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Chelsey's Random Musings
This will be a place for my random thoughts - and reminders to myself. [If you happen to read my journal, feel free to leave comments.]
Catching up..
I'm at work typing this, so the thoughts may be pretty random. [15 minute break right now, 30 at noon, and 15 at 2.]

Anyway, for past few weeks I've been having a lot of trouble breathing, so I haven't really done that much drawing, editing, or computer stuff besides sitting and posting on Gaia. I feel kind of bad about that, because I know I have some art and graphics I owe people, but I just don't have the energy to do much more than go to work and go home and sit. When I get home, I don't want to think or do anything but sleep [because of all the smoke in the air], so I sort of just sit on Gaia and refresh pages until someone posts to me, so I don't feel like I'm too lazy for just going home and going to bed, but so I'm still just sort of laying there, so I don't end up having trouble breathing at home like I do at work. Ever since March, when I get that RSV [respiratory virus] I've had greater difficulty breathing and catching my breath when I actually work hard enough I break a sweat. It's to the point I'm beginning to wonder if I'm asthmatic and am thinking of going to th Respiratory Clinic to have them check it out. But...I can't afford it. sweatdrop

I have a month to take driver's ed and get my license now - July 30 my permit expires. But, I have neither the money nor the time to do it. *sigh* I've gotta find out when the next class is and see if I can't get a loan from the bank [to pay off the $1200 I owe on my laptop and the $350 I'd need for driver's ed] or something, so I can plan and get the two weeks [one minimum] I'd need to meet the driver's ed requirements. Then after that I've got to get a second job and get a car, insurance and a place to stay. Mom's thinking she's leaving in November, so I've got to be able to drive, have a car, and my own place...and be able to survive on my own by then.

Work has sucked lately. My supervisors are being real brats about the discharges in Denali Center - ever since I pulled off 4 in one day with another person, they expect me to do my usual run, plus periodics, plus a full discharge when they have one. [Which, I admit, is rare but they are VERY time consuming. It takes at least an hour per room, sometimes a lot more.] So a couple of weeks ago, I had a discharge. I asked someone else to come help me with it so I could buff because it was my only chance to buff that room [ever]. I needed her to help move the beds. She cleaned the beds, wiped everything down, and ragged on me for wanting to sweep and buff first, high dust and low dust later. stare So, she left after wiping it all down WHILE I was moving a bed AFTER I said, "Marty, help me move this bed please."

...and so I pulled a muscle in my back. I've been stiff and sore ever since. The following week it was still bad, so I requested a PTO form so I could leave early that day due to back problems. My supervisor said, "Chelsey, I need you to go change some curtains in ER." Changing curtains means standing on a ladder. With another person who went and pushed the ladder too close, so I was slightly bent backwards and twisted so I'd stay ON the ladder. Hurt back plus bending and twisting for 20 minutes straight means even worse hurt back. Since then, my back has been worse and I've been more sluggish. Not to mention the smoke that's EVERYWHERE and making me have a hard time breathing. *sigh* So. Work sucks. More on that later, though, my break is over. sweatdrop

Ha. Back. xD Lunch time. *sigh* My day is so slow and boring today. I've very little to do, so I'm puttering about and taking my time in each room. Though, I did have a few ideas for a roleplay I'm working on with TanyaDawn, so I suppose that's a plus. I keep running into Doug while I'm down in Denali Center today. Ever since yesterday when his granddaughter gave him a monkey that whistles at people, he keeps having it whistle at the girls. It's how he says hi to me now. sweatdrop The nurses think it's cute, but I think it's annoying - I'll be walking down a hall, really moving and he'll do that at me, which means I've got to stop and wait for him to catch up in his wheelchair and chat for a little while. And ever since he found out I like chewing gum? He offers me a piece - he was using it to quit smoking and now that he's back to smoking he doesn't chew his gum at punch. Leaving him with lots of gum. He offers it to everyone, but no one ever really accepts it because he has some weird flavors. Wild Mountain berry Frost is one of them. And, it's Extra's sugar-free gum, so the nurses are just like, "Ew." xD Now, if he had cinnamon flavor or strawberry lime I might have a piece, but always with the green apple or berry frost. [They don't taste that great.]

Then there's Jeff. He's cool but wow, he makes a mess. o.o I cleaned off his table for him and reminded him to be careful so he didn't spill. As I walk away I hear him go, "Uh oh!!" really loud. I turned and looked and he was trying to save the soda from falling off the table. He saw me coming back to clean it up and he said, "I got it!!" and tried using Kleenex. sweatdrop So I teased him about it, calling him Mr. Clumsy and cleaned up his mess again. ...then he asked me to get him another soda. I laughed and said I wasn't his waitress and he -pouted-. I nearly poked him for it, but then he kept saying please and wouldn't shut up so I made him a deal. No more messes and I'd get him a soda. He agreed and said if he dd, he'd clean it up himself.

While we were doing that, my favorite resident Jeanette, nearly got beat up by some other old lady. Delores grabbed Jeanette's arm and started yanking with her arm raised and Jeanette cried out. Luckily, the activities guy was right there and he grabbed Jeanette's wheelchair and pulled her away from delores just as a CNA finally caught on to what happened. If I hadn't been dealing with Jeff I'd have gone and consoled Jeanette. She was so scared! o.o [She was crying and everything!] To help her feel better, the activities guy, Ben, is going to take her out for a burger later. I don't like Delores. stare She's so mean! crying Poor Jeanette...

Let's see...what else has happened recently...oh yeah. On the 21st I had 2 South [that means I was on the second floor of the south tower of the hospital] and saw my old friend from work at the Salmon Bake, Laz. I asked him what he was doing there, and he said he'd been there all night, then went off to get a cigarette. Turns out his wife [which, I'd known he was engaged but he hadn't called to tell me he'd been married for 9-10 months] was in the hospital because she was very sick. Is very sick, rather. She was also VERY pregnant. As in, he said she was due July 21, but looking at her...I knew the baby was coming soon. It didn't help much when the nurses RAN the OB check monitor station into their room to check the baby's vitals. I knew then, that it was coming soon and it wasn't looking great. The 22 they had their baby. [According to what I was told the 21 it was to be a boy named Eddie. Haven't seen him yet, but I hope I get to soon.] At least, that's all I knew as of 2pm on the 22nd. Yesterday I come to work. Had women's center [where they have the babies] and ran into Laz again. Thinking maybe she'd just stayed overnight after the baby, I asked him what he was up to and where they were at [as I hadn't seen them while cleaning up the rooms]. He said, "Oh. ICU."

I went, "....what?" and then he headed off down the hall to go be with his wife. I told him I'd try to stop by, but I never got to. [More on that soon.] So while doing a discharge I called Ryan to let him know if he wanted to see Laz and maybe the baby, he should stop by ICU. I went on break, hung out with Ryan, who didn't go to see Laz and went to tell Ana I needed help on women's center because I'd just had another discharge and had just 30 minutes...and I had a daily to boot. So Ana came up and did my daily and helped with the discharge. She checked on my two labor rooms and said, "Oh crap, Chels you'd better hurry! They said the babies are coming out right now so they'll be ready for you to clean the rooms in 15 minutes tops!!" We ran about trying to finish the room and I told her that I didn't care, I was leaving right at 3:30 anyway [which I didn't] because I had a friend in ICU I wanted to go be with. She inquired who and I said I couldn't remember her name [I heard her name once, 10 months ago. I suck at remembering names.] but that it was her husband who I was friends with and I wanted to sit with, while he sat with his wife, to keep him company. Then I said that I also hoped I could see the baby. After a little dot connecting, Ana told me a story from the 22 up in ICU. Apparently, a woman on 2 South had been transferred to ICU..but they needed to do an emergency c-section. To save the baby's life they did an emergency c-section IN ICU [that almost never happens, usually they run them down the hall to the special C-section room]. They rushed the baby to NICU and he's now just in the regular nursery, already discharged, and waiting for his mom. The mom, from what I know, is still in ICU and really not doing well. She said that's the only pregnant lady that's gone to ICU since the 21 and had their baby the 22. So now I'm worried that the lady she spoke about is actually Laz' wife. sweatdrop

Right after i got off work, I called my mom to tell her I'd be running late, I wanted to sit with Laz in ICU. She said, "Well..can you make it quick?" I asked her why and she responded, "Your brother ran off again. No one knows where he is or what he was wearing. He's been gone several hours." I sighed and said, "I'll meet you downstairs. Just pull up and I'll be waiting." She asked if I was sure and I said, "Yes." without even a hesitation. I then ran down the hall ways to get to the lobby so I'd be outside when she pulled up. She got there and we went looking for Chris. Hour and a half later while we're still looking, Adam calls. Chris had just gotten home at 5pm. Mom yelled at him and he said, "Well you didn't have to not get groceries just because I was out."

...Does he forget he nearly DIED the beginning of the year? Does he forget that we don't know WHO did what to him? Or that he could have been in JAIL already with some of the stunts his friends have gotten him to do? My Mom and I think he's testing Fate, seeing how far he can push Death before it finally takes him. And that he may be on drugs. He spends too long in the bathroom to not be doing something he shouldn't in there. She figures he either goes in there to sleep so he can't be yelled at for sleeping the day away or to do drugs. [We have noticed he'll be sniffing a lot after he leaves the bathroom sometimes, or that his eyes will be more vacant...and that occasionally he smells like he's just sprayed TAG or AXE on himself. Which he denies forcefully, claiming it's nothing. Even though the scent is too strong to not miss. stare Then there's the times he'll come out and say, "god. the living room STINKS." and spray Febreze all over giving everyone a headache and he'll grumble about how you can still smell that terrible scent. While we're all thinking, "What scent are you talking about??"

On the bright side, his disappearing ended my mom's and my two day no talking thing. Which all came about when she asked me to do the dishes. I did them. Wiped off the counters, swept the floor, rinsed the dishes before I put them in the dishwasher. I forgot two dishes. That's it. Heck, I even scrubbed the outside of the fridge and stove. She got out of her shower and saw those two dishes I had forgotten [but had rinsed and placed neatly together in the sink so that I would have them for the next load of dishes, like Mom always says to do] and FLIPPED. As in, she started banging stuff around in the kitchen to the point my brothers and I started exchanging looks like, "uh...what is wrong with her?" So she finishes banging stuff around and turns on us shouting that when she says to do the dishes she means the dishes, even the ones that don't fit in the dishwasher, the counters, the stove, the floor, everything that's messy and is in the kitchen must be cleaned and that the next time she does someone's chore? Well, they can just darn well pay her money for it. I said, "I'm sorry I forgot about two dishes..." and she said, "I don't care if you have to handwash them, but when you do the dishes you do them ALL." Again my brothers and I exchanged looks, totally confused. Seeing this, she promptly and most maturely stormed to her room and slammed the door. Adam, her "buddy" who always sticks up for her quietly said, "What the hell is wrong with her?" Even Chris [who despises me] said that he had seen me do all she'd mentioned. After I got tired of her sulking and slamming stuff about, I took off for an hour...hour and a half. Got home and for the next two days we barely spoke. [I tried talking to her politely, asking her how work was. She responded with a nasty look and venomous "Work."] But, that all changed yesterday afternoon. Now she's acting like we are best friends and nothing happened. Meanwhile, my brothers and I are still trying to figure out what was going on that night.

And now, to gaia business...I am currently working on two projects. One, I keep forgetting to PM to the artist I spoke to. sweatdrop [i still haven't finished...as I work on it, more ideas pop up. sweatdrop ]

The second is a HUGE roleplay plan TanyaDawn and I are working on. It's called "Legends of Sidhe" and is based on Celtic mythology [with our twists]. We have 3 kingdoms, each divided into 6 indivdual races. There's a council for each kingdom, merchants, tournaments and more. It's taking a long time to write, but we hope it will be a huge success when we're through setting up!

Well, now that I've talked your eyes out, I suppose I'll shut up. More later, maybe.

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