challenges ~ Naturally, Jesús is somewhat addicted to challenges. Unafraid, he will try and tackle anything he can head on. This has helped him survive in the Wasteland that once New York.
- Discussions ~ Jesús loves to talk to people and is naturally is a good orator. He also believes that discussion and cooperation and understanding is humanity's best chance at survival. He will try and engage in conversation as often as possible and likes to learn about others. People should be wary though, for sometimes Jesús can be somewhat cryptic and wise beyond his years; confusing others.
- Helping Others ~ Jesús very much tries his hardest to help people as his Faith has taught him; to Jesús it is his duty to try and ease the suffering or strife of his fellow man. He will go to extreme lengths to try and help people whether it be mentally, spiritually or physically.
- Reading ~ Jesús really likes to read. He will often scavange other books but he is primarily found with a bible that he always keeps on his person.
• Dislikes:
- Bad People ~ With his morality, Jesús is very black and white when it comes to good or bad people and he hates the latter. He will often persecute bad people with extreme prejudice be they common variety bullies or the most extreme of rapists.
- Violence ~ Although accepting of the fact that violence is the way of the world; Jesús believes that it solves nothing and will only take a course of action that will lead to conflict if it is absolutely necessary. This hate for violence also extends to those with illogical violent tendencies.
- The New World ~ As if the world wasn't a Godless enough place without the Virus. Jesús does not like what the world has become in the wake of the outbreak and is determined to make it a better place.
- Dishonesty ~ Jesús' own inability to lie stems from his hate of dishonesty and deceit in general. A righteous person, or even just a good person, has no need to lie and cheat in Jesús' eyes and he makes it very clear that once you lie to him once that the whole dynamic of your relationship with him will change forever.
- Pain, Suffering, Strife ~ Jesús hates the new world because of the pain, suffering and strife it has brought upon Man; three things that he already held a deep disdain for and will even put himself on the line to stop. Jesús is very much a Martyr like his namesake willing to bear the cross of everyone's pain and troubles in order to keep them safe.
• Personality: Jesús, like his name sake, is a very kind, compassionate and humble young man. Hopeful for the future and always thinking the best of a situation or people; Jesús naturally draws a crowd to himself. Whether these people are enamored by Jesús himself, his ability to take on tough situations and their pair; and/ or the messages of God that he preaches. Jesús is quickly making himself a name around the Wastelands of America as a prophet. He will often be drawn to troubled areas and try and help people. This can be through direct methods or even cryptic messages and puzzles for the lost soul to figure out.
Jesús is also of the Roman Catholic Faith. He takes great comfort and pride in his faith (and his namesake) and will sometimes quote the Holy Scriptures in order to get a point across. However, the outbreak of the Amazo Virus has shaken Jesús' resolve a little bit and he has become a lot more accepting on the Wastelands than he was when Civilization existed (which is ironic); he is now a lot more accepting of peoples' lifestyles and beliefs that do not match his. He thinks that Humanity will learn to love again in time and he wants to pioneer that movement. As such, it must start with himself. This acceptance does not extend to immoral people though as Jesús is still somewhat strict in his approach to bullies, criminals and other nasty people.
Jesús also has a lot of hidden insecurities that, even though he has accepted them, can become troublesome. He often doesn't know whether or not he is strong enough to survive and is his own worst critic. Jesús knows he must get over this but until then will keep his troubles inside in order to help others.
• Biography: The young man whom would become known as Saint Walker throughout the Wastelands wasn't always extraordinary; for when society still existed he was but a normal young man working a normal job and doing normal things. He went to Church every Sunday with his family. His Job as a Youth Worker attached to the Church saw him well liked by his local community and he was set to becoming a great leader and public figure in the near future.
Some even had him down to study to be a priest but Jesús despite his name didn't want to quit his job to become a man of the cloth. He wanted to be on the front lines of helping people, not waiting for divine intervention.
It was during one of his many stints helping people that Jesús contracted the Amazo Virus. After the initial infection, the local Church that Walker worshiped at was turned into an emergency medical center for the sick. Unable to stand by and watch as Hospitals and other local shelters seemed to fill up by the day; Jesús volunteered and tried to help treat people. He prayed for their health and good fortune and even as more and more people started dying, he continued to pray that God would grant the Human Race Mercy. he had Hope that things would get better.
But they seemed to get worse.
Jesús himself became infected by the virus whilst helping out in the Church Emergency Center. Even in his feverish state, Walker kept on praying that God would save the others in the center as well as himself. It long after that Walker fell into a coma brought on by the Amazo Virus.
Jesús is unsure of how long he was out for but when he woke up he was alone, locked in a cupboard and glowing. He was surrounded by a Blue Aura and the Cross around his neck had a sort of blue tint to its Silver face. Once he managed to escape the cupboard, he found a mountain of corpses and realized that the Church had become a mass grave. God had not answered their prayers this time it seemed.
Determined now to help as many people as he could with his new powers, Jesús set off into the Wasteland: A wandering monk. A proto-saviour. A wise young sage.

• [ The Blue Cross ]: A silver crucifix that Jesús was bought as a Confirmation present, he was wearing it when his powers awakened and as the Blue Light of Hope burnt at the chain the cross was spared. However, it then took on a Blue hue on its surface. Walker uses it as a focus for his powers and without it his powers can run wild.
• [ Heavy Duty Leather Satchel Bag ]: A standard leather satchel bag that has proved surprisingly resilient in the Wasteland. It is usually filled with Walker's bible and any other books that he has scavenged.
• [ The New American Bible Revised Edition ]: The New American Bible Revised Edition is an English-language Catholic Bible translation, the first major update in 20 years to the New American Bible, originally published in 1970 by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Jesús' copy is slightly worse for wear but he is rarely seen without it.

• [ Living Blue Energy Battery ]: Jesús, unlike other Blue Lanterns, is actually a living, breathing connection to the Blue Energy of Universal hope thanks to the Amazo Virus outbreak. He channels the Power of Hope through himself but relies on his cross to focus his energy otherwise it would just run rampant. So, in the later powers where it says "ring" you can pretty much replace it with "Jesús".
• [ Living Blue Energy Generator ]: Although already connected to the Universal Hope thanks to the Amazo Virus, Jesús can also generate Blue Hope energy under extreme circumstances. It may come in useful should his connection to the Universal Hope ever be cut off but comes at a terrible price. Should Jesús ever overuse this power, it will consume his body. Using it puts him under a lot of physical strain.
• [ Blue Energy Blast ]: The ring can be used to fire blasts of blue energy or create weapons such as projectiles of them. The ring can project beams of force powered by the will of the user. The weapons power is more an indication of the hope of the user.
• [ Force-Field ]: The ring can create various forcefields of various sizes and shapes to protect the wearer and others around him. With the cosmic scope of a Blue Lantern's abilities, it is only natural that the power ring is designed for operation in space. The ring creates a force-field around the wearer, protecting him/her/it from the hazards of the void including filtration of stellar radiation and microscopic particulate matter which would ordinarily be fatal should the space debris strike the ring wielder at high speeds. An atmosphere appropriate to the ring wielder's biology is created inside the force-field, body temperature is maintained and waste products are removed. Gravitational stresses which could cause injury are stabilized for the ring wielder. Theoretically, a ring wielder could use the ring as his/her/its sole source of life support.
• [ Energy Constructs ]: The ring can form constructs of blue energy. Unlike a Green Lantern Power Ring, the primary function of the Blue Power Ring will manifest its constructs in response to the target's specific psychosis. The power literally soothes its target based on that target's hopes. In this way, the ring can remove the corruptible influence of the red flame of rage by infusing hope. Otherwise, the ring is a weapon capable of transforming the wearer's thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer's mastery of hope. A Blue Lantern can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the mastery of hope necessary to conjure it into existence. The constructs are made out of blue energy, which is a tangible form of pure hope, and they exist only as long as a Blue Lantern is fueling it with their mastery of hope. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the inspired hope of the Blue Lantern creating them. The types of constructs usually reflects the ring wearer's personality.
• [ Hope Empowerment ]: The Blue Lantern ring is unique in that its base of power, Hope, can be drawn from for strength by the ring user. Being in direct range of the emotional aura of a Blue Lantern allows them to charge an outer power reserve; by the sheer hope of the Lantern, its power will remain constant. The empowerment extends to even the stellar reactions of stars, allowing one to reverse the age of a dying star to that of a relatively newborn star. Solely empowered by the hope of the population that relied on it, in turn empowering the Blue Lantern who then collects and uses it for the purpose of transformation. The ability bypasses the need for ring energy expenditure.
• [ Fear Depletion ]: As fear is the belief of imminent demise, hope is the belief of imminent success. As such, Blue Lantern Rings are capable of depleting the energy of Qwardian Power Rings.
• [ Avarice Immunity ]: A blue ring is not vulnerable to the Orange Lantern Corps' favored tactic of draining energy from other Corps' rings. The reason of this is that while Avarice erodes Will, it can't consume Hope, thus rendering Avarice useless against Hope.
• [ Rage Removal ]: If a subject has been infected with the red light of rage, a Blue Power Ring can create a vision of the subject's greatest hope to calm and heal them. In the case of John Stewart, it showed him a vision of being reunited with his dead wife Katma Tui.The process behind the removal is part spiritual and part medical. The infected goes through a cellular cleansing while the spiritual levels are analyzed and antitoxins are then administrated. When the spiritual connection is connected the blood production begins to increase. The end result releases those infected.
• [ Flight ]: By the manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, the ring allows the user to fly at incredible speeds.
• [ Limited Cellular Regeneration]: This ring has an ability to heal physical injuries. Blue Lanterns can use the ring to repair injuries in themselves or others.
• [ Electro Magnetic Scanning ]: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user. If one can conceive of it, they can detect it. Magical effects like clairvoyance, seem to be the most difficult for the ring. All electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, television, infrared, ultraviolet, and high frequency band communications.

• [ Natural Willpower Symbiosis ]: Although Jesús has pretty much become an Avatar of Hope in a World that has none, he also has a fair amount of Willpower to boot. However, Blue just managed to beat out Green when the Amazo Virus ravaged his body; but thanks to this internal conflict of emotions Jesús can achieve Willpower Symbiosis with his Blue Powers without the need for a Green Light Conduit and therefore has full access to the Blue light's Powers.
• [ Indomitable Will]: Like many a Green Lantern Jesús has the trait of an indomitable will which, at first, my seem unimportant but is actually rather useful. Saint Walker's very essence and want to survive and help others has made it so that he is resistant to many things like: mind control, hypnosis, fear inducement and even (to a point) illusions.
• [ Conversationalist ]: A trait that could easily be renamed "Man of the People" or "People Person" Walker is a great conversationalist and very charismatic. He has often helped people through their troubles and has even been able to convince them to help him even though they have been staunchly against it. All in all, Jesús likes to talk to people and he can do it well which can mean the life or death of someone in the Wasteland.
• [ Perceptive ]: No one is quite sure how or why but Jesús is actually really perceptive. More than able to read people and situations, Saint Walker can move his way through the minefield with particular ease thanks to his ability to spot things, register the details and apply this information correctly.
• [ High Level Physical Fitness ]: Walker was always quite active. With needing to forage and scavange food these traits have not changed. He is strong, has high levels of stamina and is quick on his feet but more often than not he uses these traits to run away rather than participate in fights.
• [ Second Language (Spanish) ]: Jesús is of Spanish decent and is bilingual in English and Spanish.

• [ Loss of Hope ]: If Jesús loses Hope in a situation or person around him, his powers can suffer for it. His constructs and attacks or seven his most basic abilities will become weaker. Eventually, he can be cut off from the Universal Hope he draws his powers from temporarily if he does not somehow regain Hope. Jesús is also somewhat worried that if he were to ever fall into despair then he may lose his powers indefinitely or even die. For what is a battery if it cannot be charged?
• [ Generation Drawback ]: Generating Blue Energy is harmful to Walker. Not only severely tiring and demanding on his body but overuse in the Power may result in him being consumed by Blue Energy and dying.
• [ Lack of Will ]: Although not as harmful as a Loss of Hope; if Walker is ever to lapse in willpower his powers will greatly decrease and he will be unable to attain symbiosis.
• [ Reliance on Blue Cross Medium ]: Even though Jesús is a Living Power Battery for Blue Hope Energy, he cannot safely use his powers without using his "Blue Cross" as a sort of focal point. Wearing the Cross or having it in his hands allows him to use his powers effectively and efficiently but does not necessarily mean that it needs to be channeled through the Cross like the Lantern Rings. If Walker tries to use his powers without the Cross they can run rampant and lash out to an undesired effect. It is why Jesús is very protective over the necklace.
• [ Easy to Track ]: Being a conduit for the Blue Light of Hope means that Walker has energy pretty much constantly flowing through his body. Anyone with the means to track energy and energy signatures is therefore at an advantage because they can track Jesús' immense aura.
• [ Inability to Lie ]: Walker has a great disdain for lying and cannot lie himself for fears of being a hypocrite. His most dangerous means of subterfuge is simply hiding the truth which is dangerous in the Wastes. Especially if you know something someone else needs.
• [ Violence as a Last Resort ]: The world is dog eat dog now but, even so, Jesús earned the name "Saint" for a reason. Violence is always his last resort and he will do anything in order to avoid it. He doesn't like nor want to fight but will do so should he be pushed to.

• Jesús has some interesting scars in his hands from where his Blue Cross burnt him during a use of his powers. The two scars on the palms of his hands look like healed over holes. He is sensitive about talking about them and the incident that caused them. All that is known about them is that they were caused during an encounter with an Abomination.
• Jesús has not tattoos. He also does not do drugs or drink anything but wine (Communion).
• Jesús is single. His views on sex and marriage are somewhat undergoing a reevaluation thanks to the catastrophe.