Q Cumba FX wrote:
<Two days, to be exact. I must get Fairylaylee a present... What do fairies like? Sparkly, glittery, pretty things... with sequins... um...
A thermos flask?
That's what she told me she wanted. I'm not gonna get that for her though, I'm gonna get something she hasn't asked for, so hopefully no one will get something the same.
Stuff Fairylaylee Doesn't Want
Umm... I'll add more stuff as I think of it.
So I guess I'll go down town with Sparkle after school and get something, maybe she'll help me choose. Not today. Can't be arsed.
To Do List
Ta-ta for now.>
Let's get these teen hearts beating faster, faster!
A thermos flask?
That's what she told me she wanted. I'm not gonna get that for her though, I'm gonna get something she hasn't asked for, so hopefully no one will get something the same.
Stuff Fairylaylee Doesn't Want
- Candles
Crap that'll just take up space in her already over-flowing room
Coathangers, 'cause she has a big bag of them just over there
Bags, she's already got loads
Umm... I'll add more stuff as I think of it.
So I guess I'll go down town with Sparkle after school and get something, maybe she'll help me choose. Not today. Can't be arsed.
To Do List
- Tidy room
Sort out clothes Fairylaylee gave me
Add interests on MySpace
Update quest thread
Pay back Spiral
Comment everyone else's journal
Make list in journal of 'collected' literate threads
Ta-ta for now.>
Let's get these teen hearts beating faster, faster!